"Far Journeys" by Robert
We are not our Physical Bodies; We are Not the Physical Matter:
We are
Sun Energy! And Everything what happens to Us, happened for One Good
Reason: to Merge our Energy with the Energies of Others, with the
Energies of Earths, with the Energies of Universe!
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All Women are Dreamers, though among them there are more gifted, then
others. Dreamer is a person, who can hypnotize herself and lift herself
up, to a faster and higher vibrational level. All Women are Dreamers,
but Dreamers among Men are usually: Sorcerers, Robert Monroe' s
Institute explorers, some magicians, indian gurus, some buddists, some
priests/cledgy and so on. All Women, because of their Womb (if it's
still inside), have this gift, but Men have to work a great deal to
develop this ability !
the Author: Robert Allan Monroe
Robert Allan Monroe is a man of many talents. More important, he had
the ability to explore and experience these different facets that made
up an unusual personality.
The son of a college professor and a medical doctor mother, he received
his degree from Ohio State University after studies in engineering and
journalism, and entered the radio broadcasting industry as a writer and
director of programs. In 1939 he went to New York, where he was the
creator and producer of some 400 radio and TV network programs in the
ensuing twenty-year period. In addition to directing and writing, he
composed all of the orchestral music for his programs, much of which is
still in use in television and motion pictures. His first radio network
program was Rocky Gordon, a railroad adventure series, which for
several years preceded the famous Lowell Thomas-Amos 'n' Andy program
block on NBC. Some of the other network program series he created and
produced were High Adventure (George Sanders), Nightmare (Peter Lorre),
Starlight Theatre (Madeleine Carroll), Scramble (Bob Ripley), M-G-M
Screen Test, and the quiz shows Take a Number and Meet Your Match.
After an early sojourn at Donahue and Coe, Advertising, he formed
Robert Monroe Productions, which at the peak of its operations was
producing as many as twenty-eight radio network shows weekly. He later
became vice-president of programs and director of Mutual Broadcasting
System, Inc., a position he held until mid-1956. He then became
president of Laury Associates, which brought him into ownership and
operation of radio stations in North Carolina and Virginia. He also
formed Jefferson Cable Corporation, which, as president, he guided in
the construction and operation of cable-TV systems in Charlottesville
and Waynesboro, Virginia—a position he held until April 1976. Mr.
Monroe's major avocation in recent years has been exploration and
research into practical methods of accelerated learning through
expanded forms of consciousness. To augment such activity, he founded
the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences in 1973, with facilities and
labs at Afton, Virginia. With his long and varied experience in
sound, it was natural, that he utilized this medium for his
investigation. One of the results of his work was a method and
technique of inducing relaxation and sleep, which was granted a generic
patent in 1975. The technique employs a system of audio pulses which
create a frequency-following response in the human brain. By this
method, it is now possible to hold and maintain specific stages of
sleep for any depth and duration in the average person. A later
development at the Institute has utilized the same methods and
technique in a form of "binaural beats" to create synchronization of
both left and right hemispheres in the human brain. The unique
coherent brain state, that results is known as hemispheric
synchronization, or "Hemi-Sync." This discovery also permits external
control of the degree of activity of either right or left brain. These
two patterns, when employed in an ordered sequence to achieve specific
effects, offer a significant gateway to new understanding and
application of human thought and endeavor. Along with others, the
Monroe Institute (now located in Nelson County, Virginia) was exploring
the potentials of such methods in all areas of individual and cultural
activity. Mr. Monroe, as executive director and founder of the
Institute played an active part in this educational-research
organization. He was author of the book "Journeys Out of the Body",
"Far Journeys", "Ultimate Journey" (Doubleday &
Company, Inc., 1971; Anchor Press edition, 1977), which have been
published in five languages worldwide. With his family, he lived on his
farm in Nelson County, Virginia, near the Monroe Institute
Also by Robert A. Monroe "Journeys out-of-the b-Body" and "Ultimate
Dedicated to:
Nancy Penn Monroe, much more, than a wife, whose constant and
love, support, sharing, and understanding were the indispensable
elements in the writing and completion of this record. The literally
hundreds of others over the past fifteen years who freely gave their
time, energy, and interest in so many different ways and without whom very little would have been accomplished.
of a few interesting points from "Far Journeys" - Robert Monroe:
p. 216
"(Welcome to the dorm of the renovated Super-Human School of Compressed
I opened as much, as I could. (What's this place?)
(You passed it, when you entered Earth.)
As she sent it to me, I immediately got the flash of the Sparkling Ring.
(This is our reference point, until we decide to...). She trailed off
and closed.
I tried to smooth. (Decide to do what?)
She opened slightly. (I, uh . . . graduate.)...
(What do you do in the meantime?)
She rolled lightly. (Well, for one, we make and gather . . . what did
you call it? . . . loosh (Sun Energy! LM).
p. 217
Like honeybees. Or Guernsey cows. Only now we know, what we’re doing
and why, and we’re happy to do it.)
I opened again. (What else do you do ?)
She lighted smoothly. (Experience Earth Consciousness. Not just in
physical human form—remember, we could only feel part of it, just a
part? Now we go through it completely, from the smallest
unicellular (non physical) life up, millions of different life cycles,
most of which
we were unaware of, as only physical humans. Even the physical Earth
itself has an active Consciousness.)...
(The natural food chain process, it still exists and you experience it?
From beginning to end?)
She came back gently. (It's an important part of the learning process.
We couldn’t make loosh (Balanced
White Sun Energy, LM) without it.)...
In front of us was the First Entry Station. It appeared much the same.
There was a large cluster of gray forms hovering around it.
(gray forms, they
are One-Timers, who were trying to get to the Old Earth, to havt at
least one life on it! LM).
p. 218 (and
again, his friend BB is talking
about the Old Earth and about One-Timers on it, LM).
(Heavy cutback on the survival
imprint, for one...another thing is a solid prebriefing and training
before entry, especially, as to continuing contact during physical
sleep cycles.)
(But you don't even sleep here, do you (on
New Earth, LM)?
(No, don't need to (on
New Earth, LM). Then he lighted. (Oh, yeh, that's the other
point. These First-Timers go back (to
the Old Earth, LM) before the Changes, as their First Entry
Point, some of them almost back, when humans first began being human.
They take one human physical life cycle and one only, come back here
and join in (to
the New Earth, LM). No Repeaters, just One-Timers.)
I turned inward, then opened. (Is this One-Timer pattern going on back,
where I came from (from
the Old Earth, LM)?
BB lighted. (Oh, sure.)
I flickered. (I haven't had a percept on that taking place.)
BB smoothed. (Sure, you have.)
I blanked. (How?)
(That last Outer Ring, remember? Didn’t come near the Repeater
Department. Just went up and faded out?)
I flickered again. (But they were the ones going Home (to
the Source of
All Suns. LM).
BB vibrated triumphantly. (Well?)
I turned inward and closed. The whole thing was getting out of hand, or
better, out of my mind-set, beyond my ability to absorb and understand
I went on, (are there many other growth patterns in
consciousness similar to humans and Earth?)
She rolled. (You can't count them, if you wanted to, there's that many.
And new ones coming on line constantly.)
I flickered. (On line?)...(But are humans now in communication with
other such, uh, civilizations?)
(Not very much. There is some exchange, but it doesn’t seem necessary
or important.)
(What about other, nonphysical energy systems?)
She lighted. (Oh, those! We visit them as often, as we can.)
I threw a high hard one. (To gather loosh?)...
(No. To Sow it, to Plant the Seeds. That lets the, uh, Ray have an
ident to focus on.)...
I ran it smooth. (Are you about to graduate?)
She flickered. (Yes.)
(How do you know this?...But you gave me: you didn't have a percept,
what happened to graduates.)
She smoothed nicely. (I don't. But you do.)...
(We’ve been expecting this, uh, an Event to take place.
Then we can leave!)"
I flickered. (I haven't
had a percept on that taking place.)
BB smoothed. (Sure,
you have.)
I blanked. (How?)
(That last Outer
Ring, remember? Didn’t come near the Repeater
Department. Just went up and faded out?)
I flickered again.
(But they were the ones going Home (to
the Source of
All Suns. LM).
BB vibrated
triumphantly. (Well?)
I turned inward and
closed. The whole thing was getting out of hand, or
better, out of my mind-set, beyond my ability to absorb and understand
interesting detail, which Robert Monroe noticed during one of his out
of body experiences. Around Earth were Rings, which rotated, except two
Rings: Ring of Seniours and Ring of Graduates, which were the farthest
from the Centre of Earth. Other Rings during rotation went through
Portal of the Entry Station, in order to give Players-Repeaters
opportunity to live another life on physical Earth by jumping through
that Portal. Ring of
Seniours and Ring of Graduates didn't need to repeat lives on Earth any
have their last life on Earth. ENDGAME! Page 130:
"Around the Planet were Rings of haze, gigantic thick Rings,
of indeterminate number. Demarcation between them was vague, as wisps
and tendrils reached from one to the other. Except the Ring nearly
touching the Planet itself. It appeared isolated. With this exception,
the others were flowing rapidly through Portals in the Entry Station.
No, there was one more, on the outer edge. It came nowhere near the
Station. Very thin."
Some more
interesting details, which Robert Monroe described in his "Far
Journeys", p.p. 142, 149, 174, 176, 178, 179, 188, 203, 241, :
"You could spend thousands
of years in the Rings (around Earth) and never explore
all aspects of them. Some parts are great, some not so great. I was
told that, whatever human can think of, is somewhere in these Rings;
thus more is being added constantly, as human thinks more.
(If he/she follows the pattern, he/she will get more and more involved
in the human experience, dropping down a Ring each time, until
he/she is at the bottom.)
BB flickered, still dulled. (Then what?)
Ed opened wide, carefully. (They stay at the bottom and don't come
back, or they begin to work their way back up. Most of 'em stay at the
bottom (like those, who are in
human group sex pile! LM)...Also I was
told some humans do spend thousands of years here, rotating in and out
of physical Earth life."
174, 176 - (Loosh is
Balanced White Sun Energy! LM).
"I turned inward,
picking up the loosh rote. Loosh, an energy generated
by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most
potent coming from humans— engendered by human activity, which triggers
emotion, the highest of such emotions being—love? Is love loosh?...But
according to the rote, loosh is thrown off, when life ends its
physical existence, when pain occurs, anger, hate . . . these can't be
the same as love...Love is not an illusion...To learn to be
high-quality loosh/love producers. The fact, that human
physical consciousness was for the most part totally unaware of being
involved in this process (as producers of Sun Energy! LM)..."
(This is as close,
as you can tolerate. We are diverting most of the
effective energy patterns, which are in themselves only the random
residue, the leakage, as you might call it, from the fundamental. Focus
through us,
rather than the outer rim. It will help.)
With great difficulty, I narrowed and held on the center of the
form...and I began to cool and calm down...slowly my rational and
observing self began to emerge again, dominating the overwhelming
emotional surge, that had enveloped me...it was, as if I perceived
through a darkly tinted window and I had to work continually to keep
the emotion below the threshold level, the wondrous and brilliant joy,
awe, reverence, melded into one, yet with flashes of each sparking
momentarily...all coursing through me,
as I responded to the
radiation, unable to prevent it and barely keeping it under control.
This would most emphatically be the ultimate heaven, the final home...
"I looked through the smoked-glass shield, that was my INSPEC
friend...and I was grateful, for I knew, if I responded to this degree
just the reflection, the leakage, the full force of the radiation would
have shattered me, I was not ready for it, if this was the percept from
the distant edge...there, in the long view, was a radiant living
form of incredible size, my first percept, that of a tall standing
humanoid, arms outstretched in front, palms upward...but just as
quickly, it was not...instead, a shining globe, edges
indistinct, behind it another, identical in appearance, behind it
another, a continuous cascade moving away into infinity, beyond my
percept ability...from each came numberless beams or rays, some
huge in their diameter, others no wider than a pinpoint, all uniform in
size throughout their length and beyond my percept as to their
destination, some of them moving past me so close, that I felt, I could
reach out and touch one...Your human
loosh/love energy is transmuted into the center of,
what you perceive. From there it is redirected into, what you call the
Rays, to the points, where it is needed most. When you have progressed,
we can guide you to one of the destinations, so you can observe the
flickered. (I don't get the same percept.
And the M Band noise is
shaking me up too much. The scratchy stuff in the band, it's the worst!
Never got that before anywhere! Where's it all coming from?)
I smoothed. (Close a little, that'll make it easier. The noise is
coming from us, humans. The scratchy stuff, that screeches so much I
finally figured out. It's their emotions.)
(I won't try to give you a percept on it, you have to be human to
experience it. It's the next-biggest problem after the survival drive.
Makes humans do things, they really don't want to do.)
He flickered, half open. (Why do they make all the noise?)
I plied. (They don't know, that they're doing it.)"
"...He turned
inward, closed. Then he opened slightly. (You're human. How
come you don't make M Band noise like that?)
(I do. I just have it under control for the moment. Back in the
physical, I blow it all over the place, I'm sure.)
"BB vibrated.
(Where's the fun! Why play a
Game, if you don't have Fun
playing it! All those humans in there, I didn’t get a percept of just
one having fun.)
Bill plied. (They do part of the time, and some, but not many most of
the time, and very few all of the time, but they're hard to find. Your
broad percept missed these fine edges.)
BB flickered. (There's one other thing. This other part, that messes up
the M Band so badly: the scratchy
stuff. RAM called it emotion. I don't have the least percept of that.
He puts it: "I have to be human".)
(Emotion is the points, the score.)
BB blanked, and I waited for Bill to lay this one out. I would like to
know, too.
Bill went on. (Emotion is what makes the Game seem so wild, but it is
the Game, the one Game, in which all other Games are played. The others
feed score to the big Game in the form of emotional energy. The big
Game is to control and develop this emotional energy to its most
effective condition, which is vaguely set by us, humans, as love,
we graduate...(We
would just have to start up some action on some other Planet in
Time-Space with new humans."
(Such action have been already on New Earth in New Young Universe,
before old Earth would lose all its humans! LM).
"I did learn one or two minor
items. First, awareness of the Cacophony of Discordant, Undirected
engendered by Human Thought — identified, as M-Band (Mind-Band) noise
(my label). Second, how to close down my perception to bring it to
levels. The necessity syndrome again. It's a nice trick to have, even
in the physical waking state."
"Far Journeys" - Prologue. Part I. Near Reaches 1
1. Old Local Traffic 3
2. Hemi-Sync et al. 16
3. The Gateway Program 26
4. Explorer Team I 37
5. New Associations 50
6. Segue 63
Part II. Far Reaches 75
7. Surveys and Schematics 77
8. Contact Point 91
9. Rainbow Route 107
10. Newfound Friend 124
11. Rescue Mission 144
12. Hearsay Evidence 157
13. Shock Treatment 173
14. One Easy Lesson 182
15. Promised Plan 205
16. The Gathering 228
Epilogue: End Game 238
Appendices. The Out-of-Body Experience: Most Frequently Asked Questions
and Answers
- 265
There seems to be an easy way to do—and a hard way. Given the choice,
all of us take the easy route simply because it's more efficient, saves
time and energy. If it's too easy, some of us feel guilty. We get the
uncomfortable sense that we're missing something if we don't go the
laborious, tried and-true pattern. If it's that easy, it must not be
good, might even be sinful. But after a while, the easy way becomes the
ordinary way and we forget the old road. When you've lived in an area
long enough to have traveled between two cities before the interstates
and freeways were built, try the old familiar highway just once. You'll
find once is enough. The start-and stop congestion, the total disorder,
the growing frustrations far overshadow any remaining nostalgia you may
have harbored. You have enoughof such local traffic at the beginning
and end of each run on the Interstate. Now the problem. Suppose you met
someone who had never driven on an interstate. All his life, he has
driven only in local traffic. He's heard about such superhighways. He
might even have seen one from a distance or heard the rumble of
vehicles or smelled their exhaust fumes. He rationalizes any number of
reasons why he hasn't and won't go interstate; he doesn't need to, he's
satisfied the way he is; they travel too fast so it's not safe; you
have to go out of your way to get on it; it's full of strangers from
all over the place so you don't know whom you'll meet so you can't
trust them; your car isn't in very good condition and it might break
down and leave you stranded without anybody to help, in some lonely
spot you never heard of. Maybe sometime you'll try it, but not right
now. Suppose you happened to see a construction order from the state
highway department to begin demolition of the old highway so that all
local traffic will have to go interstate eventually, like it or not.
What do you do? Nothing? Suppose the recalcitrant is an old and dear
Then what? Your friend knows of the order but refuses to
believe it. He can see the work crews beginning to form at the end of
the old highway and he ignores their existence. Thus you know the
intense trauma he will undergo when the old road is shut off, and he
will be carried kicking and screaming onto the Interstate.You decide to
do something, anything you can. After your decision, weeks, months,
years—pass due to your own inertia. You have your own rationale. You
don't know how to proceed. You don't know how to describe the
interstate in local traffic terms, and your friend understands only
local traffic. Someone else will come along and do it for you, for your
friend. Finally, finally—you discover the stupidly simple answer. You
and your friend suffer from the same affliction but from different
causes. It is inertia. Back in the old railroad days, a locomotive
could pull only four or five cars at a time because if more cars than
that were added, it would simply spin its drive wheels trying to get
started. Inertia. Then a smart young thinker came along and invented
the sliding coupler, which let the locomotive pick up the slack—and
inertia—one car at a time. Ask any freight conductor what it was like
to be in a caboose on the tail end of a 100-car train when he highballs
the engineer. Instantaneous zero to thirty miles per hour. It's the
same with automobiles. The transmission is there to provide big torque
in low gear to overcome inertia. Once under way at cruising speed,
power is required only to overcome wind resistance and road
friction—and very little of it relatively. The hard case is the
catapult launch on an aircraft carrier, which does the job in a hurry
and not too gently. Guns are inertia-overcoming devices for bullets.
It's doubtful that explosive or catapult methods to full-speed
interstate in a different form will be less than confusing and
bewildering, even with modification to local traffic standards. Take
as an illustration:
. . . I can't get the stuff under a null point, there ought to be a
better way to do this!
(Your uncontrolled emotion of anger is using
much of your energy. A
very human response.)
A better way to do it . . . stuff can't help being what it is, you kick
a stone in your path and it hurts your toe, why get angry at the stone,
you can't be angry at it for being on the path or being harder than a
toe, yes, now let's see if it works.
(It is focus of attention, of consciousness, which is without diversion
or deviation. No other energy available to you as human is as powerful.
As a lens will direct energy you call light, so you can use
Each time I hear something like that, I realize how far I have to go.
(You are doing very well, Mister Monroe. Your own recognition of such
percept is an indication.)
Hey, I got it! It's under the baseline . . . uh, except for this one
sawtooth, can't seem to hold onto it, and there's a smaller waveform on
the sawtooth, can't get it put away. (It is another form of rote, as
you call it. Take it, if you so desire. It may be interesting to you.)
Sure, why not!
Going from local traffic to interstate does indeed require an entry or
acceleration lane to merge into the flow. If you can make the tools
supplied by local traffic apply in the design and building of the ramp,
so much the better. You need to remember especially the inertia
factor—pick up the slack on one loaded car at a time, start in low gear
so you don't stall the engine, then shift smoothly; automatic
transmissions don't know when you need to shift. If the design is
correct, your friend is cruising along the interstate long before the
old highway is closed down.You do the best you can.
Robert A. Monroe - Faber, Virginia - 1985

I - Near Reaches 1. Old Local Traffic
If there is a first and obvious point to be made, I can report that I
am stillalive physically after twenty-five years of exploring
personally the out-ofbodyexperience. A little timeworn, but still more
or less operational. There were several moments when I was not so sure.
However, some of the best medical authorities have assured me that the
physical problems I have encountered have been simple cause-and-effect
of living in the culture/ civilization of mid-twentieth century
America. Some take another position.
I am still alive as a result of such OOBE activity. Take your pick. So
it would seem that one can practice "going out of the body" regularly
and survive. Also, after having been tested periodically by experts, I
can still make the statement that I am reasonably sane in a not so
reasonablysane world. There are many people who do strange things and
get away with it. A century ago, it might have been going over Niagara
Falls in a barrel. What is the out-of-body experience? For those, who
have not encountered the subject as yet, an out-of-body experience
(OOBE) is a condition, where you find yourself outside of your physical
body, fully conscious and able to perceive and act, as if you were
functioning physically—with several exceptions. You can move through
space (and time?) slowly or apparently somewhere beyond the speed of
light. You can observe, participate in events, make willful decisions
based upon what you perceive and do. You can move through physical
matter such as walls, steel plates, concrete, earth, oceans, air, even
atomic radiation without effort or effect. You can go into an adjoining
room without bothering to open the door. You can visit a friend three
thousand miles away. You can explore the moon, the solar system, and
the galaxy, if these interest you. Or—you can enter other reality
systems, only dimly perceived and theorized by our time/space
consciousness. It is not a new phenomenon.
Recent surveys
indicate some
25 percent of our population remembers having at least one such
experience. Man's history is full of reports of such events. In earlier
literature, it was commonly labeled "astral projection." I began by
refusing to use this term, as it had an occult connotation and was
certainly nonscientific by our standards. Charles Tart, a psychologist
friend, popularized the term "out-ofbody
experience" when we were working together in the sixties. In the past
twenty years, it has become the accepted Western generic term for this
particular state of being.Without any obvious reason, I began to "go"
out of my body in the fall of 1958. In the light of later historical
events, it is important to state thatno drugs or alcohol were involved.
I was a nonuser of the former and an infrequent imbiber of the latter.
Several years ago, I attended a conference not too far from our former
home in Westchester County, New York—the site of my first out-of-body
experiences. As we drove by the house, I commented, that the reason why
they began was still obscure. A
psychologist friend riding with me took one look at the house, turned,
and smiled. "The answer is easy. It's the house. Take a good look at
it." I stopped the car. The house looked the same. Green roof and
stone. The new owner had maintained it nicely. I turned to my friend.
"I don't see anything different." "The roof." He pointed a finger
upward. "It's a perfect pyramid. Moreover, it's covered with copper
just like the tops of the big ones in Egypt before the looters took
over." I stared, dumbfounded. "Pyramid power, Robert," he went on.
"You've read about it. You were living in a pyramid. That did it!"
Pyramid power? Well, maybe. There are reports and books, that make
claims about strange energies therein. That the out-of-body experience
frightened me then is a quantum understatement. When it recurred, I was
filled with panic-driven visions ofbrain tumors and oncoming insanity.
This led to extensive physical exami-. nations, all negative, followed
by recommendations of psychotherapy for "minor hallucinatory
dysfunction." I discarded this diagnosis automatically. Some of my best
friends at the time were psychiatrists and psychologists with their own
problems, albeit certainly more orthodox.
Instead, I stubbornly began a
search and research into the phenomenon out of self-preservation and,
as the fear and panic subsided, out of growing curiosity. The trail
took me beyond conventional scientific circles (total rejection),
religions ("It's the work of the devil"), parapsychology ("Interesting.
Sorry, no data available"), and Eastern disciplines ("Come study at our
ashram in northern India for ten years"). This was chronicled in my
previous book "Journeys Out of the Body". One thing is certain. The
purpose of the previous book was many times fulfilled. It brought
thousands of letters from all parts of the world and among them many
hundreds of people wrote their personal thanks for a reassurance that
they were not mentally deranged, were not so much alone after all with
their "closet" secret experience that they could not explain, and, most
important, that they were not necessarily candidates for the
psychiatric couch or mental hospital. That was the stated purpose of
the original book: to help just one person avoid such needless
incarceration. I personally am bemused at the changes in these
twenty-five years. In most academic and intellectual societies, it is
now quite acceptable to talk about OOBEs. However, I'm sure that the
great majority of people in our culture are still unaware of this facet
of their lives. In 1959 or 1960, I certainly would have derided the
idea that I might give a talk on OOBEs at the Smithsonian Institution.
Or papers on the subject would be presented before the American
Psychiatric Association. But they happened. One of the most frequent
approaches I hear reminds me very much of the old and worn-out
show-business routine about the question a producer usually puts to the
job-seeking performer. He is listening to what he knows already, that
the actor appeared in The Great One in 1922, starred in Who Goes There?
in 1938, won the Critics Award for his lead in Nose to Nose, and in
1949 played the role of Willie in What Makes Willie Weep.
The producer interrupts and puts the very simple question: "That's
great, but what have you done yesterday?" And so it is. What have I
been doing since the publication of "Journeys Out of the Body"? The
answer I usually give is this: Beginning in the seventies, I began to
experience a frustration, a limitation in my out-of-body activities. It
is hard for some people to believe, I suppose, but such travels
actually became boring. The early excitement had long passed.
It became
an effort to participate in controlled tests, and because it was an
effort, I began to sense that the particular theme of "proof" was not
part of my mode of operation. Moreover, when free of such testing
limitations, there didn't seem to be anything exciting to do. My
deliberate inducement of the second state also became tedious because I
had found a simpler way to achieve it. I would wake up after two or
possibly three sleep cycles, or approximately after three or four
hours, and find myself already relaxed physically, rested, and
completely wide awake. In that state, I found it ridiculously easy to
"unhook" and flow freely out of the body. This, of course, posed the
question of what to do. Everyone else was asleep at three or
four-thirty in the morning. There seemed nothing to be gained by going
and meeting people while they were asleep, not any easy prospect for
validation because of the hour. So with no particular goal or
attraction, I usually would drift around a bit, then slip back in, turn
on the light, read until I was sleepy again, and that was it. This
compounded the frustration, as there was still the compulsion. All of
the effort to work in the out-of-body state had to have some meaning or
importance beyond what my conscious mind (or those of others) thought
to be important. In the spring of 1972, a decision was made that
provided the answer. The limiting factor was my conscious mind.
if OOBE decisions were left up to that part of me, as they
had been, I would remain just as I was. I was too much in control—this
left-brain "I". What would happen if I turned this decision-making
process over to my total self (soul?), who was purportedly conversant
with such activities. Believing this, I then put it into practice. The
following night, I went to sleep, went through two sleep cycles (about
three hours), woke up, and remembered the decision. I detached from the
physical and floated free. I said in my conscious mind that
decision to do is to be made by my entire self. After waiting for what
seemed only a few seconds, there was a tremendous surge, a movement, an
energy in that familiar spatial blackness, and there began for me an
entire new era in my out-of-body activities. Since that night, my
nonphysical experiences have been almost totally due to this procedure.
The results have been of a nature so far removed
from anything my conscious mind could conceive of that a new problem
Although my physical here-now consciousness is always a
participant, better than 90 percent of such events seemed to me
impossible to translate into the timespace medium. It is as if one were
to try to describe music, such as asymphony orchestra with choir, and
do it in words without the use of such technical descriptions as
notation, instruments, intervals, tonalities, and so on. One can use
such words as "nice," "compelling," "frightening," "aweinspiring,"
"warm," "loving," "beautiful"—and be nowhere remotely near the actual
description. You do the best you can. Which, I suppose, is what will
happen as the attempt is made. I'm sure reporting Niagara Falls
barrel-cruising was easier. My here-now activities posed another
problem. None of the exercises and techniques I had been designing and
providing for others would work for me. Psychologist friends have
offered many reasons why they are ineffective in my case. The simplest
one is that I just cannot get my left brain out of the way. I have been
so deeply involved in the production process that my critical and
analytical faculty simply won't let go of the here-nowattention-
focusing material contained therein. Also, in order to produce these
exercises in an audio mode, I have had to listen with an intense form
of concentration in the recording and mixing of the various sounds that
we use. Evidently, I have had to shut off the effect. Even a simple
onefrequency tone causes me to analyze the frequency and attempt to
determine that it is stable. Perhaps there is an effect I am not aware
of. But it is a strange place to be, looking over the fence at a garden
you have planted and fertilized, watching everybody else have such a
good time.The here-now portions of recent events are relatively
straightforward. For example, I had become painfully (literally) aware
that my body has taken to rejecting chemicals. This includes alcohol,
prescription drugs, caffeine, and evidently anything else my body says
is unnatural for its operation. The rejection or allergic reaction
takes the form of profuse sweating, vomiting, and/or severe abdominal
cramps. This may be constructive, but it also has its disadvantages. I
never was a consequential drinker, but even a glass of wine begins the
rejection process. During
surgery, it is something intense to cope with. I begin to reject the
anesthesia, and awake on the operating table to feel the surgeon sewing
me up (I am sure to the surprise of the anesthesiologist).
In recovery,
under intense pain, a shot of Demerol only brings on extreme vomiting.
You can imagine my frustration when others are using a system we
developed that permits excellent nondrug pain control in the
postsurgical period. In my hospital visits during the past ten years,
only once has the system worked for me. I was sorely disappointed when
it was not effective on the last trip. It was a nearly unbearable
event. Yet I knew if I consciously went out of body, I would not have
the courage to return to that sea of scalding pain.
A psychologist
friend back in the early days was skeptical of this drug allergy.
Further, he was interested in what the effects of what are now called
entertainment drugs would be on my type of personal and physical
makeup. We tried "laboratory"-quality mescaline and LSD on my system.
Nothing happened.
Item 1: I asked a nonphysical friend if I had been in a physical
life existence in the recent past. It was one of the few clear verbal
answers that I received: "Your last human life was spent as a monk in a
monastery in Coshocton, Pennsylvania." I looked at the map of
Pennsylvania and there was no Coshocton indicated. I knew there was a
Coshocton, Ohio, because I had lived in thestate. Therefore I asked
again to be sure that the state was right. It was Pennsylvania. I
didn't give it much thought because I personally am not deeply
interested in who I was, if I was. I mentioned the event to a Catholic
monsignor friend, and he offered to
look it up in his records. Some weeks later he called to say there
really was a monastery in a place called Coshocton, Pennsylvania. He
thought it would be interesting to drive up there some weekend and see
if I responded to any memories. Perhaps, once.
Item 2: The money-pants pocket. For years, I have kept this as a closet
secret because no one believes it. I have shown it to my wife, Nancy,
and she still is skeptical. It seems,
if I leave a certain pair of pants hung in the bedroom closet, it
generates paper money. Real money, not new and crisp, usually fairly
well worn. It is never a great amount; the maximum I have ever found in
the pocket is eleven dollars. Usually there will be only two, three, or
four dollars. Time does not seem to be a factor.
I can ignore it for a
week, and there will be perhaps three dollars. I may not go near it for
three months, and there may be only six dollars. There seems to be no
particular format for the generation or the amount of money. I can take
the pants to the cleaners and return them to the closet in their
plastic bag.It makes no difference. We have theorized that I may walk
in my sleep and insert money in the pants pocket. The unopened plastic
bag dispelled that idea. One rationale is that it is an ongoing result
of a very urgent need for a few dollars back in my teenage period.
(There was a strange event back in that era, that might relate to it.)
Some part of my system still remembers, that urgent need and attempts
provide for it. Too bad that when you reach another stage in life, five
or six or eleven dollars does not go very far! Very few people really
believe it, and I don't blame them. I wouldn't, if it didn't happen to
Item 3: In our house at Whistlefield Farm, there was a screened porch
the living room. To get to the porch, one had to go through two double
doors and down a series of flagstone steps that led to the porch at a
lower level. These steps were quite steep, the difference in floor
height being approximately four feet. One morning, with my arms full of
books and papers, I walked out the entrance to the porch and stumbled.
My left foot crossed over in front of my right, and I dove headlong in
the direction of the flagstone floor of the porch. As I fell I was
unable to get my arms out in front of me. I remember thinking, "Well,
this will certainly end up with a fractured skull and a broken neck."
About six inches from the floor, my fall was suddenly arrested and I
landed on my head and shoulders very lightly on the flagstone floor, no
heavier than if I had simply put my head down very carefully. The rest
of my body then draped down afterward, drifting as gently as a feather.
I lay there for a moment wondering what had happened. I felt my head
and my shoulders and there was no pain, no mark, no bruise, nothing. I
stood up, picked up my books and papers, looked at the place from where
I had fallen, and tried to figure some answer. Something had cushioned
my fall, but I certainly was not consciously aware of what it was. Some
months later in the middle of winter, a similar event took place. I was
walking down the front steps, which had been reportedly cleaned after a
snow, slipped, and started to fall. This time I was not quite so
surprised when I again landed very lightly.
There have been only two such events,
and I don't think I will deliberately try to fall experimentally. Just
another one of those "as yet" unexplained moments.
Item 4: One of the more puzzling events took place as a result of a
direct communication—or so it seemed. Early one morning in the
midseventies, about three o'clock to be exact, I went through my
customary lazy man's way of rolling out of my body. Almost immediately
I was accosted by a vaguely formed individual who gave me this very
specific instruction:
"Mr. Monroe, be at Eaglehill at 7 A.M. on July fourth." Surprised, I
asked for a repeat of the instruction. It came exactly the same: "Mr.
Monroe, be at Eaglehill at 7 A.M. on July fourth." Before I had a
chance to ask why or what it was all about, the form faded and
disappeared. I then rolled back into my body and sat up and wrote it
down very carefully. The next night when I performed the same act,
almost immediately the form was there again with the same message. It
was very definite—almost a command—and again the figure faded before I
had a chance to query further. I tried the third night to see if it
replicated again, but there was no response. What was so impressive
about it was that the instruction was very clear. And it was repeated
exactly the second night. Most important, "they" actually called me by
name. This instruction elicited a great deal of curiosity from me and
of my friends and family to whom I related it. We speculated in many
ways about it but the big question was: "Where is Eaglehill?" It was
about April when the instruction was given and there seemed to be
plenty of time to find out what the message meant. But try as we might,
we could not find any place called Eaglehill. After a few weeks, I more
or less forgot about the idea. An event changed all that. While
visiting friends several hundred miles from home, we were having dinner
out on the patio of their house. My host had a radio receiver that
automatically scanned various frequencies such as police, fire, and so
on. We were sitting there chatting when suddenly over the radio came
someone saying "Eaglehill." It jarred my attention immediately. I
excitedly asked my host what the radio was tuned to. He replied that it
was the FAA aircraft channel for instructions to and from aircraft. I
waited eagerly for something more on the radio.
My host asked curiously,
what was so important. Needless to say, I didn't feel, that I could
him. A couple of minutes later the radio came to life loudly and
clearly: "This is United 351 over Eaglehill at twelve thousand feet."
The next day, after a long drive home, I went to the FAA facility at
our local airport and asked the FAA man, where Eaglehill was. He
instantly, that it was a holding point in a neighboring state, a radio
marker beacon. He showed it to me on the airways sectional map, and
sure enough, there it was—Eaglehill. There evidently was some type of
small village by that name,
although it did not show on any of the road maps, we had. This put a
whole new prospect on the message. Therefore, on the afternoon of July
3,1 left home for the long drive over to Eaglehill. I drove into the
small town nearest to the supposed site, checked into a local motel,
had a casual dinner, and went to bed early. At exactly seven the next
morning, I drove into the crossroads called Eaglehill. It consisted of
two or three houses, a garage, and a store, all situated around a small
country crossroads. Not a very impressive place, to say the least. It
looked like it had not changed in the last thirty or forty years. I
pulled over to the side and stopped the car. Several local citizens
sitting outside the garage looked at me curiously as I sat and waited.
I waited for over an hour and nothing happened. No one approached me. I
didn't feel anything except first excitement and then disappointment.
Finally, sometime after eight o'clock, under curious stares, I started
the car and drove up through Eaglehill and into the countryside beyond.
I drove about two miles further and there was nothing but farms. I
returned to the crossroads and turned west and drove several miles.
Again, nothing different, no one signaled me, nothing except country
and farms. I turned around and drove east. It was all the same. I
returned to my post at the crossroads, sat in the car, and waited. When
it got to be twelve o'clock, I decided that it had all been an
illusion, returned to the motel, checked out, and had lunch. It was
either the wrong Eaglehill, or I understood it wrong, misinterpreted,
or it was all a hoax or a dream. After much contemplation, I finally
decided where my mistake was. The invitation or request was not that I
go to Eagle hill physically:
it was that I be there in an out-of-body state.
What the invitation did
not take into account was how difficult it is for me to go directly to
a specific place, rather than a person. Adding fuel to the fire: Years
later, in encountering a government official, I asked him about that
particular site, without reference to why I was interested. He related
to me that it was a special federal research installation. It was being
constructed just about the time I was there. Evidently it is still not
common knowledge, or at least I don't want to take that chance.
Therefore, the location as indicated in my retelling is not the correct
one. I still like to speculate as to what might have happened if I had
kept the appointment in the out-of-body state.
Item 5: My company had received the franchise to install a cable
television system in Charlottesville, Virginia, and we needed a
receiving antenna site on top of a hill just outside of town. The owner
of the hill was Roy, a small, balding, bright-blue-eyed
energetic little man with a dry and subtle sense of humor. His face was
wrinkled and tanned from many years of supervising the work in the
twenty-thousand-apple-tree orchard atop the hill. As he was a true
Scotsman, the negotiation was elaborately casua,l but came to a very
reasonable and fair end. And we became friends. After lunch one Friday,
he looked at me with a twinkle and asked, "Do you like to play cards?"
An old familiar surge rose in me. "What kind of cards?"
"Well," he said, "some people don't call it poker, because we play so
many wild games, but you can have a lot of fun at it. It's only ten-
and twenty-cent games, so you can't expect to make any money. We hold
it at a different fellow's house each Friday night and the only thing
is, we don't have any drinking. It's the oldest, continuous poker game
in the city of Charlottesville. Must have been going on steady for
seventy years—and that's a long time. If you would like to come
tonight, I'll pick you up, wherever you are, about seven-thirty. You'll
have a good time at choir practice." I looked at him blankly. "Choir
He smiled. "That's what we call it here in Virginia. Some fellows say,
that they are not sure, whether it's legal or not, and we've heard of
other games being raided for gambling. Course, we aren't doing
like that."
I smiled. "No, of course not. See you at seven-thirty for choir
I became a regular member of choir practice. I did not
attend every Friday, but I did show up at least two Fridays per month.
Again, it was a welcome change from my daily work in cable television
and the participants were strictly local businessmen who had, for the
most part, lived in the Charlottesville area all of their lives.They
also were totally unaware of any strange research or other activitiesI
might be involved in. Even when my first book was published they knew
nothing about it and I made no mention of it. To this day perhaps one
or two are remotely aware of what I now do. The first indicator that
there were unusual factors involved in cardplaying choir practice came
about two years later when there were six of us playing a game of
seven-card stud. The deal began normally. My two hole cards were a
three and four of clubs. Among the face-up cards dealt to me were a
five and seven of clubs. The betting was quite strong; there were pairs
all over the table, including a pair of aces showing on Roy's face-up
cards. After I stayed in the betting, which I had no statistical right
to do, trying to buy an inside straight or a flush, the final, seventh
card was dealt to each of us face down. I did not look at mine.
Suddenly, without any question, I knew that the card dealt to me was
the six of clubs. It was very strange, simply a "knowing." "Roy," I
said, indicating the untouched down card, "that's a six of clubs and
that will make me a straight flush. And that will beat your aces full."
Roy looked at the card and looked up at me with a sly grin. He had
already looked at his last card and he knew he had aces full. "I got
five that says you don't have it. That's not the six of clubs."I
reached for the pile of chips and said, "There it is, Roy."He smiled
and matched the stack. "All right, show me." I turned it over and it
was the six of clubs. Roy smiled. "That doesn't beat my full house." He
turned over his aces full, which beat the other hands on the table. "I
have another five that says you don't have the three and four of clubs
in the hole." I smiled. "I don't want to take your money, Roy.""A
straight flush will beat my aces full." He pushed another stack out. "I
don't think you got it. You somehow knew there was a six of clubs there
and you ought to quit while you're ahead."
I smiled and said, "I don't want the other five, Roy." And then I
turned over the three and four in the hole, making the straight flush
in clubs. He just looked at it and said, "Isn't that something!"On the
very next hand, with Roy doing the dealing, the feeling I had was still
there, very strong, the "knowing." I didn't even look at my hole cards.
Of the four cards dealt face up to me there was a five and seven of
hearts. I knew. That's all I can tell you, I knew. "Roy," I said, "you
see that
five and seven of hearts?" Roy nodded. He didn't have the aces this
time. "Well," I said, "this last card you are going to deal is a six of
hearts and that will make me a straight flush in hearts. You see, I
haven't seen my bottom cards yet, you notice?" He nodded, watching. Roy
had been the dealer. The rest of the players were watching intently,
expecting me to lose. Roy was an exceptional card player. The last card
was dealt to me face down, and before I could pick it up, Roy said, "I
got another five says it's not the six of hearts. No, as a matter of
fact, I'll make it ten." He shot a pack of chips forward."I don't want
to take your money, Roy," I said, smiling.
"You are not taking it from me and I am not giving it to you," he said.
"Put it up." I did. "Now turn over the card," he demanded. I did, and
it was the six of hearts. He looked at me with utter astonishment. He
was doing the dealing. No trickery was at all possible in his frame of
reference."Moreover," I said, "those two hole cards that I haven't
looked at yet are the three and four of hearts."Roy looked at me. "I
have twenty that says that they aren't." With utmost casualness I said,
"I don't want to take your money, Roy," and turned over the two hole
cards. They were the three and four of hearts. Roy looked at the
straight flush, the same one as before except in hearts. "Sometimes you
are about the luckiest fellow I ever met."
The others at the table agreed.That particular run of "luck" was talked
about for several months. The odds against two successive straight
flushes of the same denomination held by the same person in a
six-handed card game are about 5,780,000 to one. How did it happen? I
don't know. How did I know? Very simply, a sureness. I suspect a lot of
high rollers have made a lot of money on such dealings and lost also
because the "knowing" was not right.
With the publication of Journeys Out of the Body, we began to receive
surprising inquiries, information, and cooperation from many unexpected
sources. A book intended for the general public was attracting interest
scientific and academic circles. Our laboratory west of
Charlottesville, Virginia, opened on an entirely voluntary basis.
Originally named Whistlefield Research
Laboratories, this was later changed to the Monroe Institute of Applied
Sciences. Using the name Monroe was not an ego factor, but simply the
quickest way to clear the title officially. The "Applied Sciences" part
was quite specific. We felt that the understanding of OOBEs could be
achieved on a level compatible with our Western sciences and that the
greatest service we could perform would be to apply any discoveries or
information that we encountered.The laboratory consisted of a one-story
building designed for the purpose,and included two offices, a lounge,
and a research wing. In the wing were an instrument or control room,
three isolation booths, and a briefing room.
All three booths were
connected independently to the control room for both physiological
monitoring and the delivery of various types ofaudio and
electromagnetic signals to stimulate a response from a volunteer
subject in a booth. The booths themselves each contained a heated water
bed, thus providing a comfortable condition in total darkness.
were also environmentally controlled in air, temperature, and
acoustics. A subject in the booth could be wired to transmit to the
control room a wide array of physiological signals. These included
eight-channel EEG (brain-wave electrical patterns), EMG (muscle tone),
pulse rate, and body voltage. As things developed, we were able to
determine most of what we wanted to know simply by reading body-voltage
changes. Aside from visiting participants from out of town, we had a
volunteergroup consisting of several M.D.s,
a physicist, an electronic
several psychiatric and social service workers, plus assorted
friends and family. Most research and experiments took place at night
or on weekends, as all of us were employed in other occupations. In
retrospect, the immense contribution that this group gave freely was a
major factor in helping the whole process get started under these new
conditions, and for this I will be forever grateful. It took much
patience and dedication to paste up with electrodes, then lie hour
after hour in a darkened booth and report subjective results of various
tests—results that could be correlated with instrument readouts in the
control room to the point where a consensuscould be achieved.Our first
studies were a continuation of the sleep research begun in New York.
The demand for a solution to a problem brought one of our early results
of significance. Because so much of the reported out-of-body states,
including many of my own, revolved around the sleep state, we
stillbelieved some answers would be found in this area. However, most
of our subjects arrived at night after dinner, and with long, boring
periods of being wired up with electrodes, they were either too tired
to stay awake in the booth or too restless to be able to relax enough
to report any subtle and subjective responses. It defeated our purpose
to use any types of medication or drugs to control these states, so we
looked for a method within our own frame of reference. The old truism
held. Necessity is the mother. It was through this need to help our
subjects stay awake, get into a borderland sleep state, that webegan to
try utilizing sound. This resulted in the discovery of
Frequency-Following Response (FFR), which permitted us to hold the
subject in a certain state of consciousness between wakefulness and
sleep for extended periods of time. By introducing certain sound
patterns in the subject's ear, we determined that there was a similar
electrical response in the brain waves of the subject. By controlling
that brain-wave frequency, we were able to help the subject relax, keep
him awake, or put him to sleep. One of our engineering participants
suggested that we patent this unusual process, and we received a patent
on the method and technique in 1975. By cross-referencing the various
effective frequencies among subjects, we slowly began to evolve
combinations of sound frequencies that created FFRs highly conducive to
OOBEs and other unusual stages of consciousness.
Among these, of course, was a very effective means of moving into what
is commonly known as a meditative state. All of this did not come
quickly. Only a few words cover hundreds of hours of putting together
different sound patterns and testing for responses, with subjects
patiently lying in a booth as sound warbled in their ears, slowly
changing in pitch, while the technician in the control room looked for
changes in the monitoring instruments.During such sessions, our
volunteer subject participants learned to reportverbally on any changes
in their mental or physical condition. This became a very important
ability, to speak and perceive when the normal pattern would be to lose
consciousness or be "asleep." One of the first solid points of
identification was a state that we
began to label Focus 10. There was no particular significance to the
number 10, and I am not sure where it originated. Also, we wanted to be
sure it was not confused with other forms of consciousness. Therefore
it became simply TEN. We were able to identify this state very
specifically and to return to it again and again with our subjects.
Easily defined, Focus 10 is a state where the mind is awake and the
body asleep. All the physiological responses are those of one in light
or deep sleep. However, the brain-wave patterns are different. The EEGs
show a mix of waves ordinarily associated with sleep, light and deep,
and overlying beta signals (wakefulness). Gradually there developed a
very special group, a total of some eight
subjects completely familiar with the Focus 10 state. Verbal
communication in Focus 10 through the microphone/headphone system
became as normal as if we were sitting across from one another in a
conference room. We could tell easily from the instrument readout when
they were and when they were not in Focus 10. It could not be imagined
or faked, even if there had been any remote desire to do so. There were
many times, of course, when they were unable to get into the Focus 10
state because of external pressures and stresses in their daily lives
that they could not abandon easily. In such cases, they simply reported
that they could not "do it" that night or canceled the appointment.
This saved much time and effort. With the constant stream of visitors
we began to determine that others, totally untrained, could be assisted
into Focus 10 without a great deal of trouble. The process of learning
to communicate verbally would take much longer.
To see how far this
would go, we sent a tape of the composite signal to a psychiatrist
friend in Kansas. In an experiment, he tested it on four completely
naive subjects and with no suggestion as to what to expect. He
that one of the four subjects quit the test, because he found that he
was bouncing against the ceiling of the room, looking down at his
physical body. Our next step came as an interesting proposition. With
the body asleep —i.e., the physical senses turned off or reduced—why
not develop frequencies that would enhance perceiving by means other
than the five physical senses? With the insertion of higher-frequency
beta signals, our subjects began to find much more, than the usual
blackness. First came light and color patterns seen visually in the
blacked-out booth, with eyes either closed or open. Next came sounds
heard in the head, not a part of the synthesized sounds, but voices,
music, sometimes loud explosions that startled the subject completely
out of Focus 10—something, that has still to be explained. These
phenomena were gradually perceived in a pattern, as somewhat of a band
preceding a change into the out-of-body experience. There were also
preliminary physiological responses—lowering of blood pressure and
pulse, slight temperature drop (03°), loss of muscle tone.
Subjectively, there were reports of a heaviness in the physical body,
sometimes catalepsy, and a strong sense of heat followed by coolness.
As the induction of the OOBE state was examined further, one key
element did repeat consistently. Subjects began to locate within their
nonphysical perception apinpoint of light. When the subject learned to
"move" in the direction of the light until it became larger and larger,
and then move through it, the OOBE state was achieved. In slow motion,
it "felt as if one were going through a tunnel to get to the light," a
classic description that has been brought forth by many who performed
the OOBE inadvertently or in a near-death situation. One new
development was the key that opened many things for us. We now call it
the Hemi-Sync process. Science has long known, that your brain is
into two halves, or hemispheres. But only in recent years has it been
discovered, that these two halves are entirely different in the
functions they perform.
There is still controversy about the theory, as
to details. Most of the time, we think only with our "left brain."
When we use our "right brain," it is primarily to support the action of
the left. Otherwise, we do our best to ignore it. In function, the
nerve signals from these brain halves act in an X crossover. The left
brain controls the right side of the body, and the right brain controls
the left. We are primarily a right-handed civilization, dominated by
our left brains. Only in the last fifty years have left-handers been
accepted as "equals." In many ways, we still discriminate against
lefthanders. Did you know that a pair of scissors is a right-handed
tool?We use the left brain to talk and read, to do mathematics, to
reason deductively, to remember detail, to measure time, among many
other facets—the source of logical, rational thought. It "knows"
nothing else. Our right brain is the
originator of ideas, spatial
sense, intuition, music, emotion, and probably much more than we now
realize. It is timeless, apparently with a language all its own. One
of the best descriptions given to illustrate the difference is with
a reel of movie film. To determine the content, the left brain will put
it on a projector, show the movie on a screen, and thus be informed.
The right brain will pick up the roll of film, hold it for a moment,
then put it down and say, "Oh, I understand." Ridiculous! That's your
left brain's reaction as you use it to read these words. It simply
doesn't compute—by left-brain standards.Basically, we are a
half-brained society. Virtually everything we consider valuable is
operated or controlled by our dominant left brain. Even if it
originates in the right brain, such as an idea or music, the left brain
takes over and puts it to use. How did we get this way? No one is
absolutely sure, but one of the better guesses is that the left-brain
dominance came about because of a basic need to survive in a physical
world. Through thousands of years, our forebears added to left-brainism
because that was the way to get things done. Our entire system—books,
schools, colleges and universities, industry, political structures,
churches—is fundamentally left-brained in learning, application, and
operation. We have generally regarded right-brain thinking with amused
tolerance, suspicion, disgust, irritation, distrust and awe. Then why
bother! Why not stay half-brained and let it go at that. Who needs the
right brain!
We do. Recent studies show we use our right brain
throughout our daily lives in many subtle ways. For example, the left
brain remembers the name, but the right brain remembers the face. (How
many times have you spotted a familiar face but couldn't remember his
name? Left brain, watch out! Studies of world leaders throughout
history indicate they thought with far more than their analytical,
intellectual minds. All great decisions by mankind have been made with
the left brain plus. Plus the right brain? Evidence supports it, based
upon what we now know. Moreover, it's a good guess that the right brain
pulls the voting-booth lever in presidentialel ections. Current theory
centers around the idea, that we shift brain hemisphere dominance many
times during our daily activities. Such a shift takes place instantly,
depending on the mental or physical need at the moment. This seems to
limit even more rigidly the already minor use of our brain/mind
potential. How we got smart enough long enough to climb down out of the
trees and survive as a species, was either dumb luck or a miracle. Or
something else. How do we then go about using more of our brain power?
There have been many ways attempted over the course of human evolution.
Virtually all of them have had drawbacks or limitations in one form or
another. The Hemi-Sync process offers promise and potential in this
area. It can be utilized with relative ease, does not require years of
intensive training, and is not limited to a narrow band of
application.Hemi-Sync (short for hemispheric synchronization) uses
patterns of sound to help create simultaneously an identical wave form
in both brain hemispheres. This means that when your ear hears a
certain type of sound signal, the brain tends to respond or "resonate"
with similar electrical signals. Knowing that various electrical brain
waves are indicators of states of consciousness (such as awake or
asleep), you thus can listen to a similarsound pattern and it will help
you be in the desired state of awareness. Hemi-Sync takes the process
an important step further. Each ear sends its dominant nerve signal to
the opposite brain hemisphere, following the X pattern. When separate
sound pulses are sent to each ear (using headphones to isolate one ear
from the other), the halves of the brain must act in unison to "hear" a
third signal, which is the difference between the two signals in each
ear. For example, if you hear a sound measuring 100 in one ear and
another signal of 125 in the other, the signal your whole brain will"
generate" will be 25.

