How does a person learn to sing if he's never heard a song, doesn't
know of words, melody, and pitch; worse, if he doesn't know he has
vocal cords or even a voice?
Clues may lie in the common mislabeling and misconstruing of emotions
akin to, but definitely not the same. To avoid confusion, call it Super
Love (SL). Knowing the difference is the key, as the ident love has
been used so broadly, as to have lost any significant meaning. Try this
crude overlay for starters:
SL is indestructible, as stated. Once activated, no subsequent thought,
emotion, or event can have any effect upon it. SL is not in any way
dependent upon manifestation in physical matter, or activity therein.
SL has no object, animate or inanimate, although such may be one of the
catalysts to trigger the generation thereof. SL is a continuous
radiation, totally nondependent upon like reception or any other form
of return whatsoever. SL is. A very complex and rugged curriculum, this
Human School of Compressed
Learning. Parris Island at its peak was a teatime social by comparison.
There, at least, you had a reasonably clear idea of what you were doing
and your probable destination. Knowing this, it was worth it. My very
deeply dedicated response: Among the very few seniors and graduates I
have encountered, there was not one, who would not repeat the in-human
learning system again and again, no matter how many times —knowing the
indescribably magnificent result. My fleeting glimpses support totally
this perspective...
Establish Grazing Principle - Instead of actively seeking out needed
changes, deal with each, as it
appears in your daily life. Live and be just as you have, until you
perceive an emotion or attachment, that is so obvious you can't ignore
Extracts from "Ultimate Journey" by Robert Monroe