It is never an actual sound, but it is an
electrical signal that only can be created by both brain hemispheres
acting and working together. The signal so generated is narrow-band in
frequency and often twice the amplitude or strength of a typical EEG
brain-wave form. If the 25 signal (above) is one, that produces a
certain type of consciousness, then the whole brain—both hemispheres—is
focused in an identical state of awareness at the same time. Most
important, the condition can be changed at will by changing the sound
pattern. It also can be learned andre-created from memory when the need
arrives. Once the researcher or clinician is exposed to some of the
potentials of the Hemi-Sync process, his first thought is application
within areas of his own interest. One illustration of this is in the
field of psychiatry. The use of Hemi-Sync in analysis apparently opens
the patient to levels of memory, that may take years to achieve,
standard interview methods. Another experimental use has been in
reduction of stress tension in patients. Sometimes the change is so
subtle that the patient himself is unaware of it. One of our
psychiatric associates was treating an Air Force colonel for
stress related problems. After two weeks working with Hemi-Sync and the
psychiatrist,he angrily wanted to give up.
"It isn't doing a damn thing for me," he reported. "Everything's the
same. I don't feel any different, not a thing." He hesitated. "Well, I
did take my wife out for dinner the other night for the first time in
six months. And, oh yes, I finally took my son out fishing for the
weekend,which I had promised to do for a long time. But that's all.
Nothing else. Not a single thing!" Our psychiatrist friend simply
nodded.There has been much talk about the use of Hemi-Sync with
terminal cases. However, in spite of the broad interest and numerous
requests, very few have actually utilized the system with specific
patients. One example of this took place with another psychiatric
associate, who was treating what might be labeled the hard-core
terminal case. His patient was a psychologist, who had been ill for two
years and had become drug-addicted in order to handle the pain of his
illness. Thus the problems doubled up— the patient was supposed to know
all the answers and would automatically resist all normal treatment,
with the added drug dependency.
Our psychiatrist began working with him
daily, utilizing the Hemi-Sync process. By the Wednesday of the second
week, a simple but very significant event took place. The patient was
able to go to sleep at night for the first time in two years without
any pain or sleep medication. At the end of two weeks, the patient
returned home. He died several months later, and the final report came
from his wife. The psychologist patient had spent a very calm and quiet
last week of his life, completely free of pain, without any medication,
and had a pleasant and peaceful last few days with his family. Our
psychiatrist who treated him believes that his exposure to Hemi-Sync
during treatment made this possible. Another psychiatrist friend,
active in research with schizophrenics, found that under certain
Hemi-Sync patterns one patient lost many of the symptoms of his
illness. When taken off the Hemi-Sync sound, he reverted back to his
typical psychotic condition. This was only one particular patient.
However, it does beg for further investigation, to determine if
thepatient can be trained to replicate the conditions created by
Hemi-Sync, plus some form of encoding or entrainment that would let him
remember and use it in his daily life. Certainly one of the most
successful applications of Hemi-Sync is a training series we call
Emergency Treatment. This is designed to help an individual through the
process of serious illness, accident injury, or surgery. One of the
earliest examples comes to mind. A psychiatric counselor visited our
lab, having heard of some of our
work, and in the course of conversation we discovered that he was at
that time the second-oldest living kidney transplant recipient. He had
undergone some fifteen successive operations over the years to correct
the effects of the chemicals that he had to take in order to avoid
rejection of the transplanted kidney. He was due to go in for surgery
for the sixteenth time on the following Thursday. We suggested that he
try this Emergency Treatment series. He readily agreed. His case was
important in that, because of the many previous operations, his doctor
had a very precise history of his physiological state during surgery,
how much anesthesia he required, what was needed to control his pain,
and his rate of recuperation, among other items. Knowing this, his
doctor agreed to let him use the tape series, which involved
preliminary exercises and then listening to a Hemi-Sync tape in the
operating room
during the actual operation, during recovery, and again
while recuperating. On the scheduled Thursday, he went into surgery at
eleven o'clock.
According to the report, the surgeon very nearly canceled the operation
because of his low blood pressure. However, it was steady, so he
decided that this was not a serious risk. At four o'clock in the
afternoon, the patient called me from his hospital room. He was sitting
up in bed. "I just thought I'd let you know how it went." His voice
sounded strong. "They gave me one shot of pain medication before I had
a chanceto stop them, but I have not needed any since. The only problem
that I had was that I tried to get up and go to the bathroom and I
fainted. The doctor reported that my blood pressure still was very low.
Is that normal?" "Try counting yourself out from ten to one," I
replied, "and then see where your blood pressure is. It would seem that
the recovery tape didn't get you out of it completely. Call me back
after your doctor takes your blood pressure again."He did as suggested,
and reported that his blood pressure had completely returned to normal.
According to the records, his recuperation time was cut in half from
what it had been after all of his previous operations. More important,
he was able to control totally his problem of chronic pain, which had
plagued him in the months and years previously.Once out of the
hospital, he began to develop actively the use of Hemi- Sync for pain
control. He met with the State Rehabilitation Agency, as one of their
major problems in rehabilitation is the control of pain which prevents
many from living and working normally. The State Rehab people became
interested enough so that we were invited to conduct a demonstration at
the Federal Rehabilitation Facility at Hot Springs, Arkansas. As a
result, we received a request for the cost to train personnel in our
process at rehab centers in all fifty states. We provided this, but
never received any further requests. Evidently it was too unorthodox to
fit into a federal budget. The use of Emergency Treatment during
surgery has had varying degrees of success and no failures whenever it
has been properly used. One vascular surgeon has utilized it with over
thirty patients and still has difficulty in enlisting his fellow
practitioners in its use. The president of a major corporation used it
during surgery, and refused any postoperative pain or sleep medication.
He evidently became so annoyed at hospital procedures that he
discharged himself three days after surgery. A young abdominal surgery
and was sky-diving one week later. The Emergency Treatment series has
had a remarkable history. The biggest problem is gaining the consent of
the surgeon and the hospital personnel to its use in their highly
organized environment. For a good night's sleep, Hemi-Sync appears as
effective as prescription drugs. Executives on long airline flights use
it to overcome jet lag. Others find it helpful in stress-tension
reduction or in playing a better game of golf. As a learning tool, it
has a great ability to focus and hold attention. In a particular course
in a government training school, it increased mentalmotor skills by 75
percent. In another test, Morse code students improved their ability by
as much as 30 percent. On the other end of the scale, primary-grade
pupils in Tacoma learned in four weeks what ordinarily took a full
semester. These and other results led us to the beginnings of
definitions of what we were doing and why we were doing it. It appeared
to be something much different from finding ways to trigger OOBE
states. This brought us to the following formal premise. Stated simply,
the Institute holds to the concept that (1)
consciousness and the focusing thereof contain any and all solutions to
the life processes that man desires or encounters; (2) greater
understanding and appreciation of such consciousness can be achieved
only through interdisciplinary approaches and coordination; (3) the
results of related research effort are meaningful only if reduced to
practical application, to "something of value" within the context of
the contemporary culture or era.This led us to the base that
consciousness is a form of energy at work. The first step must
therefore be to perceive the energy itself—no small trick when you are
using yourself to measure yourself, as it were. Once it is perceived in
its raw form, one can possibly begin to understand how it isnaturally
used. Such perception will permit a broader and more deliberatecontrol
of such energy fields. From control, it is a very logical step to apply
it in new and expanded forms. This is all a very circumlocutory way to
say that if you can find out the stuff that makes you think and be, you
can use it in ways that you are not using it now.
In the mid-seventies, a development took place that changed drastically
much of our activities. Only in retrospect did it become discernible.
Esalen at Big Sur in California invited us to conduct a weekend
workshop using our new methods and techniques. In a way, we took it to
be somewhat of a recognition of what we were doing. Esalen was then
known as a beginning source for many new types of psychological theory
and practice, and somewhat a fountain head of intellectual approaches
the human mind. We accepted, and made the trip, not quite sure, what to
expect when we
got there. We had never handled twenty-four people at one time in the
consciousness states familiar to us. I am sure the participants really
didn't know what to expect either, except that it had to do with the
out-of-body experience. We had planned a round-the-clock program, with
food available at all times, and breaking up occasionally for two
cycles of sleep. I and an engineer associate, Bill Yost, were the only
ones there to conduct this marathon. Because we were dealing with
unknown subjects, we brought with
us an affirmation for all of the participants to memorize before they
started the session:
"I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical
matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world.
Therefore, I deeply desire to expand, to experience: to know, to
understand, to control, to use such greater energies and energy systems
as may be beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow me.
I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the
understanding of those individuals whose wisdom, development, and
experience are equal to or greater, than my own.
I ask their guidance and
protection from any influence or any source, that might provide me with
less, than my stated desires."
The results of this first workshop were not spectacular, as far as we
could determine, but we did learn much from it. It certainly provided a
much broader base for our experimental testing. Basically we had
introduced Focus 10 and various simple applications of the potentials
of this particular state of consciousness. Our debriefing indicated,
that we had achieved this goal. The participants learned what Focus 10
was—mind awake, body asleep—and learned how to produce it within
themselves at will. We returned to Virginia well satisfied that the
method was a practical one. Not long thereafter, we began to get
requests from individuals and other organizations to conduct more such
sessions. After reviewing our results, we decided that this would be a
very productive way to conduct experiments on such a broad scale that
we could certainly not afford to do otherwise. Thus we began to conduct
weekend sessions on an occasional basis. We grandly called it the
M-5000 Program, on the premise that we would have a magnificent
statistical base and a highly sophisticated and well-tuned training
system if we ran five thousand participants through it. The information
and experience gleaned from one program would be used to modify each
succeeding program in order to maximize the results. This involved also
obtaining trainers to conduct these sessions, no easy task, and
converting the system into headphones, so that the Hemi-Sync effect
could be fully utilized. After the first few sessions, we realized,
it was folly to presume, that we would ever reach the five-thousand
mark. We also began to recognize that we were creating for the
participant a doorway, a window, a gap through, which he could achieve
other states of consciousness. Thus
it became known as the Gateway
Program. We did little or no promotion for the training series. Those
who attended had heard about it by word of mouth from graduates.
it was experimental, each participant signed a statement to that
effect and was obliged to report results beyond the session itself.
This is not to say that all did so, but enough did to give us
significant statistics. Earlier programs were held over weekends at
motels, conference centers, and special meeting facilities throughout
the United States.
Participants met in a large room where a
distribution system we devised provided the taped training exercises
via headphones. In retrospect, it was astounding that the program was
effective at all,
because often the meeting place directly adjoined the motel lounge and
bar with a live orchestra playing at nighttime. To get around this
problem locally, we wired a small motel some five miles from our
laboratory where we had two-way communication to each room. The major
problem there was that the motel had no restaurant, and all food had to
be catered during the session. It was at this site that we tried an
interesting experiment. We developed an exercise, whereby the
participants simultaneously would be able to move this special mental
energy into a visible pattern of light some one thousand feet above the
motel. In the latter stages of the session, late one night, we put them
through the test. The idea was that the combined energy of some
twenty-four individuals
might provide something we could see. All external lights in the motel
were turned out (the motel itself was out in the country) and by
stopwatch timing we knew the exact moment when any light should appear
above the motel. Four of us went outside and looked up into the
darkness. We had had plenty of chance to accustom our eyes to the
darkness beforehand, so when the signal came at the proper time, we
looked very eagerly. None of us saw anything. Suddenly our electronics
engineer yelled excitedly, "Look higher, look higher!" We did. Most of
us had been looking just above the roof of the motel. We now looked far
up into the sky in astonishment. Against the starlit night there were
soft, red, neonlike waves. They resembled nothing so much as trickling
water moving across an arc of the sky directly atop
the roof of the motel. At exactly the time that the exercise called for
the light to shut off, it suddenly disappeared. Three minutes later the
exercise was repeated on the tape, and the red waving rivulets appeared
again and shut off at the appropriate signal. All four of us observed
it and were tremendously excited by the result. Later at a Gateway
session in California, at a ranch north of San
Francisco,we repeated the exercise. This time we had an engineer with a
special Polaroid camera pointed upward to attempt to take a picture, if
the phenomenon was repeated.
To ensure against the possibility of
fogged film, two photographs were taken just prior to the signal for
the light energy to be generated. During the exercise when the energy
was supposed to be in place, two other pictures were taken. After the
signal was turned off by the tape, subsequent pictures were also taken.
There were some five or six observers present. None of us saw any light
phenomena. However, when we went in afterwards and conducted the
debriefing we examined the Polaroid photographs taken. The ones
preceding the light signal were blank; the two after the exercise were
blank. The two taken during the exercise itself showed a round ball
with a marbleized effect much like the earth seen from a distance. Why
the Polaroid picked up a picture and we could not has been explained by
several physicists and photographers. The film can "see" light
frequencies our eyes cannot. The usual explanations of light leaks,
film fogging, etc., have also been put forward as the source of the
round-ball-of-energy photograph. The blank film before and after made
the two energy photographs more significant, being in the center of the
film pack—a most unlikely place to be preexposed. What does the Gateway
Program really do for an individual? It varies so
much that each seems to find his own answer. Many, of course, have come
on the possibility that they will have an out-of-body experience. Most
of the time this expectation is not fulfilled during the session
itself. Instead, they gain profound insights and understanding of the
purposes behind their being and doing. Not at all unusual are
life-changing peak experiences or moments of revelation never before
encountered and whichneither cannot nor need be repeated.The program
itself teaches the Focus 10 state (mind awake, body asleep).
Participants also learn to move into what is called Focus 12, where all
physical-data input is shut off and the consciousness can reach out and
begin to perceive in ways other than through the five senses. The
action really begins here, where perspectives and overviews change
drastically. It is here where the participant truly understands, that
is "more than his physical body." The Gateway Program thus has evolved
into a unique process of self-exploration and discovery. It first
surmounts the Fear Barrier (of the unknown, of change), which seems to
be the greatest cultural restraint on individual growth. Think of where
you are now as a clearing in a dark forest—we call it C-l
We then take you into the forest to a point where you can still "see"
the familiar clearing. That point is a guidepost (Focus 10). After a
sufficient number of runs between guidepost and clearing, the fear
disappears. At the Focus 10 guidepost, you always know you can get back
to the clearing, if you get uncomfortable for any reason. From the
10 guidepost, another point is established deeper into the forest and
probably "out of sight" of the clearing. This we call Focus 12. After
several runs between guideposts 10 and 12, this too becomes familiar
and secondary fears fade away. You know, that even if you can't
perceive the clearing (C-l) from Focus 12, you can "see" Focus 10—and
from 10,
you know the way back to C-l. The process is expanded to
succeeding guideposts, each deeper and different, beyond ever-expanding
limits. With the Fear Barrier dissolved, one of the greatest gifts to
the human species comes into full play. Curiosity. With the tools
provided, the participant is then free to do as he wishes. He accepts
the authority to do so—and the responsibility. The individual, of his
own accord, without suggestion but through direct experience, begins to
know, rather than believe, that he does survive physical death.
doesn't make any difference what he does during his physical life, what
he believes; he will go on after his physical body dies. Survival
beyond physical death is not a belief system, therefore, but a simple
fact as natural as being born. There is no dogma related to the Gateway
Program—except that when you begin the session, you should seriously
consider that you are "more, than your physical body."It is inevitable,
that the borders between this and other reality-energy systems are
crossed. Many of the results are reported as reunions with "dead"
friends and family as well as encounters with other forms of
intelligent energy not generally recognized or accepted by mainstream
American cultural levels.
Again, if you are aware of the basic effect of the Hemi-Sync
process/that of providing an access to many levels of consciousness
simultaneously, something far different from the usual consciousness
that we use for the most part in our daily lives, you can begin to
grasp some of the potential results.
Through the Gateway Program, we
have been able to conduct testswith the Hemi-Sync process with over
3,000 subjects over the past ten years. With a minimum of twenty
individual test/exercises per subject participant, that comes out to
60,000-plus individual tests of the effectivenessof the method and
techniques involved. That has been and is the basic value to us of the
Gateway Program—a test base of 60,000. At the very least, we know that
we have been able to put people to sleep 60,000 times and awaken them.
That is a pretty good statistic for product testing, especially one
that is noninvasive in its physiological impact. Most significant is
the analysis of the Gateway population—those who have attended the
sessions over the past eight years. First, 41 percent are male. This is
double the norm for the typical self-awareness workshop. Most
researchers agree this is due to the scientific aspect of the Hemi-Sync
process as against more esoteric origins. Second, 29 percent are
what we label professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists,
educators, scientists, engineers, etc. These attend principally to
determine possible applications in their own areas of interest. Third,
the average age is thirty-nine, which puts Gateway completely out of
the age range of the faddist and "in" transient group. Finally, 83
percent attend for one basic reason and come away with another, more
valuable result. The best way that we can report the meaning of Gateway
is to give you some of the reports that, we have received relative to
the program from those who have attended. Here are a few of these:
"The most thrilling experience for me was with Focus 15 on increased
vibrations: I felt the energy flow going slowly up on one side and down
on the other side of my body, then faster and faster. I felt I would
become a spiral, then a point, and so I did, and as a compact unit I
was flying higher and higher...But then I thought: I cannot go any
further, any higher—and in a flash I 'hear': Hey, you limit yourself!
Okay, then, I overcame, accepted,
and off I was, I felt projected like a Sputnik into the universe, to
the stars, another entity integrated in the all. Feeling this oneness
was an indescribable joy and happiness!
The deep lesson I took from
this exercise was, that although having heard and read many times, that
we are what we think, that we limit ourselves by our mind, there I was
experiencing something unique, at least for me, by overcoming doubts or
limitations, which I am solely responsible for."
". . . That morning, having lost interest in holding the solar system
in my hands (can't believe I just said that!) as the tape had directed
me to do, I visualized the Focus 15 blue 'door.' Finding nothing there,
I proceeded through red, yellow, pink, green, purple, and finally into
white. Using white as 'Level 21,' I continued to '26,' where I then
(and have since) received messages for other people in the program. I
later moved to '27,' where I had previously found my father. Feeling,
that he was busy, I decided to try uncharted (to me) territory.
"Devising a digital counter, I sailed backward through darkness as the
counter flashed numbers faster, than I could read them. Somewhere near
where I perceived to be 100 (98?), I stopped and saw many people
milling around. They looked like HOLOGRAMS, but conveyed the message of
being'alive.' Some ignored me, some moved away, but several approached
me with great joy. I sensed, that the latter felt, that they were
stranded and thought, that I was there to guide them back. I asked
about the others and was told that some were just exploring, and would
return to their bodies when they felt like doing so, while others were
waiting for their bodies to die, so they could be free. The ones
speaking to me, though, said, that they got there inadvertently, and
were not able to return on their own.
"At this point, Bob, I heard your barely audible voice saying, 'You
will now return to Focus 10.' In panic, I felt I needed your voice to
find my way back. I tried to piggyback someone, but was not able to,
and returned to my CHEC Unit, in what I felt was the nick of time. With
a great sigh of relief, and an expletive or two, I reexamined the
experience, and am doing so again at the moment of this writing: "No
time" consciousness.
Holistic Environmental Chamber.
1. I don't believe, that it was a dream. As I type this, two weeks
the event took place, I'm still overcome with a feeling of
2. I don't believe in coincidence. Although the implications are not
clear to me, I feel that there is a reason I experienced something I
had never consciously thought about before.
3. Fact: There are people in various institutions, who are catatonic or
comatose and whom medical science has not been able to reanimate."
"l am now considering, what to me is the strong possibility, that
anything, that can be formed into five physical senses, language,
oriented thought is an illusion. Extraphysical feeling is as
close, as
I can come to, describing what is ultimate reality for me now.
"When I seek to perceive ultimate reality for me, (what I think you are
referring to when you use the word 'home'), I experience blankness and
bliss. Blankness, not because it is blank, but because I attempt to
experience it with mental processes, that are geared to the five
physical senses and that are in the habit of perceiving illusion. I am
trying to use my biological illusion computer to perceive beyond the
apparent limits of illusion. Like trying to smell a flower with your
ear. I experience bliss, because emotional feeling is the only
perceptual tool, that I am able to use to sense beyond the illusion. If
there are other perceptual tools, that are available to me, they are
either atrophied by lack of use, and must somehow be reactivated, or
they must be initially activated.
" . . . During one 'Rebal' breathing exercise I experienced what was
the beginning of some rather puzzling happenings. For reasons unknown
to me I was suddenly in a black box—a void of total blackness. It was
like being juggled from one extreme to the other—from total sensation
to lack of sensation. Frustration began to invade me, for I found it
was somewhat difficult finding a way out of this vast blackness. In my
next tape I began to experience the blackness again, and that's when I
started to worry.
At our next meal I mentioned what was occurring to
our trainer, hoping she might offer a solution. "During our discussion,
my problem was overheard by a few males at the table who had apparently
been listening in. Later one of the men took me aside to explain. He
told me that a few of the men in our group had found themselves
fantasizing about me during their own tape experiences— hence all the
sexual thought vibrations I was picking up. He also told me that,
having a hard time dealing with their sexual attraction, they were
putting me in their 'energy conversion box' (a place to leave problems
behind) before embarking into their other states of consciousness. They
had all helped put me in my black void so as not to distract them! At
first I was annoyed at this. How dare they influence my experiences!
How dare their sexual energy have that much control over me! I still
marvel at how powerful thoughts are, and three men's directed at me was
overwhelming. At the same time I felt somewhat naive for not having
picked up the signs earlier, but I was much too wrapped up in how the
workshop was changing me to fully get into what others were thinking.
But this was not the end...I transformed my annoyance at being
used as a 'sex object,' even if only consciously projected, and started
wondering what growth could be gained from this experience. It started
me thinking along other lines and what was to follow would change the
course of my life. And it happened simply because I asked the divine
forces in all sincerity for me, to be able to experience spiritual
I asked not for me to be the recipient of it, but that I might learn,
to give to others to my fullest ability. My request was granted:
"As I went into the next tape I kept that thought in mind — I wanted to
feel what it would be like to feel a part of the love in the universe,
to in a sense actually be making love to a part of me, a part of
everyone. I left my own CHEC Unit at that point (nonphysically; OOBE)
and felt an urge to visit my other Gateway participants. Straying into
one room, I called softly to one of the people. He seemed taken aback
to see me and I told him not to be alarmed, that I was only there to
send him love and then left after blowing him a quick goodbye kiss.
(Later this person recalled that he heard a soft voice in his ear
calling his name.
He said, that he had felt a surge of love upon hearing
it, but wasn't sure, where it came from.) "Then quite unexpectedly I
suddenly drawn by a powerful force to one room in particular—to one
CHEC Unit in particular. It took me by total surprise, for the man in
that unit was someone I didn’t know very well. In fact, he was the only
one at the workshop I had never really had a chance to talk to. He was
a young, good-looking psychologist, yet for some reason we seemed to be
purposely avoiding each other. All at once I had an all-knowing, as I
seemed to float over him, that his vibrations were my vibrations. I had
an overwhelming desire to meld, to feel a part of him—to become one. It
was truly one of the sharpest and clearest of experiences. "I gave to
him both my body and soul, until there was this tremendous energy
surge, that rocked and exploded in us. It was an experience, that is
beyond words, for love, total and absolute, surrounded us more strongly
than can' be earthly experienced or imagined. The more I gave, the
greater I received and I didn't want to let go. I wanted to give him
even more. It was like two energies in perfect unison becoming one at
last. (I can remember thinking how physical sex paled in comparison.)
"Memories of past lives together came rushing in like flashes of light.
We talked in this state and I came to realize this experience could
only have happened at the end of the workshop as it did, for each of us
would have been distracted had we 'met' earlier on—perhaps hampering
other growth experiences that week. There was a meeting of both our
minds with this experience and I knew our meeting had been more than
coincidence—it was predestined. "I truly experienced everything I asked
for and more, and when I came down to the meeting room after the tape
there was an unusual heightened energy where people seemed to be
flying. I saw 'him' as I came down the stairs to join the group and he
looked at me excitedly, ecstatically, as if something totally
incredible had happened to him. I hadn’t said a word yet, as he quietly
repeated a number of times, 'Thank you. Thank you.' I felt elated—I had
made contact. We compared our individual experiences, making sure each
of us was not coloring the other's story. It didn't matter—our stories
fit like puzzle pieces, matching perfectly and interlocking.
We both
had also had the use of all our senses— the strongest being touch.
After this experience we were later reunited to share others together.
We've been with each other for the past two years now—growing and
loving together. So much did I learn at my Gateway experience—but I was
truly lucky to get it all. I not only got the icing—I got the whole
Today the Gateway Program is held for a full seven-day period at our
Center facility in Virginia. The Center is designed specifically to
handle the Gateway Program. No longer does one have to lie on the floor
for taped exercises. Instead the Center now provides what are called
CHECUnits (Controlled Holistic Environmental Chambers), which provide
isolation much as we had in our original laboratory booths. Not only
are the taped exercises conducted by headphones in the CHEC Unit, but
theparticipant actually sleeps in these during the night. Because it is
much like a Pullman berth on the old railroad trains, some people
initially feel they cannot sleep in there the first night, because of a
sense of claustrophobia perhaps. With the environmental treatment in
the CHEC Unit— fresh air and temperature control plus sleep sounds that
are available—the main problem after the second night is to wake them
up, the isolated sleep has been so productive and restful. It helps
achieve such a complete sleep, that a number of participants have built
CHEC Units in their own homes. Because the Gateway Program is so
difficult to produce and conduct
properly, each year we question the value of continuing it. All
things considered, it is certainly not a financial success, although
supposedly we are the only research facility, that charges for the
privilege of being a volunteer. Each time we consider closing it down,
we receive just coincidentally another report from a graduate, who
states how meaningful and how constructive have been the results of his
attendance. So we schedule another year of Gateways.
4. Explorer Team Amid the diversion of Gateway sessions, visitors
ranging from psychologists and electronics engineers to ex-flower
children with backpacks, mail response to the original Journeys, we
continued our research program with our volunteer group in the
laboratory. The group became consistently more proficient in achieving
other forms of consciousness, including the out-of-body state. However,
personal events in their lives (such as moving to another city) brought
the regular weekly group down to six. These were the physicist,
electronics engineer, social services executive, transpersonal
psychologist, office manager, and psychiatric counselor. I would have
liked to use actual names, but several felt their employers would take
a dim view of it all. Therefore, no names at all. One of the most
peculiar aspects was that their experiences paralleled my own only in
the preliminary stages. They could and did replicate myown near
out-of-body experiences but from that point on there seemed little
similarity. Possibly because of the confidence factor of a monitor with
whom to communicate, in some respects they had freedoms that I had
never experienced. So that the picture is clear: The subject lies on a
water bed in a darkened, acoustically and electrically shielded 8-by-10
room (usually booth 2, everyone's favorite for some unknown reason).
The booth has its own airconditioning and heating controls. Electrodes
for monitoring physiological states are glued to head, fingers, and
body. A sound microphone hangsabout four inches above the face. Audio
headphones completely cover each ear. Most important, the subject has
just gone to the bathroom to be sure the bladder is empty. Too many
sessions had been aborted, because the subject reported a "problem" in
the physical body, only to find upon a hurried return, that it was
nothing more, than a distended bladder. Evidently the total physical
relaxation encourages this body process. In the control room twenty
feet down the hall, a human monitor
(I or one of several others)
communicates vocally through a sound system with the person in the
booth. The monitor also feeds Hemi-Sync sound into the subject's
either to test responses to new frequencies or to aid the subject in
achieving desired states of consciousness. Finally, the monitor
observes and notes changes in instrument readouts on the subject's
physiological condition. Often an assistant is present to help in the
processing. Here is a typical "entry" report, the beginning of an OOBE,
transcribed from an early file recording during an experiment:
"I am going rapidly now through a tunnel—I was standing straight up and
now I am just sort of sucked up through this tunnel. It is very narrow
and I am rapidly shooting through this Tunnel. Now I can see a point of
Light at the other end. I am traveling rapidly to this point of Light.
It is like I am on some type of Light Beam, that is helping to propel
me. I am coming out. I am going into a different dimension and I have
just completely slowed down. And I am right at the opening of this
point. And now I am gently coming through and everything is green. It
is so bright, that it is almost blinding, because of coming out of a
dark tunnel. It is a different feeling. Now it is a real strong energy,
that seems
to be pressing against me. It is a great feeling now. This is a new
energy level. I feel a strong—everything around me is green. It is so
bright, that it is taking me a minute to adjust and to absorb, where I
There was one "small" problem. Once our subjects passed through the
light or achieved the out-of-body state, they were not particularly
interested in hour after hour of dull searching for new effective sound
frequency patterns. They would still perform the tasks, but beyond the
tunnel and into the Light was Paris! Keeping them on the farm was
certainly no trivial problem. So we had to play a little. And play we
did. We sent our subjects to explore the moon, which they found a very
place. We went to other parts of the solar system, theother planets,
and found them, as far as we could determine, nothing but mile after
mile of craters and mountains or simply layers of turbulent matter—
vegetation, no sign of life, nothing to truly attract our human
attention. We did find that in such a state as the OOBE, a different
kind of consciousness seemed to exist.
The overview of the subject was
different. For example, what to us in the control room was a minute
could become hours or timeless to the volunteer in the booth. It was at
this point that we began to call them our Explorer team. Like most
humans, we were possessed with the idea or hope that there had to be
intelligent life somewhere among the billions of stars, that we could
perceive physically. So in our play we took to sending our Explorers
out beyond the solar system at what appeared a near-instantaneous
change of locale.
The instruction was to keep going, until he or she
perceived something worthwhile. They passed by the other suns, found
other planets, but no intelligent life. It seemed to us a sterile
universe. The change came in 1974. It took place in all of our
Explorers within
several weeks. Some had never met one another, so there was no
In looking back to examine the reason for this massive change, the only
thing, that we could find, was: we had inserted the affirmation
for the Gateway Program at the beginning of each experimental session
in the lab. Other than that, we made no significant changes in
Hemi-Sync frequencies, basic environment, or methods of presentation.
It may have been the second part, that was the catalyst: '... Also, I
deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance,
the understanding of those individuals whose wisdom, development, and
experience are equal to or greater, than my own. I ask their guidance
protection from any influence or any source, that might provide me with
less, than my stated desires.' It was suddenly, as if a curtain had
been lifted. Almost every time one
of our Explorers went into the out-of-body state or simply into an
advanced Focus 12, they encountered intelligent beings, who were more
less willing to communicate—and could do so. After several years of
finding only barrenness, the effect upon us was overwhelming. We
sometimes had difficulty knowing, how to handle it. Here is a portion
the transcriptfrom the file recording of one of these early meetings.
"Back into regular 12. Had two encounters—the first with an unseen
intelligence who replied to a general query for communications. Sort of
an 'I'll talk to you,' but it was obvious that he (I guess, I say 'he',
because I got the feeling of a 'he') wanted to listen and said 'O.K.,
what do you want to talk about?' And as I tried to put the burden on
him or it forsome information about itself, about its environment, I
got the feeling it was angry for being bothered. Sort of like bumping
into a busy New York pedestrian. The second was much more interesting.
The second communication, I didn't just get an intelligence, but got a
complete visual image. Female, late thirties, and she was very pleased
to communicateand offered to show me around and showed me a lot of the
facility. I don't know what else to call it that she was in. We walked
up to this wall and two big doors swung open and there was nothing
there, that seemed impressive at all, but she thought, that these
markings and irregularities of the surface were quite something. I
don't know why. Ididn’t relate to it at all.
I asked her, if she was in
any way familiar with physical matter existence, as I knew it, and she
asked me to explain. I really didn’t know, how to explain physical
matter, so I asked,
if it was all right, if I came back and that I wanted
to leave to report in. She seemed a little dismayed, that I was taking
off after getting partway through the tour, but she said,
'all right,'
and that brings us up to the present moment."
Monitor: "Very good. In your return, try and understand the type of
energy being utilized there."
(TIME LAPSE: 3 minutes)
"O.K., I thought I had better report back again before I forgot much of
what went on. Reestablished contact with same female. She was quite
surprised, that I did return. Pleased.
At first, I began to wonder, what
this intelligence really looked like to itself. Was I just imposing my
own image of female humanoid form?
And we discussed this, realizing,
that I was creating this image of her and could not really tell whether
this was her own image of herself or not. She, likewise, was creating
an image of me, in a likeness to which she was familiar, and whether or
not these likenesses were similar, mine and hers, there was no way to
tell, so we left that question. Then I got an itch of some intensity
that began on my neck and tried to explain that I existed in another
reality besides the one I was sharing with her and that I had a
physical body elsewhere and that the physical body had an itch on its
neck and was disturbing the focus of my attention, and that is why I
seemed to be fading in and out as my attention wavered. She seemed to
think that was quite incredible. I don't believe she believed me at
all. She just kind of ignored that statement like one might ignore
somebody who says an irrational thing. I asked about her physics. She
took me to another place where there was another entity. This one male,
and there was a writing surface, much like ablackboard, but not a
blackboard, whereupon he attempted to explain the nature of things
there. We had no success at all with his writing. The marks he made on
this surface, this blackboard, were totally unintelligible to me, and
after a few efforts we gave up. We tried to go to pictures. All the
time we could communicate telepathically. Pictures were O.K.
He drew some pictures, and from the telepathic exchange, I felt that
their science, indeed their concept of their existence and reality was
in many ways similar to our own, in that they were fixed in that
reality and could not travel out of it, as I had traveled out of
physical reality into theirs. I do not know whether they even believed,
that there was another reality other, than their own. They had a
physical science much as we do, in that objects in their reality obeyed
specific laws. I tried to see if any of their laws were similar to
ours, such as gravitation. It was very difficult to tell. I could not
separate what was their concept of their reality, all I could do was
translate into my own concepts, meaning I did not see them floating
around in air, but whether that was because they experience a thing
like gravity like we do or whether that was a function of my own
experience, visualizing humanoids not floating in the air, I could not
tell. But I did feel, that they had a basic physical science, that
ruled the objects of their reality. They did not move things around by
thought processes or anything like that. It seemed like an Earth-type
physical reality to them, although I don't
recognize many of their devices and structures —
seemed very foreign, but
they seemed to be fixed and isolated within those devices and
structures. Somehow I appear to them, as one of their own kind, whether
that's humanoid or not, I don't know. Maybe I should have tried to find
out, where they think, I came from or who they think, I might be." Here
another, to give you a feeling for a different point of contact:
"I am talking with my green man and practicing going up and down, to
where they are...and found out, why he has this green robe. He said,
that he did not need it, but that I needed it to make me more
comfortable with him. And he said, that I still have some fears, so he
still wants me to feel more comfortable with going in and out of my
body... I want to sit and talk with him some more...he just
kind of sat down and talked about me and where I am. And he told me,
that he is kind of my overseer. And he is somewhat
responsible for my growth and development. Overseer in that contact and
responsibility. Apparently he has been through a lot of lives and
different lifetimes...and I don't know, if they are a part of him or
not. "I feel very comfortable here, like this is, where I belong and I
have felt like this before. Think I made some progress, because this
time I did not need any folks to help me.
I was just there seeing them.
More like a vote of confidence, than anything else. I asked him, what
was doing here, and he said, 'Here, that is something, that you are
trying to pinpoint. Here isn't...here does not matter.' I don't
know why, but I really feel very tired. I feel like, I am ready to come
back all of a sudden. I noticed it before, that it was like a flash,
but it was dark in here. There was a
surprise, because it was just like a flash of light, that came on." Far
more significant were the instances, where our Explorers quickly "made
friends" with a being or beings (entities?), who seemed to have no
special interest in or connection to or with our Explorer. Here is a
sample of an Explorer response to one of these:
"I recontacted the source and asked the source about his pointers and
perspective, and asked him, if he was familiar with the earth, and his
reply was: 'Yes, that is my territory.'
I got the idea, that the Earth
was sort of his assigned beat. I also got the idea, that he and other
entities are made available to us to help us maximize or get through
our earth experience. I don't mean 'get through' like 'get it over
with.' I mean to help us get as much out of it, as possible. They are
there like explainers or helpers and not particularly assigned to earth
duty. I then asked about geological conditions in the next ten years.
He picked data up from my mind and knew, what I was thinking about and
said, 'I didn’t know, that information was available.' He was
that this information was given out or had been released. He was not
aware, that such information was being released." Another type occurred
in this fashion:
". . . Point of light. Other than that, I don't perceive anything."
Monitor: "How does the light feel?"
"It feels like a star. When I focus on it, I begin to float."
Monitor: "Experiment with the light."
"Now they are getting closer, now I am getting closer to them."
(TIME LAPSE: 2:55)
New Voice: "How are you?"
Monitor: "I am very glad to meet you. I am very thankful that you came."
New Voice: "It is hard to get here."
Monitor: "What is the difficulty?"
New Voice: "There are many layers to penetrate."
Monitor: "We are very, very grateful, that you did penetrate the layers
to us. We will help in any way, that we can."
New Voice: "Her color pattern is very good. We must find a way to help
her let go."
Monitor: "Do you have any recommendations?"
New Voice: "There needs to be a period in which she goes very deep."
Monitor: "A longer preliminary period, then, would you suggest?"
New Voice: "Possibly. It will get easier as the trust builds. There is
still a lot of fear."
Monitor: "I am very grateful for your concern for her."
New Voice: 'Wow she is feeling a lot of disharmony. I have taken her to
a place, where she can rest."
In this case, the subject had no memory whatsoever of the event or
encounter. The last, that she remembered, was working with the colors.
Changes in voice quality and monitoring instruments supported the idea
of another "presence" or personality in the body of SHE. We had much
discussion of the advisability of continuing along this route, in spite
of the immense interest and excitement it generated among our group.
The fact of the matter is, I suspect, there was at that stage no actual
means, that we knew of to "turn off" such communication. I suspect
that no one wanted to anyway, at the least, myself.
One Explorer
developed a very close relationship with, what appeared to be, some
or five beings, one of whom acted as a spokesman. Here is the
transcript of the recording of a major step in that relationship.
"I was watching, what happened and experiencing at the same time. The
four helpers just helped to lift, as this energy body just came to my
physical body. The four helpers helped to lift my energy body out, and
I just felt real light and really, really good and got the sense then,
that this energy form, that was then sort of implanted or just, in
words, it was in my body then. It was just energizing my body. It was
just light and well protected, and I felt good being out and felt very
light and then I could sense that energy of being. One person was just
talking about, how they could or would like to experiment in trying to
use my body sort of like a transmitting set between dimensions. I'll be
able to step out and feel very safe and confident with these helpers
and light and happy and still be able to observe, if I would like,
what's going on with the energy being."
Monitor: "Do they want to perform any other experiment now?"
"O.K. The feeling that maybe they would just like to experiment a
little bit with talking maybe through my vocal cords, but I still am
not out far enough, that I might get out of the way. It will be with
practice and
experimentation, and then, as I learn to be less, I mean be more
and just let it flow and go along and not let my mind stop it. The more
they practice, it will be able to flow more rapidly, so they just want
to experiment for just a short time with trying to come through with
some thoughts through my vocal cords and my mental faculties, so to
speak. So we will just see what, we will try to see, what happens here."
Monitor: "Right. I will be here, if you need me."
(TIME LAPSE: 3:23)
New Voice: "Greetings. I am speaking through these vocal cords and I
would like to speak to this young lady as she observes what is taking
place. Her physical body is seeming to heat up very rapidly. Sometimes
it will be in a cool stage, but other times it will be in a heated
stage, and the molecules of the energy body, which is working through
her physical body, is working at a more rapid rate and, therefore,
right at this time, there is a feeling of heat surrounding this body.
This young lady will understand what is happening when we first come
into her aura. There will be the feeling of warmth, and as she gets
more relaxed and is able to begin her float above her physical body,
she will experience as the coolness and feeling of relaxation, complete
relaxation, the feeling of complete calm, complete peace, and complete
security. And then there will be the light stage and the coolness that
will come over her and she will know that she is gently going out of
the body, but will always be in complete control if she so chooses. She
is always there to observe, to speak at any time, or can always even
choose to step into other dimensions; and there will be those who will
help her into those other dimensions, and while this is taking place,
we will work with trying to bring through information through these
vocal cords. This is a special experiment of stepping into knowledge
dimensions, and this could never be done were it not for you with the
knowledge that you bring and with the great light and confidence that
you surround this whole project that you work on. I have worked with
others who will come in as we reach different dimensions and levels. We
will not say higher or lower—they are light dimensions as we break
through into the various levels. It is
easier to bring through the knowledge. I am working now on the level
where this entity is presently, but we will work together through
various levels. There are others who are working with her. I speak in
terms of 'we' because each time, that I come, we come as a group, there
are the others, who are the
assistants and will always be there to bring the energy levels up and
to work. And we say, that you are doing exactly, what is necessary to
help the situation to be in that perfected state, whereby the energies
can be released into other levels of consciousness.
And now we will
step out and allow her to step back fully into her own body. It is a
privilege. Thank you, dear friends."
Her confidence in the group was so great, that their assistance was
much standard operating procedure. For example, in order to help her
get out of the body, four of these beings would position themselves,
two on each side, and simply "lift her out." This made it all the
simpler to get on, with what had to be done. An interesting sidelight
this particular routine took place some months later. The Explorer ROMC
usually had a lab session at five o'clock on Wednesdays. On this
particular Wednesday she had canceled several days in advance. By
coincidence on that Wednesday, a female psychologist from the
Washington area dropped in to visit. She was quite skeptical of, what
were doing, and we spent several hours that afternoon, going over our
methods and techniques. Finally, in order to help her understand a
little better, I suggested, that she go into booth 2 and lie down and
listen to some of the Hemi-Sync patterns and find out for herself, if
she had any response to them. She agreed, fully expecting, that there
would be nothing unusual about, what was to happen. With her
I was inclined to agree. After about five minutes in the booth with the
Hemi-Sync sound in her ears, her voice came through the intercom
speaker. "There is someone else in the booth with me." I pushed the
microphone button. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Of course I am sure. As a
matter of fact, there are four of them." I made contact again. "Are you
sure there are four?"
"I can perceive them very clearly. There are two at my feet and two at
my head."
I pushed the mike button again. "What are they doing?" "They are trying
to lift me out of my body, if you can believe that." Suddenly I knew
the answer. I looked up at the clock.
It was ten minutes after five—on Wednesday
afternoon. ROMC's friends can get trapped in routines, too. I burst out
laughing. I was about to reach for the microphone and explain it to the
woman in the booth, when I thought better of it. I pushed the mike
button. "What are they doing now?"
"They have stopped trying to lift me out of my body," her voice came
back. "And they are arguing," It was difficult to keep a calm voice as
I responded.
"What are they
arguing about?"
"The four want to lift me out, and now there is a fifth, that is
with them, that they should not."
"Do you want them to?" I asked.
"I don't think so," her voice came back. "Now they have stopped arguing
and they are going away, so I guess, there is no problem."
I smiled, as I pushed the mike button, and said, "Well, just relax a
and I'll get you out in few minutes. Are you comfortable now?"
"Oh yes," she responded. "I am fine."
I left her in the booth for some ten to fifteen minutes and watched, as
the gauges showed, that she was relaxing into a light sleep. After a
suitable time I awakened her and brought her out much refreshed. She
was somewhat bewildered by the experience and made a valiant attempt to
stay skeptical. I showed her the appointment schedule, that usually
called for an experimental session, then I played a recording of the
actual "lifting out" techniques, as described by the Explorer subject.
She finally left, a very puzzled and preoccupied individual. Things
like that are hard on belief systems, when they happen to most people.
The problem was that so many were happening to us. There were many
suspenseful moments. It should be noted here, that reaching this state
of trust and communication and/or association with these friendly
entities and beings took hours and hours of preliminary contact, plus
"third party" communication discussions. It did not happen overnight to
the degree indicated here. A great mass of material, provided through
such beings, had to do with information of a philosophic nature or
suggestions and advice, regarding the personal well-being of the
Explorers involved. In no case was any drug or any other medication
used in any of our experiments. Moreover, there are indications, that a
magnetic field is generated of a type, with which our science is
unfamiliar. One of the results of this is to set up magnetic fields in
nearby electrical loops as well, as audio cables. Another is to affect
nearby magnetic tape to such an extent, that a "print through" takes
place from one layer of tape to another.
The recording industry would
like very much to know how to do this at a commercial level. However,
of course, the results that we have are not significant enough to be
commercially viable. Not yet, at least.
One night, when we got into our cars parked outside some twenty feet
from booth 2, we found that the batteries were dead in all three cars.
They jump-started quite easily, as it was a summer night, and stayed in
charge afterward. Cars parked on the other side, or sixty feet away,
were unaffected. Thus we learned we had better not park too close to
booth 2 during certain experiments with specific Explorers. Exactly why
this took place—and still does so—we don't know. In the current
Explorer group, only two remain from the original team.
The tide of personal events has moved the others away from the area,
their lives visibly altered by the experience. The original material is
still being processed. Meanwhile, more is entering through sessions in
our new lab facility. Perhaps we need a few more doctors, with other
New Associations
In hundreds of hours of Explorer communication to date, about one-third
consists of those instances, where, with the Explorer's permission,
their friendly entities take over their physical bodies and speak,
the Explorer's vocal cords. The other two-thirds are contacts made by
the Explorer, who then converses with the nonphysical third party and
reports the conversation. In both cases, the monitor in the control
room (living physical domain!) becomes a part of such discussions. What
we call the Explorer Material is a combination of fascinating,
baffling, awe-inspiring, thought-provoking, sometimes boring data, that
is certainly much in conflict with many of the belief systems, that we
have within our culture and civilization. The most important
possibility by far is the reality of the Explorer Material, their
experiences, and especially these friendly entities, who assist them.
Second to this is the fact, that the process is ongoing, expanding. To
resolve that possibility one way or another will take some doing and
some capacities far beyond the limits of our organization. In examining
the Explorer sessions in consensus, certain elements repeat themselves:
1. Whatever they may be, such nonphysical third parties have the
ability to radiate a warmth of friendliness, that evokes complete
trust—even with their lives—on the part of the Explorers.
2. Such beings are first of all totally solicitous as to the well-being
of the Explorer and spend much time in attempting to advance the best
mental and physical state of the human being with whom they are
3. A being usually appears to the Explorer in the form of a hooded
figure, whose face is hidden in shadow and apparently invisible to the
Explorer. Once the Explorer becomes completely familiar with the "feel"
of the entity, the hooded robe is discarded and the Explorer can
perceive nothing, but still senses the radiation, that is the entity.
4. In speaking to the Explorer, the being is limited in vocabulary to
that in the memory bank of said Explorer. Therefore it often shows
hesitation in searching for the correct word to express, what needs to
be described—and often there is no such word in the memory of the
5. During visits by certain of These Beings, especially when they use
the physical body to speak through, there is a change in body voltage
and other bio-monitoring data in the Explorer. Without further comment,
here are excerpts from various sessions.
SS/TC (PHYSICIST) 22:30 MIN #372
"I've gotten all kinds of things, and I've been trying to sort them and
put them into some kind of rational order. First of all, I had the
impression that physical matter reality—inasmuch of I guess what is
normally called reality, not only physical matter, but also a certain
amount of our daydreaming and our imaginative intuitive qualities—is
part of a, sort of like a large daydream or thought from a Higher
Consciousness, fast as we can daydream and invent characters and
situations, we are characters in a situation, that was invented or
dreamt, quite consciously dreamt by a more Advanced sort of
Consciousness. The part, that we have to play in this daydream is one
of education, one of learning and bettering ourselves, striving to
become more. Now, I'm not clear why this kind of Overconsciousness or
Over-Soul (Sun, LM) is having this daydream, but I have the feeling,
that it is for its own education. It learns as we learn. Anyway, we
have such limited Consciousness to begin, because if you are going to
set up a situation, where you expect certain processes to happen—these
processes, of course, are our education, our learning—you don't set up
the most complex and involved experiment or situation. You set up a
simple one, that you can produce, that still has the qualities to get
the results, that you want. This is the reason that we are seemingly of
such limited Consciousness. But the reason, that we have an option to
develop Our Consciousness more fully is part of the Experiment itself.
We are to Grow and Evolve and Become and Learn through experience in
and as closely, as we can come to understanding and being a part
of, our Understanding a Part of Our Sun, Our Over-Soul daydreamer, if
you like, then sort of the more Power to us. The more of that we can
understand, then the more learning, that we've acquired. So it's not
really—well, I take that back. It's not so much, that we are driven to
Expand Our Awareness or that we should be, other, than it's available,
and being available makes it a direction, in which we can evolve, if we
so choose. That's a little jumbled to myself, but that's the way it's
coming out."
"I've been on a, almost like a vortex I was caught in. Twenty-two
(Focus) is not physical in any way. Twenty-one can be either physical
or nonphysical, depending on where you choose to Focus the Energy.
"It's neither up, nor down, nor forward or backward. Twenty-one, all
appear very comfortable, but very different. The sense I have like a
rainbow, going before me of colors, and they are like the
colors, that Miranon has described, but they are all going at different
beats and moving. It is like I see a spectrum of 22 through, I don't
know, through 28, something
like that and they are all interwoven. I think I could draw it for you.
I like 21, so I have just kind of stayed here and the sense, that I
have, it's like, when you asked that, I got the illusion of looking at
a sunset and having it sense, that the horizon is the end, but that
it's only an illusion because as you go forward in the levels, new
levels arise."
Other Voice: "I apologize for being so late, but I need to thank you
and to tell you, that I am glad you received my message. If you would
like to explore these levels, I would be very happy to do so with you."
Monitor: "I would appreciate it very much."
Other Voice: "As I have said to you earlier, plants exist on levels one
through seven. They are on a vibrational rate on the levels one through
seven. It is the same pattern.
Animals exist on the levels eight through fourteen, and when a person
attains, when a consciousness attains level fourteen, it can no longer
go any higher unless it is willing to change its form of consciousness.
Levels fifteen through twenty-one are what you call human life on this
Earth. When a person progresses to level twenty-one, he then has the
choice of going higher or staying within the realm of human form, but
he cannot go higher, unless he is willing to give up human form."
Monitor: "Give up being human?"
Other Voice: "Levels twenty-two through twenty-eight are your bridge.
They are your levels that you enter upon death. You are on level twenty
and because, that is an ascending level, you can enter into the realm
beyond physical life, but you cannot stay there unless you are willing
to give up your human form. Is that clear?"
Monitor: "That much is clear, yes."
Other Voice: "And then once a person or a consciousness—we are talking
about consciousness—reaches level twenty-eight, the bridge is crossed,
and from that point on for a consciousness to evolve higher, it would
not again assume human form of any kind, not even as a learning
experience. I will never incarnate again as a human—as another form of
life, yes, but not as a human. The words are very hard because your
plane of existence is not the same. Perhaps I can explain it by asking
you to image seven of the circles, which would give you the forty-nine
levels. The first three levels are physical matter as you know physical
matter. They are your plants, your animals, your humans. The fourth
circle is your bridge, your realm, your center for that overall plane.
It is the time, in which a consciousness can choose whether to go back
into the lower levels or to transcend into the higher levels, and many
consciousnesses do choose to go back into the lower levels in physical
form. The upper three circles are the realm, that in your consciousness
is called the spiritual realm, and here much of the work is done. I
could not help someone, who was not on the eighteenth level very much,
because my plane, my vibrational rate would be different.
This is why, it is hard for me to help you with specific problems. I
give you ideas, but I cannot give you the direct guidance I could, if
you were on level eighteen. Our planes do touch since yours is an
ascending spiral—an ascending, what is your word for that? It is an
ellipse. It is an ascending ellipse, and therefore I can cross and
communicate with you, but not as directly. Once I reach level
forty-nine, which I will, I then leave all of
this realm of existence. It does not mean I have reached the highest
point by any means. It simply means, I have left this group of seven,
this overall group of seven. Imagine, if you will, the seven circles
enclosed in an even larger circle upon which seven more circles are
stacked, which is in turn enclosed in even a great circle. Then you can
have some idea of what infinity is. It does not ever stop."
Monitor: "Well, I must confess that 'it' is kind of hard on my tiny,
poor physical matter consciousness."
Other Voice: "That is true. I must—it is very hard on my consciousness
also. I feel at times, because I am very near to completing this
circle, that I have accomplished a major evolvement for my
consciousness, but then when I try to explain it, I realize just how
far I have yet to go and how little I have actually gone through.
Because my level of consciousness is one of love, I leave you with
love. Good day."
SS/SCA (EXECUTIVE) 34 MIN #402 (About Parallel Personalities):
Monitor (Robert Monroe): "Ask him to describe this
interactive unit, that is you now and your physical body. What is this
relationship between this energy form and your physical body?"
"Part of my energy, that I have when I'm out of body, is used to build
my body. When I use this energy to build my body here on Earth, it
blocks...or curves my thinking processes, so it doesn’t go out of
body. The thinking process needs to be curved to communicate with my
other personalities here on Earth again. This is one type of
communication when I'm out of body. I take most of that energy, that is
used for my body with me, but enough, to keep the body informed, is
left here.
It permits me to open up my mind and allows me to
communicate with other personalities, other brains so to speak, to
communicate with, to learn from, to talk to."
Monitor: "At what point do you first enter to become a part of this
physical body?"
"Apparently when, although fertilization is a mechanical thing, a
chemical thing...the personalities out of body are very much aware
of when things happen and choose at that time to develop the fetus or
not to develop. So part of my energy at this moment may be used to
develop a personality and I may have several (Parallel) Personalities
going on at the same time, being developed at the same time."
Monitor: "At the same time in the physical kind of reality?"
"Yes, yes. They tell me right now, one is old, one is crippled, one is
male, and where they are I am not ready to know...and I could feel
being old and crippled, but I could not feel being a male."
Monitor: "Is this entering of the physical body limited just to the
Planet Earth or other Planets?"
"We go to other places. There are Beings on other places and our Energy
is aware of all these other places."
Monitor: "Do we inhabit physical bodies in these other places?"
"Not like human Earth bodies . . . but . . . other forms of things or
Monitor: "What are some of the other forms on Planets? What are these
other forms?"
"One's like a gelatin kind of thing . . . slimy kinds of things."
Monitor: "Are these located anywhere near the Planet Earth?"
"Thousands of light-years away."
Monitor: "In this Energy, is there a set of rules, in which one
"I'm not sure what you are asking."
Monitor: "Is there a set of rules, in which the body operates?"
"No, the Energy itself decides, if the Energy itself makes a wrong
decision, then it destroys itself. If it makes correct decisions it
builds or strengthens its personality. It is possible for the Energy to
destroy itself."
Monitor: "What is classified then as misuse?"
"When it has not added to its present knowledge, when it has not gained
anything more, than it had learned previously. It is more, than just a
question of good or bad or good or evil. For example, killing by itself
would not mean, that it was destroying the energy by killing the animal
or another human being. Not just adding to the knowledge, but enhancing
the personality, the deed actually enhances previous knowledge or
understanding, that is used as addition...strength. If the killing
was for the sake of killing, if nothing was learned, nothing gained,
then it could destroy the overall personality. But there also seems to
be a hierarchy of understanding and, as the energy is strengthened, it
moves up a hierarchy of knowing (killing process is also releasing Sun
Energy of Balance! LM)"
Monitor: "Then where does this hierarchy of knowing lead to?"
"It's very important to become a move toward a Unified Whole, like
there is one on the top...As the Personalities move and merge the
more knowledgeable...the level of understanding increases, as they
move up. It doesn’t make sense verbally, but visually it makes a lot of
Monitor: "All right, then I think you have given us a lot of material
to think about, so thank your guide and ask if there is a name, that he
goes by."
"He doesn't want to give a name right now, because he doesn't want it
to interfere with the training, that we are doing...be too
concrete, I need to be more and more aware and
he can do his work
better right now without me giving him a name."
Monitor: "Ask him if there is any other training exercise, that he
would like you to perform before we close this session."
'No, he thinks I've gone . . . further, than he really anticipated."
Monitor (Robert Monroe): "Ask your friend how we got here in the first
place. How we got on the Planet Earth and in Space-Time."
"I felt like I was being taken back in time and could feel a
bombardment of particles...of matter . . . and actually seeing the
bombardment of particles. Some particles, that fused together,
actually, became a Working Mechanism. I guess the only thing, that we
can understand and relate it to, would be like a computer. And as a
Fusion of these particles occurred, they actually started communicating
with one another by the Heat of the Light or Sun Energy, that they were
Radiating. And once they knew they were communicating with one another,
and that is, trying to communicate on the same level. And there were
lots of these things. And they wanted to find out what they could do
with this communication— how far they could go, could expand, could
see, could think. They developed Earth and actually built Earth. They
took a part of themselves, played around with animals, people, and they
realized the number. How many they could produce just from one. Like
One of These Things could have thousands of people, parts of them,
situated everywhere. The problem after a time, though, They created
better Minds, or Thinking Machines, and the Event, that the Original
should Die or Disintegrate.
They are not long-lasting, in the sense of thousands and thousands of
years, they are not forever kinds of things. Our Spirits seemed to be
an improved model of the Original. The Original has disintegrated."
Monitor: "Did the Spirit originate in this process?"
"The Spirit was a result of that. The Spirit resulted from the fusion
of these particles (Spirit attached itself to the fusion of these
matter particles or body, LM). The particles were matter fused
together. That was Spirit also (Spirit is Sun energy! LM). It
was and that Spirit lived for thousands of years and it (the body)
disintegrated, and before it disintegrated, it rebuilt something, that
was better and it knew, that it (the body) was going to die. It was
going to disintegrate and it created the Spirit, that I now communicate
with. So in a sense, they (Humans) both can be called Spirits or
Superminds. But your Spirit could be and is different from my Spirit."
Monitor: "How many such Spirits are there such as the one you are
communicating with?"
"Only a thousand."
Monitor: "Did they remain in the vicinity of Earth?"
"They don't know that term 'vicinity.' Vicinity to them is, as long as
it is within millions of millions of miles of their reach, it is in
their vicinity. To us it means very close. Their minds can reach out
over millions of light-years (they aren't that advanced if they still
stuck to 'light-years' and other Time-Space terms. Our Spirits can
reach any place of this Universe in no time! LM)."
Monitor: "Are there communications with other Spirits or other
intelligent entities?"
"They have created them. If they have created them, yes, there are."
Monitor: "Why do they give so much attention to human?"
"They are creation. Like I said before, months ago, we are experiments.
We are the tester to see, how far this Spirit can think, can fuse
particles together. Can see what its potential is. They are still
experimenting to see, what their own potential is and we are one part
of that experiment."
Monitor: "Are we an important or a minor part of this experiment?"
"They are afraid, that all the brains, that they created, could fathom
it or could take it. It is like some of the brains, that they have
developed, would short out."
Monitor: "Have they created all of the human brains, that are on the
planet Earth?"
Monitor: "I see."
"They know everything what is going on.. To clarify one thing, when
humans have offspring, they don't necessarily control the offspring,
but it is part of the experimentation to see, what results from the
mating. When two parts of a Spirit or two different Spirits actually
mate, what happens? . . . they don't know and that is part of the
Monitor: "Can your Spirit be in touch with my Spirit?"
"Yes. Anytime."
Monitor: "Ask your Spirit to see, if he can be in touch with my Spirit
and see, if there is any special message, that my Spirit has for me."
"I am feeling uncomfortable about going to other Spirits and he was
laughing at me for doing this, for feeling uncomfortable. Even though I
did it with my mother. I just better come on back."
Monitor: "Right. And then, thank your Spirit."
SS/NVP (DECORATOR) 92:30 MIN #388 (with boring religious language! LM).
"Blessed are they, who seek me. In seeking me, their long period of
forgetfulness is coming to an end. They are awakening to who they truly
are—a living part of me, manifesting life and radiating love. You have
forgotten to look for me, much less gaze upon my countenance, oh, ye of
little faith. There are countless numbers, who live in the expectancy
of my coming. In truth, I never left. Let him, who has ears to hear,
let him hear, now. You
seek me amidst your blindness. You look upon me without recognition.
You touch my hand and know not whom you have touched. You proclaim my
name and my teachings, as it suits you and the occasion. Awaken, behold
the reality of my being, that is among you. I am the earthquake, wind,
and fire. I am the still small voice piercing the thunderous tumult. I
am the peace beyond all understanding...I am the love, that overcometh
all things. l am the light, that illumines the minds of women/men. l am
the sustenance of human's souls. I am your life and you are my own. I
am the very breath you breathe...Do not despair, I will never leave
thee nor, forsake thee, nor can you truly forsake me, for we are one.
Let the old way be gone. It must die and its ashes be blown to the four
corners of the Earth. The new is emerging, but you must change your
perspective. Do not look for me in the form of a man. The time is not
yet. But look for me in the life, that speaks to you in your everyday
activities. You have looked amiss. I have no limitations and am not
bound by physical dimensions.
I defy logic and am beyond your conceptual imaginings. I live and move
and have my being in all there is. You have sought me amiss...Look upon
your brother and see my face. Bend over a still pool. Do not be
deceived. The image, that you see reflected is my own. Do you not see
the truth now? Learn of me. Take within your hand a leaf, a stone, a
drop of water, and know, that nothing exists, that does not contain me.
Have you not known, that I am eternal life and therefore recognize
neither the past, nor the future? Only the now, that is. Live in the
now, with me. I stand in the light, as you stand in the light. But you
do not know of your light. I am here to show you, that your light and
my light are one and the same. Once you recognize this divine light to
be a part of all that is, will you then begin to understand your own
relationship to life, to your creator, and thereby to your own
censonship eternal. I neither slumber, nor sleep and you must learn,
that your Soul neither slumbers, nor sleeps. Once you realize this, you
are aware of your spiritual vitality and wakefulness to your high
consciousness. In so knowing, you will understand, that I am truly
closer, than your hands and your feet. In this knowing, in this
knowledge, we are one. Live in truth. Be truth. Live in beauty. Become
an artist in living. Live in me and let me express you. I reside in all
space and no space, all time and no time. Once you turn and become a
part of my reality, all power is restored unto you. This is the power,
that makes you one with all things. This is the power, that will set
you free."
All of the Explorer Material has one characteristic in common. They
pose more questions, than they answer. As they say, we have a problem
here. We thought our "new" associations would provide answers. But for
every answer, at least fifty new questions arise out of the Explorer
Material. Therefore, it became time to stop counting the trees and look
at the forest instead. And so we did.
Chapter 6
Not being at all loath to borrow a word or term from one cultural
context and apply it aptly here, "segue" is defined, as a proper
interlude of musical melodies and harmonies, that moves from the
conclusion of one composition to the introduction of another. "Proper"
infers a transition, that smoothly loses that previous theme or mood
sets the stage, for what is to come. So this is a segue. The movement
from what we have labeled "local traffic," i.e., events and activities,
that relate directly to here-now time— space, filled with much
congestion, motivations, devious highways and byways, misconceptions,
overwhelming emotions, detours, road repairs, confusing and conflicting
signposts, inaccurate road maps, baits and lures both subtle and
obnoxious—and dreams, ideas, learning, love . . . To "interstate,"
where virtually all of the rules, patterns, illusions, and the rest of
"local traffic," with few exceptions, are nonexistent. To begin the
segue, here is the mix of premises and conclusions we had reached by
1. All humans move into the out-of-body state during sleep. Going,
falling, dropping asleep is simply a process of moving out of phase
with physical time-space. As the event takes place, the various stages
of sleep are readily interpreted, if viewed from this perspective. Thus
deep or "delta" sleep represents the point, where consciousness is
completely detached from physical reality, and the physical body is
operating on an autonomic basis with preprogrammed alert and alarm
systems to recall consciousness, if needed. The fact, that most human
consciousnesses do not or cannot recall or remember these nightly
excursions is insufficient proof, that they do not take place. A night
on booze can provide the same degree of amnesia.
2. A form of dynamic energy yet to be identified and measured by main
stream human civilization is present in all carbon-based organic life.
It is this essence in organized form (Soul - piece of Balanced Sun
Energy! LM), that enters the physical body prior to birth and
at death, presumably more educated and with a minimum of wear and tear.
The difference between the human version (physical body) and that of a
cow's or a worm's is only a degree of complexity of such organization.
3. The dominant waking consciousness, that Human considers of paramount
importance in the scheme of his existence, is but a part—and perhaps
the lesser—of the various forms, thereof used by and/or available to
him. The addition of other parts can be made systematically, albeit
carefully, to the dominant without danger or destruction. The result
may be of a magnitude beyond the comprehension of the present dominant,
therefore engendering, at the least, anxieties—at the most, total
4. Human consciousness is but a manifestation of a system generated
under (2). As a vibrational pattern—multilayered and of many
interacting and resonating frequencies—it responds to and acts upon
like patterns from external sources. The key to greater utilization
thus may be the creation and application of external vibration at
appropriate resonating frequencies, so as to enhance a desired or
needed specific.
5. Human and other patterns of consciousness are inherently
nonphysical. As such, they are not time-space-dependent. Once released
from physical restraints, they move into ambience and environment in
accordance with the then total energy matrix, generated by each and the
complexity contained therein. No belief system, illusion, action, or
thought, incurred during a sojourn in time-space, can alter this basic
process. In short, like it or not, you're going to continue to do and
be after you can no longer hang in there physically. There is no rest
not only for the wicked, but for everyone else.
6. In the awe-inspiring cloud of cosmology, that has emanated from the
Explorers and their contacts, almost unnoticed is an underlying mosaic
of action, that becomes an astounding potential, when examined
separately. We would not have become aware of it ourselves, except that
we were exposed time after time to various details of its use. It is
the display and application of a science—call it technology—which is
totally absent from our human culture. We simply don't know anything
about it, nor do we have any accepted means, by which to begin to
gather information as to its nature or content.
Here is a series of excerpts from different Explorer sessions. They are
even more startling, when the actual report is heard, taken out of
context just as we are doing here:
SS/ROMC 6:45 MIN #322
"Two discs came to me. At first it looked like two big eyes. I was put
on one of them. I am spinning around and there is a Light Being put on
me. I had a pain in one part of my body and they are working on that.
They are spinning me around on this disc and shooting a Light Beam on
me. My body is heavy, because of this physical pain I had, when I woke
up this morning. I feel sluggish today and not as clear as before, so
they are trying to help me. I say 'they.' I feel there is someone
there, but it looks like two discs and a light. I was put on one disc
and I don't know what happened to the other disc. I am still lying on
one disc. It is getting more light. There is Light over all my body. I
think the Light is coming from the other disc, which is up over me. It
is as if I am between two energy discs."
Monitor: "Ask who they are."
"O.K. I just got the answer back, that 'we are a source of Light and
Energy, which your body needs right now!' "
Monitor: "Do you feel any results from the energy?"
"At first, I was feeling out of it, but I am starting to feel a little
more consciously energized."
Monitor: "Report when you have any change."
"O.K. I am supposed to tell you what is happening, because it helps. I
keep sort of sniffing a little bit, and I get the feeling, that it is
going to help lift the vibration with my voice to keep on the level. I
went onto that disc, that I had gone on before, and I felt like it was
twirling around very rapidly. It is sort of a balance—an energy
balancing—and then I sensed from the center with this light beam, that
was sort of centering down on me.
Then they were working on an area of my body, that shows up dark. So I
felt, that it was like they were putting some little, I don't know what
you call them, like little stakes into my abdomen. They were being put
one by one right across my abdomen. And after these little stakes were
put in one by one, then I felt, that they were working with different
colors, especially a Violet and a Blue. The Beam came from the back of
me, through my spine and through these stakes, that had been put right
across my abdomen. They were doing some healing work. I'm being taken
off this disc now. They are going to start working to help me to go
into the next level."
SS/MJL 11:23 MIN #351
"When I go up I have to leave that energy ball back down with my body.
What I'm supposed to do is put the energy ball right down my spine and
when I take off. I will try it on and this will keep protection on my
physical body and I feel then that they are saying then at that point,
they will be able to talk through me and work through me and I will
feel completely comfortable, and that I am in control, that I had left
my energy ball which I have been working with as part of me, that I
will have that there in my body to keep the protection and also
that I'm going to be out exploring other things and they will be able
to talk through my vocal cords."
SS/ROMC 9:30 MIN #385
"I'm just floating up now. Now I'm supposed to stand and observe what
is going to happen. My ear is ringing now but someone is working on my
face. They are helping to exercise my throat muscles to talk by getting
me prepared."
Other Voice: "We are trying to show that she is multidimensional, and
this is why she is able to see as a great circle of self, of many
forms, of the self. It appears to her to be like many selves extending
from a circle and between. We are trying to show her there are many,
many dimensions of one human self.
As she can see and understand, that
she is much more of that conscious self, that she sees in the mirror,
and that she experiences in her waking state. She will be much more
prepared to go into the multidimensional levels of the consciousness,
and this is why we are working on various levels, and not only the
visual. This is very important to work on the visual, but also we are
working with the other senses as well."
SS/JCA 39:30 MIN #396
Monitor: "Ask him if he can help you communicate with some other mind
on some other planet."
"He did, and briefly when I was talking just a second ago, he showed me
and I quickly went to this other place and . . . I saw a person, not
really a person, a being and . . . a place, that was a yucky kind of
green. That had a bright sky, but was kind of cold. And people live
under mounds. That's weird . . . "
SS/TC 21:30 MIN #392
"I went back to where I had been before and the entity there did
something to me. He came over to me and did something to me and my
perception began to change and since that time I have progressed
through half a dozen or more altered states, each one being different
than the other. I tried to strike up other conversations with this
entity and he seemed more inclined and he seemed more to say, 'Well, do
these things and we are not ready to discuss things yet.' He didn’t
seem in a very talkative mood. He was more interested in my performing
these exercises than discussing. He came over and his, what I perceive
to be hands, in what I perceive to be head, although this was not
really related to a physical body. When he did that I could immediately
feel these changes in awareness. Some of the states I went through were
very specially disoriented to where I really could not determine up
from down to sideways or anywhere else. Where I seem to be twisting and
kind of rotating specially. Until I just lost any kind of sense of
orientation. The fact that I was aware that the states were changing
and relating them to my changing internal states seemed to be the
lesson. Just to observe this."
SS/JCA7:45 MIN #318
"I have just experienced being sucked in a long tube and pushed the
other way. I'm like in a cocoon. My hands feel they are clasped up
tight. Remember doing that before. Feels kind of neat. Now I'm standing
on my head. Now on my side...darkness. But now I'm floating but I'm
in something. I feel someone looking at me. Watching over me. Several
people rode watching over me. They are looking down. Looking down but
they came to see me. No figure, just communication, just his presence.
I can see where we are going, or can I see the rest, or can they come
here? He said no, they want to watch me. They want to watch me in this
limbo. Now they are all circled around, bending over, and now they are
touching me. But I didn’t see them. Feel them. They are nice, warm
friendly folk...friendly hands, but they were hands leading me
someplace. Their presence was all around me leading me someplace.
He...it cares about me. The first thing, that came, is that we're part
of one another. But we are kind of lost in communicating with one
another. It's there on the tip, but it's not out in the open. The WHITE
PRESENCE is trying to help us or pushing me. It's kind of a
transparent, feeling me...You’re going to laugh at this. I've been
practicing going in and out of this tunnel, back down and up there.
They thought it was kind of important to practice that. So I've been
zooming up and zooming down. My body looks like, you know, through a
telescope the long way and you kind of zoom in and then you zoom out. A
hug and I said, 'I'll see you later.
SS/MJL 10:10 MIN #367
"They are working on my feet now. Two at the end . . . each of them are
taking my feet and just giving me a real good foot massage. And as
their hands touch my feet
I tingle on my feet. These are Energy Light Beings. And they are just
very gentle and they are working on a different level, than my physical
foot. They are working on my other body. My energy foot and so they are
doing some special kind of a touching of my feet now. They are working
on my toes. Barely touching my toes. But I can feel a lot of energy
between their touch and my Energy Body.
It feels good . . . it is a
tingle . . . they are going to work on little spots on my feet. My
toes. My big toe. Their fingers now are just working on my big toe."
If one cuts through the purely subjective reporting, even with this
small sample, much becomes apparent: "Notice how easily any potential
anxieties or fears are overcome by simply a pattern of radiation
emanating from strangers. If you were feeling your way along in an
environment new to you, would you accept so eagerly the appearance of
an unknown being?"
• The color patterns. Our Explorers interpret them as visual patterns
of light. This is the best, that they can do to report the presence of
some unknown type of radiation. Purple, blue, and green light (or
vibration, LM) will not create this effect on a human. With our
sophisticated knowledge of light frequencies and our use of them, we
would long ago have observed such effects.
• The use of what appears to be specific devices, such as the
counter-revolving discs, which produce an effect totally beyond our
• The ability to remove the energy essence of a human (White Sun Energy
or the Soul, LM) from hers/his physical body without disrupting
hers/his biologic systems. This technology does this with a casualness
and certainty, that indicates standard operating procedure. They know
what they are doing, because they have done it many, many times.
• The ability to enter such a vacated human body and operate it to some
degree—again, without disrupting said body's normal functions.
• Not only can they utilize the vocal cords and the breathing
apparatus, but they have total access to the memory storage lodged in
the individual.
• They can at will change the temperature of that visited human body,
make it either hot or cold (which is reflected quite accurately on our
remote-reading body temperature gauges).
• The ability to move that extracted human essence (Spirit - Sun
Energy, LM),
once taken from the body, to various other sites
(realities?), and return, all under perfect control and what seems to
be absolute safety. The trip can be instantaneous or in "slow motion,"
and can penetrate matter, as if it does not exist.
• Although this technology does not seem to have the ability to
directly affect matter, by some method not visible it can create
changes in matter. In other words, there is no evidence, that it can
produce matter (that is not to say that it cannot; it simply has not as
yet). But it can affect an energy structure, which in turn connects to
our neurological system, which in turn affects the physical structure.
• Perceiving our thoughts, as flickering as they are, is absurdly easy
for this technology, but for the most part they apparently don't find
it worth doing.
• Time and space become our phenomena. This technology understands them
from a viewpoint, about which we can only speculate. Even the best of
such speculations do not begin to cover the nuances implicit in their
approach to the vital conditions, under which we exist.
• The entire history of humankind and Earth is available to them in the
most minute detail, if needed. Where and how such information is stored
and retrieved is a part of such technology, a seeming unimportant part.
Implied also in such information storage is data on the entire physical
Universe, if there were any reason to require such detail.
• This technology can produce a Beam of Energy, which is first
translated as Light, through which the Human Energy Essence can travel
back and
forth, information can flow, and the operators of such technology can
enter Time-Space/Earth environments. Once properly perceived, they can
endow the human mind (insert certain qualities/features) with the
ability to create (enhance?) such a Beam of Energy. These observations
are based on several hundred encounters with such
technology. With our limited contact, the implication is certainly
there, that we have learned so little about so much. Our attempts to
learn more in a specific sense have been severely hampered by the
knowledge and experience of the Explorer, through which the information
is being translated. Also, there is a polite inference in the response
to our queries, that we would not be able to understand it in any
event. It does not take much speculation to recognize the potential
revolutionary changes in our science and culture, if but a part of such
technology were actively introduced and applied in the months and years
to come. Any serious consideration of all of the above hinges on one
How valid is the entire project?
To this end, responsible parties, who wish to replicate such
experiments, are welcomed. Who are the Beings, who know and use this
(Some have admitted, that they never have been a Human Being in
physical life existence; others were here thousands of years ago. Some
have been in physical life existence in other parts of the Universe in
nonhuman form.)
Why are they interested in human life on Earth? Are there thousands of
them, millions, billions?
(They apparently do have individuality of a
How did such a technology begin? Who developed it? Is there some
restriction on our learning such technology and applying it here in
Time-Space/Earth? Is this technology being applied constantly in other
ways on Earth and in human affairs, that we don't know about and
certainly of which we are not consciously aware? We do seem to have one
answer. In all of our contacts and
communication, the application of this technology seems totally
benevolent. There also seem to be rules and restrictions in regard to
its use. For this we are humbly grateful. To contemplate any other
possibility could lead to mental disaster. I don't think we could do
anything about it whatever our stance. A key point has surfaced,
however. The sum of all my own personal experience, that of our work in
the laboratory and the thousands of Gateway experiments, indicates,
that all other intelligent species, either in the physical universe or
in other energy systems, use a form of communication, that is total and
certainly nonverbal. When words are used in such communication with us,
this is a tight narrow-banded tuning, so that they can be understood at
least in part. I cannot stress this too much. All other intelligent
species use what we now call nonverbal communication (NVC). It is
something far more, than what we label body language, telepathy, remote
viewing, and the often mystical or religious connotations, so commonly
applied to a tiny part of NVC. We say, that a picture is worth 1,000
words. A color picture is worth 10,000 words. A moving color picture is
worth 50,000 words, perhaps, and a talking moving color picture is
worth a 100,000 or more words in the transmission of information and/or
communication. NVC takes a quantum jump beyond a talking moving color
It is
direct instant experience and/or immediate knowing, transmitted from
one intelligent energy system and received by another. The content can
be only a two-digit number, or the actual reliving of an event not a
part of your own life patterns. Why did we evolve along our particular
path so differently from the rest? I like the explanation, which
attributes it to the very rare characteristic of the Earth
environment—we could see the Sun and moon, Planets and Stars. This
presumes that most life-generating and -sustaining Planets have thick
cloud covers that blot out all of these. Their Suns visually are no
more than a haze of light. No more, nothing but blackness at night. Our
species, able to see the physical Universe from the beginning, took the
route of astronomy, gravity, electromagnetics, particle theory, quantum
mechanics, etc., which we call our sciences. Lacking this clue of a
visible physical Universe, other species learned NVC. If I were
proficient at NVC (which I am not), and you asked me what was the
matter because you detected (unconsciously by NVC), that I had a
problem, I would be able to transmit into your sensory system how it
felt to have the sore big toe, that I had. You would momentarily have a
sore toe, just as I had, still understanding that it was my big toe
that hurt, not yours. Thus you would know, far better than by means of
any possible words that I could say, what I was experiencing or feeling
or wanted to communicate. Instead of my wife calling by phone to say
that she would be late for dinner and that she would arrive at nine
o'clock, I would get a picture "in my head" of her driving the car with
the headlights on, with the number 9 flashing simultaneously in the
picture. She would also show me a picture of the right rear tire of the
car, flat and being changed by a local state trooper. All of this could
be transmitted superimposed with a signal of warmth and love in the
space of perhaps two or three seconds, no more. If I were proficient at
NVC and my son also was trained in the technique, I could pass along to
him, in very short order, all of the education and experience, that I
have gathered that he might desire or that might be of use to him. It
would not be the absorption of words simply received in serial form,
but an instantaneous, or nearly so, transmission absorption of the
event — including my emotional reaction, what
my five senses
perceived, and the interpretations and conclusions, that I gleaned from
the experience. Take this starting point, and draw any extrapolation
(process of estimation) from it, then understand the limitations of our
semi-intelligent species. NVC implies a control of mental processes so
alien to our present standards of being, that I doubt, that there is a
single human or group of humans on our Planet,
who have mastered the technique. If there are, they are very quiet
about it. On the other hand, if it were the case, they certainly would
have had to develop some type of mental shielding to survive the
cacophony of unorganized thinking, that is so common here. Before man
can communicate (and associate) with intelligent species at all levels
of reality, he must become proficient at NVC. I am sure it must bemuse
if not amuse other intelligent species when we spend millions for huge
radio telescopes in the attempt to receive electromagnetic signals from
other intelligent life sources. This is much like another culture
measuring the exhaust gases from our cars or our pollution to perceive
communication via this loose discharge of energy residue. At the other
end, animals do most of their communication by scents and smell. It
would be easy to give hundreds of illustrations of attempts to cope
with NVC problems. We have faced them in so many different ways that we
are probably much
more aware than the average group or facility. We still grope with the
rudiments of NVC type of training and mental processing. The only
statement that we can make at this moment is that we recognize the
existence and the need. From this segue (from one movement to another
without a pause), the material following goes "interstate"—an attempt
to translate and transpose the NVC perspective into the written word.
Due to such conversion, the question of validity always will be
present. Some "thought balls" are easier to unravel serially than
others; the timespace humanizing is bound to create distortions. It
always has. You do the best you can.
II - 7. Surveys and Schematics
The following is a deliberately free translation of nonverbal
communication. To compound the rendering, most if not all represents
the transposing of non-time-space events and ambience into replicas of
conscious human physical experience. Thus a "humanizing" process is
used extensively in the retelling—which may increase comprehension and
simultaneously reduce accuracy. To abet the method, a few specific
words are utilized in a different context to provide a connotation not
so totally unlike their common definition.
You can't report "he said" or "he walked" or "she smiled"— because it
wasn't that way, the physical equipment wasn't available. Instead, here
are parts of the "replica" vocabulary:
Time-Space Illusion (TSI): An anomaly among the "standard" energy
systems, which includes the entire physical universe;
M Band: Part of energy spectrum commonly used for thought, not
electromagnetic, electrical, magnetic, nucleonic, etc. M Band noise is
caused by uncontrolled thought;
Ident: Mental name or "address," i.e., energy pattern of item;
Rote: Thought ball. A "packet" of Thought/Mentation, Total Memory,
Knowledge, Information, Experience, History;
Run the rote: To recall portions of Rote after receipt of total;
Percept: Insight, Intuition, Understand,
Open, Receptive;
Closed: Tune down (or out) external stimuli;
Flickered: Uncertain;
CLICK!: Instantaneous change in Consciousness and Change of Wavelength;
Blank: Don't understand;
Turn in: Consider, think over;
Vibrate: Show Emotion;
Smooth: Get it together, in Charge of Self;
Dulled: Lost interest;
Lighted: Happy, Idea, Enthusiasm;
Rolled: Amused, Laughed;
Curl: Organized Energy, usually Intelligent, local slang;
Plied: The way things are, Goes with the Territory;
One of the earliest discoveries made in the new mode of
Let-Somebody-Else-Do-the-Driving was that I had more than one
nonphysical body. Upon return, I began to notice it took a small
additional effort to get back into the physical. Initially, I assumed
this to be nothing more than some minor misalignment as I tried to
reenter. On one particularly difficult attempt, I pulled back slightly,
stopped trying, and examined the problem. My physical body appeared to
be not one, but two—much as when your vision is slightly impaired by
astigmatism. They seemed very close together, no more than three or
four inches apart, one slightly behind and fainter, than the other. I
approached the nearest of the two slowly, slid into it very easily. I
held this position for several moments. It seemed as if I were
partially interspersed with the physical, yet not quite in phase. The
condition had a familiarity that took me all the way back to the
vibration I first encountered and the physical paralysis, that went
it. The sensation was near-identical—without the panic. From there, it
was easy to reenter the physical with a simple twitchlike movement,
akin to a shrug of the shoulders. Thereafter, I began to take
particular notice of physical reentry and found that I did indeed
reenter a second form just prior to the physical body. In appearance,
it was identical to the physical, only less dense. However, upon return
this second body appeared more real, the more solid of the two. Upon
entering the second, the actual physical then seemed more definite.
Also, I began to observe more closely my separation process presuming,
that if the premise were
valid, I would be able to perceive the release from this near-second
I found it was very real. I could stay in the second body,
hovering near the physical, but could move no more than ten or fifteen
feet away. It was reminiscent of my first limited out-of-body
activities. It also brought back the memory of the many frustrative
attempts in those early days to move away farther—and the moment I
found the release point. Without being aware of the reason, I had
provided subsequently to others in training the key to such release—the
mental "security repository box," where one can place thoughts that get
in the way. Once I had become aware of the actual process, it became
automatic, and both separation and return contained these
elements—leaving the
second body in "orbit" close to the physical, moving and being entirely
apart and separate from the physical in a "third" body, or an energy
essence (without form?). I no longer concerned
myself with the
Understanding it functionally—if not the reason—was enough for my
purposes. Another early result of my new navigator (my Total Self?) was
remembering the going-to-class format. This came after my usual
out-of-body separation process, releasing to such guidance, and without
much movement finding myself among a crowd of gray forms. "Crowd" means
so many they seemed to fade into the distance. All were focused in one
direction, and none seemed to notice my arrival—except one, brighter,
than the others. It approached me and stopped. It opened—with words! In
my consciousness.
(Glad you’re back,
Bob. You've missed quite a few sessions.)
I flickered. (Well,
uh, I've been busy.)
The form focused.
(You’re different. You haven't been on drugs or alcohol, have you?)
I opened wide.
(I've lost a lot of rote, or I can't pull it out. Where am I?)
The form rolled. (I
guess you have! You're back at sleeper's class.)
I turned inward,
and the percept came out bright and clear. Sleeper's classes—attended
by countless humans during a portion of their deep sleep, during the
sleeping out-of-body period. The only limitation was, that such sleep
could not be distorted by chemicals, it had to be natural. How many
times I had been here, long before I knew it, before I knew anything
about OOBEs and the like! I just didn't remember, when I woke up, like
everyone else. If anything leaked through, it was attributed to a
dream, inspiration, idea, or imagination. And I knew my instructor.
(Hi, Bill.)
Bill rolled. (Took
you long enough. Want me to plug you in?)
I flickered. (Well,
I don't know. You see, I think I am different. I'm not asleep.)
Bill blanked
slightly, then lighted. (Oh, you're one of those. How did that happen?)
I plied. (I
don't know. It just did.)
Bill turned inward,
then opened. (That means, you don't belong here anymore. Too bad. You
were one of my star pupils.)
I flickered.
(You’re sure about that? About my not belonging?)
Bill smoothed.
(I've had them before. It doesn’t work out. Your type gets impatient, bored. The
biz kids, the OOB-ers, busy, busy, busy.)
I smoothed
carefully. (How about plugging me in one last time? As long, as I'm here.)
Bill dulled. (You
probably know it already. Can't change the program.)
I opened wide. (Try
Bill flickered and
tossed me a rote. I opened it easily.
"The anti-ulcer, anxiety-lowering, tension-reduction, get-it-together
formula: The major underlying cause of human worry (fear) relates to
the Law of
Change. All human conflicts relate to this Law. Some worry that change
will take place, others that it will not. Wars are fought to resist
Change or to accelerate it. At the individual level, this translates
into various forms of Indecision. Fear enters into the pattern, fear of
the consequences of any decision or action. The pressure builds up,
intensifies as the decision is put off, delayed. The result accumulates
toxins in all parts of the human system until there is failure or
severe reduction in operating efficiency. Indecision is the killer.
Consider the statistics of decision, in general and simplified. In any
abstract decision, there is a 50 percent probability, that the correct
or constructive choice will be made. If the correct path is taken,
obviously no problems will exist. If the incorrect selection is made,
it will become evident. When it does, there is a 50 percent
probability, that the choice can be reversed and the constructive path
substituted in its place. Therefore, there is only one chance in four,
at the most, that an irrevocable (irreversible,unchangable) direction
may be taken in decision making. All vital decisions in the
history of humanity have been made on much worse odds, than three to
one. Some were as high, as one in twenty and came out positively. To
move away from the null point of indecision, take the position, that
action or decision is better, than none at all, based upon the odds of
three to one. To get the process underway without trauma, perform the
Make up an A list. Place on this list all of your worries, anxieties,
and concerns about which you can do absolutely nothing. You cannot do
anything about tomorrow's weather conditions. It will rain, snow, be
cold or hot, and there is no action you can take to prevent it. If
there is absolutely nothing you can do today about such items, place
them on this A list.
Make up a B list. Place on this list all of your worries, anxieties,
and concerns about which you can do something today, take action, large
or small.
Make up a C list. Place on this list all of your needs, hopes, and
desires, large or small, which have yet to be fulfilled. Today, perform
the following functions:
1. Take the A list and destroy it, and in so doing, dismiss all items
con tained therein from your consciousness. Why waste your energy
worrying about that which you cannot control?
2. Take the B list and take some action, however small, to begin the
resolution of each item contained therein. Several may be concluded
immediately and thus can be released and dismissed from your
consciousness. Others will be reduced in pressure because the flow has
begun, a decision has been made.
3. Take at least one item on the C list and perform one act, large or
small, that moves you in the direction of such goal. Perform this
entire process each day until you have no A list, no B list, and all of
your energy and consciousness are devoted to items on your C list.
You then will complete serenely your human life purpose.
CLICK (Сhange of wave/frequency or world)!
I folded the rote and tucked it in me, turned to Bill. (That's pretty
good. Seems familiar.)
Bill plied. (It ought to. You must have picked it up a couple hundred
classes back.)
I opened. (Bill, if I don't belong here, where do I go?)
(I don't know. I don't have the slightest percept on that.)
(There must be classes for, uh, mavericks like me.)
Bill plied. (I'm sure there are. I got to go make my rounds now. Drop
in for a visit if you feel like it. I'm two rings out.)
I opened wide. (Sure, Bill.)
He turned and faded into the host of Gray Forms, and with nothing
better to pull me, I rotated and dived back for the physical (body,
LM). Reentry was normal.
The next early absorption was a series of demonstrations—live guided
experiences—of the old saw (saying) about fools and angels. I cannot
conceive of the latter having fear, just selective.
As to the former, I had ignorantly rushed in many times in the early
period, so I certainly qualified. I began to call it the Defooling
Treatment. The presumption I made was, that my Greater Self (soul?)
always knew what it was doing. I had learned from it how a homing
device loosely called ident was utilized; this was like a signal you
could follow to the source of that place or being.
In this one instance of Defooling, I had rolled out of body in the
early morning, and after releasing the second, I expressed the mild
observation that it would be nice to visit a near-human culture that
was in time-space and that I could understand. Immediately the ident
Z-55 flashed into me, so I reached and stretched. There was a slight
sense of movement and I was in front of a slightly glowing figure.
Other, similar figures were in the background. Beyond, nothing.
The figure opened. (Well, Robert, we meet again.)
I flickered. (Uh, yes.)
(Still digging out the secrets of the Universe?)
This wasn't what I expected. It definitely wasn't any near-human
culture, and this Being seemed to know me. Some mistake in the ident,
but the radiation did seem familiar. I didn't want to ask the obvious,
but I had to. (Where am I?)
The figure smoothed. (Outermost Ring, Robert. One more final cycle in
human and that will be it. For me.)
I flickered. (I don't have a percept on the Z-55 ident, but I know you.)
Z-55 rolled. (After all those hours putting music together . . . The
run to Cuba back in the fifties to record in Havana . . .)
The percept came bright and sure in me. Of course I knew him. Even then
I called him an old soul! I vibrated strongly. (Lou! Sure! The Z-55
ident threw me. You seem different. It's great to be with you again!)
Z-55/LOU smoothed. (Well, I've had a couple more in-human runs since we
were together, so Lou is sort of covered over a little.)
I turned inward. Lou, one of the most gentle of persons I had ever met
. . . musician, arranger, orchestra conductor . . . quietly living
through his life and his work . . . hours and days we spent together .
. . working far into the night developing melody lines . . . chord
progressions, orchestrations . . . then our paths diverged . . . and
I heard of his early death . . . the diabetes I knew he lived with . . .
Z-55/LOU opened. (You're still in-human!)
I smoothed. (Yep.)
He flickered. (Oh, a sleeper. You got out this far? That's pretty good.
Too bad you won't remember it.)
I opened more. (It's not quite that way, Lou. I, uh, here.)
I tossed him a short rote covering the out-of-body beginning. He took
it in and closed.
Then he opened and rolled lightly. (One of those. You never told me.)
I plied. (I didn’t know myself when we were working together.)
He flickered. (So how do I fit in? You come looking for me. More music?)
I plied again. (I'm not sure. I asked to visit a near-human culture,
got your ident . . . and here I am.)
Z-55/LOU lighted. (You want to visit my . . . uh . . . hometown, so to
I rolled. (Not Kentucky. I've been there. It's too human!)
He rolled with me. (No, no . . . my original home. It's just what you
want, that's why you got my ident. . . . It's, uh, different, but you
can understand it all right.)
I turned inward. If you've never been to a particular exotic place—or
to a locale that at least to you seems exotic and exciting from your
distant viewpoint—there is much anticipation. You can conjure up any
number of possibilities as to what you will do and experience. In your
eagerness, you are willing to accept all sorts of limitations,
restrictions, that seem unimportant from the outside. Also, you forget
one most important factor. You take along as hidden extra baggage your
own enculturation as a comparative tool of measurement.
Z-55/LOU lighted brightly. (To really get the feel of it, you ought to
go there just like a regular tourist, limited amount of assets, and
stay through the regular historical event we, uh, they call the surge.)
I lighted, too. (Great! Good percept.)
(And so you can truly experience it), he went on, (cut off
communication with here until after the surge. A little like the
in-human training but without rote erasure.)
I opened wide. (I'm all for it. How do we start?)
(I'll be your anchor here. To get back, all you need do is home on my
ident.) There was a whimsical (fantastic, odd, playful, unusual)
radiation mixed in with his pattern. (To get there focus in on ident
I vibrated. (Zeer surge.)
I reached and stretched.
I was in a city, or what appeared to be a city. There were buildings in
all directions, fairly uniform, none over three or four stories high.
They were not particularly attractive or unusual, had openings in the
sides that my percept took as windows and doors. The streets or spaces
between buildings were not unusually wide, but contained only people,
percept beings like me or what I was temporarily. No cars, trucks,
vehicles of any type. No utility poles or overhead wires, no sidewalks.
It was bright daylight, but I couldn't find a Sun overhead. As I walked
and mingled with the population, people noticed me but didn't seem to
react as if I were an alien. With each step, I felt more at ease and
the population seemed more human. Each inhabitant was very purposeful
and closed, as if preoccupied on a job to be done with not much
nonsense in the process. If there was any body language present, no
percept showed. Point of fact was I couldn't tell the males from the
females, which was unusual for me, so I assumed there was no such
difference. Unable to attract the attention of those moving on the
street, I entered one of the buildings and found myself in a large room
which greatly resembled the lobby of a medium-sized hotel. There were
people standing around, apparently in conversation. I approached a man
(?) who appeared to be standing behind a desk. He looked at me
expectantly. I knew I needed a reason.
"Do you, uh, do you have a restaurant here?" I tried to make it casual,
but as he blanked I knew I had done it wrong.
I turned to my rudimentary NVC. (Do you have the means for me to
The man lighted brightly, waved me off to the right. As I walked in the
indicated direction, I felt smug. I had passed one test. They didn't
vocalize but they understood me. Even my weak, nonverbal communication.
From here on, it would be easy. I began to speculate as to the food
they consumed. It was sure to be unusual. An archway, rounded, was in
front of me, and it appeared dark beyond—no, not dark, just lit
differently in a mixture of colors. I strode confidently through the
archway and into the colors. Just inside, the radiation hit me like a
sheet of hot flame and I staggered back. This wasn't the restaurant,
the man got it all wrong. From all sides came the overwhelming
attraction of female sexuality, inviting, asking, offering,
promising—it was too much. With great effort, I backed out through the
archway, breathing heavily and trying to calm down. I had just about
smoothed out when I looked up and the room clerk (?) was in front of
me, accompanied by two other men—percept police, authority, KGB, etc.
One KGB moved in. (Your ident, please?)
I began fumbling in my pockets for my wallet, only there were no
pockets in the one-piece cover I was wearing. But there was a belt on me
with a small pouch attached to it. I reached in the pouch and there was
a card in it. I pulled it out and it resembled nothing so much as a
typical credit card. KGB took it from me, examined it carefully, then
looked up.
(From Earth, huh? Never heard of that city. Over on the other side of
the ocean?)
I smoothed. (Why, uh, yes, you see . . .)
KGB waved the card at me. (Well, we don't particularly like you
visiting here, but you got to obey the rules.)
I brightened. (Sure, I understand.)
(Here, we don't go into private space and take without paying first.
Always pay first.) KGB turned to the desk clerk, handing him my card.
(How much of it do you want? He hasn’t got very much.)
The desk clerk dropped the card into the pouch on his belt. (That ought
to about cover it.)
I started to protest. (But that's all I got, I can't . . .)
(In that case we'II have to flag you.) The second KGB stepped forward
and took my hands. (Can't have you walking around upsetting things
without any ident.)
I flickered. (What are you going to do?)
The second KGB pulled a small flat box out of his pouch and opened it.
(Hold still, this won't hurt.)
He took one hand and pressed my fingertips into the box. I thought,
fingerprints, they're taking my fingerprints. But I was wrong. A black
dye spread quickly up my fingers until it covered my entire hand. As I
stared at it, bewildered, they stuck the fingers of my other hand into
the box and I had two black hands. I tried to rub it off, but it had
penetrated the skin.
The first KGB looked at my hands, satisfied. (That ought to do it. At
least the people will see you coming.) (And be warned,) the second KGB
added. (I'd advise you to go back home. Not much action for you here,
the way you are. No ident to play with.) The first KGB looked at me
hard. (We'll be keeping an eye on you.) Then the two turned and walked
across the room and out into the street.
I smoothed at the desk clerk. (Sorry, I didn’t know it was a private
The desk clerk vibrated. (What other kind is there!)
I flickered. (You mean all of these buildings are private?)
The desk clerk dulled.
(Then what are all these people doing here? There must be a hundred!) I
hit it strong enough to catch his attention.
(It's their private space, naturally.)
(All one hundred?)
The desk clerk waved me over to the desk and I followed. He pointed to
the drawing on the wall behind him. It showed some five rows of large
black dots, that looked like holes, twenty to a row.
(That's our personal space.) He gestured proudly. (Best in the city.)
I stared at the drawing. (You go into those?)
He nodded. (Only when the surge takes place. They’re this big across
the middle.) He indicated a width of about two feet with his arms. He
was about to continue, when there was a sound like thunder in
the distance and the floor began to rock. Immediately, everyone in the
room turned and hurried out through exits in the back. The room clerk
ran to join them.
(That's the surge starting up,) he called over his shoulder. (I suppose
that's what you came to witness, but you better get to your personal
space fast.)
Then the room was empty and I tried to keep my footing as the floor
heaved rhythmically. I staggered over to the entrance as the roar grew
louder. In the distance and approaching fast was a mighty wave, not
water, but in the ground itself, lifting buildings and streets into a
tumbling flotsam hundreds of feet high. Behind the first wave, I could
see a second and a third wave, each larger than the first. There may
have been more, but I didn't have a chance to find out, as the first
wave came surging into where I was, and the building lifted and
tumbled, me in it, bouncing, rolling, twisting, jarring . .
.desperately, I tried to focus, ident what? ident . . . ident Z-55/LOU
. . . Z-55/LOU . . . reach and stretch, reach and stretch . . . closed
tightly . . . tightly . . .
It was quiet, the pounding had stopped. I tried to keep from shaking
long enough to open. I finally made it. I was in front of Z-55/LOU, and
I got a percept of his polite expectation. I smoothed somewhat. (That's
home for you? Where you were before starting human?)
He plied. (It's not Kentucky.)
(And you’re going back there?)
Z-55/LOU opened wide. He glowed very brightly, almost white. (No, not
There was a sudden urgent signal to go back, and before I could reply,
I moved away automatically and he faded. . . . I was back hovering over
the physical, the return signal still strong. I slid into the second,
then the physical, and sat up on the water bed. Body fine, no full
bladder. No signal. What called me back? Nothing I could find.
The Defooling Treatment. They do rush in.
Releasing to my Total Self for direction and purpose provided what I
now recognize as a crash program in comprehension of what I had
formerly labeled Locale II. It began with hard basics at the inner end
of the spectrum, with a modified hands-on process that forced
inescapable conclusions. Simply put, I could observe but not
participate. The purpose, I discovered, was multifaceted and determined
in part long after the event itself.
One of the principal examples came one night when I rolled out of the
physical, and before I could release from the second body, an
overwhelming drive for sexual union rose in me. I was about to employ
my usual not-now-but-later cooling technique, when I moved away sharply
with a sudden shift. The movement was fast and short. When I was able
to perceive, I found I was standing a few feet away from an enormous
pile of writhing forms. It reached up, slanting back as high as I could
see. In each direction, right and left, it swept off into the distance.
It reminded me of nothing so much as the interweaving of huge fishing
worms in the bottom of a can after being left there overnight. The
motion was continuous, thousands upon thousands, each wet slippery form
wiggling in and out among the others in the pile, searching, trying to
do something, but never achieving satisfaction. Three perceptive shocks
hit me simultaneously. The forms were not worms, they were human!
Second, the incredible, staggering radiation of sexuality, both male
and female, that emanated from the seething mass. Third, they all were
physically dead. I wanted to turn and run, but some other part of me
held me in place. I finally calmed down enough to become analytical.
Did I want to join in? My whole being shuddered in rejection. No
vestige remained of the sexual drive I found so important moments
before. I had the strong percept that it would come again, but never
where it would control wholly what I thought or did. With this flash of
knowing, another emotion washed through me— intense compassion for
those trapped in the undulating mass, so focused and intent on seeking
sexual satisfaction they were unaware of any other existence—anger at a
system that could so inhibit, repress, and distort as to create the
situation in front of me. Were these the castoffs of the human process,
to remain so throughout eternity? I moved forward slowly and stopped
close to the edge of the pile. The moving bodies were male and female,
of all shapes and sizes, glistening with wetness. A bare hairy leg
thrust momentarily from the pile, and I grabbed it by the foot and
pulled. The leg pushed out blindly, trying to move more deeply back
into the pulsating mass. I pulled harder, trying to keep my grip on the
sweat-covered ankle. Slowly, I was able to pull the rest of the body
clear of the pile. It was a man, small in stature, darkhaired,
fine-featured, of indeterminate age. He lay there on his belly, his
arms and legs moving crablike, attempting to pull himself back into the
pile, totally oblivious to the fact that I was holding on to his foot
and preventing him from doing so. I easily held him in place, bent
over, and shouted in his ear, (Hey, I want to talk to you. Hold still
for a moment!)
There was not the slightest indication that he heard me. His face was
fixed, a gleam of anticipation spread across it. He kept trying to move
back and I held him in place, wondering what to do next. I tried
another approach. (It's the cops, the police, they're raiding the
joint! Gotta get out!) I waited for some response, but there was none.
I couldn't provide himwith the radiation that would get his attention.
I released his foot, and he crawled back into the mass and was
swallowed up in the movement. I turned away sadly and stretched for my
physical ident, and returned without incident. From that point on, I
had a new technique to control any surfacing sexual drive. All I need
do is think of that wriggling, writhing, mindless pile of humanity.
That does it. This episode was of the milder variety, that may be
encountered in the immediate post-physical areas. I soon discovered
there was a pattern at work in my own guided tour through them—states
of being I had previously passed through quickly to avoid
confrontation. All of these forays started while in the second body,
before I could release it and move outward. I felt safe and secure with
my Higher Self doing the driving. The feeling was right. But not the
8. Contact Point
The suspicion began where I thought I had a good perspective of the
human experience. In retrospect, the whole thing may have been planned
that way all along. I had been moving in and out of OOB situations very
blithely and calmly, always sure, that my guiding Total Self knew the
answers, would take care of anything and any problem as they arose. It
had worked perfectly to date, and, perhaps, that was why the slight
scent of suspicion began to form. However great my ego might think I
was, I knew I wasn't that good. Thus entered again one of my many
questionable characteristics. I can't let a good thing alone and simply
let it do; I have to find out why. In several succeeding OOB
excursions, I tried to become aware of who was doing the driving and/or
navigating. The contact was elusive in the beginning, no percept other
than a gentle presence behind me, directing where I went. I turned
around, but there was nothing— at the most a trace of a friendly
presence. But it was there and it seemed definitely external. I went
back through my notes, all the way to the beginning. I was astounded,
that I had ignored what was so apparent. A hand helping me get out, a
hand on my arm, a response to my anguished screams, and the more subtle
clues apparent from my new perspective. I had called them helpers at
the time and let it go at that. At the minimum, I had not turned my
activities over to my "Greater Self," but to them, whoever "they" were.
Thereafter, during active OOBEs, I tried many times to communicate with
these presences, singular or plural, to no avail. Correction:
I thought I received no reply, because no words were forthcoming, only
pictures, sensations, and action. The change came about when I dimly
began to realize I wasn't speaking their "language," as it were. Review
of my early notes supported this, for the most part. Words and
language, as we know them, are strictly human. The inference was
obvious to me—being human.
My deflated ego rose somewhat with the realization, that whatever my
communication method was, a response was coming from these—non-humans?
With this awareness, I continued to ask and let "them" do the driving
and navigating during my OOB states for one simple reason: the process
had been working. Whoever they were, they certainly knew the territory
far better, than I. Each time, though, I attempted another kind of
communication, and it began getting results. I directed wordless
thoughts—pictures, activities, feelings, and emotions to the supposed
presence behind me. Each time, there was an immediate response of like
quality. It took some analytical and subjective attitudes combined to
comprehend what I received. It was painfully slow on my side,
astoundingly patient on theirs. Out of it came the rudiments of what we
now call Nonverbal Communication (NVC). It was a milestone in my
consciousness. I knew then, that NVC exists and I knew the difference.
Not too much more. With the mutual recognition of such communication,
the depth and extent of my OOB patterns shifted. I was escorted
frequently to what might be loosely described as another kind of class,
in that there was an instructor and there were students, including me.
It was entirely different from the sleeper's classes
I remembered. Here, freely translated, there was a brilliant white,
radiating ball of light that was the teacher. I could detect radiation
of others—presumed students—
all around me, but nothing beyond that, no form or any indicators as to
who and what the others were. Instruction consisted of a seeming
sequential bombardment of packages of total experiential information to
be absorbed instantly and stored thought balls, whose actual name
cannot be translated into a word, which I called rotes.
It apparently is a very common communication technique in NVC.
What I could bring back, I attempted to convert into in-human
usage, with mixed results. I have been unable to relate the vast
majority of such information in any way to life here on Time-Space
Earth. It may be preparation for activity yet to take place here, for
use in other Non-physical Energy Systems, or it is beyond my
comprehension. The last is most likely. Thus the relationship took on
an entirely new aspect. I began to trust my unseen pilot(s?) as I never
would have trusted myself. For example, in flying as a passenger on a
commercial airliner, I never can trust completely the air crew up
front—perhaps I know too much. However, I have to get from here to
there physically in a short time, so I fasten the seat belt and fly the
airplane with nothing, but anxiety and muscle twitches. Sleep is
unthinkable. This was different. They knew how and where to fly this
airplane over this route far better than I. With each "flight," my
confidence and trust in them grew. Conversely, I realized how little I
knew as the route became more complicated. I fondly began to call them
INSPECS—short for "intelligent species," which presumes humans are not
quite so. Knowing of such assistance and help, I approached my visits
into the
Cycling Rings in near-Earth environs with much more confidence and
consciousness, than before. I felt an absolute security. If I got in
beyond my depth, THEY would pull me out to safety—although I found,
that their concept of beyond my depth and mine are differed somewhat. I
may have believed, that I was going down for the third and last time,
screaming for help, yet THEY waited, until the eighth or ninth time
before calmly extending a hand. All part of a learning process with
built-in intensity. A favorite quick and learn-forever method of theirs
was simulation. It was based on their ability to create and place into
a human consciousness —mine—an Earth-type situation so real and so
overwhelming, that I could not tell reality from illusion. I don't know
the limits of such simulation talent/technology. Nor do I know the
extent, to which they employ the technique. It may be only in my own
particular case, but I doubt it. The potentials of its application in
other ways begs for broad speculation. In my own pattern, it was
usually applied as in instant clean-up of minor emotional patterns,
that blocked or distorted my clarity of perception or my stability.
Usually I was unaware of such dysfunction. THEY would note it and offer
to take care of the problem. I would be informed, that the lesson was
about to take place with my consent, yet once into the simulation, it
became absolutely and totally real—and I lived it. Most of them were
short, single events, that were the peak decision-making points under
very adverse circumstances. The vital part—the lesson to be learned
indelibly- was my constructive and reasoned resolution of the problem.
If I did not come up with the desired action, the simulation would be
repeated, until I did. Even in the repetition, I couldn't break through
the reality of the simulation.
Yet once the training sequence was completed, I then knew it for what
it was. An interesting sidelight arose when our laboratory Explorers
met and associated with Intelligent Beings, who did accommodate to the
use of words, some of whom closely resembled my percepts of the
INSPECS. Further, they greeted me with familiarity and I felt the same
toward them. I had never asked the INSPECS exactly, what their role was
in the human Earth pattern. I assumed THEY were simply a Graduate
School version of the Ex-Human helpers from the Outer Rings. Their mode
of operation and purpose seemed very similar, except, that the INSPECS
had knowledge and technology far beyond, that drawn from the human
experience. The fact, that THEY seemed to be independent of the
Recycling Rings supported this belief.
To pose questions about motives
seemed—irreverent. Or perhaps I didn't want to endanger the good
I had going for me. Thus I had no direct and conscious communication
with them while in the OOB state. But we fools can't let it alone. On a
particular night, I had an idea and I decided to try it out. I had been
developing a sense of familiarity with the radiation of the INSPECS and
thought I could home in on the signal—the ident—just as I
could others. I might learn much. Here is the event, as taken from my
notes and expanded to a semblance of understanding:
Time: 2:17 A.M. . . . bedroom . . . After two sleep cycles, awake,
rested, relaxed . . . went through unhook rollout method into second
body, rolled out of second, and this time I did have a percept of the
ident INSPEC . . . not much, but enough, I thought . . . homing on the
ident . . . went through normal reach and stretch procedure . . . moved
rapidly through Ring System . . . and beyond, which did not surprise me
. . . began to feel warm, more so as I went, until it became almost too
uncomfortable and was at the point of turning back . . . when I rammed
headlong into something and collapsed, shaken . . . I reached out and
there was a barrier, smooth in texture, rigid, impenetrable . . . still
very uncomfortable from the heat, I pulled myself together, knowing
this was the end of the line, I might as well turn back to the physical
. . . and a bright light, very intense, glowed in front of me, first
ovate, reshaping into a Tall Humanoid Form, so bright I cringed from it
. . . for what seemed an eternity,
I shrank back, trying to
myself from the brightness . . . then I began to cool down, until I was
no longer uncomfortable, and I could tolerate the brightness.
(Is that better for you?)
"Better" was an understatement. Much longer, and I would have melted.
(Did you bump your head?)
Well, I guess I could call it that. Usually my head was out front when
. . .
(It is nothing to be concerned about. You have a hard head, Mister
That turned me around. I never thought of God having a whimsical sense
of humor. That and the Mister Monroe routine. I straightened, no longer
cowering. I almost felt like reaching out and shaking hands in
(There are more significant and suitable ways.)
I was getting bewildered. I was just floating there, trying to figure
out what happened . . .
(You encountered a condition similar to that, which your scientists
a Standing Wave, where two like energies in phase appear to cancel one
another to zero. Yet there is no zero, as energy does not
cancel, it transforms into other dynamic states.)
So now I supposedly knew, what happened. But that didn't explain, where
was. If I asked . . .
("Where" is a relative term. The most reasonable explanation from your
perspective is, that you are just outside the Portal, the Gate to our
Reality, a Conversion Point. The ident, you used, brought you
Well! There are Gates to Heaven, after all. I guess they could be
construed as golden and/or pearly, if you thought Heaven was beyond.
(You are correct in your assumption. It is all from within the
The percept finally came out. The communication was so natural and so
rapid, that I had missed it completely. There I was, casually
correction: communicating with this wonderfully Glowing Being just as I
would with a new friend. He/It was answering my questions, before I
asked them, so I must be using NVC better, than I realized-—no
point in
holding back any part of me, even if I wanted to. Whatever I was, It
was reading every thought I had anyway. I opened wide, all of what I
(That is not necessary, Mister Monroe.)
And I immediately knew why. It/THEY had been a part of the process. My
concept of an external intelligent energy source, helping, navigating,
doing the driving, was accurate.
(With your present need for individuation, yes.)
The question arose automatically: How long had this been going on? I
had become aware of it only recently, and had traced it back to the
beginning of my OOB activity, but how about before then? Have they
always been . . .
(You will become aware of such reality at an appropriate point.)
All I could be sure of was my own direct experience, but they must
communicate with other people . . .
(With very many by different methods, very few as we are functioning at
this point.)
I knew that was the best I would get, but I wondered about the It/THEY.
(We are many, and you have known many of us.)
So THEY would be correct . . . I hoped they didn't mind the INSPECS
label. Now, it seemed inadequate.
(It will serve nicely at this point, as well as any other.)
I wondered, if THEY were the same as those we had met in the lab with
the various Explorers . . .
(In some instances, but not all.)
So many questions, and now was my big opportunity . . .
(There will be others.)
The first question, the first, what should be the first? . . . Are THEY
God or . . . ?
(We are created and we create, just as you. If God and creator are
identical, then you are God to that, which you create.)
I couldn't help the next one, even if it killed me. I had to know. Did
THEY . . . ?
(It will not kill, as you put it, nor will it harm you. You are
prepared for an answer by your very presence here, your curiosity, as
you call it. The essence,
that is you and others in the human process
was not our creation. As we, you exist before Time-Space Human Earth
pattern, just as you do at this point. The in-human experience is
merely an addition to what you are. However, it is an important
I tried to sort out what was so important in being human, that it would
. . .
(How do you state it? A drop of water in an ocean cannot understand the
seas or the wave, that casts it up on a sandy beach.)
Wait a minute! That came out very human. Maybe THEY are only superhuman
Graduates, after all.
(Some of us have passed through the in-human. I was selected, because I
am one of those few.)
Few . . . I wonder how many are few. Five, ten, a thousand . . .
(It is difficult to assess due to the melding. More than the current in
physical human population, perhaps one hundred times as many.)
That would imply THEY have been involved since the very beginning of
human life.
(That is correct. Before that, we are, just as you.)
And if several hundred billion are just a few, that must mean the total
of THEM must be big numbers . . .
(We do not count the parts of the whole. It is not necessary.)
If there are that many parts of the whole, then there must be other
important ways to learn, other non-Earth Human Systems . . .
(No other precisely, as you have found in-Human physical Earth. There
are many other consciousness growth centers or schools, as you call
them, throughout, what you know, as the Physical Universe.)
I could bet that they participate in all of them. They would have to if
. . .
(A very safe bet, Mister Monroe.)
This was becoming an event not anything like what I expected. I was
rapidly losing my sense of awe. It was replaced with a great feeling of
warmth, of understanding, much on the order of old deep friendships,
yet filled with intense respect, not the usual pattern of expected
angels, if that is what THEY were.
(We can quickly grow some wings if you wish.)
No, no, please, no wings. No halos either, although I got the clear
percept, staring at my INSPEC—friend? . . .
(At least that, for now.)
I could understand how humans with limited, but definite momentary
superconscious vision could add a halo to make the human-formed INSPEC
stand out as different. A brightly radiant form? How often in human
history has such perception taken place? Miracle workers, saints, local
medicine men, and last-timers on their final run, no doubt.
(No doubt at all.)
I wanted to be very careful about this, that I had at least a faint
comprehension, that I got it as specifically and accurately as I
possibly could. They, INSPECS, were in existence before humans ever
came into being, several million years ago at the minimum.
(By your time measurement, that is correct. As were you and all other
energies that are now or have been in-human, if you use this
Could that infer we as humans, the nonphysical energy part of us,
actually are INSPECS and we don't know it?
(As we understand it, you are created by the same Source.)
But we humans are not the same.
(It is difficult to express in your terms. Consider the structure of
physical matter as various forms. Moving inward, you have named
subconstructs as atoms. These in turn have many organizations of
particles, that result in distinctive patterns. Your scientists have
begun to understand the energy relationship of these particles. They
have begun to perceive the spinning of the particle itself. It is the
Creative Force (White Sun Energy Beam from the Aperture of the Source,
LM), that produces such spinning, which we have in common.)
Which could mean vast differences, if I work outward through the
structure from that base. Differences so profound, there could be no
point of reconciliation, even similarity.
(You are presuming a complexity, which in our reality is very direct
and simple. It is the distortion of Time-Space Illusion, that causes
this in your consciousness.)
I would have to try again. There must be some ongoing relationship
between such INSPECS and humans, else why would they bother with us?
For some reason,
they need us, we need them, they have been involved with human
existence since we began. I'm drawing a blank.
(All of your percepts are correct within certain limits.)
I began to receive a discomforting signal to take care of something
back there . . . Back where? Where? The signal, annoying, persisted,
and I tried to ignore it. What
I was doing was much too important to be interrupted. I wanted to
concentrate on my next thought-question, but the signal got in the way.
I turned to dismiss it, and realized it was a need to return to my
physical body . . . Of course, my physical body!
I had to go back, but I didn't want to, the chance might never come
again . . .
(We can meet often at this point. We understand your need. A stronger
ident homing signal will be provided, that you can do so.)
The radiation was warm, understanding friendship and much more, and I
gratefully responded, and reached for the ident of my physical body and
stretched. The feeling of movement back seemed short, and I
automatically slipped into the second, then into the physical. By
habit, I looked at the clock. 2:23 A.M. Only six minutes? By
comparison, the problem, that called me back was frustratingly
minuscule. My thoughts were filled with the dazzling import of those
six minutes as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to empty my
bladder. I slept very little, if at all, the rest of the night.
During the next several weeks, the press of daily physical activity
plus the eagerness and excitement in my anticipation kept me from
another meeting. I had difficulty in getting into the required
pre-sleep. However carefully I approached the OOB release point after I
did get relaxed, I couldn't get into the OOB state. After repeated
effort, I did no more than fall asleep. I realized I was forcing it too
strongly, but it was hard to control. Finally, I gave up trying for the
moment—and it happened easily.
Time: 4:45 A.M. . . . awake and rested, although far past my usual
cycle, I went into the unhook rollout, and moved easily into the second
body state . . . moving out of the second was easy, and I reached for
an ident to home in to . . . It was there! I held back my excitement,
stayed calm . . . reached and stretched, following the signal. The
feeling of movement was short and quick and I stopped. Before me was
the Shining Form. Several others were behind it. Trying to remain calm
and casual,
I focused on the radiation, that had been so distressing before. Now it
was very tolerable—or I was getting used to it.
(A little of both, Mister Monroe. We did modify it somewhat for you.)
I had gone over many times how I would resume our communication, the
questions I would ask, the order of priority, in case the pattern was
going to be broken off again suddenly. And the first one, the first
(Your interest lay in our relationship with those in human experience
prior to your departure to . . .)
To go to the bathroom! What an incongruity! Well, this time I made
absolutely sure it wouldn't happen, no coffee, very little liquids . . .
(Cause and effect, in which you place such great belief.)
Belief relief! That's a good one, I'll have to remember it. But the
other ones behind my friend, I don't remember their . . .
(As you have noted, there are others of us also here at this point.
They have been present throughout our meeting. It is your ability to
perceive, that has changed. They are, how do you call it? . . .
interested . . . "curious" is a better definition, which you understand
very well.)
I'm sure I'll need all the help I can get. Here I am, consulting with a
being or beings, whose penetration into human life activity has been
interpreted to be God, gods, angels, the devil .
(It was not our Intent. Certain . . . adjustments had to be made.)
Now it is UFOs and flying saucers, which is more in keeping with
current cultural concepts.
(You would have lost that bet, Mister Monroe. Such are manifestations
of another pattern, of which you will soon become aware.)
I'd better let that one stay, where it is, and stick to the main point.
Why adjustments, whatever that means?
(Because free will is such a vital part of the human learning
experience, deviations from the design are frequent and predicted, as
you would express it. Such adjustments are no more than . . . the exact
term is not there . . . fine-tuning, yes. Fine-tuning.)

I got a
percept of an immense machine . . . infinitely complex and
complicated . . . with INSPECS climbing all over it, in and out of it,
turning a knob here, a valve there, taking off a filter and cleaning
it, matching waveforms on an oscilloscope, checking materials-input
Flow . . . Flow! That was it! Their concern was the Flow of Energy
through the Human experience. The idea of a machine wiped away
completely and there was the physical Earth with the Human Energy Rings
encircling it, dreamlike in its quality . . .
(Your last percept indicates good progress.)
But if they created the process in the first place, they should have
been aware, that it would need . . . maintenance, modification.
(We did not create Time-Space as you know it, nor the physical Earth,
nor the human process, nor the energy flow itself. That is not our
department, as you put it. Our concern is the output and the . . .
quality of such. To this end, we adjust the internal flow as needed.)
I would have to let that one pass by, too. Try to keep from any
(You will learn of the basic or original design.)
The greatest of virtues, patience . . .
(You are intended to walk before you fly, as you put it. Those, who fly
first, must reach back and remember they have already learned to walk.
This was necessary for you.)
Now came the first of the high hard ones. Why me? Why did I learn to
fly first?
(You had the latent capability to perform an important function of a
very minor nature at this point in the development of Human
What possible capability could that be! What function! It must be so
minor I can't perceive it.
(You need but examine yourself, as you and only you know what you are.
As to function, you are performing it very well, as expected.)
With a little help now and then, I hope, whatever the function is . . .
Can't pull it all together instantly, have to sort it out . . . even to
the beginning of my flying. Did they help on that one?
(You were given some assistance. One facet of your capability was the
actual instigator. It should be obvious to you. It directs your actions
so frequently, you have become conscious of it.)
The percept flared instantly. I always felt the trait was of dubious
quality. It always created more problems, than solutions. Curiosity.
(That is correct.)
And the old saying, curiosity killed . . .
(A different species. It may kill cats on occasion. You are alive in
many forms.)
Now, if I could just get a percept on this function business, I might
be able to perform more efficiently.
(We will attempt to bring you into an awareness, of the totality of
which your function is but a part, in other meetings. Until that is
accomplished, you are unable to obtain a clear percept or any rote you
receive will distort the function you are performing.)
I held on to the promise of that statement, feeling very humble and
inadequate . . . and astounded, that I remained as calm, as I had in
the face of the encounter, that was taking place . . . the effrontery
of my probing, the extent of my ignorance . . . Their radiant response
to these flickers of thought was so profound, that I nearly broke down
and lost control, no patronizing, no compassion, no feeling of
superiority . . . but beyond friendship, beyond brotherhood, beyond
father-mother-parent, beyond endearment, beyond words . . . If they had
told me they were my God-Creator, I would have settled for that.
(But we are not, Mister Monroe.)
They even knew how to pull me together, the Mister Monroe stuff. If I
had been physical, I would have laughed uproariously in relief. Or:
Thank you, I needed that!
(We have another name for you. We can use that, if you wish.)
I was happy to leave it the way it was, for the moment. There was
nothing formal or reserved the way they used their ident for me.
But I wondered how it started.
(One of us began to use it in a meeting in your work area . . . yes,
laboratory. Thereafter we applied this ident to you among all of us.)
I knew instantly which one, and it came as no surprise. I wished, that
they would give him my greetings.
(We have done so.)
But the problem, the basic question still remains unanswered. If I
don't know where I'm going, what I am supposed to do, I might go in the
wrong direction again. I know I already have done this several times .
. .
(We will help you become much more aware very soon in terms of your
time. There is a facet of your particular process, that must be
accomplished first. It is all coming together rapidly. The time, as you
put it, is growing short.)
With their perspective of time, that could mean a years. By
that time, I'll be long gone, and humans, too.
(We refer to the span within your present physical life. So that your
awareness can be accelerated, we recommend, that you use only the ident
homing signal, as you describe it, that we provide. If it is not there,
you may draw the inference (logic), that you need to focus on your
physical manifestation, until the point, that it is present.)
In other words, if it comes, play time is over, now back to work.
(There are certain patterns you must undergo before you proceed. We
will be with you through them, but not in your physical consciousness.
We have prepared an exercise for you, that may help you through such
experiences. Do you wish to use it?)
I had a percept of the kind of exercise, but not its content, and knew,
that it would be rough. If THEY say it will help, of course I wish it.
(Turn inward and close tightly.)

I am flying a single-engine Navion over a large city. Bill is in the
seat beside me. We are about two thousand feet up, and we are just
below the overcast. Turbulence is minor. Gauges look good. It's a
borrowed aircraft. I need to keep an appointment in the city below.
Bill leans and yells in my ear, (You’re going to have to land now if
you want to be on time!)
I look around. (I don't see the airport.)
(Never mind the airport.) Bill points downward. (You have to land now.
Down there!)
I nod, nose the Navion down, throttle back, low pitch, gear down, three
in the green, gentle spiral, trying to decide where to set it down . .
. the street, full of cars . . . there's a wide, flat roof, I turn to
look at Bill for approval, but he's gone! Gone! I look back quickly,
I'm below one thousand, airspeed seventy, 500 down. Have to decide
fast, opt for the roof, at least if I get it stopped I won't kill
anybody else, while in the street . . . line up the roof, full flaps,
nose over steeply . . . drop her in right on the edge of the roof . . .
stall warning yelling its head off . . . chop throttle, switches off .
. . let her drop out, drop out . . . she's down, brakes, stand on them
. . . other edge coming up fast, now slow, she's going to make it,
she's down and stopped! I sigh and stop shaking. It's hot and I open
the canopy and climb down to the roof. I stand there looking at the
Navion, it's all in one piece, not a scratch. All I have to do is find
the stairway down and I'll be on time for my appointment. But how will
I get the Navion back to its owner! It will never be able to take off a
200- foot roof. Have to remove the wings, lower it to the street by a
crane, what a stupid decision, why did I have to . . .
. . . the street or the roof . . . the street, cars will see me coming
in and clear a path down the middle . . . full flaps . . . nose down .
. .watch that taller building . . . that's it right over the street,
straight down the middle . . . watch for turbulence, crosswinds at the
corner. . . flare out, hold her off . . . get out of the way, get out
of the way, can't you see me! . . . stall warning yelling . . . she's
quitting on me,
too quick . . . flash of light, heat, terrible heat.
. . . I am flying a single-engine Navion over a large city. Bill is in
the seat beside me. We are about two thousand feet up, and we are just
below the overcast. Turbulence is minor. Gauges look good. It's a
borrowed aircraft. I need to keep an appointment in the city below.
Bill leans and yells in my ear, (You’re going to have to land now if
you want to be on time.) I look around. (I don't see the airport.)
(Never mind the airport.) Bill points downward. (You have to land now.
Down there!) (Not this kid!), I yell back. (The appointment will have
to wait. If it costs me the deal, so be it. Now, where's the airport?)
. . . It's a borrowed aircraft. I need to keep an appointment in the
city below. Bill leans and yells in my ear, (You're going to have to
land now if you want to be on time!) I look around. (I don't see the
(Never mind the airport.) Bill points downward. (You have to land now.
Down there!) I laugh, swing the yoke over in front of Bill, clip the
parachute harness across my chest. Then I unsnap my seat belt, open the
canopy. (You fly it home,) I yell as I jump far enough to clear the
tail assembly, pull the D ring, feel the jerk of the chute opening, and
start to float down.
(. . . Thanks for the offer of a loan of your Navion, but that's
playing it too tight, couldn’t possibly make it on time, so I called
and put off the appointment . . .)
The haze was very thick and Bill was beside me. He was rolling lightly.
(It took you long enough!)
I blanked, then rolled with him. (You certainly weren't any help!)
He smoothed. (Use it in good health.) I spun a little. (Where's, uh . .
(I got the assignment. You better go back now. You have many things to
put together.)
I plied. (I guess so. See you.)
I turned, dove inward, ident physical body, and reentered without
incident. I sat up in bed, then got up, put on a bathrobe, and went out
on the deck. It was a clear night, quiet and warm. I was still unsure
as to how or why it happened, but I had no doubt as to the reality of
the experience. If I encountered it and knew it, how many more
thousands of human beings living right at this time-point on Earth also
have gone through the same or similar pattern? If they have, to whom
would they tell it? And the other training centers on Planets, circling
those billions of
stars, tied to us by an intelligent energy field common to all of us.
Were they as unaware, as we? I felt very small, looking at the
stars—and beyond. But not alone. Never alone.
Rainbow Route
At this point, I began to accept my new role, whatever it was, and no
longer pushed hard for further adventures or activities in the other
energy systems I knew to exist. I did realize that in my sleep state
much was taking place which affected my conscious thought and action. I
made no effort to investigate this, believing that it would take care
of itself and was supportive of the course I was following.
If I had resumed the sleeper's classes, hopefully I was applying what I
learned in my daily life. Spaced through several years of time were
periodic meetings-instruction sessions with the INSPEC. I still used
this ident because I knew of no other appropriate one that was not
tainted with cultural-philosophical connotations. The most recent
INSPEC event precipitated the gathering of all of my notes on the
interim adventures, and the pieces filled in the mosaic. The following
is no more than a survey of the salient or critical parts of the
sequence. In the interests of brevity and a feeling of
get-to-the-pointism, the usual preamble and closure as to going OOB and
returning to the physical are omitted except when highly relevant. Each
of the following events began at the point in non-time-space near the
edge of INSPEC "territory," with at least one of them present.
If I have a desire, curiosity—no, more than curiosity—it would be to
know, not believe, but know what is beyond this point . . . where THEY
are . . .
(It is a question of remembering. As you are at this point, you cannot—
the word?—tolerate a visit among us. We can prepare you for it, if that
is your wish. The preparation is not simple.)
When THEY state it's not simple, I knew it was an understatement from
my perspective. But it was what I wanted . . . yes!
(We will make the adjustments necessary in your space-time belief. The
perception must be yours alone.)
. . . I am playing out in the front yard, riding my tricycle on and off
the sidewalk and into the grass . . . the sun has gone out behind a
cloud, but it hasn't started to rain . . . I think if it gets dark, I
can light the candle in my tin-can headlight, but I'll have to go in
the kitchen to get some matches . . . when I get bigger, I'm going to
have me a blue car that goes AAAAARRRRR, AAAAARRRRR . . . then I'm
going to have an airplane, that's what I want most, an airplane, so I
can fly up through that dark cloud, up where the sun is shining behind
it, then I could go up and dive through the cloud, WHEEEOOO, WHEEEOOO .
. .oh shoot, it's starting to rain, I'll have to go in the house, just
one more circle in the yard . . . I have my airplane, WHEEEOOO,
WHEEEOOO . . . big flash of light . . . white light, lightning! . . .
bang! . . . I am off my tricycle . . . in the grass, grass is wet, got
to get up and get in the house, get my tricycle on the porch so it
won't get wet . . . but I can't move, I can't move, what's the matter?
. . . it's dark, I can't see . . . can't feel anything . . . I'm not
hurt, I don't hurt anywhere, but I can't see, can't get my face out of
the grass, got to get up, my bike will get wet and it will rust, got to
get it on the porch . . . but I can't move, I can't move! . . . what? .
. . what? . . . just balloon it and I can go the porch, how could I
forget that! How could I forget to balloon! What would make me forget
something so basic! Yes! Balloon, can do it without thinking how,
anybody can balloon! And . . . yes! Three-way . . . I could do a
three-way and it wouldn't be dark . . . why, any curl can do a
three-way without turning, you need to three-way if you want to keep
your spiral going, what happened to me that I would forget such a
simple thing as that! . . . I could pull a skip and . . . skip? Skip!
And there's more, it's all coming back, I remember it all and those
important fundamentals that I never thought about forgetting because it
was impossible, it is as basic as who you are, how is it possible that
I forgot these, and all the rest that I know? I am astounded that I
could forget! . . . forget, forget . . . I'm getting wet, it's raining
hard . . . I'm getting muddy . . . that big bang was thunder, hurt my
ears, but I can hear, and I can move . . . I feel but I don't hurt, so
I guess I'm all right . . . got to get my bike up on the porch and get
a rag and wipe the water and mud off . . .
(Air - Balloon! Robert remembered that before the Planetary Game he
could fly, because he didn't have a physical body! So he couldn't
understand why he forgot it.
He could've used that ability in the situation, he thought! LM).
Now I remember! I was very young, playing out in front of the house
before a thunderstorm . . . the lightning hit a power pole near the
street, not me, my father told me . . . the concussion or something
stunned me . . . and he carried me up to the front porch. I was all
right in a few minutes . . . but the rest of it, I had forgotten
completely, even now I just remember the knowing, not the details...
(A glimpse of who you are before you undertake the human experience.
How it took place is not important. Such momentary recall occurs
frequently during the physical process but is obscured and discarded
amid the more immediate consistent impact of physical information
input. Yet the event is retained, below the surface of consciousness,
and therefore affects your subsequent action. It is significant that
thenceforth you did not fear lightning and thunder, as you call it, but
found pleasure in such manifestation. This is one effect of such
pre-human recall brought near your physical conscious level. Another,
more cogent, was the subtle alteration in your
physical life process that led you unknowingly to your present state.)
I hope that doesn't mean that everyone has to get almost struck by
lightning to begin to wake up. It wouldn't be a very popular method . .
(Most such events are so gentle as to remain unnoticed. Yet they are
there if recall is necessary. We have another episode for you, if you
desire it.)
How could I forget these things! . . . Yes, yes.
(Here is another area of your perception that is a part of the
emergence you have long forgotten. It is completely your own. We do no
more than assist you in your recall.)
. . . I want to hear the music . . . I want to hear the special music .
. . I know how to make the Victrola play the music because I learned
how, I learned how just from watching, and then she watched me show her
how I could play it, then she said I could play it but I had to be real
careful so I don't break the records . . . so I'm not being bad if I
play it . . . I pull the chair over close to the Victrola so I can
stand on it and put the record in the top . . . I have to lift up the
heavy lid, but I do it . . . I turn the shiny crank in the side, more
and more until it won't crank any more, but I don't crank it after that
because it might break the spring . . . then I open the front doors of
the Victrola, and there is my special music record on the first shelf
just where I left it . . . pull the record out and be real careful to
don't break it, and put it up on top. Then I climb up on the chair. I
pull the paper cover off the record and put the record on the wheel . .
. then I put the shiny fat arm part with the sharp needle in it down
real careful on the edge of the black record . . . now everything is
ready . . . I move the little shiny finger and the wheel with the black
record on it starts moving, and
I hurry down off the chair to where the music is . . . the music starts
coming out of the Victrola and I feel real quiet, so I close my eyes .
. . it is blank for a long time as I listen to the music, but then I
feel a surge way down at the bottom of me, and it feels like tingling
when my foot goes to sleep, but it doesn't hurt, it feels good, and
with it I hear raining, just like rain on the roof, but it comes and
goes . . . and the music gets so soft I can't hear it anymore . . .
then it's quiet and I can't hear or feel anything . . . there it is
again, coming up from the bottom of me more, the tingle and the rain
surge, and it feels better than anything I ever felt . . . and I wait
for it to happen again . . . here it comes again, stronger and bigger,
and it feels so good it starts to hurt, but I don't mind the hurt
because it feels so good . . . then it fades away again . . . I know
it's coming back, and it does . . . much, much stronger and bigger, up
through me, the best and happiest feeling I could ever have, so happy I
want to cry, and the hurt is so strong it's cutting me right up the
middle in two pieces . . . then it goes back again, down out the bottom
of me, and I know that there is nothing, nothing nicer I will ever feel
than what just was, no hurt could hurt more than what I just felt . . .
and I feel it rising again and I don't think I could stand it if it was
any stronger, but there it is getting bigger and stronger, the good,
good, good tingle and the rain roar and the hurt so hard, coming right
up to my head, terrible, terrible sharp hurt . . . this is so good and
so hurting there can't ever be anything that feels so good and hurts so
much, never never . . . then it starts to go away and I know that I
will always remember this bright, bright good and the big, big hurt and
nothing will ever be as good or hurt so much . . . but there it comes
again, no, no! . . . I can't stand it again, I can't, I can't! The good
makes me cry, it's so good, and the hurt makes me cry, it hurts so
much, it can't be more than the one before, it was the biggest there
is, it can't be any bigger, the good and the hurt . . . but it is, and
I scream with joy and pain and I know this is the greatest of all there
is, the exquisite joy, beauty, that transcends any thought or
consciousness . . . that the pain is merely the anguish of physical
structure attempting to contain energy beyond the ability to do so,
that one day I will experience it again without the pain because I will
understand better, one day it will take place, the great glory of . . .
I feel hands picking me up and I am crying a little, not too much, and
I open my eyes and raise my head. The music in the Victrola has stopped
and she, my mother, is looking at me and saying something . . .
. . . Yes, yes, I remember what a great privilege I felt it was to have
been given permission to play the Victrola, and I proudly never broke a
single record . . . symphonies, operas my mother liked, plus some
saxophone jazz records the college student, who roomed upstairs gave
me, which I played when no one was listening but me . . . and I
remember the same sequence when going under anesthesia before surgery,
the identical pattern . . .
(The acceptance of pain as a condition of joy is the symbol of conflict
within physical life existence. The pattern of the present is not
consistent with the promise of the future, as you perceive it within
Time-Space Illusion. A conflict of realities, from your aspect.)
I remember so well ... if that is the joy, I will take the pain again,
if I can stand it ...
(It is not necessary. Your present Consciousness now has a beginning
point of reference. It is possible for you to perceive the destination
of the Rays of Pure Energy you have called loosh/love (White Sun Energy
of Balance. LM) as it penetrates into your Earth Space in several
segments of what you call Time. We will assist you in Your Placement
within The Event. The delineation, the decision to distinguish must be
yours solely. Are you ready to do this?)
I don't know positively what I will be looking for, but I will never
forget again. If that is what I seek, I will find it.
The Sun is setting and I am sitting alone in the sand outside our tent.
The desert is cooling now, and soon it will be dark and it will become
very cold. I have built a fire from camel dung so that we will be warm
. . . yes, I am Shola, and my woman and our two offspring, a boy and a
girl, are in the tent behind me. We are dying. I can see the village in
the distance and the cooking fires are glowing in the twilight. We came
with goods to trade but they would not let us enter. They cast stones
at us to keep us away. We could not go across the desert to another
village, because we had little water and we are ill. Now after these
many days, we have no water and no food. We have survived this far only
by eating camel dung, something only a dog would do. Our two camels
will live and we will die. They cannot catch the illness, the plague,
that brings the open sores on our skin, which do not heal. I would kill
the camels to eat, but they are old friends. We do not eat old friends
to continue our own existence. It does not matter now. Food and water
will not help. The illness is taking us along the course to death.
There is nothing to be done. I do not want to crawl into the tent for
fear they are gone, all of my family. I do not want to know I am alone.
We have done so many things together, the pains and the joys we have
shared . . . the working and being together, my woman and the young
ones . . . no illness, no death can remove the bond, that grew and
blossomed among us . . .
I can still feel the echoes . . . it's a life I don't remember, if I
lived it . . . but the sharing of purpose, of unity required for simple
survival . . . nothing more than that can bring it out . . . the
attachment beyond husband-wife and parenthood . . . that, I remember .
. .
(Beyond physical manifestation, misinterpreted, misunderstood, and
often overlooked, this is a facet of the prime expression, it is part
of the learning process peculiar to the human experience.)
. . . This is the goal in being human? To learn to do or be this?
(Indirectly, that is correct. It is but part of a broad spectrum. One
goal is to become the generator and transformer of such radiation (Sun
Energy of Balance, LM).
It is important, that you perceive the scope and attunement of the
recipient. The being on the desert was attuned and therefore was only
the recipient, but neither transformer, nor generator. The Goal is
Generation and Transformation only.
Do you desire this pattern of perception to continue?)
If I have smoothed enough to do so . . .
(You have.)
We are lying around the protective defense circle of the encampment . .
. it is night. Our bellies are full and our feet hurt from the long
march. The fallen leaves are dry, and make a noise when we roll over.
This would be bad if we were the outer guards, but we need not concern
ourselves. The outer guards will sound the alarm if the enemy attacks
by night. My helmet is close to my left hand, as is my shield. Near my
right is my kuri, whose cold, sharp point and keen cutting edges have
become as much a part of me as the arm that wields it. On one side of
me is my friend Cheti, who snores so loudly in his sleep that he
awakens the birds. On the other is my friend Dorn, who sleeps like
death itself, yet is instantly awake at the whisper of his name . . .
we are but a part of this great host who will, in the morrow, meet and
cut our enemy to pieces. We are three. I recall well the day we met on
the training ground, many seasons past. Cheti, tall and stumbling, from
the high mountains. Dorn, solid as stone, from the great forest, and I,
from the flat midlands. Not a word was spoken among us for days as we
learned the killing arts. How that changed with our first battle, that
moment when we formed a triangle back to back, surrounded by twice our
number of yellow-hairs! Cheti, calling out such stupid curses at the
yellow-hairs that even Dorn was laughing, and laughing gave us fresh
energy, so we fought our way out of the trap . . . then we were three.
Through the battles, the wounds, many of both, too many from such as me
to count . . . we are three. They are more to me than my brother, whose
face and voice I cannot now bring to mind . . . more than any woman I
have ever known, yet not the same . . . and the man in that village who
asked me about my sons and daughters, and I replied I don't know my
sons and daughters, if I have any, they go with a woman and I have no
woman, I am of the legion, so I have no woman or sons and daughters to
whom I am bonded . . . just those women I can bed down when we capture
a town . . . there was one, she was warm and did not scream but
whispered in my ear and I was as gentle as I could be with her, I might
have bonded with her . . . but we are three and it is different. I
would lay down my life for Cheti or Dorn, that they would live instead
of me, and I know without their speaking that it is the same with them
. . . I do not understand why this is so, but they are me, I am them,
and we are
three . . .
. . . Yes, I have the percept three, three hundred, three thousand,
three million, three billion, it is the same . . . common effort,
willingly or not, long association, repeated shared experience . . .
this special bonding beyond self can take place without awareness of
what it is or its importance . . . often it can't be called love
because local custom would then attach a physical sexual inference to
it, male or female . . . thus it is covered over and sublimated . . .
(You are learning rapidly. Your human perspective serves you well. Do
you wish to move to the next point in your survey?)
I understand what is happening, the human portion ... if it is still of
that value, I am fine . . .
(We will continue, then.)

I am standing in front of a stone building with a tall spire. Wide
steps lead down to the cobbled square, and the square is filled with a
flow of people, horse-drawn wagons and carts, and the dusty smell of
human sweat, animals, cooking, and excrement from all manner of living
things. I am a Priest, and although it is hot, I am wearing my
brown-hooded robe that reaches to my ankles. It is cool inside the
church, yet I am loath to enter. The Ritual is about to begin, and I
must attend and participate as part of the duties of my calling. I am
sick in heart at what I must do. It is so different from that which I
dreamed those years ago, my life in the service of the Almighty. The
glory of the tolling bell in the spire, the rich voices of the choir
echoing throughout the arched roof in Holy Harmony, the majesty and
mystery of the Processional, the bowed heads of the reverent, kneeling
people, they are the same. These are the parts that brought open the
rising need in me, and I answered. Now they are the same, but I am not.
Where is the need? It has left, unfulfilled. Where is the mystery?
has vanished under the weight of the unfolding years and that which my
eyes have seen and my ears have heard . . . the bell begins its
tolling, and that is the signal that I must enter and join the others.
I turn and pass through the smaller door to one side and into the Great
Hall. I move slowly down the main aisle to the waiting group at the
Altar. The High Priest stands in front of the Altar, wearing his white
robe with the golden braided symbols across the front. On his head is
the Holy Crescent Moon. Behind him are the Seven Keepers of the Realm,
each holding a staff atop which is one of the Seven Sacred Stars
lighted by a flaming taper. As I approach the Altar, I know what I will
see upon it, and I am correct. A young girl attired in a flowing gown
of bright red to hide the blood is lying upon its stone surface. Silken
cords are attached to her ankles and wrists, then to large rings on the
sides of the Altar. I know well the Ritual although I have never
performed it. Once I have completed the Sacred Act in the name of the
Almighty, I will transcend that status of a lowly Priest and become an
Alternate Keeper of the Realm. When one of the Seven dies and departs
for Chimmon, the Land of Eternal Joy and the Throne of the Almighty, I
will become one of the Seven. When the High Priest departs, one of the
Seven will take his place and assume his Power and Glory as the direct
Communicant with the Almighty. Perhaps I may be that one . . . but now
I am not sure. The dream of years past flickers within me and it is not
this. If I do not perform the Ritual, I will be stripped of my robe,
cast out into the street, where I will be stoned to death by the
populace. I move next to the Altar, and the High Priest hands me the
Ritual blade, a slender, sharply pointed knife with a carved silver
handle. I have been instructed carefully where to insert the Ritual
knife at various spots on her body so as to keep from causing her death
immediately, but to engender exquisite ecstasy within her while the
High Priest and the Seven give their Blessings . . . I raise the blade
for the first swift insertion . . . and I stop, arm upraised. I am
looking into the eyes of the girl. In them are fear, puzzlement,
resignation . . . and beyond these, a Knowing, a Depth that carries me
past the distortion of my dream and into what I was sure was always
there . . . I lower my arm, turn, and drop the silver knife, only a
knife, in front of the fat man, who calls himself a High Priest . . . I
cannot do it, no, I will not do it . . . and I am free! . . . and a
Bright White Ray comes through the ceiling of the Great Hall and
centers on me, flashes through My Entire Being, the silver knife melts
to a mound of metal, the silk cords drop from the girl, and the Altar
trembles and splits open as the girl rises from it and stands . . . the
men in the robes kneel transfixed, their eyes staring into blindness at
the Brilliant White Ray . . .
. . . Yes! . . . and somewhere in man's history, a legend is born . . .
the event is only a dim memory to me, if even that . . . but the
emotion I felt, I experienced . . . that is clear and strong . . .
(What you call emotion is essential to the basic learning process. It
is a specific observable result of exposure to the loosh/love
radiation. Therefore, it is the driving force, the creative energy,
which motivates human thought and action. Without it you would remain
as animals.)
But animals show something, it is very close,
to what I know of as emotion . . .
(What you perceive is a reflection, a response to human radiation of
such energy, which has been self-generated or transformed by the human.
We will demonstrate this for you, if you wish.)
That would be great, I would enjoy that very much . . .
(We shall see, as you put it.)
. . . Our little dog with the funny name, Steamboat, he is walking with
me along the road in early morning . . . he is such a friend . . . his
bright gladness at seeing me . . . he actually grins when he wants you
to know what a nice guy he is, just because that's what his human
close-by god does . . . his seeming need to be with you,
enthusiastically do what you want to do . . . just a word from me, and
he comes running to me joyfully . . . it's much more than the fact that
I feed him, most of what we do has no relationship to such . . . we
have a bond that might be called friendship, he's succeeded in making
friends with his god, doing things together, that's pretty good stuff,
making friends with your god . . . now he's been diverted into the
wooded bank alongside the road, eagerly seeking an ever-elusive rabbit,
but after a short search, he will return, bounding across the road to
walk just in front of me again . . . then I hear a vehicle, a car or
truck, approaching behind the blind curve and I call to Steamboat to
come to me, stand and be where it is safe . . . it is a truck, and it
comes around the curve quickly, too quickly . . . just ten feet away
from passing me, Steamboat leaps down the bank from the woods and
directly under the wheel of the truck . . . there is a rending scream
as the wheel grinds over the lower half of his body, flattening it
completely . . . the truck moves away and stops, and the driver gets
down from his cab, sadly apologetic . . . I get to where Steamboat is
still trying to come to me, his front legs trying to drag the crushed
half across the road to where I am . . . I sit down on the road in
front of him, and he stops trying to move as I reach out and rub his
head, tears forming in my eyes as minuscule evidence of the deep sorrow
within me . . . through my hand, I feel the heavy tremors moving
through his body from the pain, and he licks my hand and looks up at
me, asking, hoping his god will take care of the pain . . . I look at
his body, the damage so irreparable there is no hope . . . he licks my
hand again . . . and I accept the responsibility...
I get up and move to the waiting truck driver, removing my pullover
shirt as I go . . . a look passes between us and he knows that I do not
blame him, that he should harbor no guilt . . . sadness shared, yes . .
. but no guilt . . . I was responsible, not he . . . I move to the
truck, remove the cap from the gas tank, and push the shirt into the
tank, soaking it with fluid . . . then I remove the dripping cloth and
move back to Steamboat, who has watched me expectantly, too weak to do
more . . . I sit down, and his head drops into my lap, eyes looking up
to me, asking, asking . . . gently, I move the cloth over his nose with
one hand and place the other on his head . . . his eyes look at me
deeply and the tremors in his neck subside slowly and are gone . . . I
see and know the closeness we share is eternal, and he somehow knows
this, too . . . the conscious awareness in his eyes dims and is
gone...and they are only eyes with my tears in them!
. . . But that didn't happen! Steamboat is alive! He is back where I
came from, somewhere near my physical body . . .
(That is correct. The event occurred earlier
in this physical life, a
different animal, dog as you call them. You identified it as your
present attachment. In the earlier episode, uncontrolled emotion
overwhelmed you and you were helpless. You did nothing to fulfill your
responsibility. In your present state of awareness, you exercised the
control (of emotion), that is so important, which displays your growing
ability even
in our synthesized demonstration. The paradox attached to such vital
energy, emotion as you call it, is the opportunity for growth it
provides and the simultaneous possibility of stasis (balance, stoppage
or stagnation) and retrogression (deteriorating).
Control and direction thereof thus becomes a prime purpose in the
evolving human experience. Understanding and comprehension is the
resultant and flows without effort. At no point is the goal to repress
or suppress such energy. Instead, it is enhanced, when directed and
focused into the channels, for which it was originally designed. What
you call your curiosity is perhaps the most unrecognized and
undistorted form of such energy. Yet it is the underlying force, that
produces, what humans consider, their most outstanding historical
achievement.) - (curiosity
is emotion! LM.)
. . . This is coming too high and fast, I'll have to put this
particular rote away and run it later . . .
(Do you wish to participate in your final demonstration?)
. . . As it is the last one, I assume it is the most stringent . . . if
I could just remember it is only a demonstration, as THEY call it,
seems more like a test . . . but if I could remember, it wouldn't be a
test . . . there's something similar here to all of human physical
experience, this not-remembering business and the importance of it . .
. the final test, yes! . . .
. . . I am sitting alone in the house and it is quiet . . . even our
furry friends seem subdued . . . both dog and cat lie half asleep in
the front hall, facing the door, waiting . . . the Sun has just set and
twilight is moving in . . . soon it will be dark, and I can sit in the
dark and see the house full of things, things she selected and liked so
much, things she made do with until there was better, things her
grandmother used, thing she placed or hung in each room or put in
closets and drawers where only she knew where they were . . . all an
expression of her and bearing her reflection . . . but she is gone, she
is not here as I expected . . .
I don't need light to see the things to remind me she was here . . .
the sight of them does not disturb me and I would not change or remove
them because they have her strong imprint . . . I can find her in the
dark or in the light, it makes no difference . . . she taught me so
much without knowing she did . . . the very female human response to
moments large and little, uncovered, uncolored except by her own
perspective . . . all of these she shared with me . . . so that I lead
not one but three lives, hers, mine, and our meld . . . and she helped
me learn release from one of the most difficult of all, that physical
sexual drive is not the fundamental of this energy I don't know what
else to call but love, but one of the most common inducements to kindle
the process . . . once the full flame is created, the inducement is not
even the fuel that feeds it, but instead a multileveled minor physical
note in an infinite chord . . . I now understand a mother and physical
motherhood without being one . . . why a woman likes to be a wife and
the admix of the idealistic and the realisticthat foments such liking
. . . a lifetime of human gamut in a fraction thereof . . .
the whither thou goest, I go, is more than true, yet a release from
this part is needed and accepted . . . she goes with me and I go with
her . . . aloneness is an illusion . . . here or there, the flame is
eternal and we carry within us that which we have received and created
. . . she is returning now as I knew she would . . . and we will not
exchange goodbyes or forwarding addresses, our idents in one another
are indelible . . . just one final moment in this point of time . . .
(Your perception was quite clear, Ashaneen. The demonstration was
. . . It was very strange . . . one of us had released from the
physical, and I thought she was the one . . . then as it developed, I
momentarily became unsure, it could have been I . . . and I finally
realized it didn't make any difference which of us . . . the result was
the same . . . now, of course, I don't have to ask if it has happened,
but I know it will one day in our serial time . . .
(That is correct. The result is the same. We now believe you are
prepared to visit us, where we are as you call it, if that is still
your desire. It will not be a demonstration, but our reality. However,
we will guide you and return you to this point. It is important that
you understand that such a visit, momentary as it may seem, can produce
within you changes that are irrevocable.)
. . . I do desire it, and I accept the responsibility for any changes
that may occur in me.
(Open widely. Have fun, as you put it.)
"(I am in a bright white tunnel and moving rapidly. No, it is not a
tunnel, but a tube, a transparent, radiating tube. I am bathed in the
radiation which courses through all of me, and the intensity and
recognition of it envelop my consciousness and I laugh with great joy.
Something has changed, because the last time, they had to shield me
from the random vibration of it. Now, I can tolerate it easily, the
actual energy itself. The radiation flow is two-directional in the
tube. The flow moving past me in the direction fromwhich I came is
smooth, even, and undiluted. The flow that I am is moving in the
opposite direction and appears much different. It is organized in a
more complex form. It is the same as the wave moving past me, but it
contains a multitude of small waves impressed upon the basic (small
waves of his Alters, LM).
I am both the basic and the small waveforms, moving back to the Source.
The movement is steady and unhurried, impelled by a desire
I know but cannot express. I vibrate with joyous ecstasy just by the
knowing. (The tube seems to become larger as another joins it from one
side, and another waveform melds into me and we become one. I recognize
the other immediately, as it does me, and there is the great excitement
of reunion, this other I and I. How could I have forgotten this! We
move along together, happily exploring the adventures, experience, and
knowledge of the other. The tube widens again, and another I joins us,
and the process repeats itself. Our waveforms are remarkably identical
and our pattern
grows stronger as they move in phase. There are variegations
(multicolored) in each which, when combined with another related
anomaly, create a new and important modification of the total that we
(The tube expands again and I am no longer concerned with its walls as
still another I enters the wave-form Flow. This is particularly
exciting, as it is the first I perceive as returning from a completely
nonhuman sojourn. Yet the intermesh was near-perfect and we became so
much more. Now we know that, somewhere, a consciously controlled
physical tail, much like a monkey's, is useful in ways far more than
balance and acting as a third hand for holding things. It can be a very
efficient means of communication far beyond a super sign language just
as eloquent as the spoken word.
(Steadily and surely, one I after another joins us. With each, we
become more aware and remember more of the total. How many does not
seem important. Our knowledge and ability is so great that we do not
bother to contemplate it (consider thoughtfully). It is not important.
We are One!
(With this, we divert from the underlying waveform and move away from
it. We watch motionless in unified respect as the action of it
continues away from us into an infinity. We also perceive easily the
smooth originating wave coming from such infinity and dissolving into
the pattern from whence we came (The Source of All Suns, LM).
Flowing through all of us is a coherent energy, that is our creation,
that displays immensely the reality of the whole as far greater, than
the sum of the parts.
(What our Higher Selves can do, LM):
"Our Abilities and Knowledge seem without limit, yet we know at this
point such is valid only within the energy systems of our experience.
We can create time as we wish or the need arises, reshaping and
modifying within the percept itself. We can create matter from other
energy patterns, or change the structure thereof to any degree desired,
including reversion (return to a former condition) to original form. We
can create, enhance, alter, modulate, or eradicate any percept within
the energy fields of our experience. We can transform any such energy
fields one into another or others except for that which we are. We
cannot create or comprehend our Prime Energy, until we are complete.
(Our Prime Energy is the Energy of Balance, which can be created by
humans, manipulating different vibrations during physical Planetary
Game, creating Sun Energy of Balance by us. This book, was written
before the Beginning of Departure of our Old Universe, which started in
1994! But things now are happening differently, because of Integration
of all Energies of Earth into one Huge Ball of Sun Energy, moving to
the Source! LM)
(We can create physical patterns such as your Sun and your Solar
System, yet we do not. It has been done. We can adjust the environs of
our Planet Earth, yet we do not. It is not Our Design. We can and do
monitor, supplement, and enhance the Flow of Human Learning experience,
as well as other Learning experiences of similar content throughout
Time-Space. This we perform at all Levels of Human Awareness, so as to
prepare those entraining units (future humans) of our Prime Energy
(Energy of Balance) for the Entry and Meld into the Totality, that we
are becoming. It is the Essence of our Growth to do so. Such Assistance
and Preparation is forthcoming from us only by request from one or more
Levels of Consciousness within the entraining unit. Thereafter, a
Bonding is in effect, through which many forms of communication pass
between us, until the ultimate transformation occurs.
We know, who we are, and one I laughs and we all laughs at the name
this I had given us. We are an Inspec, just one. There are many others
around us. )
- You are still Incomplete. There are parts of you yet to be
transformed, including that visiting portion so filled with curiosity.
Each of us is incomplete. That is why we remain at this point, to reach
back and gather additional and remaining parts of us, until we are
Complete. Our curiosity desires the effect of Completion. We
move into the Creative Return Flow again, the waveform, that brought
you here. When we do so, we leave this Reality.
Can this be demonstrated?
It is not possible. It is not within our Knowledge to do so. When you
have transformed and melded totally into your whole, you will
That is why this point came into being. It is not possible to continue
until Completion.
Continue to what destination?
We believe it to be the Source of the Radiation (the Source of All
Life) , the Creative Emission and Return. Communication is closed with
those, who have continued. The desire to continue occurs upon
Completion. It is more, than your curiosity, as you call it, and
difficult to transmit in a form we can understand.
There have been attempts by those completed, who are to continue,
without success.
The Ultimate Home? (the Source of All Suns! LM).
(A good beginning Concept. A design, which unfolds as perception grows.
It is necessary now, that you terminate your visit and return. We will
be with you our curious I.)
Return where! (Your physical environs)...Where is that? ...(In-human,
your physcal body)...Oh, yes, I had forgotten...Do I have to go back?
(Reach for us and we will be with you in many ways. You have much to
do. Go get them, tiger!
(And a rote, as you call it, to play with.)
The return to the physical was near-instantaneous, my face and eyes
were wet. I sat up in the chair and remembered. I reached for the
yellow pad and pen, to get the rote into words immediately. I knew I
had changed. For the rest of my physical life, I would remember. But
this would never change:
For those who would die, there is life.
For those who would dream, there is reality.
For those who would hope, there is knowledge.
For those who would grow, there is eternity.
Blank: Don't understand
CLICK!: Change consciousness
Closed: Tune down or out
Curl: Organized energy
Dulled: Lost interest
Flickered: Uncertain
Ident: Name/address
Lighted: Idea, happy
M-Band: Thought spectrum
M-Band noise: Uncontrolled thought
Real time: 3:05 A.M. . . . body rested, relaxed . . . sense of warmth.
. . gentle insistent signal, familiar . . . good enough, deep breath,
exhale, detach, unhook, down and out, then up . . . free of physical,
up slightly, roll, out of second body, leave it in parking orbit . . .
now totally free . . . begin to home on INSPEC ident . . . out of phase
with physical, moving . . . usual easy process . . . rapidly through
dense Inner Rings . . . ought to be some way to wake all of them up at
once, that would be something . . . not even a good simulation of hell
. . . if you won't accept you're no longer physical, you're dead, dead,
dead and still alive . . . now more out of phase, into the center major
ring, used to call it Locale II . . . what an understatement, misnomer
. . . at least they've begun to understand and remember . . . dim
forms, light up if you focus on them . . . this is where my father was,
Dr. Gordon, Agnew . . . more out of phase in spiral, nearly past the
last Outer Ring . . .Somebody grabbed me! Keep calm, cool, it can be
worked out, happened before but not this far on the edge, no need to
abort and go back to physical . . . don't move, no movement . . . it's
releasing me, easing back . . . totally different energy pattern, but
intelligent, yes, must operate on M Band . . . certainly not . . .
(Didn’t intend to push you.) The form was open, vibrating. (Your ident
almost exactly like somebody else, my percept was he was you.)
I smoothed. (That's O.K.)
The form blanked. (O.K.?)
(There's no problem.)
The homing signal was still there, and I turned to move, when suddenly
the signal cut off. It was gone. This had rarely happened before,
usually there was a reason. Almost instantly I got the percept. I
turned back to the form. It was dulled and closed, receding.
(Hey, wait a minute.)
The form opened slightly, blanked, motionless.
(Can I help you?)
The form vibrated slightly. (You’re human, or used to be?)
I smoothed. (Well, yes, but not exactly the way you . . .)
(If you’re human, you can't help, because you’re addicted like all the
rest.) The form vibrated heavily. (Takes more smarts than any human or
anyone who's ever been human. They’re contaminated.)
I had a percept of great loneliness. (Try me.) Small bits of rote
drifted out of the form as it flickered half open. They had a different
pattern and I couldn't put them together, too strange. The first
response in me was wariness, then I remembered what I had learned. I
opened wide. (Try me.)
The form flickered, then lighted somewhat. (Well, I have this friend,
and . . . there's a problem. Here...)
A large bulky rote rolled out of the form and straight to me. I
gathered it in carefully, and certainly with caution. There are some
rotes one would just as soon do without. This one also had an alien
ident. Slowly, I opened it.
126 - 127
The Tour Guide checked to be sure all members of the group were
present. It had been an extensive cruise and this was the last point of
(May I have your attention, please? If you’re ready, we will make one
more entry into TSI (Time-Space Illusion). I'm sure you will find it
most interesting.)
Ident AA dulled. (I think I'll sit this one out.)
Ident BB turned to his friend. (Aw, come on, AA, it's only one more,
then we'll be heading for home.)
(One more, one more.) AA vibrated. (The exciting and amazing timespace
illusion! TSI! Experience it in person! I could have stayed home and
got the same effect. See one, you’ve seen them all.)
(This is supposed to be different.) BB lighted.
(Sure, sure.)
(. . . And I am instructed to caution you to be prepared for extreme
discordant M Band radiation), the Tour Guide continued. (So I suggest
that you shield yourselves accordingly.)
AA turned to BB, half closed. (Same old buildup. Probably more rock,
more dust, more craters.)
(. . . Stay on the perimeter, keep a safe distance. You'll find enough
to keep your attention at that point. Is everyone ready?)
(You coming, AA?) BB queried his friend unnecessarily. He knew him very
AA turned. (Oh, all right. You'll never let me forget it if I don't.)
The blue-green (aquamarine) Ball rushed close, until it blotted out all
other perception. Then they were hovering just above tall rectangular
masses (highscripers) set in orderly rows. In deep furrows between the
masses, objects of various shapes were moving slowly. Noise level in
the M Band was near unbearable.
BB focused down with disgust. (What a mess!)
The Tour Guide began his carefully prepared spiel. (This is one of the
major matter artifacts, created by the dominant species, ident: man or
human, if you remember your briefing. Local ident is New York.)
BB dulled. (Doesn't look very new to me.)
(The human species are the ones, that appear more vertical, than
horizontal,) the Tour Guide continued. (The various colors you perceive
are emanating from an artificially produced covering used principally
for decorative reasons. The larger mobiles (cars) are in fact
artificial physical bodies, which are often temporarily inhabited by
the dominant species, and use chemical reaction of an explosive force
to provide operating energy.)
(You were right, AA. It's not worth the effort and that M Band noise is
turning me inside out.) BB scanned his friend. (Getting to you, too,
AA focused raptly at the activity around them. (Fascinating, absolutely
BB turned to him quickly. (What?)
(The incredible power. I've never felt anything like it.)
(What power?)
(Don't you feel it? So many different kinds, all randomly mixed
(Where, what are you talking about?)
AA reached out, stretching. (Coming from them. The M-Band energy
patterns, thousands upon thousands, some hard, some soft, and the
texture, the texture!)
BB blanked. (You all right?)
AA opened wide. (I'm fine. In fact, I'm wonderful. I never knew
anything like this existed.)
BB suddenly lighted. (It's the M-Band noise! You've sopped up too much
of . . .)
(Not noise, BB,) AA cut in. (Certainly not noise. It's an amazing
mixture of resonance, beat frequencies, standing waves, incalculable
(Noise. That's what the prep briefing called it. That's what everybody
calls it. Plain old M Band noise . . .)
AA turned inward. (I wonder, what it's really like.)
(What do you mean, really like! It's all over the place. All primitive
life sets have it. M-Band noise is M-Band noise. Come on, let's get out
of here, the cruise group is leaving.)
AA still remained inward. (To be there, to be in it must be
(I wouldn’t know and I don't want to know.) BB grunted.
(I've heard it can be done, BB.) (Rumor, street talk.)
BB vibrated impatiently. (Come on, AA, we’ll lose the group if we don't
. . . AA! Where you going? AA!)
AA entered the Intermediate Area, BB in his wake. He stopped in front
of a tall burly form, that seemed to resemble the humans he had just
(I'm looking for the way to get to be human.)
(This is ident Entry Station,) the form responded curiously.
(I want to do it.) AA vibrated. (I mean, I want to be human.)
The form blanked. (You want to what?)
(I want to find out what it's like to be human, the way they are over
down there.) AA pointed. (I don't mean permanently, just long enough to
get the feel of it.)
(Just long enough to get the feel of it.) The form turned inward, then
out. (Why would you want to do a thing like that!)
(Well, uh . . .) AA tried to sort out the pattern in himself. (We’re on
this TSI cruise, and when we went in over ident New York, I suddenly .
. . it was very strange,
I wanted, uh, wanted . . .)
(The M-Band noise,) BB put in. (It got to him.)
The form nodded. (Yea, the M-Band noise. It'll do it if you're not
(I don't know how to express it.) AA flickered, attempting to coalesce.
(It seems very important, that I try it.)
(Just for kicks, a high, something new,) the form suggested.
(Well, yes.) AA lighted. (At least at first. Now, something more than
that, I've never felt an interest this strongly.)
(Where you from?) The form smoothed politely.
(KT-95), BB came in quickly. (I know it's a hefty skip from here, but
we had got a lot of rote about Time-Space and the TSI. No one had ever
visited it from KT-95, so when this cruise was offered . . . well, you
know,) he added, (it can get kind of boring. You do something to break
the monotony.)
(I can do it?) There was slight anxiety in AA's query. (Rumor rote back
home had wild stories about it, but even in the cruise rote, there's no
official mention, so . . .)
The form sighed. (All you have to do is ask. That's all, ask.)
AA lighted with unusual brilliance. (That's just great! I certainly . .
(AA, hold it, hold it,) BB cut in. (You absolutely sure you know what
you’re doing? I remember some wild rote about parts of it, that weren’t
quite so . . .)
(I wouldn't miss it for the KT-95!) AA turned to the form. (I ask. Now
what do I do?)
(Recorded: You asked.) The form turned and pointed, (Just go that way
and then turn right. Right, not left.)
(Got it, down that way, turn right!)
(Not left.)
(Right.) AA leaned to BB. (Stick around till I get back, old buddy.
Will I have some stuff to feed you! Real rote!)
(Yeah,) BB grunted sourly. (The cruise group has already left. That
means we’ll have to pull skip all the way home. Just don't make it
AA lighted brightly and faded into the haze. BB stirred uncomfortably.
(You can wait here if you wish,) the form offered.
(Thanks, I'd appreciate it.) BB dulled, then in passing, (What's to the
The form spoke absently. (Oh, left. That's another department. Don't
want to get them mixed up.)
(Oh, yeah.) Then perceiving the form more clearly: (Hey, who are you?)
(Ident Entry Director. ED. Just call me Ed.)
(Ed.) BB opened curiously. (You ever been through this human stuff?)
Ed was silent for a moment, pulling in old rote. (Yeh. Coupla times.)
BB drifted aimlessly about the station. The Entry Director hovered
motionless, inward and closed.
BB ventured, (Busy operation you got here.)
Ed opened slightly. (Yeh.)
(Must be a lot more organization, than appears on the surface, huh?)
(You must have picked up some pretty strong rote being here.)
BB reached out without much result. (Haze is strange stuff. Cuts your
percept back to near nothing.)
(Effect of the TSI-Time/Space Illusion, huh?)
BB rotated slightly, then did a few quick spirals. (We got a game back
home, where we do as many as a hundred of these, one after the other.
Pretty neat, huh?)
(But you got to keep in practice, if you’re going to stay in the game.)
BB did several more tight spirals, then relaxed. (My friend will come
back to the Station, when he's through, won't he? Back here?)
(Good, I can't miss him.)
BB blanked. (I can?)
Ed popped open. (What?)
(My friend has to come back here to the Station, doesn’t he?)
Ed closed. (Hey.)
(I don't want to . . .)
Ed opened, vibrated heavily. (Hasn’t your friend returned?)
(No, not yet. My percept was . . .)
Ed accelerated. (I should have seen he was the type. Come on, kid.)
BB vibrated. (What's up?)
Ed faded. (Your friend's got a problem. Come on.) He turned and receded
rapidly. BB followed, flickering wildly. Ed turned left and waited for
BB to join him. (There. This is our big department. No rote. The real
thing. Get your own rote.)
BB blanked, flickered, wide open. Before him was the blue-green Planet,
indistinct. Around the Planet were Rings of haze, gigantic thick Rings,
of indeterminate number. Demarcation between them was vague, as wisps
and tendrils reached from one to the other. Except the Ring nearly
touching the Planet itself. It appeared isolated. With this exception,
the others were flowing rapidly through Portals in the Entry Station.
No, there was one more, on the outer edge. It came nowhere near the
Station. Very thin.
BB focused intently. The M Band Noise was horrendous, yet not nearly so
bad, as it had been down on the Planet itself. Moreover, as he singled
out each Band, his percept showed, that the Noise was greatest in the
Bands close to the Planet. The farther away from the Planet, the less
noise. Very little was present in the outermost Band. Little, but still
BB blanked further. M Band doesn't decline with "distance" or
dimension; even the cruise TSI briefing rote had the whole story. If
there was no M Band, no life. M Band with Noise, still primitive, no
percept, no communication worthwhile bothering with. M Band, no Noise,
great place to visit and gather rote, locals know where they are and
what they are, easy but limited communication—but not a place to stay.
Nothing. No decline of intensity, no mix, noise and M signals. It
either was or was not. Must be an effect of the Intermediate Area.
BB focused tightly on a Band in the center, nearly fell backward with
shock, closed quickly and turned in. The Band was composed of forms,
living forms!
He opened slightly, focused, one Band after another. They were all the
same. Thousands—no, millions, maybe billions of living forms.
BB closed and blanked completely, totally dulled.
(Your friend's in there.) Ed came in both gentle and sad.
BB opened slightly, still dulled. (What?)
(When he hadn't appeared at the Station, that's the only answer.)
BB still blanked. (He's in there?)
(What is it! There wasn’t anything like that during the TSI cruise,
when we stopped over . . .)
(You were focused totally on physical matter. Cruise groups pop through
the Intermediate Area, like avoiding a bump in the road.)
BB blanked again. (Road? Bump?)
(Forget it, not important, human terms.)
(But all those living forms . . .)
(Repeat, repeat what?)
(They want to go through another experience as human.)
BB closed tightly. Rote was coming so fast it was almost beyond control.
Incredible, that anyone would want to go the route a second time. The
first looked bad enough. Yet the percept was obvious. Knowing AA, it
was obvious.
He opened. The shock wore off.
(Can we find him among all those others?)
Ed smoothed. (Good possibility. Most First-Timers hitting the repeat
route usually end up in the Outer Band. Can you spot him? I mean, could
you get a percept on him easily?)
BB lighted. (AA? Got more rote on him, than anyone in KT-95. No
(Then you may well be able to turn him out of it.) Ed swung around. (We
better get over to the processing gate.)
BB scanned intently the multitude of animate forms passing under him.
AA and his impulses. Never did know when to stop, if he got interested.
But these thousands upon thousands . . . He turned to Ed. (Must be big
stuff to make all of these want to do it again.)
(We warn them. It's all in the pre-brief rote.)
(Must not be too clear.)
(Here, run it yourself. I'll scan for your friend.) Ed tossed a bulky
rote at BB. He ran it quickly. Halfway through, there it was: . . .
remain fully established freedom of will and consciousness at the Entry
Point. This is guaranteed and is required by the Compressed Learning
System in use...A final note of caution: Certain aspects of the human
experience may produce specific and general effects, which may be
harmful and unless controlled bring about habituation, with undesirable
consequences. Your imprint affirms your understanding of this section.
BB opened. (That doesn’t seem very clear to me.)
Ed vibrated. (That's as far as we can go. Otherwise it would ruin the
Learning Process.)
(What aspects, what effects?)
(It would ruin the . . .)
(Come on, Ed, it won't ruin me. I'm not going to be a human. Ill never
touch the stuff.)
Ed dulled, then closed. (Get your own rote.)
BB vibrated. (All right, I will!)
Both remained half closed, focusing on the Stream of Forms passing
through the Portal. Each appeared different from the others, yet
possessed some human trait, however small. In a few, BB's percept found
a bright and intense radiation that made him confused and
uncomfortable. It was his reaction to one of these that forced him open
and smooth. (Ed, you’re just doing your job, and I'm pushed about my
friend AA.)
Ed opened. (Yeh, I got the percept. Problem is, events like this don't
happen often enough and I lose the rote.)
BB blanked. (Lose the rote! Impossible. Nobody does that.)
Ed indicated the Massive Bands of living forms. (They did, all of em.)
(Lose what rote?)
(Who they were. They forgot who they were.)
BB blanked and closed. No way anything like that could happen. It was
vital to very existence. No one could be and do if you—how did Ed put
—forgot who you were. Yet the percept from Ed was clear.
(Now, this Outer Ring,) Ed was continuing. (They are made of three
types. One is the First-Timer, such as your friend. He just started to
forget. Then there's the Old-Timers, who mostly remember after going
the route, uh, repeating being human a number of times. These hang
around and do what they can to help. They don't remember quite enough
to go home.)
BB lighted with a great percept. (You're an Old-Timer, Ed.)
(Yeh. Anyway, you keep a scan for your friend. I'll run the rest of the
rote for you, piece by piece.)
BB opened wide, sweeping focus on the stream of living forms. So many
of them. Still, should be no problem finding AA. Wonder how Ed happened
to get assigned to his job. Why him?
(Wasn’t assigned to it. There was a hole where the ED used to be on my
time around, so I just jumped into it.) Ed was smooth and warming.
(Then there's this third type, the Last-Timers. They make one more
recycle, uh, one more physical life as a human, and then they’re gone.)
BB turned. (Where do they go?)
Ed rolled. (I dunno. Home, I guess. They never show up back here. And,
oh yeh. There's this other type we call the Seekers. Don't get many of
them, slippery as eels. Unstable, flick in and out.)
BB blanked. (As what? Slippery?)
(Never mind. Human stuff again.)
(Give me a rote and I'll run it.)
(Not worth it. Now, these Seekers, they’re different. Near as I get it,
they come poking around here and they still got a physical human body
over there, alive and kicking.)
(I didn’t have a percept you can do that. I thought everybody came back
only after the physical body fell apart, wasn’t operational.)
(That's what I had, until I got here as ED. Then I began to spot them.)
BB was lighting strongly, (There he is!)
Ed was gentle, warm. (Go get him, tiger!)
BB blanked. (Tiger?)
(Go on!)
BB moved swiftly into the massive, flowing ring of vibrating forms. The
M Band noise was nowhere near, what he had expected, almost within
tolerable levels.
As he slipped through the edges of various radiation
groups, he was quick to percept, that many, if not most, had signal
strength equal to, if not greater, than his own. But it was different.
It was not just the noise, it was something different. Nothing like it
in KT-95. Also, the forms obviously were aware of his passing . . .
short flashes of curiosity, retracting to let him through, pleasant
acknowledgment. Nothing like the pattern he expected from his earlier
Then he was with AA. (Some adventure, huh?)
AA blanked, then lighted brightly. (BB! What are you doing here!)
(Came to get you, what else?)
(You didn't have to do that.)
(Well, you were supposed to return to the Station. What happened?)
AA flickered. (I was?)
(You sure were.)
AA flickered more deeply. (I don't know. It seemed, uh, easier this
BB smoothed. (How was it?)
AA lighted. (Astounding! I don't have anything to express it.)
(Start at the beginning.)
AA rolled brightly, and hit BB with a solid rote before he could close.
AA moved among a large mass of Beings of all shapes, sizes, and
patterns. The crowd was so large, that he could not easily perceive the
other side, where it ended. None remotely resembled anyone he had known
back home in KT-95. He dulled, disappointed. Were they all waiting to
be human?
(All of 'em.)
AA spun his focus. A short, human-looking form leaned behind him.
The form vibrated. (Ident Routine Entry Dispatcher. RED. . . . just
call me Red.)
(Not to be confused with . . . sorry, wrong department. You must have
joined in when I was busy. Need to get a rote on you, so I can try to
place you properly. Roll it)
AA opened and gave him the best rote he knew.
Red lightened. (KT-95, hey? Well, that's a new one for me. Haven't had
a KT-95 since I've been here.)
(I don't believe there ever has been,) AA replied. (No records, only
side rote, which doesn’t mean anything.)
(And you came in on a TSI cruise, and you want to get the feel of it,
huh? M-Band noise got to you, did it?)
(Well, no.) AA flickered. (Not exactly, you see, I . . .)
(Not important,) Red cut in. (fust makes it easier to get you
processed, as a matter of rote. Now, first, which is your preference,
male or female? I can't guarantee your choice, but I like to match it
up with the entry point when I can.)
AA blanked.
Red vibrated. (Oh, you don't know the difference. You are out of the
AA blanked further.
(That's a human expression which . . . not important. I guess male or
female doesn't make any difference in the long run, especially with
you. So, any particular entry point desired?)
AA hesitated, then decided. (New York?)
(That's all? Just New York?)
AA lighted.
(New York it is, any available entry point. Either sex. Well, AA, that
should make it fairly rapid for you. Of course, it would be immediate
if you select Bombay, Calcutta, or a dozen or so other points. Lot of
action there.)
AA dimmed and dulled. (New York. At least I have rote. I've been there.)
Red turned in and closed. (Yeah, sure. Sure, you do.) Then he lighted
briskly. (Take this pre-brief rote and focus through it all the way.
You'll need to imprint your agreement and acceptance when you pass
through the Entry Point. Ready?)
Red lobbed the rote and AA fielded it easily.
AA probed the outer edges, then opened. (Hey, this is complicated! You
mean I have to sort through all this stuff?)
Red was closed. (Yep.)
(Why can't I simply go and be human? Why do I need all of this?)
Red went auto-rote. (When in Rome . . .)
(I'm not going to Rome, I'm going to New York.)
Red smoothed. (Oh, uh, yes, well, it applies anywhere. It's the rules,
kid. I don't make them. Now find yourself a quiet spot and run through
it. I'll have you a general point, New York, in no time at all.)
AA blanked. (No time at all! I thought time was . . .)
(fast run the rote, kid, run the rote.) Red unfocused and was gone.
AA leaned back and let the rote open:
Agreement and Understanding. Human sojourn only. First Entry Status
• Organized as a school for compressed learning. Successful graduates
achieve tangent rating.
• For duration of human sojourn, firm agreement, that time-space
exists, has reality. Agreement of reality of particular entry point and
its environs (matter, Planet Earth, Sun, Solar system, Galaxy, Physical
Universe), of time indicated at entry point, of physical animate form
designated as well as those of others, of past events recorded as human
history, of complete biostructure as encountered.
• In order for learning system to function at maximum efficiency,
temporary blanking of pre-entry activity is essential. Agreement to
perform such blanking is hereby authorized.
• Anything to the contrary contained herein not withstanding, all FES
remain fully established in freedom of will and consciousness at the
Entry Point. This is guaranteed and is required by the Compressed
Learning System in use.
• A final note of caution: Certain aspects of the human experience may
produce specific and general effects, which may be harmful and un . . .
AA released the rote. Scare tactics. Need them to hold back the mobs,
that would swamp the place with applications. Well, it won't work this
time. Can't get rid of old AA that easily. He refocused on a nearby
form. (How's it going?)
The form opened, then closed. (Who wants to know?)
(Ident AA from KT-95.) AA reached out, then withdrew quickly.
(Where you from?)
(You don't want to know.)
(Sure, I do. Your first time, too, I guess. How, I mean what made up
your mind to give it a try?)
The form dulled. (I didn't.)
AA blanked. (Sure, you did.)
(You don't understand. Here.) The form rolled a rote to AA, who picked
it up gingerly.
The first layer was enough. Assigned HSTI-FES for retraining, don't
come back until you're better. Details enclosed in . . . The rote grew
too hot to handle.
AA hurriedly rolled it back to the form, and the form reluctantly
retrieved it. AA unfocused and turned away.
(A big event, isn’t it!) A tall thin form emerged from the haze.
AA opened uncertainly. (Yes, it is.)
(After all the planning and preparation, I'm finally going to do it.
AA blanked. (Do what?)
(Conduct my experiment!) The form lighted strongly. (I've studied every
aspect of the human system. Incredible how much effort it took. Only
state of consciousness
I can test it in. It could change everything!)
(Really!) AA focused more carefully. (What does it do?)
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The form closed. (Sorry, might spoil the experiment if you had rote.
Maybe we'll meet as Humans. See you on Earth!)
(Here Robert meet a former pet on Earth, a dog or a cat, who is going
to become a human for the first time! LM).
The form faded, and as AA turned, he became aware of a tiny form
huddled to one side. He focused. (Hi.) The little one was wide open.
(Going to make the big leap, huh?)
(Yes . . . I hope so.)
AA blanked. (You hope so! Don't you know?)
The tiny form vibrated. (I mean, it came so quickly, it was such a
surprise. I'm still not used to it. It's really going to happen, after
I tried so long.)
(You mean they wouldn’t accept you, wouldn’t let you in before this?)
(I guess not. I wanted to, but it never happened . . . before now.)
AA opened more. (I thought anyone could just walk up and get in, if
there were entry points available.)
(Oh, no. You have to qualify.)
AA stored and scanned. (Ident?)
The form flickered. (What?)
(I don't know what you mean.)
AA blanked heavily, then focused softly. (If you’ll run me your rote,
I'll try to help. I understand, the excitement and all the
The form flickered more. (What's a rote?)
(Rote is information you have that . . .) AA cut off, then reset.
(Where did you come from?)
The form lighted. (Over there. It was easy.)
AA followed the focus. (You mean the Planet, where humans are?)
(Yes, yes.)
AA vibrated. (Then it's not your first time. You've been Human? There
must be some mix-up!)
(No, no, there isn 't.) The form grew brighter. (I've never been a
human, but I've studied them a long time. I've lived with them, they've
fed and loved me . . . and now I . . . I'm going to be a Human. They
tell me I've earned, I mean learned it. And I'm going to be a good one.
I know it!)
AA gave warm support and swung away, then unfocused. He turned in
deeply for some obscure rote, that would explain it. Nothing. The haze
was gathering into clusters, some large, some small. Each had wispy
spirals of rote, that brushed through AA as he wandered among the
clusters. In KT-95, that was usually a sign of poor discipline or at
least leaky valves. Here, it didn't seem to matter. Further, there
didn't appear to be any lessening of the crowd. If anything, there were
more. This Intermediate Area was deceptive, AA decided. Has a tendency
to distort. What he pulled rote as hundreds, must be thousands—all
jammed into the Entry Station. And that little mixed-up one. Couldn't
rote anything, not even where she really came from. She? What's she?
Suddenly, an unusually large spiral reached out from a cluster and
yanked AA inward. (I need your help, I need your help!)
AA disengaged just as he was about to fall into the opening cluster.
(What's the problem?)
The form swept aside the last vestiges of haze. (What are your plans
after you enter?)
AA opened slightly. (Why, uh . . . to experience being human.)
The form vibrated. (No more than that?)
AA rolled. (I'm sure that'll be enough for me.)
(Do you know what they're going through over there?)
(Well, I . . .)
(Untold suffering. Millions upon millions of them, lying and deceiving
one another, violating every known Law, including the ones they thought
up themselves, illusion upon illusion, digging deeper and deeper
patterns . . . It's horrible.)
AA began closing. (I'm sure it's not as bad as you . . .)
The form vibrated more heavily. (It's worse. I've been studying and
observing them for centuries. Worse!)
AA blanked. (Centuries?)
(Now it's getting to a crisis situation, and somebody has to do
something and nobody is, so I'm going to!)
AA smoothed. (Do what?)
(I'm going in there and change it all. I need your help to do it. I
need yours and everyone else's I can get. Here, here's what we’re going
to do.)
The form threw a heavy rote at AA, who held on to it with some
difficulty. The first layers not only shocked, but astounded him. How
could rote ever get so tangled and distorted?
He turned in and closed. How to release gracefully? The solution came
He tossed the rote back to the heavily vibrating form. (Sorry, I can't
help you. I would like to, but I can 't.)
The form vibrated. (You can't! Why not?)
AA smoothed even further. (Didn’t you go through your pre-hriefing?)
(Yes, of course I did.)
(The part about blanking all previous rote? If they do that, I won't
have a rote of meeting you, anything about what happened here.)
The form dulled, then closed. The haze settled again in a cluster
around him. AA unfocused and continued his float among the clusters. He
became cautious and avoided all the larger exuding rote tendrils. The
others he moved through, picking up fragments of events, patterns,
states of awareness totally inconsistent with those of home, KT-95.
Suddenly, a quick sharp percept drove into him. (Ident AA! Ident AA!
Ready for you at entry portal!)
AA spun quickly, focused on the signal, following it through the haze
and clusters. Looming through the haze was a large vertical slot,
vibrating with a vivid energy AA had never before perceived. Red and Ed
were waiting beside it.
Red vibrated. (All set and ready, ident AA.)
AA flickered. (What do I do?)
Ed leaned in. (Imprint here, acceptance and agreement terms contained
in pre-briefing.)
Two carefully controlled spirals emanated from Ed. AA sent his own
spiral in between them, then activated. Ed pulled back the spirals and
leaned back.
AA vibrated very highly. (What do I do now!)
Red hit it hard and high. (Jump! Jump through the slot!)
AA jumped.
Intense contraction, constricting . . . overwhelming signal input of
unknown types . . . coming from parts of him he never knew existed . .
. trapped, can't get out of here . . . nothing works . . . can't get
anything to work right . . . not what I expected . . . it hurts . . .
what's hurt? . . . what who expected? . . . turn down the signals, turn
them down, they're tearing me up . . . too many of them, too strong . .
. help, somebody help me! . . . trapped . . . please, please, somebody
help me, get me out of this thing . . . this is the last of AA,
screaming, screaming . . . A new baby cried lustily in the bedroom of a
New York tenement. Both mother and midwife grinned happily, sweat
running down their faces.
BB flickered. (Is that all?)
AA lighted. (That's only the beginning.)
BB turned in. (Some beginning. You weren’t very happy.)
(Oh, after a bit I learned, did I learn! There's so much I can't get it
all into one rote . . . What's wrong?)
(I'm getting a wild percept.)
AA blanked. (From where?)
BB smoothed. (Never mind, let's get on home. We're going to have to
pull at least four skips to get back to KT-95 on our own. So . . .)
(Home! I can't go back yet.) AA vibrated rapidly.
(Sure, you can.)
(Now, come on, AA . . .)
(I had only forty-five years. Then I got sick. I didn't get to finish!)
BB smoothed. (Whatever forty-five years is, that's enough. Come on.)
(I can't!) AA flickered violently. (I have only half the experience!)
BB blanked. (Half?)
(I was a male this last time! Now I'm going to be female!)
BB blanked completely. (Male? Female?)
(That's right, old buddy, and they're as different as, as . . . That's
what I'm going to find out.)
BB hardened. (You're in trouble.)
(Trouble? What trouble?)
(You got the pre-brief rote.)
AA flickered. (Of course I got it.)
(Then you know what's happening.)
AA blanked. (No, what?)
BB smoothed. (AA, you’re getting hooked, you’re . . .)
The huge PORTAL loomed ahead, a myriad of vibrations. AA was fading
into the massive PORTAL along with the others.
BB vibrated as strongly as he could. (AA, no . . . wait!) With a
strange wave, AA disappeared.
BB dulled and closed, and moved away from the stream.
(Sorry, kid.) Ed came in gently. (I didn’t think you had a chance of a
snowball in hell, but I had to let you try.)
BB dulled. (What happens now?)
(If he/she follows the pattern, he/she will get more and more and more
involved in the human experience, dropping down a Ring each time, until
he/she is at the bottom.)
BB flickered, still dulled. (Then what?)
Ed opened wide, carefully. (They stay at the bottom and don't come
back, or they begin to work their way back up. Most of 'em stay at the
BB dulled.
(Go on home, kid. Back to KT-95.)
BB dulled and closed completely. He slowly drifted out of the Station,
flickering dimly. The haze was less, filled with occasional clean
signals, which did not have his ident; thus they did not attract or
penetrate and so were ignored. Then a faint percept did penetrate. BB
popped open. A form was moving past him. He vibrated, stretched. (AA!
You did it! You broke out. How . . .) The form stopped, motionless. BB
pulled back quickly. It was not AA.
BB opened wide. (I got my idents crossed. That's why I hooked you.)
I folded the rote back in slowly. (You have a problem, all right.) Then
there was a strong signal to return to the physical. I had a problem,
too. I had the percept of BB in total blank and I must have receded
almost instantaneously. I picked up the second, went back to physical,
took a deep breath, and looked for the problem. The dog was barking
again to go outdoors.
Time: 3:55 A.M. . . . full physical wakefulness, usual conditions plus
the not so usual recognition of INSPEC homing signal presence in this
consciousness. . . followed normal rollout . . . signal was strong . .
. moved upward and out, through Rings, past Intermediate Area—stopped.
Was stopped. Feeling of tiredness, hadn't been aware of it before. No
more Homing Signal, I was there. So were THEY. Great sense of warmth,
companionship, more.
(Mister Monroe.)
When it came in that way, I was never sure it meant work or play, if I
could possibly tell the difference—or something else. It was something
(Some alignment and balance are needed.)
I opened wide.
A huge white dog three times the size of our beloved Steamboat—what a
name for such a nice little dog—has him by the neck, the massive jaws
firmly shaking Steamboat back and forth in quick jerks, Steamboat's
body already swinging limply.
(No, no!) I can't let it happen! Is it really Steamboat? It is! He's
dead, Steamboat's dead! I'll kill that big son of a bitch, he'll never
. . .
A huge white dog three times the size of Steamboat has him by the neck
in massive jaws that are swinging Steamboat from side to side,
Steamboat hanging limply. (Steamboat's dead! Dead! What a tragedy! I'll
miss him, I'll miss him. Let go, big dog, so I can take what's left and
. . .)
A big white dog much larger than Steamboat has him by the neck and is
swinging Steamboat back and forth, Steamboat hanging relaxed, eyes
closed. (Well, little fellow, if that's the way it is, thanks for
staying around as long as you did. We had fun together. You gave me a
lot of rote that always will be a part of me . . .) Still in the jaws
of the big white dog, Steamboat raises his head slightly, opens one
eye, winks at me, and grins.
I was calm and relaxed. The tiredness was gone. More than that. My
energy was strong and clear. (Thank you.)
(Happy to be of service.)
I rolled. (Dogs will bark.)
(Now you can move to your friend from the other system. He is lost. He
will need your help.)
I flickered. (I'm not sure I can help him.)
(We will be with you. It is important that you help him.)
I blanked. (Important?)
(Important to you. We interrupted your signal so that you would
perceive him. As you put it—time will tell.)
I smoothed. (Shall I make him aware of you?)
(Not yet. Take this—how do you say it?—rote with you and perhaps he can
use it. We call it the BHP-1.)
I opened wide. (Sure.) The rote came to me and I tucked it away. I
turned and focused ident BB KT-95. There was some motion and there he
was, still in the haze. And flickering.
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BB vibrated. (What happened! You faded out, then back. Somebody pull a
skip on you?)
I blanked. (Pull a skip? What's that?)
(Well, when we want to move from one pattern to another, we, uh, you
know, pull a skip. If you catch somebody wide open, and you get in just
right, you can pull their skip and they’re off somewhere before they
get a percept.)
I flickered. (Why would you want to do that?)
BB rolled. (It's a game, fun!)
I rolled with him. (At least you're open now.)
(So somebody did pull a skip on you!)
I smoothed. (No, not exactly.)
(Even a skip leaves a trace. No one I ever met could do what you just
Neat. What was it?)
I flickered. (Well, I, uh, I had to go take care of something.)
BB blanked. (Take care of what?)
I smoothed. (My body.)
(What body?)
I rolled. (My physical body, of course. My physical human body. I still
got one and it still works.)
BB closed tightly, then opened slowly. (How, I mean, why, uh, what I
don't know. It simply happened. I'm trying to find out the why.) BB
turned inward, then opened. (You’re one of those slippery eels!)
I blanked, turned in. Part of Ed's rote came up. I rolled strongly. (I
guess that's as good a percept as any.)
BB rolled, then hardened. (What about AA? Any more I can do?)
(We'll try. You need a better percept of what's taking place.)
BB turned inward. (I don't want any real rote of the stuff. I sure
don't want to get addicted.)
I smoothed. (This rote won't do that. As a matter of fact, it'll begin
an inoculation process.)
BB blanked. (Inoculation . . .)
(You can close better. I'll push it slowly. Catch the edge. If you
don't like it, don't take it in.)
BB opened slowly. I eased the BHP-1 rote THEY gave me at him and it
spun slowly as he cautiously touched it. There was a long moment when
everything stopped, no movement, no response. Then there was a click
and the entire rote slipped into him.
BB turned inward and closed. I waited patiently. We were drifting
slowly out where the haze was thinner. I had only two idents at this
point. I either go back to where THEY were or back to the physical. I
had nothing on AA, only part of BB's rote, which wasn't enough. It had
to come from BB. I couldn't find AA for him.
BB turned inward, opened. (It's all new to me. Real rote, huh?)
(And that's what AA got himself into?)
BB blanked. (This isn't your rote. Where'd you get it?)
I smoothed. (Coupla friends of mine. Most of the rote was new to me,
too. At least I didn’t have a percept like that.)
BB hardened. (Well now, I got a hook on what 's going on. A little
complicated, but once AA has a one percept of this quality, he’ll jump
right out of the mess.)
I flickered. (Uh . . . there's a little more to it, you see.)
(What do we do next?)
(I guess catch your friend when he comes out again. If you can find
BB smoothed. (I could find AA inside a Black Hole. Are you coming?)
BB had the percept, that I would follow and he was right. He dove into
the haze and I was behind him, homing on his ident. We did a complete
run through the Ring, where he had found AA previously. Not a flick.
I was fairly sure that would be the case, which was bad news. Bad news
for BB. There was always a chance that, if AA was in the outer Ring, BB
might convince him to pull out and let go. Bad news for AA?
No one could make that percept, not even AA at this point.
In my few stopovers in the Outer Ring, it had always been utterly
fascinating— the Mix. Particularly the Last-Timers, those, who
knowingly were about to make their final recycle. They gave off a
Radiation (of White Balance), that was unforgettable—tremendous vital
power, that seemed totally under control. Within that strength were all
of the values and ideals, that humans hold important—not in Time-Space
context, not in external control systems, that demanded performance in
a specific manner, but something entirely apart, something learned from
being Human.
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Most important, all under control, all a cooperating, melding part of
the Whole. They were completely open. You could get a percept easily of
the crucible of human experience, that formulated such greatness—if you
could handle it. I tried once and it was too much. I returned to the
physical and was wistful for days thereafter.
The key was that they got that way from being human. They were not that
way at First Entry. But now it was different. Their Radiation had a
familiar resonance, and
I wondered, why this was so. In the last time around, they evidently
close it all down. Part of the vitality seeps through; it really all
can't be closed off. Yet they don't select history-making roles in that
final run—they've probably performed such previously. They are
inconspicuous, the mail clerk, the plain dirt farmer, the sailor, the
bookkeeper, not gathered as a group, but quietly spotted here and there
in both Time and place. If you ask their destination upon completion,
most simply respond with a gentle warmth: Home (the Source). The
percept comes out that way, but there's an overtone, a flavor, a nuance
that is only slightly familiar.
Yes, BB, there is much beyond the cold data. You pay the price and you
get what you pay for. One way or another. How do you tell a fish what
it's like on dry land? You don't try.
(Hey, I thought you were with me,) BB cut in.
I opened. (I am, I am.)
(He's not in this mob. Now what?)
I smoothed. (Down another ring.)
I turned, with BB close to me, and we moved quickly into the lower
haze. It had a different texture. Actually, from this point, it was
difficult to determine, where one Ring began and the other ended. A
part of it was familiar to me. I had attended class here for a while. I
hadn't been closed enough.
(What kind of class?) BB cut in.
(Where you learn how to help those, who are still in a physical body.)
BB rolled. (AA wouldn't be here. Nobody could teach him anything!)
I turned inward. (If you say so.)
BB darted outward and down and I joined his descent. . . . We began to
enter the familiar cleared areas in the haze. Houses, parks, fields of
growing plants, woods, forests, large buildings, rows of churches, it
went on endlessly. Humanoid forms were busily occupying themselves in
numerous earth-type activities.
BB flickered. (Haze is sure thick. What are they doing?)
I smoothed. (What they want to do.)
(Just milling around like that?)
(Some are fixing up their houses. Some are working. Let's see. Others
are playing golf. There is a poker game going on in that building over
there . . .)
BB cut in. (What building over where? I don't get a percept on
I flickered. (No building?)
(No houses, streets, trees, fields . . .)
(Just human-type forms moving around. And a lot of haze.)
I blanked and turned inward. The constructs—all of them were not
physical matter, so BB ought to be able to get percept of them in some
manner. The temporaries knew they were nonphysical; they built all of
this to be in familiar surroundings, while they thought over and
prepared for their next human cycle, built it out of . . . I lighted.
BB had no ident on such, thus he couldn't pull a percept. It was
strictly humans only.
I smoothed. (I don't think your friend is here. Let's move on.)
BB flickered. (Down?)
I swung over and did a flamboyant half-roll and dove through the border
haze. You could spend thousands of years in the rings and never explore
all aspects of them. Some parts are great, some not so great. I was
told that, whatever human can think of, is somewhere in these Rings;
thus more is being added constantly as human thinks more. Also I was
told some humans do spend thousands of years here, rotating in and out
of physical Earth life. Could be exciting stuff, if you planned and
thought it out carefully. But most of them . . .
(I got him, got him!) BB almost blew me away, he was vibrating so hard.
BB was already spinning away and I was following closely. Curious to
finally meet the notorious AA . . . then I nearly rammed BB, he pulled
up so suddenly.
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BB flickered. (It's AA, but . . . there's something wrong.)
I scanned to get a percept on his focus. There was a form, small, low
energy base, female, old woman, no, not so old, just . . .
BB vibrated and moved in. (AA! Hey, old boy, it's me!)
The form flickered, half open. (Leave me alone.)
BB vibrated. (It's me! BB!)
The form opened more. (What?)
BB reached out. (BB, that's who, old buddy, come to take you back!)
The form opened wider, vibrated. (BB! Where did you come from!)
BB smoothed. (Never mind, I'm going to take you back.)
AA flickered. (Back? Back where?)
(Back where you belong.)
AA vibrated. (Belong? I belong here! BB, I tell you, I'll never be a
female again! I was all day hoeing in the fields, got up in that cold
stone hut, while it was still dark, made the cooking fire, then ground
the grain into meal, then cooked food for the children, then he got up
and I made his food, then the tax collector came and took three pigs,
my three best, then my youngest baby died and I had to bury her
longside the other eight, but I kept six of the fourteen alive, till
the plague got me, and all the time he just was lying around or
hunting, or taking a club to me, then him and those other men came in
sousing drunk on wine and laid it to me, all of them. That plague was
God's will. It took me away from all of that!)
BB blanked totally, flickering. I started to move in, and suddenly
there was a barrier, a force pushing me back. I kept trying, but it
wouldn't let me get close to AA. I had never felt anything like it. I
finally stayed away.
BB opened carefully. (AA, I came to help . . .)
(I don't need help,) AA cut in. (I know what I'm going to do. I'm going
back and I'm going to be a warrior, a big powerful man, and I'm going
to spread my seed from one corner of England to another. Old King Henry
won't have nothin' on me, he won't!)
(AA!) BB vibrated heavily.
AA blanked, then flickered. (What? Oh, it's you, BB. What do you want?)
BB smoothed carefully. (Let's go home.)
AA flickered. (Home?)
(Back to KT-95. How about it?)
AA still flickered. (KT-95? K-T-9-5. Yeah . . . yeah! What about it,
BB smoothed softly. (We need to leave and go back now. Be with our old
friends and buddies, give them some new games, give the big rote you
got here, big stuff in KT-95. Let's go.)
AA flickered. (Well, BB, you just might . . . you just might . . . No!
I can't, I haven't finished here! I'm going to be a big strong warrior.
Then I can kill men, kill, lie around, women will get food for me this
time, hunt,
souse when I want, no babies to carry around . . .)
BB reached for him, but he faded quickly into the haze. BB started to
follow, but I got in his way, and I stayed motionless as he slowly
closed and dulled. Various forms moved past us, only one or two showing
curiosity. What small percept I had of AA indicated this would happen;
he would drop faster than the typical First Entry. BB would have called
it wild rote for sure if I had handed it to him before the fact.
(You're leaking.)
BB opened slightly. (You can't be closed and open at the same time. I
got that percept as clear, as if you 'd thrown it at me.)
I rolled. (I'm still learning.)
(I guess you’re right,) BB went on. (It would have been pure ragged
edged wild rote to me. Smooth, slick handle—anything, AA hitting a high
one like that! What got into him?)
(Being a female, a woman.) I plied carefully. (Must have lived it
three, four hundred years back, uh, past, uh, before now.)
BB blanked. Serial time was too much for him. I had a percept, that was
new to me, too. I had always assumed repeaters lived sequential lives
relative to time. Either this is not the case or AA is the rare
BB opened slightly. (That's the way it is being female?)
I flickered. (Well, uh . . . that's the way most females lived back
then. It's different now . . . I mean, different for some of them.)
(And how many of you humans are female?)
I flickered again. (About half, I guess. Ought to be half.)
BB vibrated. (Why would anybody want to be a woman!)
I smoothed. (There are compensations, balances. Some males suspect
Women secretly rule the Earth.)
BB focused intently. (Do they?)
I turned inward, then rolled. (I'm male at this point, and I suspect
they do.)
BB turned inward and closed. I was indeed learning from him in an
inverted form. Evidently his KT-95 was nothing remotely like being
physical and human. Explaining the process even with a cloud of rotes
seemed too big to me. Still, there was a sense of warmth, friendliness,
even familiarity with BB that didn't fit. I liked him. Nice fellow.
Very human in his responses. Maybe the energy base is common through
all systems, physical or otherwise. Only the experience, the rote is
BB popped open. (So what about AA?)
(We can try again.)
(But you’re not on it.)
I blanked. (On it?)
(Your percept has it as wasted effort.)
I lighted. (I leaked again?)
BB rolled. (A little.)
(AA is in a pattern. I'm not very smart, hut my percept is, you can't
change it but you have to try.)
BB smoothed. (Once more, only once more.)
(Where have I heard that before!)
(I owe it to him, is that the way you put it?)
I plied. (One more. But it gets kind of rough from here on.)
I turned and gathered up courage, closed tightly. The haze ahead was
much thicker, dull gray, with only occasional flares of light moving
through it. I understood the lights; they were those from the Outer
Rings coming in, trying to help or meeting loved ones at their physical
death. I had tried this several times, although I don't seem
particularly suited for that kind of action. Usually, I pass through
these Rings as rapidly and unobtrusively as possible. We
entered slowly. Almost immediately,
I began to feel
uncomfortable and my percept indicated BB was more
so. Any prospect of locating AA was totally up to him. I threaded our
among the countless forms hanging motionless. Actually, their movement
was so slow as to be almost imperceptible. These were the ones, who had
just been released from their physical body via death and vaguely knew
they had but didn't have the Rote to do much, if anything, about it.
Occasionally, as we passed, one would lean in our direction, which I
had learned indicated the beginning of remembering—or the last vestiges
of the forgetting process. My usual reaction was: had I been like that?
Had I ever been so unaware? It depressed me to accept the fact, that I
probably was. I don't remember or I don't want to. For the first time,
I realized the M Band noise was lower in this muck ().
Almost immediately came the percept, naturally: stupid. Nobody is doing
much thinking at all. They're in a state of shock from dying, having
nothing to hang on to, so scared they can't handle it, so they put
their heads in the sand and try to hide. The typical wave of compassion
went through me, and I cut it off. Others are working on the effect,
this end of the blockage. I'm supposed to be with those, who try to
help cut back the cause. I don't know which is more difficult.
(He's not here.) BB came in grimly. He was barely open. I turned inward.
I had long ago defused the rote of my painful early climb—no,
blundering is more apt—through these close-in patterns. My subsequent
training experience was minimal at the most. But I knew the next Ring
inward. It wasn't nice. Beyond that was physical life. The two were
tightly interwoven, the thick ring just slightly out of phase with
physical matter. It was the interface between one reality system and
another. Even from this perspective, it was difficult for a novice to
distinguish instantly the differences in the two. But I could. That was
the problem. The inhabitants of this ring couldn't. They didn't or
couldn't or wouldn't realize they were no longer physical. They were
physically dead, no more physical body. Thus they kept trying to be
physical, to do and be, what they had been, to continue physical one
or another. Bewildered, some spent all of their activity in attempting
to communicate with friends and loved ones still in bodies or with
anyone else, who might come along, all to no avail. Others were held
attracted to physical sites, in which they had instilled great meaning
or importance during their previous human lifetime. All had long
forgotten or blocked deeply the technique, that once was so basic: the
M Band. Still others interpreted their change in status, as simply a
dream or nightmare, and were waiting and hoping to wake up soon. I
moved in cautiously, with BB tight behind me. He was almost completely
closed, just scanning for ident AA, no more.
I don't blame him.
I would have turned and spun away fast, if it had been my first run
through the place. The M-Band Noise was thunderous, a cacophony of
fear, anger, and about every other human emotion, every desire, every
need connected with human physical existence. All open, naked,
uncovered, up front.
(Now we hear more and more the sounds and emotions of the M-Band Noise,
because we are coming closer and closer to it! The Vibration of the
Planet is getting faster and faster, we are getting higher and higher
and we need to get through that first non-physical Layer of 4th Level
up as fast, as we can! LM).
As we entered more deeply, I kept expecting BB to signal me, but he
didn't. Physical Earth and those aboard for the ride were intermixed
now, as I speeded up the search, moving faster and faster. But you
tell the difference. Those still physical seemed less distinct, not
quite, but almost transparent. Suddenly, I got a pull from BB and
stopped immediately.
(I got him!) BB vibrated strongly. (Not much, all covered over, but
it's him!)
I flickered. (Where?)
BB leaned. (That way!)
I turned inward. That way, that way, that way . . . was out of time,
no, another time. Moving to another time ident was not exactly
something I performed often, not willfully. Then I had the percept from
our last contact with AA. It was a different time frame, too. Get lost,
left brain. Then, very clearly, there was that soft vibration in me.
(It is important for you to go. He will help.)
I lighted brightly.
BB vibrated. (I thought you couldn’t pull a skip!)
I flickered. (Well, I . . .)
(And both of us in the same pull!) BB rolled. (You don't accept your
own strength.)
I smoothed. (That's a skip?)
(Just like we do it in KT-95.)
Then BB cut off as he scanned the action below us. We were hovering
over a rugged countryside, rocks, sand, very little vegetation. Sunlit
cloudless sky overhead. Directly below us was a dusty road. Marching
along the road three abreast was a column of men, eighty or ninety in
number. Each was dressed in some kind of knee-
coat, no sleeves,
wide leather belt just above the hips, heavy vest over the chest. A
short double-edged sword hung through a loop in the belt. Metal
plates were strapped to the arms. A round, pointed shield was in each
left hand, a long wooden spear in the right. They were marching very
rapidly. This was out of the ring. This was real physical life rote.
The M Band noise was much less. I opened more.
(You ident your friend?)
BB flickered. (It's very solid, but . . . that's him! There's the human
out in front alone, then AA is the one just behind him . . . but he's
different. So much other rote on top of him. AA is weak. Can't get any
strong percept. The other stuff is too strong. What's going on!)
I smoothed. (He's still in a physical body at this point. He's a
BB blanked. (What's a warrior?) (He kills other humans.)
I turned away from a totally blanked BB, reached out, and focused for a
percept on AA. Almost immediately, I hit a wall of resistance that
pushed me back violently. Try as I might, I couldn't force through it.
It was the same as I encountered before when I reached for AA. The
column of troops moved along the road and deep into a ravine, and I saw
the enemy troops hidden above on each side of the ravine. A great sense
of knowing came through me, and I reached out frantically to the
warrior AA, but the barrier threw me back. I knew what was going to
happen and it did. When AA's column was deep in the ravine, the hidden
soldiers stood and unfolded the ambush, and a shower of spears rained
down. AA was one of the first to fall. He writhed in the dusty road,
face down, trying to get up to join the battle, but the spear in his
back had driven through him and into the road, pinning him down. Blood
poured into the dust, and after a moment his body relaxed and went
completely limp.
I vibrated strongly at BB. (Get down there, get to him. I can so you’ve
got to! Bring him back up here.)
BB moved quickly, and I focused as he went down to the battle scene. I
give him credit, all the action and killing didn't flicker him in the
least. He tugged a struggling AA out of the warrior body, and brought
him up toward me. As he did, I was astounded. As he came closer with
AA, a
barrier kept pushing me back. Finally I signaled BB to stay where he
was. AA, still in the shape of the warrior, struggled and vibrated
heavily. (Gotta kill the enemy. Kill them, kill them. Gotta get up and
kill them . . .Where's my spear, my shield? Gotta get up and kill them.
I'm missing all the battle. Leggo of me. You're makin me miss the
fightin, it'll be all over and I'll have missed out . . . Gimme my
spear. Where is it? . . . Gotta go and fight, go and fight and kill!)
BB vibrated. (He doesn’t know me! I can't hold him much longer!)
I flickered. (Let him go.)
BB blanked. (What?)
I smoothed. (Let him go. There's nothing you can do for him at this
BB released the struggling form, and the AA warrior slipped quickly
down into the battle, trying fruitlessly to pick up a shield and spear
and join the battle. Unable to do so, he stared at his hands,
bewildered, then
began to beat at the enemy troops with his fists, which passed through
them, as if they didn't exist. But he kept on trying. I turn to BB. He
was dulled and completely closed. (Come on, let's go back.)
BB opened slightly. (Back where?)
We were in the Intermediate Area near the Station. BB was dull,
motionless, half closed.
I lighted. (How did you like that skip! Right on target!)
BB opened slightly. (Yeah, fine.)
I suddenly became uncomfortable. There was something I had forgotten.
It was important. I became more uncomfortable. Something demanded me,
my attention. There was an urgency. Yes! My body! Got to
get back. I vibrated. (Gotta leave! I'll be back!)
BB opened wide. (Hey!)
He faded to a pinpoint, then out as I dropped away quickly. I barely
noticed passing through the rings . . . then there was my second in
orbit around the physical . . . I slipped in easily and slid for the
physical, and
in. I sat up, feeling tired, unusual. The problem that called me back
was strongly evident. My body was too cold. The blanket had slipped off.
12. Hearsay Evidence
Time: Indeterminate, night . . . Went through usual unhook pattern, no
signal present . . . with many options open . . . decided to return to
BB on my own if I could . . . ident BB KT-95 . . . then ran stretch-out
method . . . through the rings without incident, then to edge of thin
haze of Intermediate Area . . . went motionless to get percept of BB
close in, as he didn't seem evident . . . percept brought surprise . . .
he was directly under me. Closed and dulled so tightly, no wonder he
was hard to find. I opened and vibrated. (Hey, BB, I'm back.)
BB opened slightly, then lighted. (Well! I had about given up on you.
Had you stuck in your human body.)
I rolled slightly. (Sometimes I am.)
There was no percept from him regarding AA, and I wasn't going to bring
up the subject if he didn't. It was a tender rote at this point and I
knew I didn't have the answer he wanted. If there was one at all. Just
keep the action going, I stretched, did about three snap rolls, and
returned with a flourish.
BB plied. (What was that?)
(Just getting some exercise.)
BB opened. (We got a game back in KT-95 where we use that kind of
stuff. Want to try it?)
I lighted. (Sure!)
BB rolled slightly. (You just try to do what I do. That's all there is
to it.)
He turned, spun off, and I stretched behind him. Focused tightly on his
ident. It was like holding on to a greased pig on a sheet of ice, only
the ice was three-dimensional—no, worse than that, it had many
dimensions. It was whirling, stopping, starting, moving slow then fast,
passing through strange flashes of percepts, into a brilliant sun and
out the other side, dodging around clusters of forms who seemed
startled at their percept of us.
158 - 159
All the time I hung on to BB's ident much as the last skater in a crack
the whip, in and out of clouds, bands of energy, that were like gusts
of hot and cold air, electrical shocks, straight through the walls of a
magnificently spired city. I was afraid I couldn't hang on to his ident
much longer, afraid if I let go I'd be thoroughly lost. He stopped
suddenly and we were back again in the thin haze of outer earth
environ. I was shaking.
BB vibrated brightly. (Good fun, huh?)
I flickered deeply. (Yeah, good fun. Who invented that one?)
BB blanked. (Invented?)
(How did it get started?)
BB plied. (Oh, I don't know. Always been around. You can begin a
complete new one if you want. The fun of the game is to add to the old
something new inside, in the middle, or on the end, sort of a surprise.
(Yeah. We humans have something like it called follow-the-leader.)
BB lighted. (That's right, follow-the-leader! You did real well at it.
You must play the game a lot.)
I flickered. (Not, uh, not recently. But I did fly airplanes and that
BB blanked, and I went on. (Incidentally, what happens if you miss a
turn, or lose the ident?)
BB rolled strongly. (You lose!)
(What happens to the losers?)
BB flickered. (I don't have any rote on that. They never come around to
play again. My percept is, they get lost.)
(And stay lost?)
(Well, they never come around to play again, as I indicated, so I don't
have a rote on it. Often we have as many as a hundred playing in a
group. Nice game, huh?)
(Yeah.) I then had one final query. (What is all that stuff we went
BB plied. (Don't have a rote on that either. Nobody bothers with that
junk, it's just a game.)
Some game. I had a clear percept on my dropping BB's ident anyplace
along the track. I would have lost and have been lost. I probably would
have stayed lost, too, I'm sure. But it didn't happen, and I got a
percept to know the game before you get into it, certainly if it was
played in KT-95. There was the other part, where and when the game took
us. What was the effect of such energy as the two of us expended upon
the areas we pushed through so indiscriminately and without purpose.
How many ants did we destroy because we didn't look or care where we
stepped on the golf course fairway. What happened when a hundred played
the game? The locals would consider such things natural disasters or
God's will, whether ants or archetypes. Either way, it's a strange
percept, possibly being such an instrument. One illustration of
ultimate impersonality, perhaps.
BB cut in. (Hey, you all right?)
I opened. (Yeah, sure.)
(You were closed and flickering. Had a percept you were going to skip
back to that physical body again.)
I opened and rolled. (No, no. Not yet, anyway.) (Why bother with it?
Why go back at all? Leave it where it is.) I turned inward. The percept
had come up more than once, to say the least, and so far I had rejected
it. The first question always present was: What would I do or be if I
did? There was still a missing element. I knew I could pass through the
rings easily and I might hang around in one of the upper segments and
participate. Plenty of interesting action there. Most if not all of it
was focused on helping the human process work better. That seems a good
and essential part of the training system, but it's still preparation.
Preparation for what? That was where the missing element came in. Those
Last-Timers in the Outer Ring were going Home, but my percept Home had
seemed to grow dimmer rather, than clearer and cleaner, as it was
supposed to. I hadn't visited There in a long, long time. I opened
carefully. (Well, it's, uh . . . I haven't quite finished school,
learning yet . . . and I need a physical body to do it.)
BB had blanked completely. (It's sort of a game,) I went on, (and I've
agreed to play it.)
BB lighted. (Oh, a game! Yeah, I can get that one.)
(I'll give you a short rote on it if you think you can take it.)
BB rolled. (After that last skip with AA, I can handle anything human.)
I turned inward. He had mentioned AA without flickering, and that was
great. He was smoothing. I put together an edited rote, short form, of
my nonphysical action since 1958, leaving out the THEY sections, and
tossed it to him. He took it in, closed, was still, completely
motionless. Then he opened wide, rolled, and flickered. I vibrated.
(It's not that funny!)
BB finally smoothed. (I got an ident I can use for you! RAM the Bam!)
He was off again, flickering and rolling hard.
(Just RAM will do.)
He finally quieted down. (Well, Ram, I get the percept, that you were
just a locked-in, hooked-on human, until this thing came up. You had
some strong action after that! You didn’t have much smarts.)
I plied. (I still don't have much.)
(And you sure do things the hard way.)
I rolled a little. (Percept you can do any better?)
BB flickered. (Why, any dumb curl with only half his ident could . . .)
I cut in. (How about with no ident?)
BB blanked, then vibrated. (No, you don't. You’re not going to get me
in that game! I'm staying the way I am!)
I rolled and turned inward. I guess, from an external perspective, much
of my response in my early OOBE states would seem ludicrous. Now I can
laugh at much of it myself. At least I know the human school game can
work. But there are many unknowns. What do you do after you graduate?
Where and how do I practice, what I've learned?
BB broke in. (Say, uh, RAM.)
I opened. (Yes?)
BB flickered. (I take it back. You’re not really a dumb curl.)
I rolled. (Thanks. I needed that.)
BB blanked. (You did?)
(That's a joke. Human fun.)
He turned inward, then went on, opening. (How did you get a percept and
start running this leaving-your-body game?)
I flickered. (I don't know. It just happened.)
(Other humans do it, too?)
(I know at least some do. I've met them. Problem is, most go OOB during
sleep and they don't remember it when they wake up back in the
BB turned inward, and I knew he was sorting out and scanning the rote I
had given him. Things like sleep and wake-up needed new percepts on his
part. Also I knew what he was leading up to. But he put it off.
He opened, flickering. (These three curls, that came down the . . . uh,
beam, you call it. Who were they?)
I plied. (I don't know.)
(They seemed to know you.)
(Maybe they were from KT-95.)
BB rolled. (That is wild rote . . . oh, joke fun. But you seemed to
know them. You wanted them to take you with them. Why?)
I flickered. (I don't know.)
(Ever meet them again?)
(Not that I have a percept of.)
BB turned inward again, then out. (What about these curls that helped
you when you needed it, or percepted you did. Who were they?)
I smoothed. (Probably from the upper rings. There's plenty of that
going on. Again, most humans don't have any percept on it except what
they call dreams, uh, wild rote.)
BB turned inward again, then opened, flickering. (Well, I get the
percept, that there's too much wild rote floating around here.)
I blanked. (Which in particular?)
(That rote on human compressed learning, human structure, the one you
tossed me.)
I flickered. (Yes?)
BB went on. (That's not wild?)
(My percept is that it fits.)
(I got another rote, and when I overlay the two, one of them is
certainly wild.)
I blanked. (What rote is that?)
(The one we got in the TSI brochure, about all the places and things we
would be visiting. All about earth and humans, how it got started, what
it's for . . . all of that stuff.)
I closed, then opened slowly. (They don't match up?)
(Here, get your own percept.) BB tossed a rote at me, and I took it
curiously. And unfolded it.
(About Production of Balanced Sun Energy)
Someone, Somewhere (or both, in millions, or uncountable) requires,
likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats, or uses as a drug (sic) a
ident Loosh. (Electricity, oil, oxygen, gold, wheat, water, land, old
coins, uranium.) This is a rare substance in Somewhere, and those who
Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for. Faced with this
question of Supply and Demand (a universal law of Somewhere), Someone
decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for
it in its "natural" form. He decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh
In the natural state, Loosh was found to originate from a series of
vibrational actions in the carbon-oxygen cycle and the residue was
Loosh in varying degrees of purity. It occurred only during such
action, and secondarily during the reactive process. Prospectors from
Somewhere ranged far and wide in search of Loosh sources and new
discoveries were hailed with much enthusiasm and reward. So it was that
Someone and his Garden changed all this. Far off, in a remote area, he
set to work on his experiment. First, he created a proper environment
for the carbon-oxygen cycle, where it would flourish. He created a
Balance with much care, so that proper radiation and other nourishment
would be in continuous supply. He then tried his First Crop, which
actually did produce Loosh, but only in small quantities and of
comparatively low grade, not significant enough to take back to the
heart of Somewhere. The problem was twofold. The life period was too
short and the crop units themselves were too minute. This brought about
limits in quality and quantity, as the crop had no time to generate
Loosh in such close tolerances. Moreover, the Loosh could be harvested
only at the moment of termination of the life span, not one moment
His Second Crop was no better, if as good. He changed the environment
to another part of the Garden, where the density was gaseous rather
than liquid and the higher-density chemicals formed a solid base and
thus were still available. He planted numberless units in many
varieties in a new form, with a great increase in size, some many
thousands of times larger and more complex than the simple unicellular
First Crop. He reversed the carbon-oxygen cycle. Yet all had a basic
uniformity. Like the First Crop, they would reseed at regular intervals
and terminate their life spans automatically. To avoid the uneven
distribution of chemicals and radiation which had been prevalent in the
First Crop, he immobilized the Second Crop. Each was designed to stay
principally in its own section of the Garden. To this end, each was
given firm tendrils which burrowed deep in the more dense chemical
matter. Attached to this was a stem or trunk which helped elevate the
upper portion upward for its share of needed radiation. The upper
portion, broad, thin, and somewhat fragile,
was designed as a transducer of carbon-oxygen compounds to and from the
crop unit. As an added thought, brilliant color radiators accompanied
by small particle generators were mounted on each unit, usually near
the top and symmetrically centered. He set up circulating patterns in
the gaseous envelope around the crop, principally to aid in the
reseeding process. Later, he discovered that the same turbulent effect
served as a means of harvesting the Loosh.
If the turbulence were violent enough, the Crop would be blown down,
the life span terminated, and the Loosh would discharge. This was
especially useful
when an immediate Loosh supply was desired at a particular point rather
than at Harvest Time. Despite all of this, the Second Crop was most
unsatisfactory. While it was true that a much greater quantity was
attained, the unrefined Loosh produced was of such low grade that it
was scarcely worth the effort. In
addition, the growth period was now too long and no increase in quality
resulted. Some vital element was missing. Someone hovered over his
Garden for a long period in study before he attempted the Third Crop.
It was indeed a challenge. True, he was partially successful. He had
grown Loosh (White Sun Energy of Balance, LM). Yet the product of his
efforts fell far short of the wild, uncultivated variety. It was
inevitable that he perceived the answer. The Third Crop was living
proof of this Truth. The original carbon-oxygen cycle must be included.
Mobility must be restored. Both factors had shown great promise in
high-grade Loosh production. If size could be added to this, much could
be accomplished. With this plan in the forefront, Someone removed
various sample units from the First Crop, which was still thriving in
the liquid portion of the Garden.
He modified them to exist and grow in the gaseous area. He adapted them
first to take nourishment from the Second Crop, which he permitted to
abound for this very purpose. Thus it was that the first of the
Mobiles, the Third Crop, came into being. The Mobiles took nourishment
from the Second Crop, thus ending its life span and producing lowgrade
Loosh. When each huge Mobile terminated its own life span, additional
Loosh was produced. The quantity was massive, but the frequency pattern
of the Loosh residue still left much to be desired. It was by accident
that Someone came upon the Prime Catalyst as regards Loosh production.
The monstrous and slow-moving Mobiles had a life span far out of
proportion to their nourishment input. The growth and life-termination
process was of such length that soon the Mobiles would all but decimate
the Second Crop. The entire Garden would be out of balance, and there
would be no Loosh production whatsoever. Both the Second and Third Crop
faced extinction. As the Second Crop grew scarce, energy needs of the
Mobiles became acute. Often two Mobiles would seek to ingest the
identical Second Crop unit. This created Conflict, which resulted in
physical struggle among two or more of the ungainly Mobiles. Someone
observed these struggles, at first bemused with the problem, then with
great interest. As the struggles ensued, the Mobiles were emanating
Loosh! Not in fractional amounts, but in sizable, usable quantities and
of a much higher purity. He quickly put the theory to the test. He
removed another unit of First Crop from the liquid Garden area,
redesigned it for the gaseous environment— but with one significant
change. The new Mobile would be somewhat smaller, but would require the
ingestion of other Mobiles for nourishment. This would solve the
problem of overpopulation of Mobiles, and
at the same time would create good quantities of usable Loosh during
each conflict-struggle, plus a bonus if the new class of Mobile
terminated the life span of the other. Someone would be able to
transmit to Somewhere practical amounts of reasonably pure Loosh.
Thus it was that the Rule of the Prime Catalyst came into being.
Conflict among carbon-oxygen cycle units brings forth consistent
emanations of Loosh. It was as simple as that. Satisfied that he had
found the formula, Someone prepared the Fourth Crop. He knew now that
the Third Crop Mobiles were too large and too long in life span to be
ultimately practical. If grown in large numbers, the entire Garden
would have to be expanded and enlarged. There was not
space enough to grow such massive single units and the proportionate
leafy Second Crops to support them. Also, he reasoned correctly that
more rapid and increased mobility would expand the Conflict factor,
with a resultant higher Loosh output. In one single motion, Someone
terminated the life spans of all the
lumbering Third Crop Mobiles. Going back to the First Crop in the
liquid area, he modified and expanded them into a multitude of shapes
and sizes, gave them complex multicellular structures of high mobility.
He designed into them a pattern of balance. There were those that
ingested a Second Crop type of carbon-cycle unit (basically immobile)
as an energy source. There were others, very highly mobile, who
required for energy the ingestion of other mobile Modified First Crop
units. The completed circuit operated quite satisfactorily. The
stationary Second Crop modification in the liquid environment
flourished. Small, highly active liquid-breathing Mobiles took
nourishment, "ate" the Second Crop modification. Larger and/or other
active Mobiles consumed for energy
the smaller "plant eaters." When any Mobile grew too large and slow, it
became an easy target for the smaller Mobiles, who attacked in
voracious numbers. The chemical residue from these ingestive actions
settled to the bottom of the liquid medium and so provided new
nourishment for the Stationaries (Modified Second Crop), completing the
circuit. The result was a steady flow of Loosh—from the life-span
termination of the Stationaries, from the intense conflict among the
Mobiles to avoid ingestion, and finally from the sudden termination of
the life spans of such Mobiles as the inevitable product of such
conflicts. Turning to another portion of his Garden—the gaseous area
with a dense-compound base—Someone applied the same techniques with even
more advanced improvements. He added many varieties of Stationaries
(original Second Crop) to provide sufficient and diverse nourishment
for the new Mobiles he was to create. As in the other Garden area, he
made such Mobiles into a balance of two species, those who ingested and
drew energy from the Second Crop Stationaries, and those who required
other Mobiles for sustenance.
He created them in literally thousands of original types, small,
large—yet none so large as the Third Crop Mobiles—and ingeniously gave
each some appurtenance for conflict. These took the form of mass,
elusive speed, deceptive and/or protective coating and color radiation,
wave-action and particle perceptors and detectors, and unique
higher-density protuberances for gouging, grasping, and rending during
conflict. All of the latter served neatly to add to and prolong the
conflict periods, with the resultant increase in Loosh emanation. As a
side experiment, Someone designed and created one form of Mobile
that was weak and ineffective by the standards of the other Mobiles in
the Fourth Crop. Yet this experimental Mobile had two distinct
advantages. It had the ability to ingest and take energy from both the
Stationaries and other Mobiles. Second, Someone pulled forth a Piece of
Himself —no other source of such Substance being known or available—to
act as an intensive, ultimate trigger to mobility. Following the Rule
of Attraction, Someone knew that such infusion would create in this
particular Mobile species an unceasing mobility. Always, it would seek
to satisfy the attraction this tiny mote of Himself engendered as it
sought reunion with the infinite Whole. Thus the drive for satisfaction
of energy requirements through ingestion would not be the only
motivating force. More important, the needs and compulsions created by
the Piece of Someone could not be satiated throughout the Garden. Thus
the need for mobility would
be ever-present and the conflict between this need and that of energy
replacement would be constant—possibly a continuous high-order Loosh
emanator if it survived.
The Fourth Crop exceeded all of Someone's expectations. It became
apparent that a consistent, useful flow of Loosh was being produced in
the Garden.
The balance of "life" operated perfectly, with the Conflict Factor
producing immense amounts of Loosh and a steady supplement brought into
being by the constant life-span terminations from all types of Mobiles
and Stationaries. To handle the output, Someone set up Special
Collectors to aid in the harvest.
He set up Channels to convey the raw Loosh from his Garden to
Somewhere. No longer did Somewhere depend principally upon the "wild
state" as the principal source of Loosh. The Garden of Someone had
ended that. With the success of the Garden and the production of Loosh
by cultivated means, Others began to design and build their Gardens.
This was in accordance with the Law of Supply and Demand (Vacuum is an
unstable condition), as the amounts of Loosh from Someone's Garden only
partially met the requirements of Somewhere. Collectors on behalf of
the Others actually entered the Garden of Someone to take advantage of
those small emanations of Loosh overlooked or ignored by the Collectors
of Someone. Someone, his work completed, returned to Somewhere and
occupied himself with other matters. Loosh production stayed at a
constant level under the supervision of the Collectors.
The only alterations were ordered by Someone himself. Under
instructions from Someone, the Collectors periodically harvested
segments of the Fourth Crop. This was done to ensure adequate
chemicals, radiation, and other nourishment for the younger, oncoming
units. A secondary purpose was to provide occasional extra amounts of
Loosh created by such harvesting. To reap such harvest, the Collectors
generated storms of turbulence and turmoil in both the gaseous envelope
and the more solid chemical formations that were the base of the Garden
itself. Such upheavals had the effect of terminating life spans of
multitudes of the Fourth Crop as they were crushed under the rolling
base formation or smothered under waves from the agitated liquid area
of the Garden. (By peculiarity of design, Fourth Crop units could not
maintain their carbon-oxygen cycle surrounded by the liquid medium.)
The Garden pattern of "Life" might have gone on thus throughout
eternity had it not been for the perception and inquisitiveness of
Someone. On occasion, he would study samples of Loosh from his Garden.
There was no motive in doing so, other than the fact that Someone may
have held a remote continuing interest in his project.
On a particular analysis of a Loosh sample, Someone had casually
examined the emanations and was about to return it to the
Reservoir—when he became aware of a Difference. It was very slight, but
there it was. His interest centered immediately, he looked again. Woven
delicately in with the more common Loosh emanations was a slender
fragment of purified and distilled Loosh. This was an impossibility.
Purified and distilled Loosh resulted only after the "wild state" Loosh
had been processed many times. The Loosh from the Garden of Someone
required the same treatment before it could be used.
Yet here it was—so finely graded in its refined radiations that it
could or would not return into compound with the raw substance. Someone
his tests, and the result still was positive. There was a factor in his
Garden of which he was unaware. Quickly, Someone left Somewhere and
returned to his Garden. Outwardly, all seemed the same. The solid-base
gaseous areas of the Garden were an endless carpet of green reflection
from the thriving Second Crop. The Modified First Crop in the liquid
area was in perfect accord with the Action-Reaction Law (a Division of
Cause and Effect). Someone perceived
without delay that the Difference—the source of distilled Loosh— lay
neither with the First nor with the Second Crop. He found his first
momentary touch of distilled Loosh emanation in one of the units of the
Fourth Crop (which by then had filtered throughout the plantings of the
Second Crop). The flash came during the unusual action of this unit as
it entered into a life-terminating struggle with another Fourth Crop
unit. This alone would not create distilled Loosh,
Someone knew, and he probed deeper for the source. It was at that
moment he discovered the Difference. The Fourth Crop unit was not
struggling in Conflict over an ingestible remnant of a weaker Fourth
Crop unit or a tasty frond from a nearby Second Crop stem—or to avoid
termination of life and ingestion by the other conflicting Fourth Crop
unit. It was in Conflict to protect and save from life termination
three of its own newly generated species huddled under a large Second
Crop unit waiting for the outcome. There was no doubt about it. This
was the action that produced the flashes of distilled Loosh. With this
clue, Someone examined the actions of other Fourth Crop units in the
Garden. He found similar flashes when other Fourth Crop units took the
same action in defense of their "young." Still, there was an
inconsistency. The sum of all such flashes of distilled Loosh emanation
from all such actions by the current Fourth Crop units would not amount
to half of the total he had found in the sample from the Reservoir. It
was obvious that another factor was present.
Systematically, he hovered over the Garden, extending his perception to
all areas. Almost immediately, he found the source. High-order
distilled Loosh radiation was originating from one particular section
of the Garden. Quickly, he hurried to the spot. There it was—an
experimental Modified Fourth Crop unit, one of those that contained a
Piece of Himself in its functional pattern. It was standing alone under
the leafy upper portion of a large Second Crop unit.
It was not "hungry." It was not in Conflict with another Fourth Crop
unit. It was not acting in defense of its "young." Then why did it
emanate distilled Loosh in such great quantity? Someone moved closer.
His perception entered into the Modified Fourth Crop unit and then he
knew. The unit was lonely! It was this
effect that produced distilled Loosh. As Someone drew back, he noted
another unusual inconsistency. The Modified Fourth Crop unit suddenly
had become aware of His Presence. It had collapsed and was jerking in
strange convulsions on the solid-base formation. Clear liquid was being
expelled from the two radiation-perceiving orifices. With this, the
distilled Loosh emitted became even more pronounced. It was from this
that Someone propounded his now famous DLP Formula, which is in effect
in the Garden at this time. The balance of the story is well known.
Someone included the fundamental in his formula: ". . . The creation of
pure, distilled Loosh is brought forth in Type 4M units by the action
of unfulfillment, but only if such pattern is enacted at a vibratory
level above the sensory bounds of the environment. The greater the
intensity of said pattern, the greater the output of Loosh distillate.
. . ." To put the formula into effect, Someone designed subtle changes
in his Garden, all of them familiar to every historian. The splitting
of all Crop units into Halves (to engender loneliness as they sought to
reunite) and the encouragement of dominance of the Type 4M unit are but
two of the most noteworthy innovations. As it appears now, the Garden
is a fascinating spectacle of efficiency. The Collectors have long
since become Masters at the Art of the DLP Formula. Type 4M units
dominate and have spread through the entire Garden, with the exception
of the deeper portions of the liquid medium. These are the principal
producers of Loosh distillate. From experience, the Collectors have
evolved an entire technology with complementary tools for the
harvesting of Loosh from the Type 4M units.
The most common have been named love, friendship, family, greed, hate,
pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership, possession,
sacrifice—and on a larger scale, nations, provincialism, wars, famine,
religion, machines, freedom, industry, trade, to list a few. Loosh
production is higher than ever before . . .
I was closed tightly, turned inward, stunned. My first reaction was,
there had to be some mistake, this was not the story-history of earth,
BB had it mixed up with some other port of call on their cruise
schedule. Yet as I ran the rote again, the overlay of what little I
knew of earth's zoological and human history was uncomfortably
accurate, albeit from another perspective. The food chain of earth's
ecobiologic system had been well established. Knowing this about Mother
Nature, some of the hard-core philosophic speculators had often
pondered where the human animal fit in the process. The downside was
obvious, who ate us! Before, it had been just that, speculation. Now .
. .
BB opened, plied. (You get the percept, RAM?)
I dulled. (Yeah, I get it.) (Well, then,)
BB went on, (what's Loosh got to do with learning?)
I opened slightly. (And you got the rote before you came to Earth?)
BB smoothed. (Like I gave you, it was in the TSI cruise brochure. It
was in with hundreds of other rotes we got before we left.)
I opened more, but tightly. (Where did the brochure come from?)
(Why, uh . . . yeah, from the Cruise Director.)
(Where did he get it?)
BB flickered. (I don't have a rote on that. He just dumped them on us
and rolled, "Here's the exciting and interesting stops we'll make on
the cruise."
I got a good percept because it was the last one we'd visit, so it was
the last rote we got. That's why it's so clear. Some of the others are
dim, because they were in the middle. Not the earth rote, or humans.
It's all clean, not wild at all.)
I hardened. (And where did the Cruise Director come from?)
BB lighted. (Oh, he and the rest are a bunch of curls (spirals, LM)
from the system next to us.)
(Why did they offer the cruise to you in KT-95?)
BB smoothed. (Well, it was sort of a, uh . . . trade. We do it all the
time with systems near us.)
(What did they get in trade?)
BB lighted. (Games, games! We got more games, than any system four
skips in any direction!)
I turned inward and closed. It was getting too hot to handle. If the
rote was real . . . a huge if. I began to drop off. Anger, the feeling
of being on the receiving end of a huge deception. The resentment at
being manipulated, wanting to strike out at those, who were conning me
. . . us . . . all humans . . . who were taking something from us
without our consent or permission. What happened to the freedom idea?
Was every thought and action we took guided—no, directed and controlled
just to produce more Loosh, whatever that was (White Sun Energy of
Balance! LM), for a breakfast table or a fuel tank in a Somewhere? And
what could I do about it, even knowing?
I dulled deeply and dropped off more and more . . .
(Hey RAM!) BB was fading rapidly. (Where you going!)
Return to the physical was near-instantaneous, exactly as if I had
pushed the panic button, which I had not done for so long. Strong sense
of tiredness, both mental and physical, neglected to check time of
return. Low energy, no desire to do anything. Unable to get to sleep.
Got up, went to the kitchen, and made a cup of coffee. Sat and stared
at the cup. With no energy or desire for exploration during the two
weeks following, in a depressed state, the only production that
surfaced was: It is Sunset. The Guernsey has walked many miles around
the pasture in her forage for food. The grass had been more lush today
here, though she did not bother to consider why. She had come through
the gate calmly when He directed her to do so, instead of the gate
across the road. He knew she would find better grass here, and that was
why He moved her here, though she did not realize it. She only did what
He directed. But now, at sunset, it is time again. She must go to His
place. There is a goading pain on her underside, that tells her this.
At His place up on the hill, it is cool and there is more food. And He
will take the pain away. The Guernsey moves up the hill and waits
beside His place. Soon, the gate will open and she will walk into her
position in His place, and eat the grass He places before her. While
she eats, He will relieve the pain until morning. After that, the Man
will walk away with white water in a round container. The Guernsey does
not know, where he got the white water nor why He desires it. Not
knowing, she doesn't care.
ShockTreatment (About Production of Balanced Sun Energy)
It took me several months to adjust to the loosh rote. "Adjust" is a
very broad word to describe a complete cycle of shock, rejection,
anger, depression, resignation, acceptance. My sequence paralleled
remarkably the pattern others have discovered and studies as to human
response when notified of approaching death from illness or injury.
Something was dying in me. I had long realized that the God of my
childhood did not exist, at least not in the form and substance
envisioned by my enculturation. However, I had deeply accepted the
concept of creator and created—I had but to look around me at the
elaborate and intricate order of design, of the symbiosis that made the
whole process operate, the trees that grew plumb-line straight up if
given the chance, that provided me and other oxygen breathers with what
we needed while we fed to them unknowingly for a long period our waste
products, which they needed to exist . . . the balance of the entire
planet, whose outer filtering bands of energy permitted just the proper
quantity and quality of sunlight so critical to biologic growth . . .
and of course the food chain. The loosh rote explained everything very
neatly. Most important, it explained the purpose, the reason for it
all, the why of it. This factor had long eluded me. The loosh answer
was simple and obvious. The reason was there, in very prosaic fashion.
We were indeed producing Something of Value. Loosh. If one finally was
able to get past the emotional barriers involved, it became hard even
then to find holes in the general concept. An explanation of total
human behavior and history. That left the INSPECS. Were they the
gardeners, the loosh (Sun Energy Balance)
collectors, or the overseers? The question tantalized and tortured me
for many weeks before I finally decided I must find out one way or
another. On a particular night, after great difficulty in getting two
cycles of sleep, I awoke with a start and lay quietly in bed.
Evidently my fear of what I might find was greater than I thought, as I
unhooked with difficulty from the physical, then slipped out of the
second body as it hovered.
I scanned for the INSPEC homing signal, but
there was none. This disconcerted me at first, but I was determined and
foolhardy. I used the ident INSPEC—the total
rote I had on them—stretched out,
focused, and let go.
There was a quick, short sense of spinning movement, no impression of
passing through the rings, then deep blackness, and I was motionless.
Nothing more. The percept was forming that the ident I had used wasn't
enough. I might be at the gate to INSPEC territory, but I didn't have
the passport to enter. I had never tried to go to them, they had always
met me. I had no percept of their reality/
state; therefore I had arrived only at the site of our meetings. If I
focused on . . . A warm vibration washed through me.
(Very good, Mister Monroe. You are quite correct.)
I began to relax somewhat. At least I had gotten this far, and at least
THEY didn't call me RAM.
(Perhaps you would like it better if we used the ident by which we know
you best. We believe you are ready for it now.)
Ready for it, a name, they know me best . . . What could that be?
Ashaneen. It was both familiar and strange. Again, that feeling of
trying to recover from severe amnesia, and the gentle patience of those
trying to help me remember. But the loosh (Balance). . .
(We are aware of the disturbance you have undergone. It was necessary
that you experience this. It goes with the territory, as you put it.)
Then the loosh rote was real! I began to flicker . . .
(It is the translation that is not real. The difficulty of placing
earth and human values properly into perspectives and energies, that
are not of time and space is a factor very familiar to you.)
I turned inward, picking up the loosh rote. Loosh, an energy generated
by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most
potent coming from humans—engendered by human activity, which triggers
emotion, the highest of such emotions being—love? Is love loosh? (loosh is Balanced Sun Energy! LM).
(Continue, Ashaneen.)
But according to the rote, loosh is thrown off, when life ends its
physical existence, when pain occurs, anger, hate . . . these can't be
the same as love.
(How would you define love in your terms?)
I knew, that would be next in the order of things, and I couldn't come
up with an answer. Throughout history, great minds and greater
philosophers had given it a try, with only partial success, and I was
none of these. I wouldn't even consider trying.
(But you know it exists. Love is not an illusion.)
I released the loosh rote and turned deeply inward, scanning. It was
easier from this perspective, or perhaps it was the presence of the
INSPEC energy. It presented itself much as a simultaneous mixture and
sequence of
musical chords and short melodies, only it wasn't sound, it was
patterns in colors of light. Scattered among the clutter of harmony,
dissonance, discord, excitement, fun, fear, and emotion, and beginning
shortly after birth, I had the percept of occasional surges of white .
. . first from my mother and father, then smaller flashes I was unable
to identify as to source. I kept scanning through my early years for
any slight glimmer of white originating in me, that I put forth. To my
dismay, all I could find was one small white glow for an Airedale dog
named Pete. I was certain, that the girl in high school, what was her
name? . . . not even a flicker, either way.
(Most common misconception, early-manifested survival drive.)
I agreed. Yet I could understand why. The bright red and pink chords
and urgent melody were impressive even from this viewpoint; no wonder
an ignorant curl, such as I was, would come up with the wrong percept.
I went on
through the mess, that was I in a fast-forward mode, and I could spot
sure and solid white surges here and there, of which I had then been
unaware, and their reality depressed and saddened me—because I found no
significant emission from me, that was remotely similar.
It was all
coming in, and I took it and didn't respond. I finally cut it off,
would go into it no further. I wasn't much of a loosh producer. Too
many other color chord patterns and melodies. Except for now. I knew
some strong emissions in a few points were coming out of me. Did it
take that long !
(You understand waveforms. All come from the same baseline, the colors
and the white. The difference is frequency and amplitude.)
I knew, what THEY were doing, and I appreciated it.
My focus was being diverted from, what I thought was, unpleasant back
an abstract yet trunk-and-roots position. Using the same
stuff—interactive experience— one began to learn to express anger,
pain, fear, and all the rest, and finally —hopefully, if you passed the
course—a special energy waveform labeled Love. Yet,
we don't really know,
what it is and, with my suspicion growing, how to really use it.
(A carefully designed school of compressed learning.)
To learn to be high-quality loosh/love producers. The fact, that human
physical consciousness was for the most part totally unaware of being
involved in the process may
be an important ingredient itself.
few are cognizant of the nonphysical agenda, at least overtly. It was
getting pretty heavy for my cognizance. Yet,I began to get a very faint
percept, elusive, but it was there. What
would happen, if the Guernsey cow did discover, that her milk had
What could she herself do with it, if she didn't have a calf to feed it
to? Could she save it? Could she spend it on more hay or
protein-vitamin blocks to lick? What if she then discovered man was
taking the milk, she produced? Rebel, refuse to deliver any more milk?
Then she would no longer have a pasture, in which to graze, protection
from wild dogs, a bull, when she needed it, and most of all, no barn to
go to, where she could get relief from the pain. Without a sense of
serial time, she forgets, that the pain eases eventually. Perhaps even
knowing, she wouldn't care. She wouldn't want to mess up a good thing.
Therefore: Who cares? Who would care!
(To use your term, you can't beat the machine.)
The percept was still there, faint, still to be explained or satisfied.
What about those, who do beat the machine? There always have to be
exceptions, no machine is perfect, only one anomaly is needed to prove
a statistic or create one. Are they carted off to be ground up into
hamburger meat? If so, is hamburger a sort of super loosh or something
entirely different? Is this also a part of the machine product, or is
it rust, that is scraped away and discarded? And the bull calves, what
is their role? Never will be loosh producers;
it takes only one bull for every fifty cows, so there's a surplus. In
nature—the machine? —left alone, there's a way, that is automatically
taken care of . . . the impersonality of that prospect of dominance and
predation is certainly not in the winning column. Hold it there, the
percept is getting stronger. There would be no loosh production without
at least one, uh, one bull. So he is an indirect loosh producer, vital
to the method. That would infer, so are grass, hay, water, minerals,
and the rest.
(Remember your waveforms, beat frequencies you like so much.)
Let's see, here. If a smart transmitter propagates certain waves, they
can resonate with other related vibrations of like kind to form a
multiple pattern which if thought of as light—would be: white! So in
and of itself, you don't have to be the end-product antenna or
transducer, just one of the oscillators. You may never display actual
Loosh Radiation, but you have a vital part in its production.
Remembering the scan of my early years, I felt much better.
(Then why are you disturbed?)
The percept still itched inside me, THEY were right. What would I do
with loosh/love if I had a large warehouse full of it? Hand it out? It
would only come back with interest and I would have to build another
warehouse to hold the compounding, growing volume. The percept surged
brightly. It was so obvious . . . Someone, Somewhere. If I could . . .
(You are not ready at this point.)
Ready to go to Somewhere? To meet Someone? And in all of this, how do
you fit in, my friend? If I had the courage to ask these . . .
(We are not Someone, as you put it, nor are we from the Somewhere you
indicate. Also, we are not the keepers of the Garden of Earth, nor the
Nor do we collect and transfer human-developed loosh/Sun energy
or when. We do not fit into any portion of the human compressed
learning process. However, we have observed its generation and growth
from its inception. We do participate when needed without interrupting
the learning sequence. Such need is expressed when there is blockage in
the Flow. Such participation ultimately serves a vital need for us.)
I had a need to ask the question. Is . . .
(Somewhere is not the heaven of your history. It was created, as were
all other systems.)
Then Someone . . .
(Is a creator who was created. You are a creator who was created. Each
of you does carry a small rote, as you call it, of Someone, who created
Through that rote of Someone, your creator, you carry a percept of the
creator who created Someone.)
I turned inward. Even with this viewpoint, it was hard to set aside
serial logic. The easy percept was how the multitude of distortions,
misdirections came about. A little knowledge can be dangerous, and
human creative imagination took over from there. If there had not been
a Someone . . .
(Humans would not exist.)
I went over the idea of Loosh/Love. It must be quite a place to handle
that much Loosh, this Somewhere
(the Source of All Suns, LM). It would
fall neatly into many concepts of heaven. I grew wistful. Maybe we
could go just to the edge of Somewhere, so I could get a feel of the
place/state where there was so much love, surely near it, but not in
it, just to observe from a distance. It would answer so much . . .
(That is not too much to ask, Mister Monroe. We can arrange it. Close
tightly . . .
. . . Even closed tightly, the radiation was so strong that it was
nearly unbearable . . . I felt as if sweat were pouring off me, I was
melting . . . but it wasn't heat . . . and
I began to heave with great racking sobs and I couldn't understand why
. . . then the radiation eased, and I opened a little. There was a form
between me and the radiation, shielding me, and I could perceive a
corona effect all around the form from the radiation beyond. It
reminded me deeply of religious paintings I had seen, only this was
live and in something far different from pigmented color . . .
(This is as close, as you can tolerate. We are diverting most of the
effective energy patterns, which are in themselves only the random
residue, the leakage, as you might call it, from the fundamental. Focus
through us,
rather than the outer rim. It will help.)
With great difficulty, I narrowed and held on the center of the
form...and I began to cool and calm down...slowly my rational and
observing self began to emerge again, dominating the overwhelming
emotional surge, that had enveloped me...it was, as if I perceived
through a darkly tinted window and I had to work continually to keep
the emotion below the threshold level, the wondrous and brilliant joy,
awe, reverence, melded into one, yet with flashes of each sparking
momentarily...all coursing through me
as I responded to the
radiation, unable to prevent it and barely keeping it under control.
This would most emphatically be the ultimate heaven, the final home...
(Observe more carefully. You are capable of doing so.)
I looked through the smoked-glass shield, that was my INSPEC
friend...and I was grateful, for I knew, if I responded to this degree
just the reflection, the leakage, the full force of the radiation would
have shattered me, I was not ready for it, if this was the percept from
the distant edge...there, in the long view, was a radiant living
form of incredible size, my first percept, that of a tall standing
humanoid, arms outstretched in front, palms upward...but just as
quickly, it was not...instead, a shining globe, edges
indistinct, behind it another, identical in appearance, behind it
another, a continuous cascade moving away into infinity, beyond my
percept ability...from each came numberless beams or rays, some
huge in their diameter, others no wider than a pinpoint, all uniform in
size throughout their length and beyond my percept as to their
destination, some of them moving past me so close, that I felt, I could
reach out and touch one...
(Would you like to do so? We will help you, if needed.)
I hesitated, then with the warm assurance from the shielding INSPEC
form, I stretched a part of me out, cautiously, and touched the
smallest Ray nearest me . . . in an instant, the shock spread
throughout all what I thought I was, and I knew, and in knowing, knew
that I would forget if I tried to remember, because what I was could
not yet handle the reality of it . . . yet I never again would be the
same even without remembering, except that it occurred and the
indescribable joy of knowing only, that it did take place and the
echoes would reverberate in me throughout eternity, whatever my
eternity was...gently I felt myself being detached from the Ray, and I
collapsed behind the shielding form of my INSPEC friend...
Friend? INSPEC? I realized then, how provincial my percepts were. I
realized, how limited they were...the radiating globes, the Rays
(You responded very well for the initial exposure. Your human
loosh/love (Sun Energy, LM) energy is transmuted into the center of
what you perceive. From there it is redirected into what you call the
Rays, to the points, where it is needed most. When you have progressed,
we can guide you to one of the destinations, so you can observe the
My percept was not strong enough to bring any flicker whatsoever, as to
what exposure to the full force of such Rays might be. But my human
curiosity wouldn't let the basic question go unanswered, now that I had
smoothed somewhat.
(It was created. It was always there, we have no percept of a
beginning. Are you ready to return now?)
I turned inward and closed tightly.
. . . We were back again in familiar blackness, only now it seemed
empty and sterile, but the INSPEC energy was still beside me . . . now
I would have to put together a new ident for them, if they could hold
up so calmly under . . .
(INSPEC will serve as well as any other.)
But I couldn't let it alone. As shaken as I was, I knew I had to ask,
because I had known they were greater, but how much greater now might
be a depth . . .
(We are created, just as you are created. More than that, it is
important that you obtain from your own percept. In your own—how do you
put it?—
time, you will find the reason for this.)
Suddenly, I felt a strong, urgent signal pulling at the back of me. I
resisted at first, not wanting to leave, but the signal was persistent.
With the warm pattern of understanding from my INSPEC friend, I turned
and followed the signal. Instantly, I was hovering over my physical
body. There below me was my second body. I slid into it easily, then
into the physical. My right arm was tingling due to lack of
circulation. I evidently had been lying on it at an angle. I flexed the
arm several times, musing as I had so many times before: Suppose there
were no signal to return, how long would I stay away, would I never
return? It was then, lying there in the darkness, listening to the
whippoorwill and the night crickets outside, the soft earth-scented
breeze flowing in through the open window, feeling the hot warmth of
our little dog Steamboat sleeping contentedly against the soles of my
feet, the even breathing of Nancy sleeping beside me— that I felt the
wetness of my cheeks and a few remaining tears in my eyes. And I
remembered. Not much, but I remembered! I sat up in bed, wanting to
jump up and shout in incomprehensible joy. Steamboat raised his head
and looked at me curiously, then dropped back. My wife shifted position
as I sat up, then gradually resumed her even breathing rhythm. I would
not wake her, she needed her rest and recharge. I lay back and
remembered. Sometime before dawn, I, too, fell asleep.
Time: 3:40 A.M. . . . awake, alert, rested, relaxed . . . unhooked
easily from the physical, slid out of the second immediately, and
waited for a signal. There was none, so I let go and let the total self
take over. There was the usual blur of movement, not too extensive, and
I had the ident of BB close by me. My percept of him was totally
different. He was tightly closed. And dulled. The thin outer haze of
the Intermediate Area made him even less distinguishable. I tried to
smooth casually. (Hey, old buddy, what's up?)
BB opened slightly. (Oh, hello, RAM.) (I had it you would be pulling
skips back to KT-95.) He dulled.
(Sure.) I smoothed very gently. (Anything I can do for you?)
(No . . . no.) He started to close. (I'm just hanging around.)
He had the set of someone, who had lost his best friend, which was
exactly the case from his perspective, and partially so from another—
partially in that, the same AA, when he finally emerged, would be the
fundamental, with the unique variegation learned from the in-human
experience permanently interwoven and overlaid throughout the Being,
that he had become. It could be construed as a loss, if BB did not
accept the change or expected only the stasis of KT-95 that had been
AA. I tried another approach. (Well, you just can't stand here forever.)
BB blanked. (Forever? What's that?)
I flickered. (It's, uh . . . human expression.)
He vibrated. (I want nothing to do with that human action!)
I put it to him hard and straight. (You’re going to have to get some
kind of rote about human. If you don't, you won't know your friend AA
when he comes out.
You won't have any ident on him whatsoever.)
BB vibrated. (Sure, I will! You don't lose things like that!)
(It won't be the same. Pick up your rote when you tried to pull him
out. Even then, you had trouble with his ident. I guarantee you that's
just the small part of it, he was only on his way in, he was just
getting started.)
He turned inward and closed. I suddenly got the percept, that I had
done it again. What would I do with him? He wasn't a stray cat or dog I
could take back, feed, and find a home for. It was ludicrous. Fix him
up with a human body? How would I do that? And he certainly wasn't
going to join the line and go human via the Entry Station. Can you
learn to swim without getting in the water and getting wet?
I tried to ease out of it gracefully. (Maybe it's best that you pull a
skip and go back to KT-95, let it go at that.)
BB opened slightly. (I did. Went and came back.)
I waited. I wasn't going to get in deeper, if I could help it. I knew
he would go on and he did.
(There was a hole and the hole was empty. You ever been like that?)
I plied. (Yeah, I've been there. It'll stay empty because it's designed
for one curl. No other will fit in.)
(AA was one smart curl, you can believe it. Too smart for his own good.
Look what it got him.)
I plied again. (It happens.) I was about to turn and disengage as
carefully, as I could, but I was too late. I had the strong percept,
that he would come to some solution and it would involve me. I was too
right. He had lighted very brightly. (You can do it!)
(Do what?)
(Feed me rotes about humans. Then I'd be ready for him.)
I flickered. (I wouldn’t know, where to start.)
(Then show me how it works.)
(How am I going to do that? You 'd have to be in-human . . .)
(No, no, I wouldn't,) BB cut in quickly. (You move around without a
physical body.)
(Well, yes, but . . .)
(You and me, we had a hook right from the start, RAM. Like old friends.
I got a solid ident on you. So you be my Tour Guide, quick and short.
How about it?)
I smoothed. (What's it like being human in one easy lesson?)
He lighted more. (That's it, that's it!)
That was it all right. Not quite the blind leading the blind, but
close. All I could do was give him a skim over, what I did have as the
basics, show him . . . yes! Show!
That ought to make it clear. I opened. (All right. The main thing about
being in-human is survival. That's the biggest percept of all. It
drowns out about everything else for most humans.)
He blanked. (What's survival.)
(Staying alive.)
(What kind of problem is that? You’re alive, you stay alive.)
I smoothed. (Not if you’re in a physical body. The imprint comes up for
most to mean stay alive in a physical body, no more. They use most of
their energy trying to survive, one way or another. That's the cause of
virtually all human problems. The drive for survival is so strong it
messes up everything. End of lesson.)
BB rolled. (Come on, that's the wildest rote I ever had thrown at me!)
(It's not so funny, if you're in it. You believe it as real and nothing
He continued to roll, and I realized there was only one way he just
might get the idea. Show him. Take him down on the beach and watch the
swimmers . . . (Come on, follow my ident.)
BB lighted. (Sure, RAM!)
I turned, did a half-roll, and dove down through the Rings with my new
KT-95 friend close behind me. Never mind the big centers, get down to
the basics . . . that would be back from civilization, outlying
physical areas . . . middle of Asia, yes . . . that would do it . . . I
pulled to a stop just over a bleak hill with a ragged forest down one
side. A man was crouched in the edge of the forest. BB was beside me
and I turned his focus on the man. What looked to be a small deer was
grazing in the grasses, not far from the man. The man raised a gun,
took aim, and fired. The deer fell, twitching its legs, and the man ran
forward, pulled the deer's head back, and slashed its throat with a
knife. Blood gushed out from the deer's throat, and it finally went
limp. The man hoisted the deer over his shoulder and moved along the
edge of the woods in the direction of a stone hut. We followed, as BB
pushed at me: (That human, he killed that other being.)
I plied. (Yep.)
(Why did he do that? Not much survival going on there!)
(Not for the deer, that's the other one, the animal . . . uh, the other
being. The human needs the body of the deer.)
BB blanked. (What would he want with that? He's already got a body.)
I smoothed, here it comes. (To survive. He needs to eat it.)
(Eat! What's eat?)
(He puts it in his own physical body to give it energy to survive, so
he can stay alive. That's what we ident eating.)
(The other being, the uh, deer, it didn't survive, stay alive . . . uh,
physically. I got a good percept of the energy leaving it.)
One easy lesson! (Well, humans are what we ident as the dominant
species, uh, beings alive here. They are at the top of what we call the
food chain. Food is what
we call the stuff, we eat. Little species get eaten by bigger species
which in turn get eaten by bigger species, until you get up to human.
He isn't the biggest, but
he's the smartest, that's why he's the dominant species. He eats about
everything, that grows.)
BB was turned inward and flickering, as we followed the man to the
stone hut. The man shifted the deer carcass off his shoulder and hung
it head down on a rack outside the hide-draped doorway. Then he went
BB flickered. (Isn’t he going to, uh, eat it?)
(He will later. Has to cure it a little first, let the blood drain out
of it. Want to go inside?) He didn't really have a choice, as I led him
through the stone wall.
Inside, there was a small fire burning in the center of an earthen
floor. Around the fire were three persons, a woman and two small
children. The woman was stirring a pot hung over the fire, the two
children watching hungrily. The man sat down and joined them, took off
his heavy coat, and accepted the bowl the woman handed him. He started
to eat, using his fingers to pull pieces of food from the bowl and
sipping from its rim.
BB pushed at me urgently. (What was that he did!)
(Right now he's eating, he's taking pieces of food and putting them
into his body, and the little stuff, he just pours it in.)
(Yeh, yeh, I got that percept, it was before! He slipped off part of
his body!)
I blanked, then lighted. (That was his coat. It's not his body, it's a
piece of stuff he puts on to keep warm. That's the next thing in the
survival need—to keep your physical body so it's warm enough or cool
enough and to protect it from getting hurt. That's the reason for the
cabin, the, uh, hut we're in now. It helps protect the physical body.
The fire . . . the, uh, radiation in the middle, that helps them keep
I had the percept, that BB was focused, as one would be fascinated by a
cobra weaving its hooded head directly in front of your face. I focused
on him, trying to determine exactly what and how much of the scene was
penetrating him as a real rote. How do you explain warm and cold or
such a simple thing as a cooking fire, or the constant attention and
servicing a physical body requires, to one, who has never been in one?
Then BB was pushing at me again.
(RAM, RAM!) He was vibrating strongly. (He's killing the other one!)
I turned. The man had moved the woman back from the fire and pushed her
to the ground. He was on top of her, his body holding her down, arms
around her tightly, hers around him. Her long rough dress was thrown up
over her hips and they were writhing violently, her open legs locked
around his waist. The two children were eating from the bowl, totally
unconcerned. Not being the voyeur type, I could be quite clinical.
I smoothed. (He's not killing her. They 're, uh, reproducing.)
(What's . . .)
(They're putting their two energies together to form a third. They're
making copies of themselves, like the smaller two there eating by the
fire. I'm sure they made those two.)
(Why would they do that?)
(It's the biggest part of the survival stuff. Make a copy of yourself
and keep on living in your copy. It's basic in all living species, not
just humans. The rote is that you reproduce first, before you get
around to eating, cold or warm, whatever.)
(But they already made two.)
(That's a sort of guarantee, that at least one will survive to make
more copies. If those two young new ones die or get killed before they
make copies, then the third they’re making right now might live long
enough to get copies made.)
BB flickered. (Why would they die, or how would they get killed?)
(That's one of the problems of physical life. It's easier to die or get
killed than it is to live. The strong survival drive is needed to
achieve balance. That produces other problems.)
(What problems?)
(We’ll get to them along the way.)
He focused on the couple below, who, by now, had completed their sexual
act and were back eating before the fire. (The two big ones are not the
(Humans, but different. Run the rote when you caught up with AA—he
wanted to go back and be a female. Then the next time around, he had
been a female. Humans are either male or female. It takes a male and a
female to reproduce, to make a copy.)
BB turned inward, then opened. (Which are you?)
(You ever been female?)
(I don't have any rote on it, so I guess not.)
He opened more. (Nothing like this in KT-95. Never had a percept like
it, to make a copy of yourself. Fascinating!)
I cut in. (Well, it's not exactly a copy of yourself, it's a physical
mix of the two, and you hope it might be a copy of you, but it never
really turns out that way. It's just a physical vehicle. The curl, who
enters it ,might be a total stranger.)
BB rolled. (Don't get concerned, RAM. I'm not that fascinated.)
(I get a percept, that stronger curls than you, have been caught into
being human.)
He smoothed. (At this point, I don't get any part of this survival
That would be too much for me. The eating, I can adjust to, the warm
and cool. If they can do it, I can do it. The reproducing, copy making,
that would be fun, make a big Game out of it.)
I couldn't hold it back. (Famous last words. Come on.)
He blanked. (No percept on that one. Last words?)
I turned, went through the wall, sure that BB was following. I homed in
on the one place, that I knew would give him a strong rote on how
distortion could accumulate. Ident New York, center of Manhattan, start
with West Forty-Second Street. The movement was quite short, and we
came in at sidewalk level. The usual evening human composites were
crowding one another, jostling,
strolling, hurrying, and loitering.
The eateries, the old movie houses overplugging, underdone, X-rated
pornos on their marquees, the gimmick and gut shops, record stores
blasting it out, the car and truck traffic filling the street—it hadn't
really changed in thirty years, only more of the same. Yes, this would
show it. BB was in the middle of the passing parade, unnecessarily
ducking and trying to avoid bumping into people. I steered him over to
the curb, out of the rush and crush.
He flickered. (Where 'd they all come from?)
(Crossroads of the World, they used to call it. Come from everywhere,
lot of them live nearby.)
(Why do they come here, this place!)
I smoothed. (The percept is, you can find anything you want here in New
BB vibrated. (Still doesn't come out new to me, even down in it.)
(It's just the ident, that's all. But they're doing the same thing, as
the man back there by the woods, every one of them. Trying to survive.
Doing anything to keep alive.)
BB flickered. (I don't get the same percept.
And the M Band noise is
shaking me up too much. The scratchy stuff in the band, it's the worst!
Never got that before anywhere! Where's it all coming from?)
I smoothed. (Close a little, that'll make it easier. The noise is
coming from us, humans. The scratchy stuff, that screeches so much I
finally figured out. It's their emotions.)
(I won't try to give you a percept on it, you have to be human to
experience it. It's the next-biggest problem after the survival drive.
Makes humans do things, they really
don't want to do.)
He flickered, half open. (Why do they make all the noise?)
I plied. (They don't know, that they're doing it.)
He turned inward, closed. Then he opened slightly. (You're human. How
come you don't make M Band noise like that?)
(I do. I just have it under control for the moment. Back in the
physical, I blow it all over the place, I'm sure.)
BB opened and smoothed. (All right. If you can take it, so can I. Now,
what about this survival stuff?)
I spun a slow 360. (Within a short time-distance from this spot, you
can get all of your survival needs taken care of and more. As much, as
you want, any kind you want, whenever you want. You ident it and you
got it.)
BB flickered. (All the, uh, food to, uh, eat?)
(From the hamburger joint over there to the top of that tower over in
the distance. Go in and they will supply you.)
(The warm and the cool, the, uh, hut to stay in, the stuff you put on
your body?)
(All here.)
(How about making copies, the, uh . . . yeh, reproducing?)
I rolled. (I suppose you could get that, too, if you looked hard
enough. Most of it here is, uh, doing the action without making any
BB blanked. (Why would you want to do it if you’re not making copies!)
I flickered. (My percept has it that the survival imprint was so strong
it wanted to make sure each species took the trouble to reproduce. So
the act
of doing it was made to be, uh . . . fun.)
He blanked again. (Fun! Those back there didn't act like they were
having fun!)
I plied. (You have to be human to get that percept. It can't be handed
out in a rote either. Anyway, you can satisfy that part of the survival
drive, too, as much, as you want.)
BB lighted brightly. (Then what's all the mix-up about! It's all under
control! Humans get what they want, there's plenty of it, each curl
soaks it up and goes back where he came from.)
I turned inward and closed. This was turning into a hard lesson for me,
not him. I was pretty sure it wouldn't work and it wasn't. How do I
convey to him the fact, that
all humans have to spend most of their
waking hours working one way or another just to survive, that humans
want the same thing and kill each other to get it, that they get so
involved in surviving they don't know when to stop when they have
enough, that humans form big clubs they call nations and try to destroy
other nations, who, they think, threaten their survival, that the whole
thing occupies their thoughts and actions so deeply they forget
completely any other existence, but physical human.
(You're leaking again, RAM,) BB cut in. (You got it right. I wouldn't
get a percept on any of it. What's this work stuff? You mean humans
kill and eat each other? What do you mean, they forget?)
I did the best I could. (Work is what humans do to get money, uh,
energy to pay, uh, give to other humans, so those humans will give them
what they want to satisfy their survival needs.)
(Money energy, huh? Must be pretty strong stuff. I have no ident on it.)
(You wouldn't. Only humans have it, and it's strictly physical. Won't
work anywhere, except on physical Earth and with other humans. Worse
than that, each group of humans, uh, nations . . .)
(The big clubs . . . we have game clubs in KT-95.)
(Yes, the big clubs of humans. Each has its own type of money energy
and they trade money.)
BB smoothed. (So if I want a deer to eat, or a hut to be in, a cover
for my body to be in, I got to give money energy to get it.)
(You work, you pay, and you get.)
He focused on the cars moving by. (How about those covers? Can you get
them for money energy, too?)
(That's all it takes.)
(It's too messed up for me.) BB smoothed completely. (If I had to be
human, I would stay away from all the rest of it and just hang around
making copies and let it go at that. . . . What's so funny?)
I was rolling hard and couldn't keep closed.
He blanked. (That takes money energy, too?)
I plied. (One way or another.)
Suddenly, I felt an urgent signal to return to the physical, loud and
clear. I tried to resist it, and worked to get BB's attention at the
same time. I had to go back, but I couldn't leave him where he was, he
wouldn't know how to get out . . . but the signal was too strong and I
couldn't help myself. I began to move away, slowly, as I resisted, then
accelerating quickly, as I decided to go back and see what the problem
was and return as fast, as I could. I reached the second, slipped in
fast, and pulled up into the physical. I sat up in the bed and looked
around. Everything seemed normal, no full bladder, no tingle in an arm
or leg from poor circulation, no aches or pains. Must have been
external, phone ringing, jet aircraft overhead, whatever, it wasn't
important. I immediately remembered BB, and I had the thought of him
standing bewildered on the curb at Forty Second St. and Broadway. I
went through a quick relaxation to try to get down and OOB, but I was
too keyed up, I couldn't hold it together. On about the sixth try, I
fell asleep. When I awakened, it was morning. I thought of trying to
get out and help BB, but it was the wrong time for me. I spent the day
in my typical pattern, with BB flashing in and out of my consciousness.
This was a case, where I was 100% responsible and I knew it. Finally,
late in the afternoon, I felt tired enough to relax, and went up to the
lab, entered, and locked the door. I set up some sound signals and went
into the booth. I lay back on the waterbed, put on the headphones, and
almost immediately started to relax.
The rest was easy. I detached from the physical, rolled out of the
second, started to reach, and stopped. There was a form directly in
front of me.
(Hey, RAM, where you going?)
I vibrated. (How did you get here!)
BB was very smooth. (When you started to pull that short skip, I just
followed your ident. I wasn’t going to stay in all that M-Band noise,
if you didn 't. Much better here.)
(I should hope so.)
(Your survival must be going strong. You got more, than one hut.)
I flickered. (This is not a hut, it's where we work.)
(I got a solid percept of you coming out of the physical body there.
That's yours?)
I vibrated. (Certainly it's mine! I don't go into other people s
(Why not?)
I flickered. (Well, uh, it's against the rules.)
(What rules?)
(I don't know, it doesn 't, uh, the percept is, you don't do it. I
don't think I could, if I wanted to.)
(You do a lot of turning and twisting, when you come out, you know.)
I plied. (I don't have a percept from outside watching me in action.)
(We do much the same back in KT-95 in a game we play. Gets us in and
out of the system over us. Hey, what are all those curls doing in that
big hut over there?)
I vibrated. (You didn't go over there, did you?)
BB smoothed. (Just hung around a little. Couldn’t get your attention,
so I had to do something.
Tossed a couple of rotes to one or two. They were glad to get them.
What they doing?)
(They are trying to break the survival habit . . . and to relearn, what
forgot. It's a school.)
(I don't get any percept you need a school to do that.) I turned. (You
need the rest of your One Easy Lesson.) I reached and stretched, headed
for the lowest of the Cycling Rings, staying just out of phase with the
physical. This was the part, that was the rough stuff (Low Astrals),
but I was sure we would be ignored and unmolested, if we stayed just on
the upper fringes. I didn't look forward to it. For purposes of
comparison, I used the same Forty-Second Street ident in New York. It
was a short run and we came out fifty feet over the street. BB was
beside me. He smoothed. (Back here again. No difference, except a big
mass more of humans.)
(Focus on the ones, that you perceive best.)
BB opened, and evidently the change in the superimposed mass (dead
ones)was apparent to him. The man rushing out from the curb to flag a
taxi and running through it, and stopping bewildered, as car after car
passed through the space he seemed to occupy. The thin young male with
long hair, who looked to be no more, than eighteen, trying to get the
attention of the young group leaning against a parked car, asking for a
hit from the joint, being passed around, but unable to get their
attention, because they can't see or hear him. The burly policeman in
full uniform swinging his nightstick, strolling along the storefronts,
totally unaware, that he is unobserved. The smartly dressed woman of
indeterminate age trying to find a coin for a newspaper in her purse,
as she unknowingly walks through the side of a nearby building. The
older man trying to buy the offerings of two young hookers, standing by
a doorway leading upstairs, angry because they don't know he exists,
watches as a physical man steps up, waves a double sawbuck in one
girl's face as she turns and leads him up the stairs; the first man
following. The old woman walking slowly along the street, oblivious to
everything around her, reaching down occasionally to the sidewalk and
attempting to pick up a half-smoked cigarette snipe, but her hand
passes through it. The dark-skinned man standing defiantly in the
middle of the passing crowds, intense hate on his face and knife in
hand, slashing through each passerby without realizing he is damaging
or hurting no one. The unshaven old man at the open bar across the
street, trying to pick
up and toss down every drink set in front of a customer, then climbing
on a customer's back to try and get the taste and effect of the drink
as the customer feels it, unnoticed and to no avail. I turned to BB.
(Had enough?)
He flickered strongly. (What's the matter with them?)
(They've died physically and they don't know it. All they remember is
human physical existence and they're trying to hang on. That's all they
got, they think.)
(Can't you give them a different percept?)
I smoothed. (If you mean me, I have to have help when I get into that
run. There are others, who make a career of it.)
BB blanked. (Career?)
(That's all they do, try to get the attention of such humans. Would you
like to get a percept of an extreme distortion of the survival drive?)
He flickered. (Sure, lead on.)
I knew he was shaken, but I had to push him all the way. Then I could
be positive: he would appreciate the Outer Rings. I reached, homed on
ident Sexual Pile, and stretched. After a short movement, we stopped.
We were less, than ten feet away. Beside me, BB focused, blanked, and
closed. I waited, and he finally opened again slightly. I focused away
from the pile of writhing human forms and half-closed. It was about all
I could take.
BB vibrated weakly. (What happened to them!)
(They've died physically and they at least know they're different, not
responsible, they think, so they're letting it all hang out.)
(But, uh, what are they doing, like that?)
(They have no interest, but reproducing, not to make copies, but just
the act of reproducing. That's all they know and all they care about.
They keep trying, but get no satisfaction, because it takes a physical
body the way they know it—and they don't have any.)
BB attempted to focus again, and turned away. (Let's get out of here.)
I wanted his rote to be absolutely real. (Convinced?)
(Yeh, yeh, let'sgo.)
I reached and stretched outward, positive he was close behind me, moved
slowly outward. We passed through the density of still Gray Forms
(former humans), who were neither here, nor there, barely conscious and
waiting for something to happen—and it would, all positive. Very little
M-Band noise there. I eased us to a stop in the Center of the next
Innermost Ring. There were Forms all around us, very human. Each was
aware and active in a tight circle, that included only their own rote.
BB nudged me. (Why are you stopping here? Noise is still heavy.)
I opened. (There's a big difference. These know they no longer have
physical bodies, but not much more. Focus in on a couple, and you’ll
get a percept.)
BB turned and faced a woman, who seemed to be walking in slow motion,
in one place. She appeared middle-aged, overweight, tears running down
her face.. (I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mommy didn't mean to leave you, baby
doll, but she just couldn’t help it, but I'm coming back, I'm coming
back to help you just as soon, as I can . . . I'm coming back somehow .
. .)
I indicated a man who looked to be in his sixties, pacing back and
forth rapidly, pounding his fist in the palm of his other hand . . .
BB refocused . . . (Damn, damn, damn! Just when I had it all set up to
go out and enjoy myself. Damn! Now she’ll spend it all on clothes and
trips everywhere and I'm left out. Got to get back somehow, got to get
what's coming to me. Damn! Damn! . . .)
We turned in the direction of a man, who appeared to be sitting down,
indeterminate age, slowly shaking his head from side to side, staring
blindly . . .
(Never got a chance to tell her: I didn't mean to beat her up. I was
drunk, I was drunk, that's all. What a hell of a note. What am I going
to do now? I knew that turn in the road was coming . . . There's got to
be something I can do . . .)
A thin young girl in blue jeans attracted our attention. Hands on her
hips, she was looking around defiantly: Shit! Is that all there is to
dying! I don't see any God or angels . . . I knew it, knew it! Shit!
We moved carefully around the various animate Human Forms, singled out
another, a man of middle age, gray-haired, standing and looking at the
haze, arms folded . . . (Well, I did the best I could. Left them money
in the bank, house in good shape, insurance will take care of the
mortgage. Right front tire on the station wagon needs replacing. Hope
Ben will take care of the contract on the Holmes deal. Company is going
to miss me. Would have enjoyed one more dinner at Luigi's, never get
seafood like that again . . .)
BB swung to me. (He's closed up tight. We can't reach him?)
I plied. (Go ahead and try.)
He moved directly in front of the man, tossing small rotes at the man's
face. Each time, the man waved his hand, as if he were brushing a
persistent fly off his nose. Other than that, there was no response. BB
finally gave up and followed, as I turned and moved outward through the
haze of the Ring. It was hard for me to accept now, that I had once
been as deeply focused in HTSI, but I was sure it was so. If my rote of
it was there, it was deeply covered over. I like to think I released
it, of course. One more stop before we reached the null point should do
it. When the haze began to lessen somewhat, I came to a stop. A woman
was standing amid what seemed to be jagged rock outcrop. She was aware
of us immediately and began to scream. BB started to back away. The
woman came at us, waving her arms.
(You stay away from me, you spawn of the devil! I was a sinner, but I
didn't sin any more, than everyone else, I tell you!
You can't take me to hell, because I'm a good woman! You go after those
harlots down on Front Street!)
She stopped abruptly, sank to her knees, head bowed, sobbing. (Please
don't take me to hell . . . Please! I just want to be with my daughter.
She's around here somewhere, she was so good. She couldn't help dying
before me. I know she didn't go to hell . . . Please, please!)
I did what I could. (Your daughter was good. If you just rest quietly,
she will come and find you. Think of her, sit quietly and think of her,
and she will find you. What was her name?)
The woman's sobbing eased, but her head remained bowed and she was
unable to think clearly. I did get a percept. (Claire will find you
very soon.)
The woman slowly raised her head, eyes open in wonder, as I turned and
led BB further outward through the haze.
BB came beside me. (You sure swung that one, RAM.)
I plied. (Beginner's luck.)
He blanked. (What's . . .)
(More human stuff. Come on.)
Sometimes my navigation wasn't as good, as I would like it to be. We
finally broke through the haze into a cleared area. This was my
intended stopping point.
To the right, the surf of a white-capped blue ocean crashed regularly
against a rocky shore. Overhead, the sky was a lighter blue with no
clouds. In front of us was a simple log cabin, and behind the cabin
rose a forested mountain. It could be either Maine or California, but
it wasn't. It wasn't anything.
(Hey, why we stopping?) BB cut in.
(Ident Charlie. A friend of mine. Try it.)
He did, and I knew what was happening. All I was perceiving suddenly
came into BB, the ocean, the shore, cabin, sky, and mountain. He
(We back on your Earth?)
I smoothed. (No, Charlie made it.)
BB blanked. (Charlie made it!)
(He likes to be reminded of his favorite physical place, so he made a
(He can do that?)
(It's like a rote, almost.)
The door of the cabin opened, and Charlie came out. He was his usual
short, round-bodied, round-faced self and wearing his usual plaid
shirt. His hair was dark and straight this time instead of his usual
tight blond curls. He approached and we shook hands. (Well, Robert, I
see you got out again.)
(Hi, Charlie. What happened to your hair?)
Charlie flickered. (I, uh, got a new friend. She likes it straight and
brown, so I changed it. She's in the cabin. Want to meet her?)
(We just stopped by for a minute. Next time maybe.)
He looked in BB's direction. (You got somebody with you?)
I smoothed. (Yeah, a friend.)
He stared intently. (I can just barely see the edges of something.)
(Say hello to BB.)
Charlie looked dubious. (I can't see you, but hello, BB. Welcome to
Fantasy Land.)
BB flickered. (Uh, hello, Charlie.)
Surprise crossed Charlie's face. (I heard him! I heard him, but I can't
see him!)
BB rolled a little. (I get you fine, Charlie!)
Charlie turned to me. (You taught him the OOB routine. Now you have a
traveling companion. That's great!)
I smoothed. (Not exactly, Charlie. You see . . .)
(You will have to teach him to fine-tune a little better, Robert. I
can't get even a clear outline, just something like heat distortion on
the desert. You still hear me, uh, BB?)
BB must have pulled a percept from Charlie, who was wide open.
(Loud and clear, Charlie. Zero level, plus or minus three DB.)
Charlie looked pleased. (That's my language, BB! At least I hear you.
Say, how do you like what I've done here? Took some doing to get the
ocean waves to hit the rocks accurately, I tell you. Hey, Robert, you
like sunsets. Watch this one.)
We turned and looked out over the ocean. Slowly, the light blue sky
darkened, and flares of red, orange, and yellow melded together on the
horizon. Layers of clouds appeared, which added perspective and texture
to the scene. The edges of the clouds took on rose and mauve hues. It
reminded me of Oahu in Hawaii. Charlie turned to me. (How's that for a
first draft?)
I explained to BB. (Charlie was an electronics engineer in his last
physical life.)
(I thought I was pretty good,) Charlie added. (That was nothing
compared to what you can do here. What's your field, BB? You work with
BB flickered. (I'm from KT-95.)
Charlie looked puzzled. (KT-95? New one on me. Where's the company
I decided to give it to him straight. (He's not from Earth, Charlie. He
isn’t even human.)
He looked taken aback, but only for a moment. (Now, come on, you’re not
going to start that kind of talk again!)
I laughed. (He's for real, Charlie.)
He turned to where he perceived BB stood. (Robert has been feeding me
all these wild ideas about other Worlds, Energy Fields we know nothing
about, that type of thing. I can go along with him as to possible
intelligent life on other Planets somewhere beyond our Solar system,
but that's not what he means. Human life, even operating the way I am
now, I can handle that, too. So he got you to help him pull a fast one
on Charlie. You put yourself a little out of sync to make yourself look
hazy, and whammo. Robert has himself a super being.)
BB flickered. (Now, Charlie, I didn't . . .)
(O.K., I can go along with a gag (a joke) as good, as the next one.) He
chuckled. (Where did you say you're from?)
(KT-95, Charlie.) BB smoothed. (It's different from here.)
(Sure, I bet it is.) He laughed. (What do you do there? I mean you,
(I, uh . . . play games.)
(What kind of games?)
(They're hard to explain, but I can show you one.)
Charlie smiled. (O.K., show me. I'm a Missouri boy.)
I cut in. (I don't think you should . . . BB. We, uh, we don't have
enough time.)
Charlie laughed hard. (Had to bail him out, huh, Robert? You should
have coached him more. I suppose, BB, you've come to Earth to save us
humans from ourselves, stop the nukes from going off or some such
BB blanked. (No, no. We were on this tour of TSI and ...)
(Just visiting, that it?)
(That's all. Then . . .)
(Just where is this KT-95 you say you came from?)
BB flickered. (Uh, just pull a couple of long skips that way.)
Charlie turned to me, grinning. (Nice try, Robert. I appreciate all the
trouble you and BB took to dream it up. Bring me a little hard data and
I believe you.)
I smiled. (I'll keep trying. We have to leave now. Thanks for your
hospitality. I liked your sunset.)
Charlie and I shook hands, and he turned to BB. (Come back and visit
BB. You don't have to wait for Robert to bring you.)
BB vibrated. (I don't?)
(Come whenever you feel like it. Next time you won't have to detune.
Then I can see you better.)
(By the way,) I put in, (you decided yet about your next physical life?)
He shrugged. (I'm still thinking about it. I'm in no hurry.)
(That's good. Be selective next time.)
(That I will.)
I smoothed. (Take care, Charlie.)
We lifted outward, and soon we were back in the haze, and I could tell
from the change in texture when we passed the Null Point. From here on
out, things would change rapidly. The question was, where to drop in
next? BB was tight beside me, and I knew he was trying to sort out the
solid shots of rote he was receiving. I tried to get a percept of the
impact on him, but he was closed too tightly. But I didn't really need
a percept. Charlie had impressed him. Here was another human being-
albeit without a physical body for the moment, that he could relate to
easily. After the mess in the Lower Rings, here was Charlie, who seemed
perfectly normal, who knew how to do things, play in ways, that were
new and exciting to BB, and a Being, who had a sense of Humor, much as
he did. Only one small problem. Charlie wouldn't believe BB existed, if
he had the real rote. I decided we were deep enough into the Outer
Ring, so without an ident I pulled to an easy stop. The haze was less
dense, and the shape of buildings, irregularly spaced, began to take
form-each a suitable distance from another, each different in design
either extremely or slightly. Many seemed to be constructed of stone,
most were equipped with spires, steeples, domes, or towers in various
configurations, some had elaborate stained-glass circular windows. We
moved down near the front of the nearest building. As we did, a woman
emerged from the front door and descended the wide steps. When she
reached the last step, she looked up and stopped short. There was no
fear in her eyes, just uncertainty. I decided to set her straight. (We
don't bite.)
She responded immediately. (I didn't expect you to. I was trying to
decide, where to refer you. We have so many committees. You don't act
like a newcomer.)
I smiled. (We 're just visiting.)
(Our minister says there is no such person, as a visitor here,) she
replied confidently. (You wouldn't have found us, if you didn't have
our faith. It's really all right to be a newcomer. I'll take you to
Thelma. She's in charge of the welcoming committee.)
I smiled. (No, thanks just the same, we're only passing through.)
She looked puzzled. (You keep using "we." Do you think you're more,
than one person? We have a class on multiple personalities that you can
attend. Dr. Frankel conducts it.)
BB cut in. (Why can't she perceive me, RAM? Charlie did.)
She smiled at me. (What did you . . . Oh. Your name is Percy RAM
(Not exactly,) I answered. It was interesting. She was mixing BB's
radiation with mine to fit her percept.
(Isn’t it wonderful to know, really know you have everlasting life?)
She stretched her arms outward from her side.
(Oh, I remember so well how I felt when I died, and they brought me
here. How I harbored little secret doubts, and I do understand how you
feel. Sunday school and the reindoctrination classes will
clear those up for you. Don't worry. It's just unusual, that you
arrived here on your own.)
I had to ask it for BB's sake. He was focused very intently on what was
taking place. (Then this isn't heaven? This isn't where God is?)
She laughed lightly. (That's exactly what I asked, when I was a
newcomer. Don't be disappointed. We're only at the gates of heaven. Our
minister, Dr. Fortune, preaches sermons about it every Sunday. I must
confess they're quite different from the ones Reverend Wilson used to
preach back when I was living physically, in Lexington.)
(Are you going back?)
She frowned. (You mean back into a physical life?)
I smoothed. (I guess that's what I mean.)
She was thoughtful for a moment. (I don't know. Dr. Fortune has sermons
about it. He says when you leave here, you can go back again or you can
go somewhere else.)
BB cut in. (You get that, RAM? This, uh, Fortune curl found himself a
solid percept!)
I turned to BB. (That's right.)
The woman was staring at me. (You mumble your words, don't you? Yes, I
think Dr. Fortune's perception is right. But he's a man, not a girl.)
I persisted. (Then people do leave here?)
She smiled. (Oh yes. We lose several of our congregation every Sunday.
Dr. Fortune says it's all right.)
(What happens to them, do you know?)
(They get up after services and walk out the front door ahead of
everyone else. After that, we don't see them again. They’re gone, when
the rest of us leave. It's a, uh, ritual our church conducts here.)
I took it as far, as I could. (Do they finally go to heaven?)
She was very open and clear. (Most of our congregation think so. Dr.
Fortune is ambivalent (confused) about it. At the close of each
service, he issues something like the call, that the Reverend Wilson
did back in physical life. People get up, walk down to the front of the
church, and there he says something to them the rest of us can't hear.
Then we sing a hymn, and they march out.)
(What do you yourself think? Where are they going?)
She hesitated. (I don't know. Things are so different here from what I
expected, and I've learned so much . . . I just haven't made up my
mind.) Then she laughed. (But you’re asking me questions. The welcoming
committee are the people you need. I'll take you over to . . . Wait a
minute, where are you going?)
(We, uh, I have to leave now.) I called out to her as we moved upward,
(See you in heaven, I hope!)
She stood and gazed in wonderment, as we moved out, and I finally lost
her in the haze. I've often been curious as to her reporting of our
visit—if she did.

We moved slowly as I tried to plan a suitable stop for the last part of
the lesson. I was glossing and skipping over so much, that I was unsure
as to the value of the entire trip. This was no job for a neophyte, and
I certainly was just that, when it came to quick, easy lessons. I was
still too human myself.
BB gave me the answer, when he pushed at me. (Hey, RAM, we going to
heaven now?)
I rolled a little, then smoothed. (Not yet. I have the percept I
couldn’t if I wanted to.)
(Then how about where there are humans, who will toss a few rotes with
me, not you? This is supposed to be my lesson and all I do is hang
around, you know, what
I mean? Let's go back to Charlie.)
I didn't reply, but the percept flared brightly, and I began moving
rapidly. I was positive where our last visit should take place. I led
us to the very Outer Fringes of the Outermost Ring, where the haze was
quite thin. The rim had a Glow to it, as we approached, and as we
entered, the Glow broke down into soft individual Light sources, those
who resided here. These were the teachers, the helpers, the so-called
guides of the InnerRings—all on temporary but dedicated duty.
I had one ident in particular and I homed in on it, with BB following.
It was only moments later that we eased to a stop. One Form broke away
from a group and approached us. It was only slightly Humanoid in shape,
glowing softly. I opened. (I took you at your word, Bill. We’ve come
The Form smoothed. (We were expecting you, Bob, and this is your friend
from KT-95. Welcome, BB.)
BB flickered. (Uh, hello.)
It was no surprise, that Bill was aware of BB and the whole sequence of
events. I sometimes get the dim percept, that my entire adventure,
including this one, had been neatly planned from the beginning. Thus, I
let Bill and BB get it together and they did.
BB began it. (You’re human like RAM here?)
Bill rolled a little. (I have a solid mass of human rote, BB. I've been
through the mill, as it were. But at this point, I don't have a
physical body, as Bob does.)
(You want a rote from me? What I am and that stuff?)
(That's not necessary. I have a fine percept of you, your friend, uh,
AA, and KT-95. What I would like is your percept of the human
experience with your one easy lesson.)
BB flickered. (It's uh, not too solid. You sure you want it?)
Bill smoothed. (Just as it is.)
(Yeh. Well, uh . . . it's the wildest bunch of Games inside of Games. .
. With, uh, rules on top of rules that get so mixed up, that you don't
have any percept at all of which Game you’re playing. Then they get so
busy playing so many Games they forget it is a Game, the whole thing.
Even why they’re playing it and how they got in it to start.)
(That is very well put, BB.)
(Why, I could take the rote I got, just what I got, the real rote, go
back to KT-95, and feed it out one after another, each part as a Game,
and keep those curls back there skipping so fast they would spin out.)
(I'm sure you could.)
BB flickered. (But there's some missing parts . . . and, uh, the game
isn’t any game without it.)
Bill was very smooth. (Such as . . .)
(How do they keep score! Who does the keeping!)
(Good questions.)
vibrated. (Where's the fun! Why play a
Game, if you don't have Fun
playing it! All those humans in there, I didn’t get a percept of just
one having fun.)
Bill plied. (They do part of the time, and some, but not many most of
the time, and very few all of the time, but they're hard to find. Your
broad percept missed these fine edges.)
BB flickered. (There's one other thing. This other part,
that messes up the M Band so badly: the scratchy
stuff. RAM called it emotion. I don't have the least percept of that.
He puts it "I have to be human".)
(Emotion is the points, the score.)
BB blanked, and I waited for Bill to lay this one out. I would like to
know, too.
Bill went on. (Emotion is what makes the Game seem so wild, but it is
the Game, the one Game, in which all other Games are played. The others
feed score to the big Game in the form of emotional energy. The big
Game is to control and develop this emotional energy to its most
effective condition, which is vaguely set by us, humans, as love,
we graduate. The more we
score, the more fun it becomes. Most of us
here—where you are now—we spend our energy going in to help other
humans, however and wherever we can, to improve their score—and so have
more fun.)
BB turned inward and closed. Finally he opened again. (Uh, Bill?)
(Yes, BB?)
BB flickered. (I don't have any percept of this emotion and love energy
stuff. Not a single skim.)
Bill vibrated gently. (Of course you do.)
BB blanked. (I do?)
(Why are you here now? Why did you take the trouble to come back from
KT-95? Why have you been . . . hanging around? Why did you want to go
through this one easy lesson with Bob? Why not just go back to KT-95
and play some games?)
BB blanked completely, then slowly turned inward and closed tightly.
There wasn't the slightest radiation or movement in him that I could
perceive. Bill reached out gently, but BB gave no response.
I had never been present when anything remotely like this had happened
to anyone non-physical, except those in the stunned-out Ring right
after physical
death—and I hadn't ever watched the start of the condition in that
case. I began to vibrate.
Bill opened gently. (You 'd better go back now. We’ll take care of him.)
I vibrated more. (Will he be all right?)
(It's a big rote he's absorbing. The fact that he's never been human
makes it . . . different. He'II be fine.)
I began to think that I never should have taken BB on the tour, when
Bill cut in. (Bob, I was the one, who gave him the rote, that put him
down. He's in the equivalent of what we used to call shock. Head back
now, your energy is weakening. We will take good care of BB. He will
I turned reluctantly, did a half-roll, and dove down, following the
ident of my physical body. I was relaxed and sure because there was no
better help for BB than Bill and his friends, except perhaps the
INSPECS—and the line between the two was very, very thin. I picked up
the second and reentered the physical without incident. Everything was
calm and normal, except that I forgot to check the clock. I kept
thinking about the thin line in the weeks and months that
Promised Plan
Time: 2:32 A.M. . . . awakened with full physical awareness, felt the
familiar INSPEC signal, soft, not insistent, but there . . . feeling of
relaxed confidence . . . went into short focusing routine, then
unhooked from the physical, then the second . . . much like doing two
slow half-rolls in an airplane . . . homed in on the ident, and with
very little sense of movement, I was with them at our usual point of
meeting. I knew now, that I would never go beyond this point again,
into where they are, until I had fully released my physical body. Even
with the compelling attraction, that the knowledge of it evoked, I
believed I could handle it, at least for now.
(We enjoy your human terms. Handle, as you use it, does not imply a
point of grasp for your physical appendage, but capability to act
properly. Therefore we do learn from you.)
I still found it hard to imagine their learning anything of significant
value from me, but if THEY felt that way, fine.
(We learn much of importance from and through you, Ashaneen.)
I still remember the first time I became aware, that I didn't have to
form questions, how disconcerting it was, that THEY perceived every
thought, that I had, including questions, before I got a chance to ask.
It all smoothed out, when I accepted the fact, that whatever I thought,
believed, responded to emotionally, was just being human and no
judgment was passed there from. What a joyous freedom!
(Yet you would not know of it as a freedom, if you had not experienced
the repression.)
Yes, the comparative factor seems always to apply. Without it, perhaps
there can be no change or at least the awareness.
(At this point, we believe you are ready for another awareness. You may
now appreciate the prospect of what you are attempting to perform in
your present time. It is not to state, that you alone may bring into
Earth reality such prospect.
Yours is but a small part of a Whole, that may come into being, aided
and supported by many, many others, who contribute their small parts,
just as you are doing. However, with your effort in your
present time, you can complete your portion and you can return home,
only to return and share in the fruits of what you are propounding,
when they have matured. These fruits are what we are about to show you.)
Their use of the term "home" brought a surge of nostalgic yearning, and
I turned inward and closed. Echoing through me came the fragments of
the rote I could never totally express —the serenity, complete feeling
of belonging, to recall the vitality I had forgotten, the crisp,
warming clarity of . . . and yet it was not quite right. Something was
missing, too deeply hidden, or had I . . . I opened.
(We thought it might be important to you. We can show you this, as an
observer, not as a participant.)
Even as I vibrated, I blanked. If THEY planned it, it must be something
big, but I couldn't read them, as THEY did me. What . . .
(We can escort you to a Physical Earth Possibility at a point in your
time measurement beyond the year 3000. The principal inhabitants are
what we call H-plus, humans-plus, to indicate modification from those
in your present time. As you are now, you will be a visitor.)
Well ! So that was it ! I had made only a few visits into future time.
I would never have the guts to try such a jump by myself, but with them
. . .
(Close tightly. It will be better that way.)
My excitement was great and my vibrating reflected it, so I turned
inward, folded it all back in a loop, and closed. This would be the
real rote, not the projections and imaginings of those looking at the
small trends, which always . . .
We were high above the Earth, much as one would perceive it from
halfway to the moon, which was still there, behind us. The Earth was
the same blue-green (aquamarine) color, with white covers of clouds,
obscuring the land below. We moved in steadily, and I was happy to see,
that the deep gray and brown rings were no longer there—which meant the
blockage got cleaned up. Good! No more repeaters. But it was the new
feature, that pulled my focus and wouldn't let it go. Around the Earth
was a single flat ring, much like the ones around Saturn, and it was
radiating and sparkling, not from the reflection of the sun, but from
its own internal source.
(You will understand fully the meaning of the ring, as we progress.)
As we moved around, not through, the sparkling ring and headed inward,
I became aware of another change. The M Band was full of communication,
but no noise. No noise! That could mean only one thing—man had finally
got it
together. Further evidence was the lack of the haze M Band noise
creates. No more random thought-clutter. This at least gave me a
beginning percept of what I might
expect. We came into a low altitude, at about eight thousand feet, and
began circling the Earth over the northern hemisphere, east to west
near a 28-degree latitude just a few miles off the coast of what
appeared to be Japan. The seas were soft light green, and gentle swells
some ten feet from trough to crest moved majestically over the surface.
Deeper, I could perceive schools of fish leisurely weaving along, not
too fast, their track matching neatly the contour of the distant
thousands of them, silver sides flashing, as they made their
quick changes in direction. There had indeed been changes, if they
schooled so closely to the shore, so many of them.
It was familiar, yet
there was a missing element. I scanned the ocean surface and knew
immediately, what it was. No ships. I reached out along the horizon and
far beyond. Not even a rowboat or dinghy. I scanned overhead across the
sky with its streets of white cumulus clouds. No aircraft, just gulls
and terns sweeping and searching among the heavy swells, and higher
than that, beyond cloud base—nothing. No jet contrails, no
jets. Then we had crossed the coastline and were over Japan. Off to the
north was Fujiyama, a white cone glistening in the Sun. Below us was a
neat carpet of tidy fields in large checkerboard squares,
each a subtle shade of green—correction: much more, than greens.
Spotted among the green like a gigantic bouquet were clusters of fields
each of a different color, one a mass of bright orange, another deep
blue, whites, reds—fields of blooming flowers, bushes, and
evidently hybrids of the two, because no flower could be that large.
It was a pattern, that could be seen only from high overhead, yet there
were no aircraft—and that began to give me another faint percept. As we
moved west, I became aware of other missing signs. There were no roads,
not so much as a lane to service the fields. Also, no buildings, no
houses, no barns, no sheds—I scanned in all directions and there were
none. No cities, no towns, no villages, no power lines, no cars and
trucks, no bicycles—all gone. The air was clear and clean, no smoke or
smog. Then I had a flashing percept. There were no people. That was
what I actually was looking for—men, women, children. What terrible
catastrophe took them all away!
(They are there. They are fewer in number, but it was not an event,
that made it so. What you perceive is by design.)
We began to move more rapidly, westward, across the unending array of
colored bouquets set in green, some so large: they appeared to be many
miles in width, and soon we were again over water, the Sea of Japan, as
I remembered it, and still no ships, on what once was such an important
transportation route. Back over land again—the Korean
peninsula? —and the pattern was different. In every direction were tall
and stately trees with close upward-turned branches, of a species
unfamiliar to me . . . but again no sign of human artifact to indicate
Kilroy had been anywhere near the place.
(Your percept is—how do you call it?—obsolete.)
Before I had a chance to turn inward on that one, we were over water
again, moving even faster, and back over land. This would have to be
China. Surely with its teeming millions, some had to be
visible. Evidently they didn't have to be at all. We swept over mile
after mile of deep green forests, broken only by occasional grassy
clearings and wide rivers and streams. Where are the rice paddies so
vital to human sustenance?
(There are a few, but for a different purpose. Bird sanctuaries.)
The land below became more rugged, and soon we were skimming between
the ranges and peaks of very mountainous terrain. Vegetation was
sparse, and snowcaps flashed by as we passed at what seemed Mach 2
speed, or greater. I would be more comfortable with a little safer
altitude; my old half-bold pilot experience was coming out. Being
half-bold had let me grow old, but not gracefully. The sheer snow-laden
rocky side of a high ridge came rushing at us.
(You can move through it and out the other side. It is no different
The ridge was almost upon us. I closed tightly just as we were about to
crash. There was a slight change in the texture around me momentarily,
and it was gone. I opened, and scanned behind us. The high range was
fading in the
distance. Passing through physical matter is not yet my habit !
Quickly, the Earth below was beginning to level out again,
the color of the forest changed into lighter greens, and the cleared
areas became larger. I tried to remember my geography—we were over the
Middle East, I thought . . . yes, there they were coming up, still the
rolling, sandy, near-desert areas, where the oil came from. I scanned
in all directions, and saw very symmetrical clusters of trees, but no
tanks, no pipelines, no pumping wellheads, nothing to indicate man had
ever set foot in the area. Either the oil fields were pumped dry or
there was no longer a need for oil.
(Both percepts are accurate.)
We moved out over water again—Mediterranean Sea?—and higher, faster, a
scrap of land blinked by underneath, which I could not identify and
more water, heavy waves, this must be the Atlantic . . . land again, a
sudden slowing and we landed gently in a field of grass amid rolling
hills. I looked around me, wondering why we had stopped at this
particular place. It was very faintly familiar. I was standing on a
knoll, in a field of rich green grass, whose blades were so even, they
must have been recently mowed . . . no, not cut, they were growing
evenly. The edge of a woods of oak trees, limbs spreading broadly, rose
behind me. In the far distance, a series of ascending green-blue ridges
formed giant stair steps upward . . . Why stop here, why at this place?
(It is their wish. They are expecting you.)
The INSPEC energy faded and I was alone. I seemed very physical, as I
stood there. I could feel the Sun on my face. Light, cool breezes
ruffled my hair. Hair?
I wasn't supposed to have . . . They were expecting me? I scanned in
all directions, but with no ident, no, no, there is one, and it's very,
very familiar . . . over in the woods. I turned and walked . . .
walked? . . . that inferred legs. I looked down and I did indeed have
legs, very normal and very human, bare legs and bare feet, and I could
feel the grass in my toes, as I walked. I touched the rest of me,
as I headed for the large oaks, my body was physically real and warm
under my fingers. I glanced down, and it was my body, as a bean pole
twenty-two years old. . . hah! No clothes!
That's some kind of progress. Now I could feel the soft wind against my
body, the air in my lungs, as I breathed. It was the first time, that I
could remember, that I experienced a fully operational physical body in
this state of
consciousness. But I don't, see why I had to go all the way back to a
skinny six-foot, one-thirty-seven-pounder . . . I reached the edge of
the woods and started to enter,
when I ran into a barrier, something (another vibration! LM), that
threw me back into the field. I stopped and looked, but my percept
showed nothing.
The familiar ident.,
I couldn't associate with anything, was behind the barrier, so I tried
again. It gave a little, but no more—and the invisible force itself was
familiar, yet I couldn't connect the ident and the barrier. Something
was missing.
(You can stay in the grass and we will join you there.)
No sound, it was NVC. We made it! Humans did it! We made the quantum
jump from monkey chatter and all it implied! I was eager to meet the
welcoming committee, whoever they were. I didn't have to wait but a
moment. A man and a woman came out from under the trees and stood in
front of me. At least, that nice polarity hadn't changed. Both appeared
to be in their late twenties, attractive, well formed, skin a suntan
color, the man's hair light brown, the woman's dark. They smiled, asI
inspected them. I opened.
(Well, I guess we haven't changed as much, as I thought we would. Not
physically, anyway.)
(Sorry about the mix-up, RAM.) The man rolled. (Your host forgot about
the barrier, so we’re taking his place.)
I blanked. (You must know me with that RAM stuff.)
The man warmed. (Yeh!)
(And you're sure a familiar one to me. The ident is fuzzy. The way it
comes out, I know it's not right.)
The man vibrated and rolled. (Not in a thousand years would you believe
it! It's more, than a thousand, so now you better believe it!)
I had a bright flashing percept, and I didn’t believe it. (BB!)
BB rolled. (Who else!)
I turned inward and found the rotes, that had percepts on the barrier,
where it had repelled me before, and I knew who my host was to have
been. (That's AA back in the trees.)
BB opened wide. (He was sure eager to meet you in person. He was so
eager, he forgot about the barrier. But he's getting percepts.)
(Does he know what the barrier is?)
BB smoothed. (Yeh, he knows. But he told me you have to find out for
I turned to the woman, no longer able to resist the enormous pull she
knowingly or unknowingly was exerting upon me . . . her smile told me
it was the former, but she was closed tightly and I respected the
signal. Like BB's, her ident was strong, far stronger . . . but it was
fuzzy. How could I forget such a vital, important . . .
Her smile was mischievous. (You don't.)
(Well, what do you want to know first?) BB cut in. (I could run you my
rote, but it might not be what you want.)
I turned to BB. (Exactly what year is it?)
(Year? Oh . . . Time. They gave up that kind of measuring somewhere
after they reached the 3000 mark. Didn't need it anymore. What's next?)
I flickered. (Where are we? I know from the way we traveled on our
approach, that we’re just inside the United States near the coastline.)
BB smoothed. (AA thought this would be, where you would like to come
first. Not the United States any longer. No states or countries
anywhere. Don't need them. But you ought to get a percept on this
particular place.)
I turned and scanned around me. It was familiar. The knoll, where we
were standing, the rising tiers of blue-tinted ridges to the west . . .
Blue ridges! The percept was total. How many times before had I stood
on this very knoll and looked to the west, had made the stairway of
rounded hills my launching chute, the flood of living human experience
I had attached to this spot, this site . . . the houses, fences,
buildings, roads, all were gone. The lake. The lake was still there.
And trees, so many more trees and of varieties I had never seen before,
and to the east, there was . . water. Water, where once was a four-lane
highway, water stretching off into the horizon.
(We call it Virginia Bay for old times' sake. Part of the ocean.) BB
was very smooth. (You always yelled about the Law of Change. Some of us
hibe here also for old times' sake.)
I blanked. (Hibe?)
The woman opened ever so slightly. (We store our favorite (physical
bodies. LM) human bodies here under the oak trees, until we need them.)
(Which is not too often,) BB added.
I turned inward. Hibe . . . hibernation. Sure, why not? Simply a vast
improvement on the old OOBE pattern. But to leave it lying around under
an oak tree . . .
(We put a super Reball around it,) the woman responded, smiling. (It's
so tight not even a virus can get through, so certainly it won't be
bothered by ticks, mosquitoes, or anything larger.)
The rote was building fast. "Reball," short for Resonant Energy
Balloon, which we were clumsily trying to generate, with mixed success,
an Energy Field around the body to shield and protect, back then. And
there are still ticks, mosquitoes, viruses, and bears no doubt.
BB grinned. (No doubt at all.)
I looked at him. (What did you mean, not too often?)
BB swung to the woman. (You tell him.)
The woman (Nancy - his wife. LM) opened somewhat wider, and I could
feel the attractive radiation diminish, and I knew it was deliberate. I
also was sure, she knew I would not attempt any further percept of her,
if that was the way she wanted it. At least, that hadn't changed
Women still like to be mysterious.
(Not too often is about twice a week, more or less.) She smoothed,
watching my reaction.
She got one. I blanked.
(All three of us here in human physical on the same day is quite
unusual,) she went on, enjoying every moment. (We did it just to meet
I smiled. (I appreciate it, believe me.)
(Remember how you used to say . . .) She laughed, then started again.
(You were always saying we are more, than our physical bodies. Now it's
the other way around. You, I mean we keep telling the new ones, they
are more, than their Energy Selves - Energy Bodies.)
I turned inward. This was more, than I had ever contemplated, but one
thing hadn't changed. One answer led to a hundred other questions. I
needed to start at...
(You want your usual baseline. Well, we are still Human Beings, or
Beings being Human. I guess?) She looked at BB, who simply shrugged.
That was unusual. AA must have instructed him to let the woman do the
talking—correction: communicating.
(Males on Old Earth are so used
to 'teach' women and women are so used
to think, that men are so much smarter, than them, that it was unusual
for Robert Monroe at that time to see a woman giving a lesson to both
males: him and BB, LM).
I tried another direction. (On the way in, I didn't see a single house
or building, no roads, nothing to show, that man was here or ever had
been, no cities, factories, aircraft, cars. How come?)
BB laughed. (You didn’t look very hard.)
The woman glowed. (Isn’t it beautiful?)
I was smoothing more. (I can understand how you can sleep under the
trees in weather like this, but how about winter? You still have to
keep warm.)
(The Reball takes care of that,) she answered. (It keeps an air
temperature layer all around the physical, just whatever you want it to
(How about food? You have to eat.)
She (Nancy) held out her arms in front of her body, level with her
shoulders, palms upward. She closed her eyes and stood quietly. After a
few moments, she lowered her arms, opened her eyes again.
(That gives this body enough energy for at least a week.) She sighed
I flickered. (You mean you don't get to taste food anymore, real food?)
(Oh, that. Sure.) BB got into the act again. He reached down, scooped
up a handful of red loam from between the grass roots. (What'll you
have? Wild rice? That's my favorite.)
I watched, fascinated . . . decided to go with the game. (No, uh . .
.Silver Queen.)
BB blanked. (Silver Queen? What kind of . . .)
(Here, I'll do it.) The woman took the dirt from BB, cupped it in her
right hand, and stared at it intently. The dirt began to bubble and
boil, changing color, reformed into a small full-kerneled mature ear of
white corn. She handed it to me and I took it. It was hot to the touch.
I carefully put it up to my mouth, took a bite. It was Silver Queen,
the sweetest corn I ever tasted, with the freshness of just being
picked. It even had melted butter, no, oleo dripping from it. I looked
at the woman, as I chewed avidly. She smiled knowingly. If she kept
leaking percepts, I'd have her ident, whether I wanted to or not and
wouldn't have her secret. I handed her the corn, and she bit into it.
We both chewed and tasted. I swallowed, wondering, where the corn went,
when I did so.
It didn't matter, so I smoothed. (All right, you’ve convinced me. What
about no roads, no transportation? Suppose we wanted to go to Japan.
That's not within walking distance.)
BB grinned. (Why, we just pull a skip, that's all. Short version, of
course. Why Japan?)
(I noticed some very unusual patterns of growing things there, when we
came in.)
The woman smiled. (It's very lovely, isn't it?)
(First stop, Japan.) BB turned toward the woods, and the woman
followed. (We'll be right back.)
I watched, as they disappeared into the grove of oaks. I stood there
waiting, mulling over the strange mixture of physical and
other energies, that was now Earth life. I found, I was unable to
determine, where one began and the other left off. There was no longer
a sharp dividing line. Was it all like this?
(All ready?) I turned and there was BB and the woman standing beside
me. They seemed different, lighter. (We had to drop off the bodies.)
I suddenly remembered. (No tricks, BB.)
BB rolled. (No chance. She's handling the ident. You and I just play
follow-the-leader after her.)
I focused intently on BB, and stretched.
We were hovering over a rolling landscape, at about ten thousand feet.
Directly below us was, what seemed to be the center of a lotus blossom,
the outermost petals in magnificent glowing colors, spreading out in
all directions for five or six miles. Beyond these were descending
tones of green, from the very light of a fresh new leaf to the rich
dark of the lower tropical rainforest. She and BB were beside me.
The woman vibrated. (This is one of the nicest.)
I could see why. I opened. (Who did this?)
(A group, who wanted the area to give a percept of the beauty, that
began here. It was in existence, when I came. Now others just take care
of it.)
I got a clean, clear percept. (The rest of the World, the Earth, is it
all like this?)
(It has been restored to its original ecological balance, the way it
was before humans upset it so severely. It's all back together again,
every tree, every plant, every animal . . . all of it.)
(Plus a few improvements,) BB put in. (But it's not all laid out in
huge gardens, such as this.)
I focused on the woman.
(Only a small part,) she came back. (The rest is made up of forests,
woodlands, pastures, and prairies. Even the desert areas have been
My percept had been quite clear. Humans had taken over Mother Nature's
work—with a few improvements. I didn't need to ask the hows of it. The
rote of the woman, converting dirt into an ear of fresh sweet corn,
it all. If a human could do that ... I had to complete it. I was sure
of the answer, before I asked.
(Suppose we wanted to walk around down there. I mean in a physical
body.) I smoothed carefully. (How could we do it?)
The woman vibrated. (I'm sure, there are any number of bodies under
those beautiful cherry blossoms.)
I pressed. (We each could take over one, just like that?)
(Yes, of course.)
I had to know. (Suppose they all were already occupied . . . so to
BB couldn't stay out of it. (We 'd make some new ones. Doesn’t take
long. You want to go down?)
I flickered. (No, no, not yet anyway. But what about the physical
bodies you left under the oak trees? Can just anyone occupy those, if
they want to?)
BB rolled. (Sure, why not?)
Why not? That took some fast adjustment. Then I pulled out the rote
from back when, where others had occupied the physical bodies of our
volunteers in the laboratory, communicated verbally, activated other
portions of said body, including playing the piano ... all without any
wear and tear, or concern . . . why not !
The woman was smoothed at BB. (I don't get the percept he's ready.)
(Sure he is,) BB came back. (He's a big boy now. It would give him the
whole rote in one gulp. Have so much fun, it would blow him away!)
(Let's go back to the dorm first, as AA planned,) she came back easily.
(Then maybe go from there.)
I opened. (Do I have a choice in this?)
She rolled. (Of course you do.)
I smoothed, holding back the vibration. (Let's do what she indicates.
I've had too much experience with your fun, BB. No offense.)
BB rolled. (Sure, sure.)
The woman turned to me. (Close tightly.)
I did.
We were floating amid thousands upon thousands of white sparkling
forms (in flat white Ring
around New Earth! LM), each animated and vibrating. At first,
the brightness and
radiation was so overwhelming, I was sure, I would have to push the
panic button or scream for my
INSPEC friend. Then it lessened, and I felt the warm sense of
understanding entering from all external points of me. I knew
the forms had deliberately diverted their radiation, whatever it was,
away from me, so it conformed to my level of tolerance.
I wondered, how
I must ident to them . . . probably a dull gray piece of fog.
(Welcome to the
dorm of the renovated Super-Human School of Compressed Learning!)
The ident was BB, no mistaking that.
(AA decided "dorm " was the best term to use. I have no percept, what a
dorm is.)
I caught the smooth, yet vague ident of the woman on the other side of
me. She was bright and sparkling, exactly as all the others. I knew she
was human — or did I? So must be all of the other sparkling forms. I opened as much, as I
could. (What's this place?)
(You passed it,
when you entered Earth.)
As she sent it to
me, I immediately got the flash of the Sparkling Ring.
(This is our
reference point, until we decide to...). She trailed off
and closed.
I tried to smooth.
(Decide to do what?)
She opened
slightly. (I, uh . . . graduate.)
I let that one rest for the moment. (What do you do in the
She rolled lightly.
(Well, for one, we make and gather . . . what did
you call it? . . . loosh (they also still produce Balanced
White Sun Energy on Old Earth, LM).
honeybees. Or Guernsey cows. Only now we know what we’re doing and why,
and we’re happy to do it.)
I turned inward and closed. This one I did understand, but the vastness
of the change was near-unbelievable. But I was here, and the evidence
was all around me. The Interstate to Freedom. I opened again. (What else do you do?)
She lighted
smoothly. (Experience Earth Consciousness. Not just in
physical human form—remember we could only feel part of it, just a
part? Now we go through it completely, from the smallest
unicellular life up, millions of different life cycles, most of which
we were unaware of as only physical humans. Even the physical Earth
itself has an active Consciousness.)
I let that one go by, too, because I couldn't resist the follow-up.
(The natural food
chain process, it still exists and you experience it?
From beginning to end?)
She came back
gently. (It's an important part of the learning process.
We couldn’t make loosh (Balanced
White Sun Energy, LM) without it.)
(Hey, RAM!) BB could stay out of it no longer. (Some change, huh? No
more haze, no more M Band noise, no more locked-in rings! Want me to
show you around?)
I turned to the woman, but she didn't respond, so I took that to mean
it was all right. Also, she had closed. Evidently she wanted to keep
her secret, and with a little more of her ident leaking, she wouldn't
have any secret.
I followed BB. (Lead on, old buddy.)
We moved easily through the sparkling forms, and I hooked on to BB's
ident to keep from getting lost. I could feel the Radiation ease back
in front of me, providing a pathway, so to speak, of low-level energy,
that I could tolerate. I was surprised when, passing various forms, a
spark would fly out and touch me. In the sparks were spoken words, that
I heard very clearly . . . Hello, Bob. Hi, Robert . . . But I couldn't
get an ident on any of them. Finally, BB stopped. In front of us was
the First Entry Station. It appeared much the same. There was a large
cluster of gray forms hovering around it (gray forms, they are One-Timers, who
were trying to get to the Old Earth for having at least one life on it
! LM).
(Lot of changes.) BB smoothed. (But you wouldn’t notice them, if you
didn’t know better.)
I ventured, (Such as?)
(Heavy cutback on
the survival imprint, for one.) BB rolled. (You
remember that lecture you gave me, complete with living illustrations
in the old Rings? You'd be amazed at the difference, that one change
I opened. (I am.)
BB blanked, then
went on. (Yeh, well, another thing is a solid
prebriefing and training before entry, especially as to continuing
contact during physical sleep cycles.)
I blanked. (But
you don't even sleep here, do you?) (Robert Monroe means the New Earth!
(No, don't need
to.) Then he lighted (and again
BB means the Old Earth! LM). (Oh, yeh, that's the other point.
These First-Timers go back before the Changes, as their First Entry
Point, some of them almost back when humans first began being human.
They take one human physical life cycle and one only, and come back
here (means - to the New Earth,
where there were no humans, who lived on Old Earth more, than one life!
LM) and join in. No Repeaters, just One-Timers.)
I turned inward,
then opened. (Is this One-Timer pattern going on back,
where I came from?)
BB lighted. (Oh,
I flickered. (I
haven't had a percept on that, taking place.)
BB smoothed. (Sure,
you have.)
I blanked. (How?)
(That last Outer
Ring, remember? Didn’t come near the Repeater
Department. Just went up and faded out?)
I flickered again.
(But they were the ones going Home (to
the Source of
All Suns. LM).
BB vibrated
triumphantly. (Well?)
I turned inward and
closed. The whole thing was getting out of hand, or
better, out of my mind-set, beyond my ability to absorb and understand
And BB was pulling at me. (Come on, RAM.) He vibrated. (Let's live it
up, let's have some fun.)
I flickered. (Fun? Well, I don't know, your idea of fun . . .)
(Just usual stuff, I guarantee it. Things we do every day down there (on Old Earth, LM).
Also, I got a hard rote from, uh, AA, as to what to show you and what
not to.)
I scanned beyond the gray forms around the Entry Station and into the
Sparkling Lights beyond. (Where is AA now? I never get a good ident on
BB indicated behind us. (He's back there. That barrier thing won't let
him come closer.
But I'll bet he's going to follow us. You ready? Just
short skips, that's all.)
I felt much more confident, with that small percept. I reached out and
stretched, holding on his ident.
I'm floating over a wide brown field, just about three
thousand feet up . . . I'm flat on the bottom and strong life energy is
pouring up at me from below . . .
I'm getting larger and larger and I eagerly convert the Energy into
being me . . . I'm a Whirling Vortex and my action takes water out of
the energy and helps me get bigger, and I become more conscious, more
aware . . . as I get bigger, I'm able to know more . . . I'm like a
round puffball on top, and I feel myself growing upward more, than
outward . . . now there's much of my life energy flowing in me,
building up . . . (Wait, that's . . . electricity!) . . . if I can keep
growing enough, before the water leaks out, if the Energy from below
lasts long enough, I'll get strong, really strong . . . but I'm
drifting away from the Energy shaft and I can't stop the drift, so I'm
not getting enough to, enough to . . .
We were floating over the Earth, over a heavy forest. The brown field
in the near distance was familiar. BB hovered in front of me.
He vibrated. (Fun, huh?)
I flickered. (What was that!)
He indicated behind me. I turned. It was a medium-sized cumulus cloud,
white on the side, where the Rays of the Sun touched it, gray on the
back, with a dark flat bottom. Clouds have consciousness? The basis for
life? Waters, minute bits of chemicals . . . and electricity ! All the
ingredients. What would a thunderhead be? Or a tornado, a hurricane,
weather lows and highs!
BB cut in. (Ready to go again?)
I reached out and stretched, following.

I am in green water.
. . it is lighter above me and darker below . . .
my mouth is opening and closing automatically, taking in water, which
flows through my head and out my ears . . . no, not ears. Gills . . .
I'm a fish, a very big fish ! . . . I can feel my stabilizing fins
waving gently to keep me in place, my vision is split, I can't see
exactly straight in front of me . . . behind me is almost a blind spot,
but my peripheral seeing is tremendous, detail is exquisite, but not
many colors, only one or two . . . I try moving, just thinking about
it, and I speed forward very rapidly, turn right, left, roll, steep
climb, then dive . . . wait, something on the surface, when I climbed,
gotta go back, grab it, hungry, hungry . . . I shoot uncontrolled
through the surface, mouth open, gulping in something, as I do . . .
then out of the air and back into the water, diving with a great sense
of satisfaction and something wiggling and crunching in the back of my
mouth . . . a bug? . . . deeper, but it's not dark, as I thought, I can
still see wonderfully . . . I am aware of another fish diving with me,
tail and back of the body sculling, sculling (грести) strongly . . . am
I doing
that, too?. . . I am ! . . . it just takes care of itself . . . I just
think and it works, like walking or running in a physical human
body. I stop. Ahead of me is another fish, it is coming at me . .
. no,
it's gigantic, the water is deceptive, it's incredibly bigger, than I
am . . . it has hunger signals radiating. . . go, go, it's after me,
swim, swim fast, it's coming after me. . . up to the top, up, up faster
. . . signal in from my sides, another fish swimming violently beside
me . . . signal from the stripes on my sides . . .
(RAM, when you’re in the air, skip! Skip!)
I broke through the surface into the air, reached out, and stretched.

I was just above the water, and I saw the body of my fish, with a
second one alongside it, arch through the air and reenter the water
with the smallest of splashes, but immediately there was a rushing, a
swirling under the surface.
(Fun, huh?) It was BB beside me. I couldn't reply, I was shaking so
hard, so he went on.
(I guaranteed AA I wouldn’t let you go through the end of it. He had a
percept you weren't ready and he was right. But you asked her about the
food chain .)
I vibrated. (All right, all right!)
BB smoothed. (You always want it the way it is, don't you?)
I smoothed also. (Caught me by surprise, that's all.)
(Well, this next adventure is quiet, nice and quiet. Ready?) Everything
is relative, including BB's idea of quiet. I reached and stretched . . .
I am waving gently up and down and bending, flexing . . . coursing into
me from the smallest part of me, which is long and narrow with many
tubes running through it, comes my share of the glorious life force,
coming from the Whole, the family of which I am a part . . . and I know
how much the Whole needs me and I gladly, joyously serve . . . as the
energy, that makes me waver and flex flows past my flat sides . .
(Wait, that's just air, wind!) . . . I take from it the parts needed by
the Whole and send it back through the narrow tubes, because it
needed . . . I do this so easily, I don't think of it as work, it's
breathing . . . it's what I'm for, to breathe for the Whole, as I take
ashes from the Whole and spread it out into the energy . . . my happy
exchange . . . and the other, oh so important, my special shape . . .
my profile, configuration . . . receives a special signal, that the
Whole understands, needs, and uses . . . all I do is receive it and
send it on . . . and I'm happy, supremely happy . . . with a total
knowledge of belonging, performing, as I was designed to do...
balance, giving . . . receiving . . . security and strength of the
Whole . . .
BB was beside me. (Gets to you, doesn’t it?)
I flickered. (Where was that!)

He indicated, and I turned. Very close to me was a leaf, an oak leaf.
It was attached by a long stem to a branch. Beyond the branch was the
massive tree trunk, solidly dug into the earth. To have passed such
knowing without awareness . . . I understood more this New Human
(Ready to go again? This is my favorite.)
I flickered. (Well, uh, I'm not so sure. Maybe we ought to . . .)
(This one we designed ourselves,) BB cut in. (If you don't like it,
give me a signal and we'II pull a quick skip.)
Reluctantly, I reached and stretched, followed.

I am lying down in soft thick grasses, lying on my side . . . I open my
eyes . . . tall trees surround me on all sides, their leaf-laden
branches form a canopy far overhead, sunlight filters through to
provide good, but not overbearing luminescence . . . a large
tan-colored panther is standing over me, staring at me intently.
(Come on, RAM . . . let's play!)
I roll over and stand up . . . stand up ! . . . I have four legs! How
sure and stable it feels! . . . my head is out in front of my body, now
I have to turn to look at my back and hips . . . fur-covered, sleek . .
. what's that waving behind me? . . . it's a tail, I have a tail . . .
I think about moving it, and it jerks . . . back and forth, back and
forth, how about that ! . . . but it goes up and down just a little
bit, more down, than up . . . a scent gets my attention . . . smells,
smells, I didn't know so many different smells existed . . . know
instantly, if they're near or far . . . the signal input is as good, as
or better, than my seeing . . . and hearing, I could know everything
just from listening . . . I flex my legs, pull in my claws . . . yes! I
have claws! I feel great ! Watch out, world, here I come . . . such a
glorious sense of being alive . . . totally alive, I want to run, jump,
(Well, come on, then!)
The tan panther lopes off through the trees, and I follow . . . faster,
now into a gallop . . . now running all out, dodging through the trees,
easily avoiding low branches... the exhilarating flow of smells passing
my nose and I sample them all . . . my eyes and ears picking up,
identifying and sorting a myriad of signals, all familiar . . . a large
tree is dead ahead and the tan panther runs right up the side of it and
I follow, digging in claws,
pulling up, and digging in claws. It is
waiting for me, sitting casually on a thick branch . . . I pull up
beside it, sit back . . . he waves his tail . . . and I wave mine in
(Pretty good for a beginner, RAM.)
I am too stimulated to reply. I am remembering the great sense of power
in my muscles, sorting out the massive input, that had come through my
senses . . . how could humans have ignored and distorted such profound
perceptions . . . have picked up so little of it, when a lower animal .
. . lower? . . . picked up so much.
(Have to go down now.)
The tan panther stands up, turns, and walks down the tree to the ground
. . . walks down! I didn't know cats could do that, they always back
down . . . I stand up, and slowly back down, jumping the last eight
feet easily.
(First lie down under the tree, near the trunk. Then pull a short skip,
very short.)
I lie down in the tall grass, and very reluctantly reach and stretch.

We were hovering just above the ground, and I looked down. Below us,
breathing shallowly and slowly, lying in the grass, was the body of the
tan panther . . . and another panther body, a darker brown one, which I
had occupied.
Beside me. BB rolled. (Liked it, huh?)
I vibrated. (Wonderful!)
(Well, we got one more for you to sample. This one, NA, uh, she picked
out. She was sure it was your kind of stuff. You'II be alone, but she
said you would know what to do. I'll just guide you there. Ready?)
Wondering what she would pick, I reached and stretched.
I am floating high over a rugged, snowcapped mountain range, and I can
see for hundreds of miles in every direction . . . and I can see down,
down on the ground . . . beautiful focus, in the most minute detail . .
the leaves on trees, small animals as they move over the rocks . . .
and I am moving slowly, making a wide easy turn, the standing wave from
the mountain ridge offering solid and steady lift under my wings . . .
wings! I turn my head. Extending out from my shoulder is a broad
arching wing tapering to a round point, feathers ruffling in the slight
turbulence. I roll my head to the left, there is one to match from the
other shoulder . . . I'm not floating, I'm soaring . . . as a bird, am
a bird! . . . a super sailplane, that does exactly what I think! I
break the turn, and the feathers on the trailing edge bend down on one
side, up on the other, instant ailerons . . . let's reach for maximum
lift . . . there it is, more under the left wing, than the right, turn
into the lift . . . feel the lift getting stronger and stronger . . .
it's peaking out, turn and circle . . . tighten the turn, highest point
of lift . . . must have a fifty-to-one glide ratio . . . spiral up,
tighter and faster . . . perfect control . . . air is thinner . . .
keep higher airspeed . . . wonder where the stall point is . . . nose,
no, head up more, higher angle of attack, more, hey, that's pretty
good! . . . would never think a bird body could . . . oops! it does
stall . . . easy to pick up speed again . . . Yeah! Just fold the wings
and doooooown we go !
(Hey, uh, RAM.)
And I bet these wings can take a big G load coming out of a dive if you
open them slowly . . . let's see . . . we'll just dive a little faster
. . .
(RAM, you know what you’re doing?)
That's about fast enough . . . now to open the wings a little at a
time. . . slowly . . . now back on the stick . . . uh, tail feathers up
a little at a time . . . there! All back to normal, back to cruising
speed . . .what a . . . hah! What a bird ! Must be a condor . . .
wonder what a quick sparrow would . . .
(RAM, just pull a short skip. Now!)
I sigh . . . reach and stretch . . .
I was back in among the sparkling forms, and I closed tightly. The
radiation was making me break out in waves exquisitely familiar.
a moment, the radiation lessened and I opened. I had ident immediately
on BB, and the vague ident of the woman.
BB rolled. (That big old bird must be wondering how his wings got bent.)
I rolled with him. (Oh no. There wasn’t one strained tendon or muscle,
not one feather out of line, when I left. I guarantee it.)
BB turned to the woman, a sparkling form I already had ident, as her.
(He's your problem. I'll check with, uh, AA, and see you at the site.)
I turned to the woman. (The site?)
(That's where we first greeted you.)

About Graduates :
I turned inward. There were so many points left unanswered, and I had a
percept, that my visit was growing short. Get to the key items, those
first. I focused, completely open, so nothing would be distorted:
(The First-Timers, when they come back . . .)
(One-Timers,) she corrected.
I went on. (If you have that constant input, you must have an output to
keep the Flow, the Movement active.) She waited quietly . . . politely?
... or had she percept of both questions and answers. I went on.
(So humans do Graduate from here, the dorm. Question: What happens to
the Graduates?)
She flickered. (I . . . I don't have a percept of that. They just click
(One at a time or as a group?)
She smoothed. (Usually several at once. Every so often, one goes alone.)
(And they never return?)
(No. They don't.)
(Any communication with them? After they leave?)
She flickered. (Not in a way that we can understand.)
I wanted to follow up on that one, but I was sure it would come out.
(Any indications or symptoms they are about to graduate?)
She smoothed again. (Oh yes. They no longer need to experience Earth,
so they begin to go physical less and less. Finally, they stop
(Is that all?)
(No, their . . . uh, radiation begins to change (becomes brighter and whiter!
Graduates later move up to the Gathering, LM). And they begin to
close. After that, they click out.)
I had the percept, she was beginning to vibrate. (I don't want to act
like an inquisitor, but . . .)
She opened more. (Go on. We expected you to ask, just what you are.)
I took another direction. (I need as much of a rote, as I can get. I
not get another chance.)
She smoothed neatly, but there was a little roll in her response. (Oh,
I'm sure you will.)
(In Time-Space,) I went on, (are there many other growth patterns in
consciousness similar to humans and Earth?)
She rolled. (You can't count them if you wanted to, there's that many.
And new ones coming on line constantly.)
I flickered. (On line?)
She rolled stronger. (AA knew you would like it if I used that phrase.)
I went with it. (I would like to meet this AA face to face sometime. He
knows more about me, than I do myself.)
She didn't respond, just rolled more strongly. I didn't think it was
that funny. (But are humans now in communication with other such, uh,
She smoothed out. (Not very much. There is some exchange, but it
doesn’t seem necessary or important.)
(What about other, nonphysical energy systems?)
She lighted. (Oh, those! We visit them as often as we can.)
I threw a high hard one. (To gather loosh?)
She turned inward, then opened carefully. (No. To Sow it, to Plant the
Seeds. That lets the, uh, Ray have an ident to focus on.)
Now I was the one, who turned inward and closed. Her simple statement
implied so much knowledge, that made everything else no more, than
sophisticated monkey chatter. There was much monkey left in me, too
much. But I had a sudden percept, and I knew I had to verify it.
I ran it smooth. (Are you about to graduate?)
She flickered. (Yes.)
(How do you know this?)
She vibrated. (He told me you would ask the question, but you didn’t
ask it right. So I can't answer it.)
I didn't have to ask who the "he" was. (But you gave me: you didn't
have a percept what happened to graduates.)
She smoothed nicely. (I don't. But you do.)
I blanked completely. Did she or INSPECS have it, that I was to do the
A boy to do a man's job? I was so closed I almost missed the
rest of it.
She was vibrating warmly. (We’ve been expecting this, uh, an Event to
take place. Then we can leave!)
I was ready to ask about who the "we" was, and the Event, but I felt
the familiar INSPEC signal and began to respond . . . and so did she! A
great flood of percept ran through me and I had all the answers . . . I
(We have to go back to the site now.) She was smooth, yet vibrating.
(Are you ready?)
I closed . . . ident the knoll . . . reached and stretched.
I was over the knoll . . . about a hundred feet up . . . the ridges
were off to the west, so I turned, looking past the fences . . .
fences! And there were the Center buildings beyond, with their dark red
roofs . . . the gravel road showed a cloud of dust, as a car rolled
past. I had made the wrong ident, back to 1982. A strange mixture of
emotions surged through me, and I knew, it would take much to sort them
out, if I could at all. I had even returned to the second body without
direction, which was unusual. It was old stuff to home in on the
physical, slip in . . . open my eyes and move my arms and legs. I
looked at the clock. Time: 2:40 A.M. Eight minutes! Only eight minutes?
Days, weeks, and months passed by rapidly without any unusual OOB
activity. I had grown away from the desire to investigate the local
events, that used to attract me so deeply. Occasionally, in the
early morning hours, I would awaken out of habit and detach from the
physical. I would wait for a strong ident INSPEC signal, but there was
none. After a few moments, I would reenter the physical and go to
sleep. During this interim, I had no sense of isolation or deprivation
whatsoever. The absence of the signal in no way inferred to me, that I
was being ignored or abandoned. Instead, there was a complete sense of
security, a full-fledged desire to continue and broaden my
participation in physical life around me, a freedom to express my
self-maligned curiosity rather, than anxiety as to daily and upcoming
patterns. I simply went back to
the grazing principle—knowing, what I found today, would lead me to
tomorrow, whatever tomorrow was. The signal would come when it was
appropriate. And it did. One morning I began to get a feeling of
needing to do something,
I had forgotten. At first, I wasn't sure, but
what it was indeed something, I had failed to do in my physical
activity. However, around eleven that morning I became exceedingly
drowsy, so much, so that I went into the bedroom to lie down for a
nap. I wasn't tired, but I did need to sleep. Within seconds after
stretching out on the bed, I dropped into deep relaxation. At that
point, I could perceive it clearly. The INSPEC signal was there,
cleanly defined and strong. I succeeded in staying calm enough to
develop the OOB pattern, roll out
and into the second. Sliding out of the second was automatic, and I
reached and stretched, homing in on the familiar ident. The change was
instantaneous, no sense of movement whatsoever. The bright glowing
figure was in front of me. I was aware of the radiation, but it was
quite comfortable.
(Very proficient, Ashaneen.)
And progress, too.
(There have been many changes. We believe, you are ready for the
next—how do you call it?—step.)
It was not a percept, but I wondered idly, if that was a polite way to
inform me, I would no longer return to the physical. Well, I could go
add some music to Charlie's sunsets, or ...
(That is not the step, we have planned. You will know, when your
body release is to take place. We will not need to inform you. Nor do
we plan or participate in such release, unless you request it. You have
much to complete prior to such change.)
I received that information with mixed emotions, one great part of me
yearning to get on with it, the other reaching back to physical Earth
and the deep, poignant emotions I was sharing there. I remembered many
years ago, during a strong pressure point, when the option to stay or
complete release from the physical was available to me—and I agreed to
take the physical as long, as it was operational, whatever the
situation, because I wanted to find out, what happened tomorrow.
(We have explained to you, that it is one of your assets. Completion of
this next step will provide you with many answers.)
There was very much a missing element in the pattern, and nothing in
this world would prevent my curiosity from seeking the answer.
(Nor out of this world. You need no longer stay closed for the shift.)
I managed to stay calm, but expectant.
We were on the far rim of the outermost Ring. I could recognize it from
the very thin ambience (обтекающий) of haze. The soft white forms were
all around
us. I could perceive my INSPEC friend was with me, but there was no
glowing form.
(There is no need to distract their attention.)
I reached for any percept of Bill, then of Lou. I couldn't find either.
(They have, graduated, as you put it.)
That was to be expected, and I had a percept of their new address, as
it were, but there was some factor involved, that disturbed me, and
I couldn't bring it out.
Then I became aware of the intent inward focus of the entire outermost
Ring, the inhabitants thereof. There was a strong radiation of
expectancy, not concern, as if the star of the show was about to make
an entrance. I followed the line of their focus. It was the physical
Planet Earth, indistinct and nebulous from this perspective.
(Let us take another viewpoint.)
By all means, and the phrase does fit!
We were out in space somewhere between the Earth and the moon,
indeterminate distance, fifty thousand miles plus from the surface of
Earth. It was very clear and detailed, not as it was before. I turned
to look at the moon and blanked. No more than a thousand feet away, or
so it seemed, was an immense, solid-appearing object gray in color,
long and slender, conical-shaped with a hemispheric dome at the widest
end—the other end was somewhere in the distance, at least several
miles. It appeared motionless, but I had the definite percept of M Band
radiation from it. A spaceship, a physical spaceship?
(In your terms, that is correct. It is not a human construct. There are
many of such around the physical Earth at this point. Their origins are
of your Physical Universe, but not necessarily of your time reference.)
"Many" could be five or five thousand. There was no point in trying to
find out. But why around our Earth, was it ...
(They are focused on the planet Earth and humans just, as you observed
the others, and for the same purpose. Shall we move on? The answer will
come soon.)
My curiosity accepted gladly.
My immediate percept of the Earth was a pinpoint of reflected light in
the distance no larger, than a small star. From it came irregular Waves
of Energy, multidimensional,
pulsing, intermittently broken by
occasional quick flares, a complex unorganized pattern, composed not of
light or electromagnetic or gravitic structure, but of some other
Energy, that
I couldn't define.
I was so completely fascinated by the
display, that I did not at first notice the background. As far, as I
could perceive in all directions, with the Earth at the center, was a
host of forms, countless numbers, it seemed. Some had shape, others
appeared as no more, than a wisp of cloud vapor, all glowed in various
degrees of intensity. From those nearest us, I had the same percept of
expectancy, of waiting for the Show to begin. "It must be some big show
to attract all of these . . ."
(It is what we call the Gathering. These have manifested from other
nearby Energy Systems only to witness the Big Show, as you call it,
just as those within the physical spacecraft and your final-process
humans. This Big Show, which is about to occur, is actually a very rare
Event—the conflux (Слияние) of several different and intense Energy
Fields arriving at the same point
in your Time-Space. It is this rarity, that has
attracted so much attention. In terms, that you can perceive, it may
occur once every eighty-seven million of your Earth years.)
Very long odds, and a long time to wait.
(This does not warrant, that it will be produced at that frequency.
There are random elements and variables in the format, which cannot be
So random, that the Event might not take place, perhaps. There would be
a lot of disappointed . . .
(It is long past such point. It will occur. The interest lies in the
result. It is best symbolized to you, as a convergence (Схождение в
одной точке) of a great number
of possibilities, which
emerge as several probabilities and few possibilities. One of
such probabilities may alter not only your Time-Space, but all
adjoining Energy systems as well. Therefore, the wide interest. In
terms, still symbolized, the Gathering is here to observe the possible
Birth of a New Energy! Will it survive
the Birth process, and if so, what are the potentials inherent in such
energy, that will predict accurately the same at maturity? Or will the
Energy arrive stillborn, and all the possibilities remain no more, than
that— weak uncoordinated possibilities?)
Running a bit of my exquisite H + rote, made it quite clear. But my
still in-human self looked at Earth and the human system . . .
(There is a human oriental symbol for crisis, which is composed of two
subsymbols indicating danger and opportunity. The Event in human and
physical Earth terms is definitely a point of Crisis. It is quite
that as to human existence both - danger and opportunity - will be
in extreme degrees.)
Danger? Physical danger? Mental? The . . .
(Those are the possibilities, the exact nature of which will be
determined by the Event itself. Whatever your percept may be is one of
the possibilities. One or several will occur.)
The other side, the opportunity.
(That is the key to the understanding of the Event. It will offer Human
Consciousness a rare potential to emerge rapidly into a unified
intelligent Energy System, that will range far beyond your Time-Space
illusion, creating, constructing, teaching, as only a human-trained
graduate energy is able to do.)
Our visit to Earth in 3000 plus (this
visit is to the New Earth in the New Universe with different Timeline,
that's why year 3000! LM). . .
(A possibility, that may become probable with the Event. Your action is
one of the minute random factors, that may make it so.)
If the opportunity is missed . . .
(Humans will retreat as the dominant species on Earth, until they no
longer survive as active consciousness, eventually in any form.)
(Humans don't need to stay on
Earth any longer, because our Old Universe is moving up to the Source
of All Suns in a form of Suns).
I asked it directly. (And you, all of you, what will you do, if that
takes place?)
There was a beautiful warmth and a soft smile in the response. (We
would just have to start up some action on some other Planet in
Time-Space with new humans.)
I turned inward and closed. There was not much I could think or do. I
was hit hard emotionally and I didn't want to lose it, not now.
(There is one more process we have to perform, then you can return to
your physical.)
I wasn't sure, I could handle one more, but I knew, that I would.
(Ident your friend BB and guide him here.)
The rote spread instantly. I had left him with Bill, and Bill wasn't
there . . .
(You will locate him easily. There is a very special function, he can
perform for us.)
No questions were needed, and I reached ident BB and stretched.
I was getting better, or older. No sense of motion whatsoever. And I
had very little surprise at the location. I was on the grass in front
of Charlie's cabin. BB and Charlie were over to one side, busily
engaged in something. I went over to them, just as BB perceived me.
(Hey, RAM!) He vibrated loudly. (Look, what we’re making!)
Charlie was laughing. (I keep telling the kid you can't have a sailboat
and a hang glider all in one. Air and water aren’t the same!)
I flickered. (You can see him now, Charlie, visually?)
Charlie smiled. (Oh, sure. Worked that out, the first day he got here.
He must have changed the ocean a hundred times, before I got him
stopped. Had it yellow with square waves. How about that. But he's
smart, catches on fast.)
I smoothed. (Well, I hate to break it up, but I need BB here to do
something for me.)
BB opened. (You name it, RAM!)
Charlie waved. (Come on back, kid.)
BB rolled. (Who's to keep me away!)
Charlie shook his head and laughed, and I reached, stretched for the
ident INSPEC . . .
BB was beside me. (Hey, you sure tightened your skip. I would never
have hung on, except I was used to it from a game, we played back in .
He cut short and closed tightly, as he became aware of the brightly
glowing form of the INSPEC. I should have warned him, I guess. Below us
was the physical Earth, about five hundred feet. It was night and
occasional lights dotted the countryside. Almost directly under us was
an area of water like a small pond or pool, and immediately beyond, a
green pyramidlike structure with a light glowing inside. It had a
strong point of familiarity, but I couldn't bring it back. I turned to
BB. (Just open slow. It's a friend.)
He did so carefully, then focused on the bright glow. (Uh, hello.)
(We appreciate your coming.)
BB had no cultural restraints. (We had a curl back in KT-95, who
he met you or one just like you. We put it off as some more wild rote.)
(It is understandable.)
BB went on. (He kept throwing it at us and, after a while, he pulled a
skip and never came back. So he was right, you’re real.)
(You are needed to perform a specific act, if you will.)
BB flickered. (Uh, sure, sure.)
(Let us move closer.)
The three of us moved dow,n slowly, just over the top of the green
pyramid and beyond, and stopped outside a small structure in the middle
of a grove of trees. It was very familiar to me and, for some reason I
was becoming uncomfortable. It was, as if I were encountering a
resistance, something pushing me back, the more I tried to move forward.
(Your friend AA is there. It is important, that you help him at this
BB blanked. (AA?)
(That is correct.)
BB focused and so did I. Inside the small structure, a man was lying on
a bed or cot. The resistance I felt, seemed to be emanating from him.
was exactly the same, as the other times. It was AA, I was sure. The
resistance was very strong and it made me vibrate. BB turned. (I guess
it's him, all right. I get a part of his ident, not
much. I'm getting some other with it, that I know, too. But the percept
is wild.)
(It is important, that you help him separate from his physical
- temporarily.)
BB lighted. (You mean like RAM here?)
(That is correct.)
He blanked. (How can I do it?)
(Just pull gently. Use the energy you apply, when you skip.)
BB turned and moved in close to the man on the bed. I watched with
fascination, wondering if this was the way, it had started with me, if
some nonphysical friend had been enlisted to help me move out of body
during the early stages. But I didn't have any nonphysical friends back
then, that I knew of. Suddenly, the resistance grew much stronger and
pushed me back. I held my position as best I could, feeling very
I turned inward and closed. The man was standing in the
middle of the floor, and his physical body was on the cot. BB had
backed away, flickering heavily. He focused at the INSPEC. (He's out, I
got him out! But, uh . . .)
(Inquire, as to his purpose.)
The man responded, but all, I was able to perceive, was M Band
and screeching, that indicated strong emotion. If it was his first
I could understand and empathize with him.
(He stated, he wished to serve Humankind. Very noble goal.)
I managed to open somewhat. (Why this resistance? It's there, if I try
to get close to his friend AA.)
(A true paradox refuses to exist. You will understand soon.)
BB came in strong. (He wants to go with us! Can he do that?) The
resistance and screeching were so strong, they hurt. Yet I knew, I had
the answer, before the INSPEC gave it.
(Inform him, he must stay and perform his designed function. He has no
other choice at this point.)
In spite of the hurt, I tried to observe. After a moment, BB moved up
and joined us. The man sank to his knees in the middle of the floor,
and the screeching became so strong, I had to close completely.
(Let us move to a point, where it is more comfortable for you.)
I agreed eagerly.
We were just outside the thin haze of the Intermediate Area. In the
distance were the Rings with the indistinct form of the physical Earth
at the center. The M Band noises, especially the screeching, had faded
completely. I opened in relief. The INSPEC was in front of me, BB off
to one side, completely closed, which was strange.
(It is done. The pattern is complete.)
There was a point of finality in the statement, that made me uneasy. It
echoed back through me, triggering familiar emotional rote, as it went,
and I dealt with and diverted each one, as it arose. This time it was
different. I had far too much exquisite and precious rote to let it be
otherwise. The uneasiness vanished.
I opened wide and smoothed. (I understand about individuation. It is
not necessary.)
(You have learned your lessons well, Ashaneen.)
The brightly glowing form winked out. For now, I knew there would no
longer be an INSPEC ident to follow, but I felt no sense of loneliness.
I moved over to BB, as he hovered motionless, still closed. I focused.
(Hey, old buddy. I got to go back.)
He opened slowly. (Yeh, uh, RAM. I got to do something myself, anyway.)
I had no doubt, what it was. (Well, you'll do fine, just like pulling
skips and playing games back on KT-95.)
He lighted. (Yeh, sure! A bunch of games!)
I opened wide. (You can do it, tiger! Keep my ident! And have fun!)
I turned and started to reach, but he stopped me. (What's the push, BB?)
He flickered. (Uh, that last thing we did, me pulling AA out, uh, you
don't have any percept on it, do you?)
(No—except it was certainly AA. That same resistance stuff was there.
Why? Something I didn’t get?)
BB focused on me hard and I waited. Suddenly he lighted very brightly
and started to roll strongly. It almost became human laughter, it was
that strong.
I flickered. (What's so funny?)
(You have fun, uh, RAM!)
I watched as he moved in the direction of the First Entry Station,
still rolling. When he disappeared inside, I turned and reached, ident
physical body, and stretched gently. I moved slowly inward through the
Rings, feeling strong and sure, knowing I still had much human rote to
pick up and go through. I entered the second and then into the
physical, knowing one pattern had ended and another would begin. But
what was so funny? The green pyramid, the three of us, serve
Humankind...green, green pyramid roof, three on a beam... hey! On a
night before going to bed, I might go out and stand on the sundeck and
look up. When I do, sometimes the stars disappear and there is nothing,
but blackness overhead.
From beyond the black comes an unseen and
eternal song, that is hauntingly familiar, a reminder, if needed,
cutting sharply through the noise of local traffic. INSPEC, BB, Lou,
Bill, her, all There, in the song. But not AA! Then it fades, the Stars
return to the blackness, I take a deep breath, and go back inside.
With the calm, that settled over me, I began to sort out and run the
various rotes, tossed me, which I had simply tucked away for future
reference. I did this not only to check, what
I may have missed, but to
lay the pattern down tightly, on the premise, that someone, somewhere,
as an individual or group, might seriously investigate the
material—under the guise of philosophical, pathological, educational,
or some other study. As before, if the following helps just one
individual achieve a profound understanding of who and what he is, the
purpose has been served. Running a rote is much like trying to recall
the memory of an event out of the Past. The difference rests in the
immediate clarity of every detail, once the unrolling process begins.
Best results appear to be obtained, if one is in a relaxed state and
isolated. It is important to remain completely awake physically, with
your left-brain consciousness in the driver's seat. Then simply think
of the ident—the subject of the rote—and wait. You can write down notes
or dictate into a tape recorder, as you attempt to convert the
information into written or spoken words. If you feel, you might have
missed something, you can RESET and start again, either at the
beginning or at any given serial point in the information/experience.
You can hit a mental PAUSE button, if the phone rings, although this
often requires a complete rework back to the relaxation state, if so
interrupted. However, the rote will still be there—"open" at the point,
you left it. This takes time and patience, thus the need for isolation.
The early results came out in the following form, not very tight, but
perhaps more cogent (убедительные).
Когда ко мне вновь вернулось спокойствие, я принялся разворачивать
множество посылов, которые до того просто отложил в сторону, на
будущее. Я делал это не только в поисках упущенных фрагментов, но и для
того, чтобы восстановить общую картину - в надежде, что когда-нибудь
кто-то (один человек или целая группа) захочет подвергнуть эти сведения
серьезному исследованию и оценить с позиций философии, патологии,
образования и других точек зрения. Как и прежде, я буду считать, что
трудился не зря, если приведенные ниже факты помогут хотя бы одному
человеку глубже понять, кто он и что собой представляет. Разворачивание
посыла во многом напоминает попытки вспомнить события далекого
прошлого. Разница заключается лишь в том, что в этом процессе все
подробности происшедшего мгновенно становятся ясными и отчетливыми.
Лучше всего делать это в уединении и расслабленном состоянии. Важно
сохранять ясность сознания, поскольку ведущую роль должно играть левое
полушарие мозга. Затем достаточно просто подумать о метке, то есть
тематике посыла, -и немного подождать. Чтобы передать содержание посыла
обычными словами, можно вести записи или пользоваться диктофоном. Если
подозреваешь, что упустил нечто важное, всегда можно вернуться к
исходному положению и повторить процесс как с самого начала, так и с
произвольной точки. Если в этот момент неожиданно звонит телефон, можно
мысленно нажать <паузу>. Основная трудность в таких случаях
сводится к необходимости заново погружаться в расслабленное состояние,
но сам посыл останется в полной готовности, он <откроется> на той
<странице>, куда вложили <закладку>. Разворачивание посыла
требует времени и терпения, и потому уединение является довольно важным
требованием.Первые результаты можно представить в следующей форме - мне
не удалось изложить все достаточно кратко, но для меня эти выводы
the Rings

The First Inner Layer or Ring was
clear and more distinct from my nonphysical perspective, and all seemed
to be completely focused on the activities of the in-human physical
Any attempts to communicate or divert their attention were
met with total unawareness at the least and, at the most, bewilderment,
fear, or outright hostility. All were attempting to participate in
physical life in one way or another with no success whatsoever. All
seemed to have one common characteristic. They were completely unaware
of any existence, other than physical. Only through repeated
observation at first-hand was it possible to generally sort out and
classify such near-Earth Humans into some semblance of order.
по кольцам
внутренний слой, или кольцо, было довольно прозрачным и, с нефизической
точки зрения, более отчетливым, чем остальные. Судя по всему, в
пределах этого кольца вся деятельность повторяет обычную, физическую
жизнь человека. Мои попытки вступить в общение с обитателями этого слоя
или просто привлечь их внимание потерпели полную неудачу: они либо
вообще не замечали меня, либо относились ко мне с изумлением, страхом
или откровенной враждебностью. Все они безуспешно пытались тем или иным
способом продолжить участие в физической жизни. Обитателям этого слоя
присуща одна общая особенность: похоже, они просто не представляют себе
иной формы существования, кроме материального. Только многократные
наблюдения позволили мне классифицировать таких людей, обитающих в
непосредственной близости от Земли, разделить их на отдельные типы.
This group has a distinctive
Vibration or Radiation, that indicates:
they are attached to a physical body somewhere in the current Earth
Time-Space. This infers (подразумевает), but does not verify (но не
доказывает), that they may be in an
out-of-body state during sleep. They, apparently, are attempting to
continue the activity, they have been performing during their physical
waking hours, or those they desire or fantasize. Some are simply going
through the motions; others are trying to talk with those, they know,
who are physically awake, or eating, drinking, working, playing, trying
to perform sexual acts, acting out Mitty-like roles in the middle of
Manhattan — all without fruition; all, with few exceptions, without any
recognition of similar activities around them. What might be loosely
termed 'evidence of their origin' is that: they suddenly "wink out" or
disappear in the middle of an action. Are they awakening in the
physical again, out of sleep? Dream analysts may be on the right track,
but with the wrong perspective.
Сновидящие мечтатели
Представителям этого
типа свойственны характерные вибрации, особое
излучение, указывающее на то, что где-то на Земле, в текущем
пространстве-времени, у них еще есть материальное тело. Это позволяет
предположить (хотя совсем не доказывает), что во сне люди действительно
переходят во внете-лесное состояние. Нет сомнений в том, что
<сновидящие> либо пытаются продолжить те виды деятельности,
которыми заняты в часы бодрствования, либо предаются мечтам и
фантазиям. Одни просто бесцельно блуждают по этому кольцу, другие
предпринимают попытки заговорить с бодрствующими знакомыми, остальные
пьют, едят, работают, развлекаются, пытаются вступать в половые акты
или разыгрывают из себя суперменов прямо посреди Манхэттена -
разумеется, совершенно бесплодно. Практически все, за редкими
исключениями, совершенно не осознают того, что вокруг толпится
множество их собратьев. Одним из возможных признаков состояния этих
людей может послужить тот факт, что порой они совершенно неожиданно
<отщелкиваются>, то есть исчезают со сцены в самом разгаре
действий - быть может, просто просыпаются в физическом мире? Не
исключено, что толкователи сновидений на правильном пути, но
рассматривают это явление с ошибочной точки зрения.
<Застрявшие и Застрявшие>
Эта категория очень похожа на предыдущую. Вначале одних можно спутать с
другими, и все же между ними есть несколько важных различий. К
<застрявшим> относятся те, кто покинул свое материальное тело
надолго, то есть уже умер, но еще не понял, что произошло. Таким
образом, они просто пытаются продолжать вести ту физическую жизнь, к
которой привыкли. <Застрявшие> часто остаются неподалеку от
знакомых мест материального мира (например, возле своего дома) или
рядом с близкими людьми из числа живущих. Некоторые <застрявшие>
безуспешно пытаются вернуться в мертвое физическое тело, оживить его.
Это происходит даже после погребения, и может отчасти объяснять случаи
странного свечения, которое иногда замечают на кладбищах.
These are very similar to the
previous category, and might be confused
with them initially, but for several key differences. This group is
composed solely of those, who have permanently exited their current
physical body — dead physically, but don't know it. Consequently, they
are trying constantly to continue a physical existence, to which they
have become habituated. They often remain around physical locations,
such as houses, and physically living persons, to whom they have become
attached. Some continue to attempt reentry into their dead physical
bodies and to reactivate them, even into the grave—which may give
credence to the strange radiation effects, sometimes perceived in
cemeteries. The anguish these must go through, as they witness the
cremation of their physical remains, is certainly something to ponder.
As with the Dreamers, this group is totally and compulsively bonded to
Time-Space Materiality. Moreover, they appear to be deep into
enveloping, emotionally based, fears and drives, which they attempt to
act out, but never conclude.
As a group, they are the Major Blockage in
the Flow of the Human Learning Experience. Until they are reached and
assisted or some glimmer of awareness occurs, they remain in this
locked-in state for years, perhaps centuries. Their numbers increase
constantly and will continue to do so, as long, as the physical human
values, that generate the condition, remain unchanged.
из них продолжают пытаться оживить свои тела, стараясь попасть в них
даже в могилах, что объясняет свечение воздуха ночью на кладбищах,
а также на полях битв прошлого ! Отдельным и довольно серьезным поводом
для размышлений могут послужить страдания тех <застрявших>,
которые становятся свидетелями кремации их физических останков. Как и
<сновидящие>, представители этой группы целиком и полностью
поглощены материальностью пространства-времени. Более того, возникает
впечатление, что они находятся в полной власти сильнейших страхов и
побуждений, которые заставляют их предпринимать отчаянные, но
безуспешные поступки. Эта группа представляет собой самый крупный затор
в процессе человеческого обучения: если не придет помощь со стороны,
если у этих людей не вспыхнет хотя бы проблеск понимания происходящего,
они могут оставаться в подобном состоянии долгие годы - быть может,
даже столетия. Их число постоянно увеличивается; такой прирост будет
продолжаться до тех пор, пока не изменится система ценностей нашего
мира, так как именно она является причиной поглощенности материальным.

Much lesser in
number, than the
above, but with the same motivating
drives expressed in an entirely different manner. The reason is a
slight Shift in Awareness. The Wild Ones do not realize, they have lost
the use of their physical bodies, and they do not perceive anything
other, than Physical Matter Reality. However, they are very much aware,
that they are somehow different. They don't understand the whys or hows
of it and have no desire to learn. All they realize is, that such
difference releases them from all of the commitments, restraints,
that were a part of their physical lives. They construe
this, as absolute freedom and attempt to express
themselves accordingly in the only way they know of—through replicas of
physical activity. Thus their efforts to participate in physical human
life—which they perceive, as taking place all around them, — take on
many bizarre forms. The previously reported visit to the 'Human Sexual
Pile' is a sample. There are implications (проблемы, осложнения), that
whenever a Human
Physical Consciousness in waking form becomes "loose" or shaky for
whatever reason, it may provide an opportunity for one of these to
"piggyback" (go after you) just for the experience of it. They can get
mean at times...The
frequency of such incidents is not known, from my present perspective.
Hopefully, very few. There was much to be
learned from these Inner Rings, most of it the
hard way, if your perspective is still heavily encased in Human
Time-Space illusions. It is pointless to recount the many attempted
contacts with the inhabitants therein. You can do it yourself without
bothering to enter the OOBE state. Interview and observe a cross
section group of humans now living in any large city. The resulting
data will be a restrained version and much easier to handle. The source
of such preoccupation in every case seems to be extreme distortions of
the Original Survival Imprint. Evidently, there are methods,
by which
rescues are achieved individually
and on a relatively large scale—and the process is ongoing. I
personally have been involved in only one or two, that I can remember,
I am not particularly proud of my efforts.
I did learn one or two minor
items. First, awareness of the Cacophony of Discordant, Undirected
engendered by Human Thought — identified, as M-Band (Mind-Band) noise
(my label). Second, how to close down my perception to bring it to
levels. The necessity syndrome again. It's a nice trick to have, even
in the physical waking state.
<Дикие>: эта
группа малочисленнее предшествующей
Основные побуждения остаются прежними, но у <диких> проявляются
совершенно иначе. Причина кроется в незначительном смещении
осознаности. <Дикие> тоже не понимают, что лишились материального
тела, и не замечают ничего, кроме физической действительности. С другой
стороны, они прекрасно осознают, что стали какими-то иными. Они не
знают, как и почему это случилось, у них вообще нет большого желания
что-то постигать - достаточно лишь понимания того, что возникшее
отличие позволяет им отбросить любые условности, обязательства и
правила, которые были неотъемлемой частью физической жизни.
<Дикие> воспринимают эти перемены как полную раскрепощенность и
пытаются выразить себя единственным известным им способом: подражанием
физической деятельности. Их попытки участвовать в
человеческой жизни (которую они видят повсюду вокруг) принимают самые
причудливые формы. Одним из примеров <дикости> является описанная
ранее <сексуальная куча>. Определенные соображения позволяют
предположить, что всякий раз, когда сознание бодрствующего человека по
какой-либо причине <расшатывается>, это событие может стать для
<диких> поводом увязаться за человеком - просто ради
удовольствия. Я не могу оценить, насколько часто такое случается.
Надеюсь, что <диких> достаточно мало, так как временами они
бывают совершенно несносными.
Внутренние кольца могут принести
множество полезных уроков, хотя большую часть из них довольно трудно
усвоить, если по-прежнему погружён в человеческую иллюзию пространства
и времени. Нет смысла описывать многочисленные попытки вступить в
общение с обитателями этих слоев. Любой читатель может без труда
сделать это, даже не переходя к внетелесно-му состоянию: достаточно
поговорить с жителями большого города или просто понаблюдать за ними.
Полученные сведения и станут сокращенной версией такого общения. Судя
по всему, основной причиной предельной поглощенности материальным миром
становятся невероятные искажения первобытного инстинкта выживания.
Очевидно, определенные методы помогают каждой такой личности выбраться
из порочного круга. Этот процесс достаточно сложен и продолжает
развиваться. Лично я всего два-три раза участвовал в подобном
<спасении> и не особенно горжусь своими достижениями. Однако
благодаря этому я действительно усвоил парочку второстепенных истин.
Во-первых, сознание представляет собой настоящую какофонию
беспорядочных, несогласованных всплесков излучения, порождаемых
человеческим мышлением. Я назвал это явление помехами в полосе "М"(Поле
Во-вторых, я научился понижать порог своего восприятия, когда такой шум
становится нестерпимым. Это умение было вызвано необходимостью. Оно
очень полезно - даже в обычном состоянии бодрствования в физическом
The Next Ring outward is fairly straight forward. It is composed of
those, who do realize: they are no longer in physical human life, but
have no Awareness or Memory of any other possibility. Often they are
stunned by the loss, and do no more, than remain in a motionless,
nonperceiving passive state, as if waiting for something to take place.
They are usually easy to contact, instruct, and lead to a suitable
Outer Ring. The population here is small, relatively, and remains more
or less
static due to the assistance, supplied by the Outer Rings. Moving
outward, the next Ring is the largest of all, and contains an
apparently limitless number of Sub-Rings. However, they all come under
a strong general category: at least, all residents here know, they have
passed through physical death. There may be vagueness and differing
beliefs, as to what and where they are at this point; hence the often
sharply delineated (отчерченных,отделённых) Sub-Rings. Within
this Ring,
approximately through
the Center, there exists, what might be labeled a NULL POINT of a
different variety, yet quite perceivable from an external perspective.
Следующее кольцо
выглядит довольно просто и уныло. "Следующий, более
отдалённый, Пояс вокруг Земли состоит из тех, кто знают, что потеряли
физическое тело, но не знают что делать дальше. Находясь в шоке от
потери тела, они неподвижны, пассивно ожидают чего-то. Таких легко
убедить и перевести в, подходящие для них, Внешние Пояса. Поэтому
население здесь небольшое, благодаря помощи нефизических волонтёров из
Внешних Поясов вокруг Земли. Его населяют те, кто уже
осознал, что покинул материальный мир,
расстался с человеческой жизнью, но до сих пор ничего не знает (точнее,
не помнит) о прочих возможностях. Чаще всего эти люди совершенно
потрясены своим открытием и просто замирают на месте в пассивном
невосприимчивом состоянии, словно ждут дальнейшего развития событий.
Обычно не так уж трудно вступить с ними в общение, кое-что рассказать и
направить в подходящее внешнее кольцо. В этом слое довольно мало
обитателей; их число всегда остается примерно одинаковым, так как из
внешних колец регулярно приходит помощь. Следующий, более
отдалённый, Пояс вокруг Земли состоит из тех, кто знают, что потеряли
физическое тело, но не знают что делать дальше. Находясь в шоке от
потери тела, они неподвижны, пассивно ожидают чего-то. Таких легко
убедить и перевести в, подходящие для них, Внешние Пояса. Поэтому
население здесь небольшое, благодаря помощи нефизических волонтёров из
Внешних Поясов вокруг Земли.
Следующее кольцо - самое
обширное из всех. Судя по всему, оно состоит
из бесконечного числа подколец, но у всех его обитателей есть по
меньшей мере одна общая черта: они прекрасно понимают, что перенесли
физическую смерть. У каждого могут быть свои собственные представления
о том, кто они сейчас и почему оказались именно здесь. Эти убеждения и
приводят к возникновению четко отделенных друг от друга областей. В
этом кольце - предположительно, в его центре - существует район,
который можно назвать <нулевой точкой> для всего ок- ружающего
разнообразия. Этот центр достаточно четко угадывается со стороны. Он
порожден двумя символическими <энергетическими полями>, которые
накладываются друг на друга, оказывают почти равное давление (влияние)
на окружающие районы, но при этом не взаимодействуют. Столкновение
частот не приводит к возникновению <стоячей волны>, так как эти
энергетические поля не совместимы друг с другом - по этой причине я не
могу воспользоваться аналогией середины намагниченного стержня, у
которого есть положительный и отрицательный полюсы. Возможно, более
точным сравнением станет образ гравитационного поля, притягивающего в
одном направ- лении, и эмоционального воздействия телевизора, по
которому показывают какую-нибудь комедию. Внутри, за <нулевой
точкой>, властвует мощная сила:
ИПВ - человеческая Иллюзия Пространства и Времени. Сильнее всего она
проявляется во внутренних подкольцах; по мере удаления от центра,
власть этой силы уменьшается, а на внешнем краю почти исчезает. На
окраинах кольца господствует НД, нефизическая действительность. Ее
можно описывать лишь самыми общими понятиями, поскольку даже то малое,
что мы о ней знаем, не поддается точному переводу на обычный язык. НД
представляет собой второе <энергетическое поле>; оно проявляется
сходным образом, то есть остается самым мощным в наружных слоях,
постепенно слабеет, окончательно исчезает в <нулевой точке> и
вновь экспоненциально усиливается на пути к противоположному внешнему
краю. Самым захватывающим - разумеется, при взгляде со стороны -
является принцип перемещения по этому кольцу отдельного человека.
Представим себе развитие человеческих переживаний как энергию,
перемещающуюся в двух противоположных направлениях - внутрь и наружу.
Поток, обращенный внутрь, состоит из <чистой> энергии, которая
возникает там, где область НД впервые пересекается с районами ИПВ. Ряд
последовательных человеческих жизней вызывает все большее углубление
потока в ИПВ, причем после пересечения <нулевой точки> скорость
течения существенно ускоряется. Поток продолжает разгоняться, достигает
внутренней границы кольца, затем пересекает его и уходит глубже -
обычно к самому малому кольцу в непосредственной близости от физической
Земли. Что касается обратного потока, то, покинув окраины внутренних
колец, он пускается в довольно запутанный на вид, но неуклонный путь
вверх, к самому внешнему кольцу. У одних этот путь оказывается
достаточно прямым, а источником движения становится лишь небольшой ряд
физических существовании в человеческом облике. Другим людям - их
подавляющее большинство -для завершения процесса восхождения требуется
несколько сотен человеческих жизней, которые растягиваются на
тысячелетия. Причины таких различий мне не известны, но отдельными
факторами прямолинейных, <скоростных> подъ- емов, судя по всему,
могут служить тщательный подбор предстоящих жизней в сочетании с такими
стечениями обстоятельств, которые можно назвать статистически
невероятными. И прямые, и извилистые восходящие потоки рано или поздно
достигают внешнего края этого кольца и продолжают двигаться дальше.
Последнее, внешнее кольцо населяют исключительно те, кто готовится к
завершающему погружению в человеческое существование -так сказать,
<выпускники>. Они уже сбросили сероватое свечение и большую часть
человеческого облика; внешне они источают почти белое свечение, которое
время от времени сопровождается выбросами искр. Эти существа плотно
закрыты, они не откликаются на попытки вступить с ними общение, хотя,
быть может, продолжают общаться с себе подобными. Их последний переход
в человеческий мир трудно отследить - он происходит то ли очень быстро,
то ли вообще мгновенно. Признаком выхода из последнего круга служит
искрящееся свечение, которое стремительно перемещается сквозь кольца
наружу и лишь время от времени по непонятным причинам ненадолго
замирает на месте. После пересечения окончательной, внешней границы
этот свет резко исчезает из сферы восприятия - не остается ни следа, ни
какой-либо завершающей вспышки. В определенном смысле общий процесс
можно упрощенно сравнить с тем, как непьющий человек начинает
испытывать пристрастие к выпивке, а затем борется с пагубной привычкой.
Первый глоток спиртного не приводит к ощутимым последствиям, но
привлекает своей новизной и вызывает соответствующий интерес. В
следующий раз новичок выпивает уже две рюмки только для того, чтобы
узнать, не принесет ли это новых ощущений - и они действительно
возникают. Всем прекрасно известно, к чему это может привести и
насколько стремительным бывает падение: горького пьяницу уже не волнует
ничто, кроме спиртного, все его мысли посвящены лишь тому, где
перехватить очередной стаканчик. Довольно распространенными явлениями
становятся провалы в памяти и, самое важное, -полное отсутствие желания
что- то менять. Алкоголик забывает о том, кем он был, но это его
совершенно не заботит. Перевоспитание и возвращение памяти превращаются
в медленный и нередко мучительный процесс. Однако убежденный
трезвенник, справившийся со своим пристрастием, разительно отличается
от того простодушного новичка, каким он был, когда делал свой пер- вый
глоток. У этой аналогии есть только один недостаток: в последовательной
смене человеческих жизней перемены происходят постоянно. В дополнение я
хотел бы попробовать описать этот процесс современным
сравнением. Представим себе, что некий Космический Корабль (изначальная
личность?) замечает энергетическое поле человеческого существования на
Земле, и оно его привлекает. Корабль принимает решение пройти сквозь
поле неподалеку от центра и получить различные данные. Однако
неожиданный фактор налипания частиц, из которых состоит поле, искажает
предварительные расчеты и сильно снижает намеченную скорость движения
Корабля. Торможение настолько велико, что скорость падает ниже порога
убегания, и Корабль неуклонно переходит на эллиптическую орбиту. Минуя
апогей этой орбиты, Космический Корабль в очередной раз проходит через
энер- гетическое поле человеческого существования и обрастает новыми
налипающими частицами, которые продолжают уменьшать его скорость - в
свою очередь, перигей орбиты с каждым витком опускается все ниже.
Наконец Корабль окончательно сходит с орбиты и погружается в поле,
становится его частью.
Чтобы набрать скорость убегания и покинуть поле, Космическому Кораблю
1) избавиться от налипших частиц и одновременно сохранить все сведения
(знания, переживания), чтобы вернуться домой с Ценным Грузом;
2) накопить и задействовать достаточно большой запас энергии, который
позволит развить первую и вторую космическую скорость. Этот запас
должен намного превысить те объемы энергии, которыми Корабль
пользовался, когда впервые вошел в окрестности поля. Помимо прочего,
дополнительные запасы энергии необходимы для компенсации увеличившейся
массы груза. Поиски решения осложняются отсутствием действенных методов
очищения от
налипших частиц, а также возможностью применения сугубо примитивных
технологических приемов для извлечения и накопления энергии. Таким
образом, высвобождение из ловушки представляет собой продолжительный и
трудоемкий процесс. Основная идея заключается в том, чтобы начать с
баллистических траекторий, затем вернуться на эллиптическую орбиту и
увеличивать расстояние от центра до перигея, пока не будет достигнута
скорость убегания. В завершение этого процесса Космический Корабль
сможет вернуться на
родную базу с ценным грузом - а затем, пользуясь опытом работы с
большими объемами энергии, приступить к более серьезным исследованиям.
Всё, о чем говорилось выше, представляет собой самое широкое обобщение,
распространяющееся лишь на основные пункты классификации.
Я упрощенно
описал чрезвычайно сложную и запутанную схему перемещений между
кольцами в той форме, в какой она видится извне. Я намеренно лишил свое
изложения человеческого фактора - в той степени, в какой человек вообще
способен это сделать, -поскольку убежден, что такая сухость сможет
привлечь внимание левого полушария и станет для него понятнее. С другой
стороны, нерешенной остается важнейшая проблема: необходимость выражать
свои мысли в такой форме, которая была хотя бы отчасти доступна
человеческому сознанию. Таким образом, я начертил блок-схему того
пространства, где все мы существуем. Его можно назвать
<энергетической средой Земли и человека> либо <человеческой
иллюзией пространства и времени>. Эта таблица представляет собой
итог сотен отдельных переживаний, большая часть которых остается
непереводимой на человеческий язык. Подробное описание всех этих
переживаний, если оно вообще возможно, составило бы независимую
увесистую книгу, но мне кажется, что пока достаточно будет указать
самые общие контуры. Мы рискуем заблудиться как без условной карты, так
и с ней, и все же существование такой карты несколько повышает наши
It is generated by
COMPATIBLE (несовместимы).
Двигаясь дальше от
Земли, мы попадаем в следующий и самый широкий Пояс из всех. Состоит он
из бесчисленных, ясно отделённых Колец помельче, состоящих из жителей,
знающих о потере своих физ. тел, но с разными взглядами и
вероисповеданиями. Внутри этого Пояса, примерно через центр проходит
НУЛЕВАЯ ТОЧКА, вполне заметная для наблюдателя. Она существует за счёт
2х символических Энергетических Полей, затрагивающих и почти одинаково
давящих/влияющих друг на друга, но без всякого взаимодействия друг с
другом. Здесь нет СТОЯЧИХ ВОЛН, установленных вибрациями, ударяющими
друг об друга, так как оба Поля - несовместимы...На внутренней стороне
НУЛЕВОЙ ТОЧКИ преобладающей Силой является - ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКАЯ ИЛЛЮЗИЯ
ПРОСТРАНСТВА/ВРЕМЕНИ (ЧИПВ), проявляющейся сильнее всего в Кольцах
помельче, что ближе к Земле, и уменьшаясь по всему Кольцу, пока не
становится совсем незначительной на внешнем крае. На внешней стороне
Пояса преобладающей Силой является НЕФИЗИЧЕСКАЯ РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ (НР), и как
можно более общего характера...Зеркальное отражение в СИЛЕ ПОЛЯ: эффект
НЕФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ РЕАЛЬНОСТИ самый сильный на внешнем крае, медленно
уменьшаясь к НУЛЕВОЙ ТОЧКЕ, затем, соответственно, к внутреннему краю
The analogy of a Bar Magnet with Positive and Negative Fields meeting
at the Center of the Bar does not apply. It would be better to picture
a Gravity Field exerting attraction in one direction and the action of
a sitcom on television in another.
POINT, THE DOMINANT FORCE IS HTSI, short for Human Time-Space Illusion,
strongest at the inner-most Sub-Rings and lessening inversely
throughout the Entire Ring, until it is quite insignificant on the
Outer Edge. On the Outer Side of the Ring, the Dominant Force is NPR,
or Non-physical Reality, which is as general, as one can get, if there
is no accurate translation available for the little, that is known of
it. A mirror image in Field Strength, the NPR effect is greatest at the
Outer-most Edge, diminishing slowly to the Null Point, then
exponentially to the Inner Edge of the Ring.
The pattern of Human
Passage through this particular Ring is most fascinating, again from
the external view. It is composed of Energy in Human Experiential Form
moving in two directions, both inward and outward. The Inward Flow is
composed of fresh Energy from the NPR (Non-Physical Reality) area,
first encountering the HTSI (Human Time-Space Illusion) Field, becoming
more and more attracted by it through a series of in-human existences,
passing through this particular Ring more rapidly once the Null Point
is crossed. From that point inward, the Movement accelerates to the
Inner Edge of the Ring and through it, terminating usually in the
lowest of the Inner Rings. The Outward Flow, after release from or
skirting the Inner-most Rings, commences the haphazard-seeming, yet
meticulous path through this largest of the Rings. For some, the
passage is relatively direct, with but a few in-human physical
existences to provide the Impetus (Push-Trigger, стимул-движущая сила).
Others— the great
majority — require up to several hundred in-human lifetimes and
thousands of Earth Year Cycles to complete the Process. The
reasons for
this wide discrepancy are not obvious to me. However, one
characteristic of the more direct route appears to be the careful
selection of in-human life experiences, plus accomplishments in the
face of what might be termed 'statistically impossible odds'. The two
routes both emerge at the Outer Edge of the Ring and lead to the
Outer-most Ring.
The Single
Outer-most Ring is composed solely of those, who are
preparing for their Final In-human Experience—the Last-Timers, or
Seniors, whichever suits your perspective. They have lost their
Gray Appearance and much of their Humanoid form; THEY ARE
NEARLY WHITE IN RADIATION with occasional Sparkling Patterns Around
Them. They are tightly closed, and do not respond to any communication
attempts, except possibly among themselves. It is difficult to observe
their Final Reentry into human experience. It is either too rapid or
instantaneous. Their exit from the Final Cycle is represented by a
Sparkling Glowing
Light, which moves rapidly outward through the Rings, with occasional
pauses for some unknown reason. Upon passing this Outer-most Ring, they
suddenly disappear from
perception, leaving no residual image or trace.
"Модель человеческого прохождения сквозь именно этот Пояс
- наиболее впечатляющая для постороннего наблюдателя. Она состоит
из Энергии Человеческих Эксперементальных Форм, двигающихся в
двух направлениях: и внутрь, и наружу. Поток Внутрь
состоит из свежей Энергии Поля Нефизической Реальности, впервые
сталкивающиеся с Полем ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОЙ
более привлечёнными им, благодаря серии человеческих жизней, проходя
именно через этот Пояс ещё быстрее, как только пройдена НУЛЕВАЯ ТОЧКА. С того
момента, двигаясь внутрь, Движение ускоряется по направлению к
внутреннему краю Пояса и сквозь него, обычно заканчиваясь в самом
низком из внутренних Колец. Поток Наружу, после
освобождения от или перепрыгнув самые
нижние Кольца, начинает, казалось бы хаотическое, и всё-таки искусное прохождение
через этот, самый большой, из Поясов. Для некоторых прохождение
относительно прямолинейное: прожить
только несколько физических человеческих жизней, чтобы получить
стимул-движущую силу. Другим - что большинство - требуется прожить
несколько сотен человеческих жизней и тысячи Земных Лет, чтобы
завершить процесс. Причины для такой огромной разницы мне неясны.
Однако, одна особенность более прямого, быстрого маршрута похоже в
тщательном отборе испытаний в человеческой жизни, плюс - достижения в
том, что можно было бы назвать "статистически невозможные странности".
Оба маршрута возникают, берут начало от внешнего края Пояса и ведут к
самому дальнему, от Земли, Поясу. Этот единственный дальний Пояс
полностью состоит из тех, кто подготавливается к своему финальному
человеческому испытанию - последней жизни - будущие ВЫПУСКНИКИ или
СТАРОЖИЛЫ, что вам больше подходит. Они уже потеряли свою серую
внешность и большую часть своей Человеческой Формы;
ОНИ ПОЧТИ БЕЛЫЕ ПО СВЕЧЕНИЮ с редкими сверкающими узорами вокруг них.
Они плотно закрыты и не реагируют на какие-либо попытки общения, кроме
как между собой. Очень трудно проследить их конечное вхождение в
человеческое существование. Оно или слишком быстрое, или мгновенное. Их
выход из конечного жизненного цикла представлен Сверкающим Свечением
Белого Света, который быстро двигается наружу через Пояса, с небольшими
паузами, по непонятной причине. При прохождении этого, самого дальнего
от Земли, Пояса они вдруг исчезают из поля зрения, не оставляя и следа.
В каком-то смысле весь процесс грубо напоминает цикл новичка, впервые
пробующего наркотик или алкоголь.
In some respects, the
Entire Process resembles crudely the Cycle of an Innocent, coping with
an addictive drug or chemical, such as alcohol.
The first taste is
scarcely palatable, but the effect is interesting, something new. When
the opportunity arises, the neophyte takes two drinks, just to see, if
the effect is enhanced—and it is. Uncontrolled, the pattern is all too
familiar, all the way down to skid row. Nothing is more important to
the wino, nothing occupies his thinking, other than where the next shot
or hit is coming from. Near-total Amnesia is common, and more
significantly, a lack of desire to change. He has forgotten, who he is
and couldn't care less. Reclamation and remembering is a slow and,
sometimes, painful charade. Once achieved, however, the Innocent has
transformed into a state of being far different from the Original
First-Taster. Where the analogy does not match: in the human life
experience sequence, the change is permanent. In serial form, the
itinerary of human experience might be mapped something like this: just tables on pages 243-244-245-246
Graduate To: Home? NPR (Non-Physical Reality)
Last-Timer (Senior)
To: Final In-Human Time: Full Spectrum
(Awareness-Focus): NPR (Non-Physical Reality) - 80% ; HTSI (Human
Time-Space Illusion) - 20%
NPR (Non-Physical Reality) - First-Timer
To: In-Human Physical
Time: Full Spectrum
NPR (Non-Physical Reality)- 95%; HTSI (Human Time-Space Illusion) - 5%
NPR (Non-Physical Reality) : 60%; HTSI (Human Time-Space Illusion): 40%
NPR (Non-Physical Reality) : 50-55%; HTSI (Human Time-Space Illusion) :
(read DOWN)
First Repeaters, frequent
To: In-Human Physical
Time: Full Spectrum
First Repeaters, trace
To: In-Human physical
Time: Random
(Read UP)
Long Repeaters To:
Selected In-Human Physical
Time: Selected
Idents: Contemplatives, philosophers, certain religious groups, service
to-humanity devotees, helpers, guides, rescue workers, others
Long Repeaters, intermittent
To: Required In-Human
Time: Coordinated
Certain religious groups, quantum physicists, transpersonal
psychologists, historical humanitarian leaders, specialists
NPR: 30%
HTSI : 70%
NPR: 5%
HTSI: 95%
Long Repeaters, regularly
To: Desired In-Human
Time: Current
Certain religious groups, friends and relatives, current, rest and
recuperation facilities, rote synthesized physical artifacts and
activity, including heaven and hell
Short Repeaters
To: Desired In-Human
Time: Current
Refugees from Lower Rings, rehab centers, instructional classes,
non-conformists, the guilty
First-Timers, Short Repeaters
To: Inner Quarter, Major Ring
Time: Indeterminate
Ident: Total Spectrum
Another way to describe the process in contemporary terms: The Unit is
attracted and drawn by the Human Earth Energy
Field. The Unit decided to make a close-in pass-by through the Field to
obtain data and information. This reduces velocity in the Unit to a
degree greater, than that calculated to occur from friction, due to the
unexpected adherence factor of the particles within the Field. The
reduction is so great, as to fall below Escape Velocity, and the
Unit moves inexorably (неумолимо) into an Elliptical Orbit. At each
Apogee (point
furthest from the Earth) of the Orbit, the Unit passes through the
Human Earth Energy Field again and gathers additional adhering
particles therefrom, causing Greater Reduction in Velocity— which in
turn lowers the Perigee (point
nearest the Earth) of the
Finally, the Orbit breaks down
and succumbs to the now more powerful attraction of the Field. And the
Unit settles into the Field itself, to become a part of it. To launch
and achieve Escape Velocity, the Unit must:
(1) - Remove the Adhering Particles, that created the problem, while
retaining such information/data/experience, so as to bring back
Something of Value;
(2) - Develop and store sufficient energy to achieve both Launch and
Escape Velocity, which infers a Far Greater Amount, than that available
at the point of original entry under typical conditions, plus
additional reserves to compensate for the extra payload on board. The
solution is made complex by the lack of efficient methods for proper
detoxification and removal of adhered particles, as well as the
availability of only the most primitive techniques for proper Balance
Energy Distillation and Accumulation. Therefore, at best, extrication
is a long and arduous process. The Key is to begin first with ballistic
trajectories, followed by Elliptical Orbiting, ever increasing the
Perigee (point nearest the Earth), until Escape Velocity is reached.
Thereafter, the Unit can return to its Original Base (Higher Self) with
its payload—or, with its increased energy, move on to Greater
Exploration. The foregoing is at best a generalization, specific only
in the broad classifications indicated. It is a simplification of a
very complex and intricate pattern of movements, perceived from an
external perspective. It is deliberately devoid of as much humanism, as
is possible by a human, in the belief, that such starkness
(решительность) will gather
the attention and understan-
ding, latent (в скрытом состояниии) in the
left-brain modality.
However, the problem still remains—the need to express in a form,
remotely acceptable to in-human Consciousness. This, then, is a flow
sheet of where the action is, in which all of us are vitally involved.
It could be identified as the Earth-Human Energy Environ, Human
Time-Space Illusion (HTSI). It is a Summary, based upon several hundred
individual explorations, most of which are beyond literal translation.
To chronicle each individually would consume an entire volume in
itself, if indeed it were possible. Therefore, this baseline will have
to serve for the moment. We might get lost, with or without it, but our
chances are better with it.
- Импульс: ВНР-1 (Стр. 248-252)
Инфо - Импульс
(Rote) - это сгусток мыслей, чувств, эмоций и информации
и является формой общения/разговора на нефизическом уровне Сознания, по
английски называется NVC - Не Языковая, а Телератическое общение). Эти
сгустки информации передавались от Роберта к нефизическим
интеллигентным помощникам и членам его группы или наоборот: от них к
нему во время вне-телесных путешествий. В данном случае эта информация
(ниже) была передана Роберту Монро:
BHP-1, Compressed Learning—Category Human
(Физическая Планетарная Игра). Раздел: Человек
The first point in
consideration of human structure certainly should be
the note, that a small percentage have never been through the
prior to the present sojourn in time. Some may have had physical life
experience in other parts of time-space and in another physical form,
but this is their first run as a human. Other first-timers have never
in a physical form of any sort. Time-space—physical
matter—and especially human existence on Earth — is an
interesting anomaly. It has some peculiar
qualities, that are unique in the development of intelligence and
consciousness. As a result, human life has many attractions. To some it
is like attending a vast amusement park with a multitude of different
types of exciting rides to try—a playground, where standard rules
(non-earthly) are suspended for the moment. They desire human existence
simply out of curiosity. They have received
a rote on this interesting state, and want to find out, what it is to
a part of it. Many, having observed the state at a particular point in
history, decide it is an ideal opportunity to try an experiment,
conceived in their periods of contemplation (размышлений). The
peculiarity of human
existence at a given
point in evolution provides an opportunity to try out the idea. Still
others find, that the limitations, imposed by physical
incarceration as a human, also engender concentration of certain
energies, available only in that state. This is the only point
to apply such energies.
раздел об условиях, которыми были искажены Законы Вселенной, и на
которых строилась Планетарная Игра. Искажались Законы только на время
Планетарной Игры и только на 3-4 низких Уровнях Сознания. На это должен
был согласиться будущий игрок, представитель какого-то Высшего Существа
! Развал физических Планет в нашей Старой Вселенной, начавшийся 29 лет
тому назад, 23 марта 1994 года и означающий начало ухода нашей Старой
Вселенной обратно в Источник Созидательной Силы, тоже служит толчком
для цивилизаций многих разваливающихся физических Планет соединиться с
остальными цивилизациями Вселенной на Земле, пройти Планетарную Игру на
Земле, чтобы, проиграв Игру, стать УЧИТЕЛЕМ ДЛЯ ДРУГИХ РАС и попасть на
более высокие, нефизические уровни Сознания! Однако самой важной
побудительной причиной, намного перевешивающей все остальные вместе
взятые, является окончательный результат. Когда встречаешь
"Выпускника", все твои мысли сводятся к желанию стать таким же, если
это возможно!!! И это возможно. Выпускник это тот, кто закончил
Планетарную Игру на Земле, поднялся на более высокий, нефизический
Уровень и не нуждается в повторении такого опыта.
Первым пунктом при
рассмотрении человеческого образа жизни определенно должен стать тот
факт, что вплоть до этого погружения в "Пространство и Время" небольшая
доля людей никогда не была в форме человека в физическом мире
человеческих переживаний. Одни из них проходили физическое
существование в иных участках "Пространства и Времени" (инопланетяне на
других физических Планетах, ЛМ), другиемогли жить в нашем мире, но не в
человеческом облике и это их первый раз в образе человека. А "те, кто
действительно сталкивался с всем физическим в первый раз" (настоящие
новички), вообще никогда прежде не жили ни в какой физической форме.
"Пространство-Время", то есть мир физической материи, 3й Уровень
Сознания, и в частности, человеческое существование на Земле
представляют собой довольно интересную аномалию. Аномалия обладает
определенными редкими особенностями, уникальными с точки зрения
развития разума/интеллекта и Сознания. Таким образом, человеческая
жизнь имеет достаточно много привлекательных сторон. Для некоторых это
- как посетить и испробовать огромный парк развлечений, наполненный
самыми разнообразными волнующими аттракционами и игровыми площадками,
где стандартные (неземные) правила на время теряют силу. Те погружаются
в человеческое существование просто из любопытства. Они получают Инфо -
Импульс (Rote) - Сгусток/Шар Информации о том, что это необычное
состояние, и хотят узнать, что значит находиться в таком мире. Что
касается других то, понаблюдав за отдельными страницами Человеческой
Истории, они приходят к выводу о том, что эти обстоятельства станут
прекрасной возможностью провести тот или иной эксперимент, задуманный в
периоды просмотра/обозрения. Характерные особенности человеческого
существования на различных этапах эволюции обеспечивают богатые
возможности проверки подобных идей на практике. Бывают и третьи. Они
обнаруживают, что те ограничения, которые связаны с физическим
воплощением в человеческом облике, одновременно приводят к повышению
концентрации определенных форм энергии (негативной или позитивной или
Солнечной Энергии Баланса), доступных только в такой физической Игре и
в теле человека. Таким образом, человеческое существование становится
единственным способом получить такие экзотические типы Энергии.
By far the greatest
motivation—surpassing the
sum of all others—is the
result. When you encounter and perceive a Graduate, your only goal is
to be one yourself, once you realize, it is possible. And it is. Thus
"go to physical", because of what it is—an intense learning process, a
school of a very unusual sort. It has the
implication, that an important
part of that learning process is to force the admixture of two
different types of energy modulation. One enters as male and the other
as female. The drives, needs, enculturation, and other factors all may
be designed to literally force the accommodation, melding, and
understanding between these two systems of consciousness. The
conditions of entering physical life as a human are relatively
strict. It is as if a detailed agreement is entered into.
"Но самая большая
мотивация - стать человеком, превосходящая всё остальное, это -
конечный результат. Когда вы встречаете Выпускника, то вашей
единственной целью становится - быть таким же, когда до вас доходит,
что это возможно. И это реально возможно. Вот так мы "становимся
физическими" в силу того, что это - интенсивный познавательный процесс,
очень необычная школа. Сложность в том, что важная часть этого
познавательного процесса в том, чтобы заставить смешаться два разных
типа энергии, перехода из одной вибрации в другую. Один человек
становится мужчиной, а другой - женщиной. Желания, нужды, воспитание и
другие факторы, все они могут быть разработаны буквально заставить
сжиться, слиться, привести к пониманию эти две системы сознания.
Условие для входа в физическое существование сравнительно строгое:
как-будто подписывается детальное соглашение."
First, the
energy form must agree, that time-space truly does exist. Without this
agreement, it is
impossible to have primary human consciousness. The energy form must
that there is a
time, such as the 1980s or any other time frame by
earth reckoning. It must be agreed also, that there truly is a planet
earth designed and created in the form, that it is.
It must further
agree, that
consciousness, expressed as a human, has certain characteristics and
limitations. The blanking or sublimation (стирание) of previous
experience is a
part of the
process. This is to assure, that there will be a minimum of
in the performance, as a human, caused by previous life patterns,
physical and in other realities. Bear in mind, that this is all at the
conscious perceiving level; it is not removed from the essence of the
energy form, accepting the agreement. Such experience will remain with
the newly human energy form in a nonconscious state. This is important,
because such experience or purpose may well be the underlying motive,
that is the driving force behind the performance of such energy in
human existence. Once a decision or agreement has been reached, a
propitious (благосклонный,благоприятный) and
probable birth entry point is selected, taking into consideration the
genetic, environmental, social, political, and economic elements, that
absolutely—ensure the realization of the purpose for such entry. Many
times, due to the possibility, that all factors may not be appropriate
and suitable, some entries are made simply on the possibility or hope,
that the goals can be achieved. Often there are so many variables
present, that it in turn presents a most enticing (attracting)
challenge to simply
try to beat the odds, as it were, or change them by thought and action.
Some make it, some do not. Another factor is, that the demand or need
for selective new points of
entry far exceeds the supply. Thus, many may get tired of waiting, as
it were, and will accept entry under the most marginal of
circumstances. A review of the learning processes and the absorption of
information by
a first-timer will provide a beginning overview. Upon entry (birth),
the first-timer is surprised and shocked at the very severe constraints
of the physical body. It can no longer move freely and easily at the
mere thought or desire. Thus, much of the early weeks of existence as a
human are taken up with conscious and frustrating efforts to obtain
control of this new physical body. Simultaneously, it is overwhelmed by
astounding demands for nourishment —a process, that was an automatic
function in previous existence.
"Без этого соглашения невозможно получить базовое человеческое
сознание. Первое, Энергетическая Форма (будущий Игрок Планетарной Игры)
должна согласиться, что Время-Пространство действительно существуют.
Игрок должен согласиться, что время, например 1987 год или любое другое
время, установленное на Земле, существует, что Планета Земля реально
создана и всё на ней разработано в той форме как есть, что сознание,
выраженное в форме человека, имеет определённые характеристики и
ограничения. Стирание предыдущего опыта - это часть процесса и делается
для того, чтобы не смешивать старый опыт с новым, как с физическим, так
и с нефизическим опытом других миров. Нужно помнить, что всё это
происходит на сознательном воспринимаемом уровне; старый опыт игрока
остаётся с ним на подсознательном уровне. Это - важно, потому что
сохранение старого опыта при таких условиях может являться стимулом в
человеческом существовании. Как только соглашение одобрено игроком,
выбирается подходящее место рождения, беря во внимание генетические,
природные, социальные, политические и экономические факторы, которые
могут гарантировать цели игрока. Много раз из-за того, что имелись не
все подходящие факторы, некоторым игрокам приходилось просто
использовать любую возможность попасть на Землю и надеяться, что их
цели будут достигнуты. Часто появляется так много вариантов, что это, в
свою очередь, представляет привлекательный вызов побороться или
мысленно поменять. Кому-то удаётся, кому-то нет. То, что спрос на
тщательный выбор всех факторов Входа слишком велик по сравнению с тем,
что есть, заставляет многих больше не ждать и брать то, что имеется.
Обзор познавательных процессов и усвоение информации Новичком даёт
первоначальную базу. При рождении Новичок удивлён, шокирован серьёзными
ограничениями физического тела и тем, что больше не может легко и
свободно двигаться просто при мысли и желании. Так, первые недели
существования проходят в попытках контролировать физ. тело, поражаясь
постоянным требованием питания тогда, как в предыдущем существовании в
питании не было нужды."
Add to that a
massive battery of strong and chaotic signals, pouring in
from sensory sources, never before perceived, the five physical senses,
and one begins to get a better appreciation of the traumatic state,
is undergone. There are indications, that the effect would be much more
severe, were it not for the reinforcement, received by the first-timer
during nonconscious periods (sleep), from interested and concerned
observers left behind in the reality outside of time-space. From
beginning emerges the primary learning system, that continues
throughout human life. It is the focusing of conscious awareness. Pain
or pleasure, as reported by the five physical senses, turns attention
to the event being experienced, and such experience is then learned and
stored. Further, if the element of emotion is involved, the storage
process is enhanced greatly. Physical experience of an extreme nature
also deepens the learning process. Simply stated, the depth of learning
is in direct relation to the intensity of the
experience. Conversely (и наоборот), the more shallow the experience,
the lesser the
attention, which diminishes greatly the learning process. Primary
learning is the data base, upon which we humans principally conduct our
physical lives. Other learning processes affect our thoughts and
actions, yet the fundamental pattern of performance is based upon this
primary learning. Secondary learning, another pattern, which is present
throughout human
existence, takes place beyond, what we call, our level of
This is data, received through our five physical senses in those areas,
where attention is not focused. This takes place during waking physical
life and is stored and retained in the most minute detail. Due to the
lack of attention, less than
20 percent of such
secondary learning is
ordinarily available for recall by the human conscious mind. Still,
this entire spectrum of memory is called upon unknowingly by the
individual, as the need arises. It colors and affects our thoughts,
decisions, and actions, and we are quite unaware of it. A third form of
learning occurs during our cyclic nonconscious state
(sleep). At our waking conscious level, we remember very little of such
activity although it becomes deeply embedded in and becomes a part of
the memory-
experience system, upon which we base our life activity.
Culturally, we have been trained to place the least importance upon
those events we do not remember,
and rarely recognize, the influence
these have upon our activities/experience.
"Добавьте к этому
массивную батарею сильных и хаотичных сигналов, неслышимых и невидимых
раньше: 5 физических чувств (осязание, обоняние, слух, зрение и вкус).
Новичок начинает лучше оценивать травму, через которую он проходит.
Удар был бы ещё сильнее, если бы не помощь во время сна, которую
оказывают те, кто его послал и кто находится снаружи
Пространства-Времени Земли. С самого начала учишься фокусироваться на
восприятии окружающего мира. Боль или радость, о
которых нам дают понять 5 физических чувств, привлекает наше внимание к
испытываему событию и такой опыт запоминается и сохраняется. Больше
того, если это сопровождается эмоцией, процесс сохранения сильно
углубляется. Физическое испытание экстремального характера также
ускоряет процесс изучения. Проще говоря: глубина познания соответствует
интенсивности испытания. И наоборот: чем легче испытание, тем меньше
внимания, которое уменьшает процесс изучения.
Первая форма изучения - база информации, на основе которой мы-люди
строим наши физические жизни. Другие познавательные процессы влияют на
наши мысли и действия, и всё же фундаментальный пример исполнения
основывается на этой первоначальной форме изучения.
Вторая форма изучения, другой пример, существующий в течение всей
человеческой жизни, происходит за пределами того, что мы называем наш
уровень сознания. Эта информация, полученная с помощью наших 5и
физических чувств в тех местах, где внимание не в фокусе. Это
происходит во время бодрствования и оно сохраняется в самых мелких
деталях. Из-за недостатка внимания меньше, чем 20% такой второй формы
изучения обычно находятся в памяти человеческого сознания. И всё-таки,
весь этот диапазон в памяти человека, без его ведома вытаскивается,
когда в этом есть необходимость. Это влияет на наши мысли, решения и
действия, а мы совершенно этого не подозреваем.
Третья форма изучения случается во время нашего неосознанного состояния
(сна). Во время бодрствования мы помним очень мало этой деятельности,
хотя это становится глубоко заложенным в нас и становится частью
системы: память-опыт, на котором мы базируем нашу жизнедеятельность.
Интеллектуально выражаясь, нас натренировали обращать меньше всего
внимания на события, которые мы не помним и редко когда узнаём о
влиянии, которое они имеют на наши действия и опыт.
When examined from
external point of observation, automatic use of this learning process
becomes quite visible. The principal learning system, devised by the
various cultures in human
history, is the most widespread and accepted, yet the most unnatural.
For the greatest part it ignores completely the in-place and operating
primary and secondary learning processes. Thus its very artificiality,
without natural means of focusing attention, requires a form of
dedication and
discipline, generally unavailable to the average human conscious mind.
Attention flickers, fluctuates, especially in low-order, repetitive
experience, denigrating much of the learning, that might take place.
Crude as it may be, such learning methods are held in high esteem in
human existence, and virtually all of it revolves around the knowledge,
understanding, and control and application of physical matter,
including the energy system, so generated therein. Most vital, this
dominant, yet artificial and limited, system of learning
operates entirely through input from the five physical senses. Because
of this foundation, it has the effect of eliminating any last vestiges
of origin identity, remaining in the individual. This is at once the
heart of the problem and the major challenge to the naive energy form.
As the first-timer lives his human life, he finds virtually nothing to
guide his mentation in directions, other than those, directly related
time-space physical matter. Unfortunately for the human, this includes
those organizations, who purvey belief systems, based upon
both present and in past history, whose knowledge of origin-identity
operational during their human sojourn. In the retelling and conversion
to verbal human communication, plus the erosion of many retranslations,
only portions of the process remain. Sadly, such portions attempt to
teach effects, rather than causes. Only in very rare instances do these
provide clear access to the source. Therefore, as the first-timer moves
through human physical life, he
picks up and absorbs many unsuspected attachments. The most powerful of
these are emotional, or rather distortions thereof, which relate solely
to expression only in time-space reality. These reach such magnitude,
to be virtually impossible to achieve and experience in a single
human lifetime.
The results are: a
compulsive need to reenter and recycle to complete
that, which had been begun, to perform the purpose, for which there had
not been "time," to repay imagined "debts"—the list becomes endless. In
short, the problem can be stated very succinctly, which turns a
first-timer into a repeater: human physical life is addictive. There
two overwhelming factors, that engender such addiction or decay of
orbit, as you prefer. Put the two together and interweave them tightly,
and it becomes easy to perceive, just how difficult the Human
Learning System can be, especially for the unaware and uninformed. This
may in itself be part of the training. Any attempts to describe the
methods are near-incomprehensible to those, who have never been human,
just as it is extremely difficult to explain postgraduate status to a
human first-timer. The two factors involved are Survival Drive
Distortion and Prime Energy Diffusion.
Таким образом, мы (наша Душа-Энергия) "входим в человеческое тело при
рождении" именно ради этого - Ускоренного Процесса Обучения в Земной
Школе весьма необычного типа, где мы играем в Планетарную Игру. Одна из
целей этого обучения заключается в слиянии двух различных типов
физических и энергетических форм. Одна - как мужчина, а другая - как
женщина. Порывы, нужды, культурная среда и другие факторы - все
специально разработаны в буквальном смысле усилить сожительство,
согласованность, слияние и взаимопонимание между этими двумя системами
сознания: женщиной и мужчиной. Другая цель это - набрать опыт
работы с каждой Энергией отдельно: Позитивной и Негативной, чтобы потом
научиться соединить их вместе в равных пропорциях и получить новую
Энергию Баланса, чтобы она была послана в Источник Созидательной Силы!
Условия погружения в физическую жизнь в человеческом облике являются
достаточно строгими. Это как-будто подписывается детальный договор,
напоминающий очень подробное юридическое соглашение. Прежде всего,
Существо, один из членов группы одного из Высших Существ 5го
нефизического Уровня, проходит подготовку в Школе на нефизическом 4ом
Уровне Сознания и после окончания этой Подготовительной нефизической
Школы, детальный договор подписывается! В результате Существо должно
примириться с тем, что "Пространство и Время" действительно существуют
(что на самом деле не так! ЛМ). Без такого согласия невозможно начинать
Планетарную Игру и войти в роль человека (Энергетическая форма Баланса
- Душа в физической оболочке)! Существу следует принять как должное тот
факт, что существуют "время и его исчисление" - например, 1990 год в
привычном нам смысле. Кроме того, Существо должно согласиться с тем,
что Планета Земля действительно существует и выглядит именно так, как
её воспринимает человек. Наконец, Существо обязано смириться с тем, что
оно потеряло свободу летать и заключено в твёрдую оболочку:
человеческое тело, и теперь имеет физический мозг, а его разум/сознание
обладает другими характеристиками и ограничениями. Неотъемлемой частью
соглашения становится стирание или, точнее, блокирование всех
предшествующих событий в жизни этого Существа, чтобы
предотвратитьвоздействие прошлого образа жизни, прошлых
физических/нефизических реальностях/мирах/уровнях Сознания,
сосредоточившись на собирание опыта в этой Планетарной Игре. Такое
требование нужно для того, чтобы весь предыдущий жизненный опыт не
мешался под ногами и не облегчал приобретение нового опыта в новом
месте (Земля)! Стирание этих воспоминаний на время Планетарной Игры не
означает полного уничтожения информации, приобретённой в прошлом: она
сохраняется на нефизическом уровне, в хранилище его/её Высшего Существа
на 5ом нефизическом Уровне. Это чрезвычайно важно, поскольку основные
цели и предыдущие переживания являются побудительной силой, толкнувшей
существо в Человеческую Школу. После того, как решение принято и
соглашение "подписано", для Высшего Существа подбирается благоприятный,
но во многом случайный "момент и место входа", то есть момент
физического рождения на Земле (то есть от кого, когда и в какой стране
вы будете рождёны, ЛМ). При этом учитываются факторы окружения,
общественные, политические и экономические условия, которые могут (но,
без полной уверенности) способствовать цели погружения (в Планетарную
Игру на Земле, ЛМ). Поскольку всегда существует вероятность того, что
эти факторы не станут подходящими или благоприятными (часто желаемую
страну или богатых родителей приходиться долго ждать и ты соглашаешься
на то, что есть : Китай, Индия, все страны Южно - Восточной Азии,
Африки, Южной и Латинской Америки, Средней Азии и на Россию! ЛМ),
"точка входа" нередко выбирается произвольным методом - в надежде на
то, что цель все-таки удастся достичь. Другие случаи оказываются
связанными с таким количеством непредсказуемых факторов, и самое
захватывающее испытание сводится именно к тому, чтобы преодолеть
неблагоприятные внешние условия, либо изменить их своими мыслями и
действиями. Некоторые Существа увлечены именно такими "приключениями",
хотя у других они не вызывают никакого интереса. Дополнительная
сложность заключается в том, что Спрос на некоторые "Точки Входа на
Землю" намного превышает Предложение: создаются длинные очереди. В
результате Существа просто устают ждать своей, так сказать, очереди и
соглашаются войти в Игру на любых условиях и начать её при далеко не
самых выгодных обстоятельствах. Для начала попытаемся провести общий
обзор процесса обучения и накопления сведений, типичный для "тех, кто в
первый раз". После входа (рождения), "новичок" долго не может
оправиться от удивления и потрясения, которые вызваны жесткими
ограничениями физического тела. Прежде всего, она/он лишается свободы и
простоты перемещения в любую точку Вселенной (астральные полёты),
которые раньше вызывались одной лишь Мыслью/
Желанием двигаться. Таким образом, большая часть начального периода
человеческого существования связана с осознанными и мучительными
попытками овладеть своим новым (физическим) телом. Не меньшее изумление
вызывает у "того, кто в первый раз" и совершенно незнакомая потребность
в питании, так как в прежних условиях существования восполнение энергии
было совершенно автоматическим процессом: там питанием было - Энергия
Баланса и она была повсюду!
Добавим к этому непрерывную лавину мощных и беспорядочных сигналов,
приходящих от ранее незнакомых пяти органов чувств - теперь становится
понятно, насколько мучителен для "новичка" его первый опыт. Некоторые
факты позволяют предположить, что эта травма была бы ещё серьезнее,
если бы в периоды бессознательного восстановления сил (сна) "Тот, кто в
первый раз" (новичок) не получал поддержку и помощь со стороны
остальных членов того же самого Высшего Существа находящихся на 5ом
нефизическом Уровне Сознания (остающихся за пределами мира
Пространства-Времени). Страдания и удовольствия, о которых напоминают
пять физических органов чувств, и привлекают внимание, к вызвавшему их,
событию. Из полученных переживаний извлекается запоминающийся урок и он
запоминается ещё лучше, если связан с глубочайшими эмоциями!
Экстремальные переживания, колоссальная физическая и эмоциональная Боль
существенно ускоряют процесс Обучения. Попросту говоря, Обучаемость
(память, воспоминание, опыт) непосредственно зависит от глубины
переживания. Это означает, что отсутствие ярких переживаний и
ослабленное внимание сильно задерживают Обучение. В "Начальной Школе"
(Первичное Обучение) изучаются те сведения, на которых основана
физическая жизнь каждого человека. Последующие программы обучения
затрагивают мышление и поступки, но основополагающие принципы
существования опираются именно на предметы "Начальной Школы".
Другой тип обучения, "Средняя Школа" (Вторичное Обучение), с которой
связано человеческое существование, относится к тому, что происходит за
рамками сознания, как бы в стороне, параллельный опыт. Это сведения,
которые извлекаются 5ю органами чувств, независимо от сосредоточенности
внимания. Такое обучение постоянно протекает при обычном бодрствовании,
а накопленные данные сохраняются вплоть до малейших подробностей.
Поскольку фокус внимания не участвует в этом процессе, разум чаще всего
в состоянии вспомнить не более пятой части подобных сведений, но именно
они составляют тот бескрайний слой памяти, который неожиданно (и без
сознательных усилий) поднимается на поверхность при острой
необходимости. Мы почти не осознаем этих воспоминаний, однако они
оказывают мощное воздействие на наши мысли, решения и поступки.
Третья форма обучения связана с ежедневными бессознательными
состояниями - сном, или в случаях потери сознания от болезни, потери
крови, операции и других физических/эмоциональных ударов. Наяву мы
можем вспомнить лишь малую часть этой деятельности, хотя она тесно
переплетена с обыденной жизнью и является важной частью системы
переживаний и памяти, на которой основано существование в материальном
мире Земли. Навязанные культурой, представления заставляют нас не
уделять особого внимания даже тем событиям в сновидениях, о которых мы
помним; люди чрезвычайно редко признают влияние снов на их поступки и
переживания в состоянии бодрствования. Однако, при взгляде со стороны
автоматическое применение сновидений в процессе обучения становится
ясным, как на ладони.
Основная форма образования, разработанная различными культурами на
протяжении всей человеческой истории, хорошо известна и остается
общепринятой и широко распространённой, и всё-таки невероятно скучной и
совершенно неестественной. В большинстве случаев традиционное
образование полностью игнорирует внутренние переживания и игнорирует
двигающие процессы Первичного и Вторичного обучения ("Начальной и
Средней Школ"). В результате эта вся искусственность, без натуральных
способов привлечения внимания навязывает неестественное и чрезмерное
усердие и дисциплину, с которым обычно среднему человеку трудно
справиться и которые совсем не связаны с повышением Уровня Сознания. На
занятиях (в особенности, при выполнении монотонных, повторяющихся
упражнений) внимание учеников блуждает и отвлекается, что препятствует
даже автоматическому, естественному процессу обучения. Каким бы
примитивным оно ни казалось, такое образование высоко ценится в
человеческом обществе, хотя связано исключительно с накоплением
псевдо-знаний, укреплением власти над физической материей и над другими
разновидностями энергий. Эта, наиболее применяемая в жизни,
доминирующая, однако искусственная, система образования опирается
сугубо на сигналы пяти органов чувств. Этот принцип приводит к
уничтожению последних остатков истинного характера, который сохранялся
в личности человека при рождении. Таким образом, традиционное
просвещение одновременно является и корнем проблемы, и важнейшим
испытанием для наивного игрока - новичка Планетарной Игры! Пока "Тот,
кто в первый раз" (новичок), живёт своей человеческой жизнью
практически, он/она не находит ничего такого, чтобы вело их мышление в
ещё одном направлении (нефизическом) помимо физической материи
Пространства и Времени. К несчастью для человека, такую форму
образования проповедуют и те организации, которые распространяют иные
системы Верований (религий), базирующихся на личностей прошлой истории
(таких как "Иисус Христос, Будда, Мухамед, Аллах, Кришна" и т.д.,
список тех, кто хочет быть повелителем, не кончается! ЛМ), чьи знания
подходили бы только тому, старому периоду времени в котором они
оперировали. При бесконечных пересказах и переводах этих знаний в
словесную, понятную человеку, форму, а также вследствие намеренных
искажениях фактов при печатании/пересказе, сохранилась лишь только
часть Правды. Печально, что на этой полулживой-полуправдивой информации
пытаются исправить результат скорее, чем устранить причину! Только в
самых редких случаях такая форма приносит ясное понимание Белого
Солнечного Баланса, то есть Созидательной Силы и понимание
происхождения наших Душ! Поэтому, по мере того, как "Новичок" живёт
свою физическую, человеческую жизнь, она/он подбирает и
накапливает множество непредвиденных черт характера, манер, привычек и
испытаний. Самые мощные из них связанны с эмоциями или точнее с
извращением их, которые имеют отношение только к физической жизни 3го
Уровня Сознания (Пространство и Время). Эти извращения могут достичь
такого масштаба и иметь такую силу и привлекательность, что одной жизни
становится практически недостаточно. Результатом становится
импульсивная тяга повторить жизнь, то есть после "смерти тела" и
попадания Души на 4й нефизический Уровень, ждать очереди для следующей
"Точки Входа" - Портала, чтобы через него войти на Землю и начать
другую жизнь в физическом теле. Это бы позволило завершить начатое,
добиться того, для чего никогда не было "времени", заплатить "долги",
наесться пищи до отвала, насладиться сексом и т.д. - этот список можно
продолжать до бесконечности. Короче, проблемы могут начаться незаметно
и "Новичок" превращается в "Повторялу" : физическая, человеческая жизнь
становится как наркотик! Есть два мощнейших фактора, которые вызывают
такую наркотическую зависимость (или падение с высокой орбиты, на
которой вы до этого находились, на более низкую). Поставьте их рядом и
крепко свяжите их, и только тогда становится легче понять, насколько
сложной может быть"Человеческая Ускоренная Обучающая Система или
Планетарная Игра", особенно для неподозревающих и плохо информированных
"Новичков"! Это, по идее, является тоже частью тренеровки. Любые
попытки описать детали Планетарной Игры тем, кто никогда не был
человеком, оказываются почти что бесплодными; это так же трудно, как
объяснить начинающему студенту чего достиг выпускник университета!
Нежелательными факторами являются "Искажение инстинкта выживания" и
"Растраты первичной энергии (эмоций)".
Если посмотреть с внешней стороны, механическое использование этого
процесса изучения становится довольно очевидным. Принципиальная система
изучения, придуманная разными культурами в человеческой истории, самая
распространённая и принимаемая, однако самая неестественная. Большей
частью она полностью игнорирует третью форму и пользуется первой и
второй формой изучения. Таким образом, это очень искусственное, без
натуральной помощи сфокусированного внимания, требует дисциплину и
посвящение, обычно недоступных среднему человеческому сознанию.
Внимание скачет, появляется-исчезает особенно при повторяющейся,
механической деятельности низкой вибрации, снижающей обучение, это
может произойти. Для начала попытаемся провести общий обзор процесса
обучения и накопления сведений, типичный для "тех, кто в первый раз".
После входа (рождения), "новичок" долго не может оправиться от
удивления и потрясения, которые вызваны жесткими ограничениями
физического тела. Прежде всего, она/он лишается свободы и простоты
перемещения в любую точку Вселенной (астральные полёты), которые раньше
вызывались одной лишь Мыслью/Желанием двигаться. Таким образом, большая
часть начального периода человеческого существования связана с
осознанными и мучительными попытками овладеть своим новым (физическим)
телом. Такое начало становится "Начальной Школой", которая продолжается
протяжении всей человеческой жизни, ещё одна цель которой - повышение
Уровня Сознания!
Роберт Монро показывает, что Выпускники Земной Школы становятся
Учителями для многих других рас во Вселенной! ЛМ).
Drive Distortion
Like animals, plants, and other organic life, physical man is heavily
imprinted at birth with the will to continue to grow and live, to
survive. This is expressed in two basic ways:
Protection and Maintenance
The first demand is the
acquisition and consumption of food and water.
This is followed by pressure to keep the body suitably warm or cool.
Next comes the need to keep it safe from predation, ranging from other
humans and carnivorous animals through insects and down to the smallest
virus. The fight-or-flee dilemma arises, when two or more of such needs
come into direct conflict, as to priority. Nothing controversial in
that, so what's the problem? Most humans spend
most of their waking hours taking care of these matters, one way or
another. There's no choice in the matter. You're in the top .0001
percent of the human pyramid, if you know without question, these needs
will be met tomorrow, the next week, the rest of your life—by your own
action, your family, or "your" government. There's also nothing new in
the massive distortions, that begin to occur
beyond the basic needs. Storage of food or other assets, just in case,
there may be a change in the future, endless varieties of food, aimed
not so much at nutrition, as at taste and aesthetics, special food
preparation and services.
Entertainment "foods" in the form of alcohol,
drugs, tobacco, etc., and back around the cycle to foods, that are
"good" for you, to keep you healthy. Clothes, that not only keep you
warm, but are made correctly, of a desirable color or texture, made for
a variety of occasions, and, of course, in rapidly changing style.
Shelter, that goes far beyond the hut in the hills, larger and/or in a
desirable location, equipped and reequipped with newer furnishings,
facilities, decorations, all catering to individual taste and current
style primarily, far secondarily to comfort and overstated "need." Some
of these have been brought to the point, where it is actually
difficult to die. Extensive and expensive life-support systems in
institutions are an example. Keep the body alive, never mind the
details. In some "civilized" societies, it's a crime to take your own
life. Whom will they prosecute, if you're successful? All such extras
and add-ons are stimulated and rationalized by countless inducements,
few of which can stand up under intense scrutiny for validity. This is
compounded by competition both to acquire and to dispense, which brings
into full play the natural physical law of supply and demand. To
protect these accumulated items to serve the body, which is you:
locks on doors, fences around houses, doors and gates, laws and rules,
medicines and drugs, guns, police officers in prowl cars, lawyers,
doctors, nostrums ad nauseum, cities and nations, banks, armies and
atom bombs. Within this distortion lies the adhesive, that binds the
particles to the energy form—which all began with the early agrarian
cultures and tribes. Intense overkill by the survival drive—all
physical. Nothing else is important. It had to happen, free will being,
what it is.
Искажение инстинкта
Как и животные, растения, и прочие представители органической жизни,
физический человек с рождения сильно запрограммирован расти,
развиваться, и могущественным инстинктом - выжить. Это выражается двумя
основными путями.
Защита и Содержание
физического Тела.
Первым требованием является добыча и поглощение воды и пищи. За ним
следует давление, необходимость содержать тело в достаточном тепле и
прохладе. Следующей проблемой является нужда в охране тела от хищников,
начиная с людей и кровожадных животных до насекомых и мельчайших
вирусов. Дилемма (проблема) "бороться или бежать" возникает,
когда две или больше таких потребностей вступают в прямой конфликт за
первенство. Нет ничего плохого в этом, так в чём проблема?
Большинство так или иначе отводят основную часть своего времени именно
на это. Выбора - нет! Вы будете в числе 0.0001% Верхушки Человеческой
Пирамиды, если вы несомненно знаете, что эти потребности будут
удовлетворены завтра, на следующей неделе, на протяжении всей жизни,
вашими собственными усилиями, заботами домашних или вашего государства.
Также нет ничего нового и в массивных отклонениях от нормы, которое
начинает происходить когда вы хотите больше, чем вам нужно. Хранение
пищи и других предметов на "чёрный день", употребление бесконечного
разнообразия не питательной пищи, а просто из-за вкуса, вида и
эстетического удовольствия, сервировки блюда или просто сервиса.
Развлекающие продукты как алкоголь, наркотики, табак и т.д., и
возвращаемся по кругу к "питанию, полезного человеку". В отношении
одежды: она не только держит вас в тепле, но и часто сшита на вас, из,
выбраного вами, материала, на каждый случай жизни и соответственно по,
бесконечно меняющейся, моде. Жилище в наши дни, обычно намного больше,
чем хижина в горах, в выбранном вами районе, обновлённое новейшим и
модным оборудованием, мебелью и убранством по вашему вкусу, что намного
больше, чем вам нужно. Комфорт доходит до того, что становится
трудно умереть. Сложные и дорогие, продляющие жизнь, системы в
медицинских учереждениях это - хороший пример: детали - неважны, лишь
бы тело не умерло! В некоторых "цивилизованных" странах покончить жизнь
само-убийством считается преступлением! Кого им судить, если вас уже на
этом свете нет? (Хотя я знаю случаи, когда "виновных" всё-таки
находили. ЛМ). Все эти ненужные дополнения и усложнения постоянно
стимулируются и изучаются, голограмма поддерживается бесконечнами
вливаниями новой людской энергии, но при тщательном осмотре не многое
из перечисленного имеет какую-то ценность. Ко всему этому добавляется
конкуренция чтобы получить и чтобы распространить, которая представляет
во всём блеске естественный физический закон спроса и потребления. Для
охранения накопившихся вещей, которые служат телу, то есть вам,
вешаются замки на дверях, заборы вокруг домов, ворота и двери, законы и
правила, лекарства и наркотики, оружие; полицейские в машинах и "скорая
помощь", адвокаты, доктора, пока вас не стошнит, города и страны,
банки, армии и атомные бомбы, границы и осмотры. Внутри этих
искажений/извращений содержится "клей", который склеивает тяжёлые
частицы в физические формы Энергии, берущих начало в ранних аграрных
племенах и культурах. Интенсивное перенасыщение в результате инстинкта
выживания имеет чисто физический характер. Остальное - неважно. Это
должно происходить, в этом подрузамевается "свободная воля".
The most powerful of the survival drive imprints takes precedence
(превосходство) over
all others, and therefore has been subject to more major distortions
than any other. The greatest among these has been, and is, the illusion
that, as a creative act, it thus engenders automatically the creative
emotion of love, ethereal and godlike. The results are attachments and
commitments, that are both irrational and restrictive, which not only
distort severely any current physical life goals, but
continue beyond—illusory burdens of guilt, obligations, and a vast
number of related memory patterns too potent to release. Further, the
original motivating drive to reproduce has long since become secondary
to the temporary sensory peak of the act itself.
With few exceptions, it is doubtful, if it has ever been otherwise with
the male. Knowing this, the female with a propensity (склонность) for
perception has
taken this manipulative advantage to broad extremes through hundreds of
years of cultural evolution. Those females, who succumb to the illusion
of permanency, have no choice, but to lie back and take, what is
Simply put, one fuck doesn't make a future. A baby maybe. With
increased objective knowledge of the influential power of the
reproductive survival drive, the lures and blandishments (лесть)
thereto are
used blatantly and consistently to distort even further the high
sensory entertainment factor of the act itself—carefully omitting the
slightest reference to its original purpose. Those using such
enticements (приманки) to irrationality range from the individual
through major
industries to governments themselves. The result is a cacophony of
distortions, all aimed at increasing reproductive - act desire and
need, the amplification of the problem without providing a sensible
solution. All of which only adds strongly to the glue, that binds the
human in low orbit.
Сексуальность -
Сексуальность и Деторождение являются самыми могущественными
инстинктами выживания и поэтому больше всего искажены. Самым большим
искажением и иллюзией считается то, что сэкс - это проявление
"настоящей любви", "божественной и вечной"! Результатом становятся
привязанности и обязанности, которые здорово ограничивают и иногда
доходят до абсурда, и дальше искажает ещё сильнее представление о
жизненных целях, часто превращает человека в жертву, создавая
несуществующие грузы вины, обязательств, воспоминаний и массу другого.
(Вот здесь и нужно делать Recapitulation, взять свою Энергию обратно,
там, где её оставили! ЛМ). В итоге, первоначальный мотивирующий
инстинкт иметь потомство, теряет силу перед удовольствием временного
пика оргазма в половом акте. Если не учитывать редких исключений,
трудно предположить, что с мужчинами дело когда-либо обстояло иначе.
Зная об этом, предрасположенные к чуткой восриимчивости женщины
использовали мужскую слабость в своих интересах и за сотни лет
культурного развития достигли в таком манипулировании подлинных вершин.
Прочим женщинам, также поддавшимся иллюзии продолжительности подобных
чувств, оставалось просто лечь и смириться с неизбежным. Говоря простым
языком, "один трах ничего не изменит - разве что родится ребенок". По
мере накопления все больших объемов объективных знаний о влиятельной
силе инстинкта выживания и, в частности, стремления к воспроизводству,
связанные с ним соблазны и искушения начали использоваться намеренно и
совершенно беззастенчиво. Это привело к дальнейшему искажению мощного
всплеска чувств, сопутствующего самому процессу, - тогда как даже
легкие указания на исходное предназначение полового акта тщательно
замалчивались. Невообразимые масштабы власти обольщения простираются от
отдельных людей и крупной индустрии развлечений до правительственного
уровня. Результатом становится крикливая какофония искажений, которые
направлены исключительно на усиление желания и потребности в акте
воспроизводства, на обострение проблемы без малейших попыток найти ее
приемлемое решение. Это дополнительный поток клея, удерживающего
человека на низкой орбите.
Energy Diffusion

Consider, what we call emotion in all forms, to be unknowing
of our Prime Energy Drive, or the Creative Force inherent in each of
us. There are no exceptions. Included are joy, sadness, anger,
happiness, hate, friendship, nostalgia, possessiveness, loyalty, ego,
greed, guilt, fun, worry, anxiety, among others. Add a few, not
ordinarily regarded as such: curiosity, ideas, equality, hope,
loneliness—and, of course, love in a nonordinary connotation
(сопутствующее). In this
context, emotion is the key to and the driving force, underlying every
thought and action in human existence. The concept of unemotionalism is
an illusion. Even the most extreme objectivity covers carefully an
emotional agenda. Rationality and emotion go hand in hand, when traced
back to the source. If a human being is the product of a Creative
Force, then being human is totally an emotional expression of such
energy. There has not been a single major act in human history, that
not been driven and/or inspired by emotion. Astute politicians now
recognize, that voters emotionally elect presidents, that simple facts
and figures contain emotional coloration. All Great Leaders throughout
Humankind's existence have had emotional appeal, as their source of
Motivation is an interim statement of emotion. Many studies,
authoritative books, and hundreds of millions of dollars have been
dedicated to the application of this concept during recent years—all
apparently backing away politely from the fundamental source of the
phenomenon, through either ignorance or rejection. The result is a
chaotic mixture of unchecked and misdirected energy, that is and has
been the human experience. Isolated attempts are made to act and think
without emotion, which is an impossibility. Even in the laboratory, it
is slowly being determined, that any experiment is affected by the
observer, inadvertently, unconsciously, and unobtrusively. Thus
absolute replication can occur only under identical ambience—again an
impossibility, considering the flickering thought-emotional patterns of
the observer- experimenter. For a simple test, try recording each and
every thought and emotion you have expressed during the past one
minute. Then attempt the same recall for a minute one hour ago. At the
individual level, the generalization becomes specific. In every
moment of existence, we are a seething brew of emotional response to
both internal and external stimuli. Awake or asleep, the ever-changing
mosaic of flowing energy continues to surge at assorted amplitudes and
frequencies. We place value judgments on each and every portion, as
determined by our own experience and impressed upon us by the culture,
in which we now exist. When the two conflict, we usually choose the
latter as a sop to expedience. Thus we attempt to let full expression
of the "good" emit from us and try to suppress and repress the "evil,"
hide it from view. For the vast majority of us, this is the extent of
our efforts to control this mighty and most vital energy, that is our
true heritage. At best, we are only partially successful using an
incorrect standard of measurement. We make decisions in blind anger and
resent the results. We hope and
become disappointed. We laugh in joy and become depressed, when the
moment fades. We hate when a person, place, or thing does not fit or
meet our concept of what it "ought" to be.
We think we "love" and break
our hearts, when we discover it just isn't so, we were mistaken. The
list is endless, and we keep trying, because we can't help ourselves
and we don't know any better. We ride the waves of our emotions through
the peaks and the valleys, until some of us become cynics—neatly
neglecting the obvious, that cynicism is itself an emotion.
The mess gets messier, when we do perceive, that effective and
achieving left-brain decisions are made ultimately by some emotional
factor, hidden and disguised as it may be. This propounds the old
can't-live-with-it, can't-live-without-it syndrome. Free will is no
longer free and hasn't much will, buried under a swarm of emotional
By far the largest accumulated heavy load is the emotional mass loosely
held as the human ego. Originally a probable sprout from the survival
imprint, it requires and consumes constantly immense amounts of
reinforcing emotional patterns, all of which are by their very nature
distorted and distorting. Ego exploits the concept, that it is needed
to exist and achieve, that the emotion of confidence cannot exist
without ego support, that happiness is satiated ego. Ego can bring
forth hundreds of irrational emotional reasons to justify its
existence—sidestepping the fact, that emotion and irrationality are not
synonymous. It steadfastly maintains, that there would be no human
personality were it not for the Ego. At least, the Ego is correct in
one premise. The human is an Emotional
Being. It's simply a question of utilization, of application. The
epoxy, that locks the whole heavy load onto the Unit and makes orbit
decay inevitable! The heavy preponderance of such emotions are directly
related or attached to Time-Space Physical Matter Earth events, things,
and relationships; as such, they are not applicable to nor can they
exist in any reality other than their point of origin. There is one
exception. It is the only clear and accurate
representation of the original Prime Energy, and cannot be generated at
will. It is a synthesis of other emotional thought and action, brought
into expression and thence forth indestructible. Most important, it is
not peculiar to the Time-Space continuum and the existence of it is not
contingent upon such environs. As such, it is not part of the load
factor. Instead, it is the source of power to obtain lift-off, reach
orbit, and establish Escape Velocity. The
major—if not the only—reasons for attending the human experience
school are first, to learn to translate such energy into a discernible
form, and second, to become a first-order generator thereof.
This is
easy task, if you don't know what it is, if you don't know how to
express it, and if you can't knowingly generate it.
How does a person learn to sing, if he's never heard a song, doesn't
know of words, melody, and pitch; worse, if he doesn't know, he has
vocal cords or even a voice? Clues may lie in the common mislabeling
and misconstruing of emotions
akin to, but definitely not the same. To avoid confusion, call it Super
Love (SL). Knowing the difference is the key, as the ident love has
been used so broadly, as to have lost any significant meaning. Try this
crude overlay for starters:
SL is indestructible, as stated. Once activated, no subsequent thought,
emotion, or event can have any effect upon it. SL is not in any way
dependent upon manifestation in physical matter, or activity therein.
SL has no object, animate or inanimate, although such may be one of the
catalysts to trigger the generation thereof. SL is a continuous
radiation, totally nondependent upon like reception or any other form
of return whatsoever. SL is. A very complex and rugged curriculum, this
Human School of Compressed
Learning. Parris Island at its peak was a teatime social by comparison.
There, at least, you had a reasonably clear idea of what you were doing
and your probable destination. Knowing this, it was worth it. My very
deeply dedicated response: Among the very few seniors and graduates I
have encountered, there was not one, who would not repeat the in-human
learning system again and again, no matter how many times —knowing the
indescribably magnificent result. My fleeting glimpses support totally
this perspective.
первоначальной энергии, стр. 254-257
Все то, что мы называем эмоциями, можно считать проявлениями некоего
неизвестного "импульса первичной энергии" или той Созидательной Силы
(Солнечная Энергия! ЛМ), которая с рождения в каждом из нас. Исключений
нет: к этой Энергии относятся эмоции: радость, горе, гнев, счастье,
ненависть, дружба, ностальгия, чувство собственности, верность, эгоизм,
жадность, чувство вины, веселье, беспокойство, тревога и всё прочее.
Дополним этот перечень нетрадиционными эмоциями, такими, как
любознательность, впечатлительность, вера во всеобщее равенство,
надежда, одиночество - и, разумеется, любовь в своеобразном смысле.
С такой точкой зрения эмоции являются важнейшей причиной всех мыслей и
действий человека, основополагающей побуждающей силой. Даже самая
строгая объективность чаще всего уступает эмоциональным порывам. Если
отследить источник их возникновения, то обнаружится, что рациональность
и эмоции всегда идут бок о бок. Если сам человек является порождением
такой Созидательной Силы, то человеческое существование можно с полным
правом назвать эмоциональным выражением этой энергии. В человеческой
истории не было ни единого важного события, которое не подчинялось бы
эмоциям. Проницательные политики уже сообразили, что избиратели
голосуют за кандидатов эмоционально, что даже самые сухие факты и цифры
содержат определенную эмоциональную окраску. Все великие вожди в
человеческой истории обладали несомненной эмоциональной
привлекательностью и черпали в ней своё могущество. Мотивация
представляет собой предварительное проявление эмоциональности. В
последние годы воплощению этого принципа на практике были посвящены
многочисленные исследования, авторитетные книги и миллионы долларов.
Разумеется, все они в силу невежества или простого отрицания
старательно обходили стороной основополагающую причину этого явления. В
результате возникла хаотичная смесь неосознаваемой и распыляющейся
энергии, которую представляет собой существование человека. Предпринимались
редкие попытки мыслить и действовать, не обращая внимания на чувства,
но они оказались совершенно безуспешными. Со временем стало понятно,
что даже результаты строгих лабораторных опытов зависят от
непреднамеренного, неосознанного и едва уловимого влияния
экспериментатора. Это значит, что точного повторения того или иного
события можно добиться только при идентичных условиях опыта - но это
тоже невозможно, поскольку эмоциональные реакции и мышление любого
наблюдателя и экспериментатора остаются блуждающими, неустойчивыми.
Чтобы убедиться в этом, попробуйте восстановить в памяти все без
исключения мысли и чувства, посещавшие вас за последнюю минуту, а затем
попытайтесь вспомнить, что вы чувствовали и о чём думали час назад.
На индивидуальном уровне это утверждение становится ещё более понятным.
В каждый миг своего существования мы представляем собой кипящий котёл
эмоциональных откликов на внешние и внутренние раздражители. И во сне,
и наяву нас переполняет, непрестанно изменяющаяся, мозаика подвижной
энергии, многочисленные всплески различной амплитуды и частоты. Каждый
фрагмент этого бурлящего варева мы подвергаем оценке и суждениям,
которые опираются на накопленный опыт и несут на себе отпечаток нашей
культурной среды. Когда опыт и воспитание вступают в противоречие, мы
обычно предпочитаем последнее - это целесообразнее. Таким образом, мы
стараемся во всей полноте выражать своим поведением "добро",
одновременно подавляя и искореняя "зло" (обычно просто заталкиваем его
подальше, с глаз долой). Подлинным наследием подавляющего большинства
людей является степень тех усилий, которые нацелены на управление этой
могущественной и невероятно важной энергией. В лучшем случае, мы
добиваемся лишь частичного успеха, так как пользуемся ошибочными
принципами измерения. Мы принимаем решения в приступе ярости, а потом
сожалеем о них. Мы питаем надежды, а после разочаровываемся. Мы смеёмся
от радости, а когда миг веселья проходит, впадаем в уныние. Мы
ненавидим человека, место или явление только потому, что они не
соответствуют нашим представлением о том, какими им следует быть. Мы
полагаем, что "любим" и сами разбиваем себе сердца, когда обнаруживаем,
что это была вовсе не любовь, а трагическая ошибка. Такой список может
тянуться до бесконечности, но мы продолжаем совершать глупости, потому
что просто не можем удержаться, да и не знаем иного образа жизни. Мы
несёмся вместе с приливом своих чувств, качаемся на его волнах,
проваливаемся и взмываем ввысь до тех пор, пока не становимся
циничными, старательно не замечая того, что пренебрежение также
является эмоциональной реакцией. Эта сумятица становится ещё
беспорядочнее, когда мы вдруг понимаем, что действенные и точные
решения левого полушария на самом деле принимаются под влиянием все тех
же эмоциональных факторов, незаметных и тщательно замаскированных. Этот
факт вновь пробуждает застарелый синдром "терпеть это не могу, жить без
этого не могу". Выясняется, что свобода не так уж свободна, да и воли в
ней маловато, поскольку все мы окружены целым роем эмоциональных помех.
Самым крупным и непосильным бременем является тот эмоциональный груз,
который мы достаточно туманно именуем "человеческой личностью".
Вероятно, вначале он был крошечным ростком инстинкта выживания, но
теперь непрерывно требует и жадно поглощаег огромные порции
эмоциональных реакций, а также поощряет поиски новых чувств, которые
остаются по своей природе искаженными и искажающими. Эго виртуозно
пользуется верой в то, что эмоции необходимы для жизни, что само
чувство убежденности не может существовать без поддержки эго, что
счастье - это удовлетворенная личность. Эго способно порождать сотни
иррациональных эмоциональных откликов только ради того, чтобы оправдать
собственное существование и осторожно обходить стороной тот факт, что
эмоциональность и иррациональность совсем не синонимы. Оно упорно
держится той точки зрения, что, не будь эго, человек лишился бы всякой
индивидуальности. Что ж, в одном эго, безусловно, не ошибается: человек
действительно является эмоциональным существом. Вопрос сводится к тому,
как он пользуется своими чувствами, как применяет их на практике?
Эпоксидный клей, надежно закрепляющий огромную тяжесть на корпусе
Космического Корабля и неизбежно сглаживающий его орбиту... Большим
преимуществом эмоций является их прямая, непосредственная связь с
событиями, предметами и взаимоотношениями на Земле, в рамках физической
материи, в мире пространства-времени. По той же причине эмоции просто
не могут применяться и даже существовать в иной действительности,
отличной от этой среды. Есть только одно исключение. Оно представляет
собой ясное и точное олицетворение изначальной Первичной Энергии
(Солнечной Энергии). Это чувство невозможно вызвать по своему желанию.
Оно является сочетанием разнообразных эмоциональных поступков и мыслей,
которые уже получили свое выражение и потому становятся неуничтожимыми.
Самое главное, это чувство не является исключительной особенностью
пространства - времени, его существование не зависит от степени влияния
ИПВ (Иллюзии Пространства и Времени). И потому такое чувство нельзя
считать частью излишнего балласта - напротив, это источник той силы,
которая позволит оторваться от поверхности, перейти на высокую орбиту и
набрать скорость Полёта. Важнейшими (и, быть может, единственными)
причинами поступления в школу человеческих переживаний является,
во-первых, желание научиться превращать эту энергию в ощутимую форму,
во-вторых, стремление стать первоклассным творцом такой энергии. Это
задача не так уж проста, ведь в самом начале мы даже не знаем, что она
собой представляет, как её удержать и, наконец, получить по собственной
воле. Представьте, что человек учится петь, хотя никогда не слышал
песен и не имеет ни малейшего представления о том, что такое слова,
музыка и слух, - хуже того, он даже не знает, что у него есть голосовые
связки! Ключ к разгадке может скрываться в распространённом ошибочном
толковании и отождествлении сходных, но определенно отличающихся друг
от друга, эмоций. Чтобы избежать такой путаницы, будем называть это
особое чувство Сверх-Любовью. Я подчеркну, что важнейшая особенность
заключается в её отличии от того понятия "любви", которое используется
сейчас в самом широком смысле слова и давно потеряло какое-либо чёткое
значение. Для начала повторим наше краткое и упрощенное определение:
Сверхлюбовь невозможно уничтожить. Возникнув однажды, она уже не
подвержена влиянию последующих мыслей, чувств и событий.
Сверхлюбовь вообще не зависит от явлений в мире физической материи и
деятельности самого человека. У неё нет одушевленного или
неодушевленного объекта, хотя другой человек вполне может стать тем
катализатором, благодаря которому она возникает.
Сверхлюбовь - непрерывное излучение Белой Солнечной Энергии, которое
происходит само собой, независимо от окружения и иных внешних условий.
Сверхлюбовь просто есть. Учебный план "Человеческой Школы Ускоренного
Обучения" очень сложен и насыщен. Час пик на Бродвее по сравнению с ним
покажется тихим чаепитием в кругу друзей. Во всяком случае, в городской
суете вы довольно отчётливо представляете себе, что делаете и куда
направляетесь. Но Сверхлюбовь стоит затраченных усилий. В заключение
этого раздела я хочу со всей искренностью заверить вас: среди
немногочисленных встречавшихся мне "старшеклассников" и "выпускников"
не было ни одного существа, которое не проходило бы Человеческую Школу
Ускоренного Обучения вновь и вновь, независимо от того, сколько жизней
им потребовалось бы для полного обучения. Они знали, что результат
станет неописуемо убедительным. И мои краткие впечатления от встреч с
ними полностью поддерживают это мнение.
Launch and Lift-off
Here is what might be euphemistically called a crib sheet for the
course — presumably offered with the knowledge and consent of the
instructors. Like all such aids, it doesn't give all the answers and
there is no guarantee, as to accuracy. The best, that can be said, is
that, it was hurriedly copied from the instructors' manual with their
permission and cooperation. Distorted and poorly filtered, as it may
perhaps this cup of murky water is indeed better, than none at all to
the parched and thirsty runner. At least it's water and it may help
cross the finish line jogging lightly and happily.
The design calls for a continuation and expansion of physical life
activity in all forms—physical, mental, and emotional. There is no
inference, that a lessening or retreat must occur, as this will extend
the process rather,than shorten it.
The change lies in the perception,
control, and redirection of the energy forms that are you, just as
coherent light produces far more effective results as a laser. Start
with these fundamentals as a baseline.
Is That Which Is Perceived
As a participant in Time-Space, you perceive it and it is a reality to
you. If you have not perceived any other energy systems, they are not
real to you. However, you must consider, that you have done so, but
they are not within your present awareness. It then becomes simply a
matter of remembering.
Does Not Exist Until Expressed
We are expressions of energy. The Energy, that we transform or
generate, has no reality, until we express it. An idea has no reality,
until we transmit it or put it into practice. Knowledge and information
are nothing, without dissemination and/or application. A single Thought
is not real, unless it is instilled into or acts upon another or is
acted upon itself. Think and do is the operating productive
combination, either mentally or physically, in one or more Energy
Systems. Inhibit, restrain, or block the Flow of any such energy and it
ceases to exist.
Focused Is Exponential
Just as a lens can concentrate Solar Radiation to a temperature many
times greater than normal, so other energies can be transformed and
modified. This is particularly valid within the Energy Spectrum
available to
Human Consciousness. The fact, that we exercise them randomly and
unknowingly for the most part, specifically in the nonphysical
categories, does not
invalidate such potential.
Is Focused Energy
In particular, human consciousness is widely focused into time-space
physical matter. This is not the Totality of Energy consciousness
involved, as other forms of the same consciousness are active
concurrently in divergent systems of reality. Two inferences may be
drawn from such multiplicity:
The Human Aspect can be adjusted in Focus to a much more Concentrated
Point, offering potentials of power and action too immense and
unfathomable to be considered lightly. Second, the other, nonhuman
forms of the same energy system might be drawn upon, if the need
arises. With the above tucked away, it is possible to get to the "hands
Although the following notes are presented in a sequential
manner, it is quite appropriate to refer to any portion, that may serve
a given need. There is no fixed pattern or order common to all of the
human learning experience. An event early in the life exercise of one
may surface years later in another, if at all.
Grazing Principle
Instead of actively seeking out needed changes, deal with each, as it
appears in your daily life. Live and be just as you have, until you
perceive an emotion or attachment, that is so obvious you can't ignore
a Twenty-four-Hour Day
Become aware of what you do and think at all times, in all activities,
and examine the emotional factors, that appear to be the strongest,
that attract your attention. Include your sleep periods with their
NVC-dream content. Explore these by asking yourself why, repeating the
probe, until you reach each source. It is then easy to detach and
release the energy for other purposes. Start with the small and work
into the large.
Ego Diet Regimen
A frontal attack on this most entrenched and concentrated center of
distorted emotion is contraindicated, as not feasible. Much too many
lose that battle, most never begin it. The trick is to start a cutoff
of the emotional power feeds, that are vital to its existence, modify
and redirect the energy therein. Bear in mind that you are bombarded
constantly with ego gratification ploys aimed at modification of your
behavior for the benefit of others. The problem is in your emotional
response, not in the blandishment itself and the consequential acts you
perform. If you want to drive a luxury car simply because you enjoy
doing it, that's fine. If it makes you feel more important, or you like
to be seen driving it, if you have to put "my" in front of the
identification, you've found an ego power feed. Keep this perspective
and apply it when the need arises, and act accordingly.
The second source of ego-emotional power feeds is internally generated.
It is generally accepted that ambition and the drive for achievement
are primarily ego-gratifying processes. To determine if this is valid
or such motivation comes from a more profound origin, conduct this
test: Will these needs be happily met, if you in no way receive any
public or private credit for your success? Are they absolutely
essential to your physical survival? If the answer is affirmative to
both, you're further along, than you realize.
Even with fame, fortune, and adulation, your load will actually
lighten. If both come out negative, start unplugging the feed by asking
why. At a point in your unplugging process, you will find glimmers of
Prime Energy Radiation, which provide any justification you may desire.
The more Emotional Energy you so release, the greater such Energy you
will perceive.
Survival Sex Ties
Due to the need to protect and maintain until physical maturity the
offspring of the reproductive act, many cultures have attached certain
obligations thereto. While this is generally a purely physical
requisite, many have taken the position or inference, that far more is
involved. The reproductive act is first and foremost a very powerful
response to purely sensual stimuli. The response is not in itself an
emotion, although the depth of the experience often causes fantasizing,
that it is exactly that and of much greater import. To confuse the
issue further, sexual union is one of the significant ways to express
the Super Love emotion found in the Prime Energy. The load reducer is
to understand the difference. There is no right or
wrong engendered either way, only difference. Recognize that, from the
perspective of solely a physical act, any emotional attachments thereto
relate only to Time-Space Reality. As a procreative act, it is physical
in nature. Unless other energy patterns emerge as a result, enjoy it,
but don't get hooked on it. You don't need to take it with you, because
there's better in the original form—what you experience here sexually
is a very weak imitation of a part of a totality. No male or female
"owes" the other an obligation to copulate. Sexual attraction and
attractiveness are elements of a survival drive which is purely
physical and no more. Yet these are enough to alter drastically
individual life patterns. Load is induced, when more is made of it than
it is. Sexuality is not love, if love is defined as an expression of
Energy, but may well be a procedure, through which the individual
eventually learns of its existence. If this does indeed take place,
keep the love and release the sexuality, then no load exists.
261 - Release
Value Judgments
With the distortion of Time-Space as a baseline, it is impossible for
anyone to discern accurately the quality of any Thought or Action;
good-evil, right-wrong exist only as illusion. In Orbit,
there is no up-down. As a point of expediency, it may be necessary to
adhere to the concepts of the culture, in which we exist temporarily.
Without a solid overview, we cannot understand the ultimate value of
what we do. Therefore, follow your own design, lighten the load by
refusing to bond lasting emotion onto any physical act or the action of
Physical things, places, etc., are units within Time-Space, to be
enjoyed and to be used, as tools in the learning experience. None is
"ours." We don't own or possess any thing or person, nothing belongs to
us. Even the matter we use for our physical body is "borrowed," as it
were. Store the memory and the experience, leave the emotion behind.
Are Your Responsibility
We like to lay this one off wherever and however we can, blame
conditions and/or anyone else for what we do and are, when there seem
to be mistakes, take credit when everything is great. As exercisers of
Free Will, we do our own instigating. Calmly accepting the results will
get you lift-off points. An old folk song with the title "Ain't
Nobody's Fault, but My Own" says it very well.
it up. Free Will Is Fantasy
Within Time-Space, the very constraints thereof preclude any such
theory. At physical birth, we are bound not only by our previous
experience, whatever it may be, but by the genetic structure of the
physical body we inhabit. From that point on, we have no choice, but to
be bonded into the flesh for that lifetime, long or short. We are bound
to maintain and operate our physical bodies within the limitations they
impose. The set and setting of our physical existence is controlled,
initially at least, by others. What remains, colored and modified as it
is, might be considered Free Will. Exercising this upon another only
increases the load. Off-loading is accomplished by maximizing this
remainder in nonphysical areas and accepting without emotion the
limitations so imposed.
Is a Purging Process
As a direct expression of the Prime Energy, when in doubt, let it out.
An inadvertent smile is part of the same Spectrum. It's one of the best
of emotions, but must be spontaneous to produce results. Seeing and enjoying the humor in life
is something not to be missed. It
relaxes, de-tunes the ego, puts any event into its proper perspective.
- Pain-Pleasure
(PP) Is a Learning Curve!
Consider these as a waveform,
originating within the Survival Imprint, and therefore Signals relating
only to Time-Space/Physical Matter. They are essential tools, that can
be used for measurement. Think of it as a sine-wave, with pain below
the baseline and pleasure above it. The amplitude of each is an
indicator of intensity, which can be controlled.
Step one: Sort out and remove all emotional energy, adhered to your PP
accumulated memory.
Step two: Begin control of each portion of the waveform, so that you
can increase or decrease the amplitude at will. You are approaching
Escape Velocity status, when you can reduce your PP waveform to a
near-perfect straight line.
Your Sleep Periods
This is the most neglected and misunderstood portion of our existence.
Freed temporarily of the restrictions, placed upon us by our left-brain
organization and the press of physical input, the sleep segment offers
a great opportunity to advance in many areas. Any of the previous
suggestions can be initiated and developed during the sleep state.
Consistency and frequency are important. You may not get the results
the first, third, or fifth time, but, eventually, you will succeed.
Begin by stating the affirmation:
"I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical
matter, I can perceive that, which is greater, than the physical world.
Therefore, I deeply desire to expand, to experience: to know, to
understand, to control, to use such Greater Energies and Energy Systems
as may be beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow me.
Also, I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the
understanding of those individuals, whose wisdom, development, and
experience are equal to or greater, than my own. I ask their guidance
and protection from any influence or any source, that might provide me
with less, than my stated desires."
Say it first as words in your mind, just as you are drifting off to
sleep. Convert as early, as possible to nonverbal communication (NVC),
stating the affirmation in mental action, rather than words.
After you
are well established with the technique, add specific needs such as
information, health care, problem solving, communication, or any of the
procedures listed previously, using NVC. The answer will come usually
not in words, but in pictures, sound, living action in your mind. There
is no limit to the ways you can use this method, provided you do not
impinge upon the will of others. If you need help, ask for it by NVC.
You will receive it, perhaps not immediately, but you will, often in
the most astounding serendipitous and synchronistic ways. Be sure, that
you qualify your need and that you can handle the answer or result.
Your Load-Energy Ratio
At physical birth, we enter physical life into a presumed innocent
consciousness. The path to adulthood and your progress along it can be
termed a loss of such innocence, scaled by the number of
responsibilities you have willfully assumed, as created by your
authoritative acts. Maturity, which is not the same, is calculated by
totaling the percentage of illusions you have released and
discarded—deliberately, not forced disillusionment. Wisdom—the lightest
and most valuable of pay loads—and your progress
along the Interstate Highway thereto are reflected in your willful
action, mental and physical, as the result of your release of such
illusions. The Detoxification/Load Reduction/Purging process can be
interpreted as
simply the sequence of these three, Adulthood, Maturity, and Wisdom.
You ultimately are your own instructor and you will fill out your own
report card.
Escape Velocity Energy
It will begin to generate automatically as the result of the human
learning experience, more than enough to achieve a tangent to your
previous orbit when You Graduate. It is the understanding, that the
actions suggested here may help in such production. Then no longer will
you reflect and transform the Prime Energy as in the past, but create
it in and of your own and radiate it in all ways, in all forms—call it
loosh/love (Balance) or whatever label fits—without need for subject or
"Pas de Lieu Rhone que Nous" - See you in Home—or along the way. A
language professor father, now in another reality, used this to wake
up students in his class in French, claiming it was an old and famous
French proverb. Some worked earnestly for hours trying to solve the
enigma. It may be very appropriate here, too. To find the solution, say
it in your mind or vocalize it using a French accent. Listen to what
you are saying.
Подготовка: старт и
Ниже следует то, что
можно образно назвать записками первоклассника - правда, во многом
составленными под руководством учителей и отчасти одобренными ими. Как
следует из сравнения, они отнюдь не дают ответов на все вопросы и не
претендуют на строгую точность. Достаточно сказать, что часть этих
заметок была торопливо переписана из методического руководства для
учителей - разумеется, с их разрешения. Какими бы сбивчивыми и
неразборчивыми они ни показались, вполне возможно, что эта посудина с
мутной водой принесет хоть какое-то облегчение измученным жаждой
участникам марафона. Так или иначе, это влага, и она может помочь
сделать последний рывок, пересечь финишную черту, перейти на легкий бег
трусцой и радостно улыбнуться...
Детоксификация/избавление от балласта! Очищение.
Устройство мира призывает к продолжению и распространению деятельности
живого во всех его проявлениях - физическом, умственном и
эмоциональном. Это совсем не означает, что какие-либо факторы могут
ослабить живое или поставить его существование под угрозу, поскольку
даже они только обострили бы процесс и ни в коей мере его не сдержали
бы. Основа перемен кроется в принципах восприятия и управления, в
способности изменить направление развития тех энергетических форм,
которыми все мы являемся. Сконцентрированный пучок света становится
лазерным лучом и приносит совершенно невероятные результаты. Впрочем,
начнем с самых основополагающих принципов.
Действительность - то, что мы воспринимаем Пребывая в рамках
пространства-времени, мы воспринимаем этот мир, и он является для нас
реальностью. Если ты никогда не воспринимал иных энергетических миров,
они остаются нереальными. С другой стороны, вполне можно допустить, что
когда-то все мы воспринимали такие миры, но теперь они просто оказались
вне сферы нашего сознания. После этого остается только вспомнить.
Энергия не существует, пока не получает выражения. Мы - выражения
энергии. Та энергия, которую мы преобразуем или вырабатываем, не может
считаться реальной, пока она не будет выражена. Идея остается чем-то
несуществукицим, пока не воплощается на практике. Застывшие знания и
факты мертвы, если их не распространяют, не используют в жизни. Обычная
мысль совершенно нереальна, пока не воплотится в поступках, не окажет
воздействия на человека или окружающих. Мышление и поступки - вот то
действенное, творческое сочетание, которое ведет к умственным или
физическим выражениям в одном или нескольких энергетических мирах. Если
поток любой такой энергии перекрыть, сдержать, заставить остановиться,
она просто перестанет существовать.
Сосредоточенная энергия усиливается с фокусом!
Увеличительное стекло способно собирать солнечный свет и создавать луч
огромной температуры, намного превышающей первоначальную. Аналогичным
образом можно преобразовывать и видоизменять иные формы энергии. Это
особенно важно, когда речь идет об энергетическом спектре, доступном
человеческому сознанию. Тот факт, что большую часть жизни мы
упражняемся в превращении энергии (в том числе ее нефизических форм)
неосознанно, случайным образом, отнюдь не умаляет потенциальной
важности этого умения.
Сознание - Сосредоточенная Энергия!
Сознание человека сосредоточено главным образом на физической материи
мира пространства-времени, но это не означает, что человеческое
существование охватывает всю полноту энергетического сознания - другие
виды того же сознания одновременно действуют в совершенно иных мирах и
реальностях. Это утверждение имеет два важных следствия:
Во-первых, человеческую сторону сознания можно сосредоточить намного
сильнее, и это принесет настолько непостижимые и невероятные
возможности, что я даже не пытаюсь размышлять об их характере.
Во-вторых, при необходимости мы может призывать на помощь другие,
нечеловеческие формы той же Энергетической Системы.
Даже с вышеизложенными мыслями можно перейти к "практическому" этапу.
Хотя последующая часть моих "записок первоклассника" имеет
последовательную структуру, вполне допустимо обращаться к тем разделам,
которые могут помочь в конкретном вопросе. В системе человеческого
обучения не существует строгих схем и неизменных правил. Случившиеся в
детстве события могут или не могут всплыть в памяти уже в зрелом
возрасте, много лет спустя.
Принцип Наблюдателя
Вместо того чтобы настойчиво стремиться к желаемым переменам в жизни,
обращай внимание на те изменения, которые происходят в обыденной жизни
сами собой. Живи, как прежде, будь таким, как раньше, до тех пор, пока
не обнаружишь, что эмоция или привязанность стали слишком заметными и
на них уже невозможно не обращать внимания. Жизнь продолжается двадцать
четыре часа в сутки. Постарайся почаще осознавать, что делаешь и о чём
думаешь в самое разное время суток, чем бы бы сейчас ни занимался.
Отмечай те самые мощные, привлекающие внимание эмоциональные факторы.
Включи в число таких видов деятельности периоды сна и несловесное
содержание сновидений. Исследуй свои сны, задаваясь вопросами об их
смысле. Повторяй попытки до тех пор, пока не найдёшь причины. После
этого станет легче отстраняться и высвобождать энергию для других
целей. Начинай с малого и постепенно переходи к большему. Посади эго на
строгую диету. Лобовая атака на это укрепленное средоточие искаженных
эмоций - противопоказана. Взять этот оплот прямым нападением - просто
непосильная задача. Очень многие проиграли такое сражение, ещё не
вступив в него. Хитрость заключается в том, чтобы начать постепенно
сокращать подпитку эмоциональной энергией, которая необходима для
самого существования эго. Одновременно можно преобразовывать его
энергию и изменять её направление. Не забывай, что ты постоянно
подвергаешься потоку изощрённых вознаграждений со стороны эго; эти
похвалы нацелены на то, чтобы твоё поведение приспосабливалось к
интересам других.
Суть проблемы кроется не в лестном самомнении и последующих действиях,
а в эмоциональном отклике. Нет ничего плохого, если вы хотите купить
роскошную машину только потому, что она вам нравится. Но если вы хотите
поважничать, мечтаете о том, чтобы вас увидели сидящим за рулем такой
машины, если автомобиль станет для вас медалью, на которой написано
<моё>, то вы просто укрепляете власть собственного эго.
Оценивайте все желания и поступки с такой точки зрения и ведите себя
Вторым источником подпитки эго становится та эмоциональная энергия,
которая приходит изнутри. Общепризнанно, что честолюбие и стремление к
высоким достижениям являются, прежде всего, тягой к вознаграждениям со
стороны эго. Чтобы определить, вызвано ли ваше желание такой причиной
или имеет более глубокие корни, проведите простейшую проверку: будете
ли вы довольны этим результатом, если никто о нём не узнает и не
поздравит вас с успехом? Необходимо ли задуманное для физического
выживания? Если на оба вопроса вы готовы ответить утвердительно, то, не
осознавая того, вы сделали огромный шаг вперёд. Даже если успех
принесёт вам славу, состояние и общественное признание, общий объём
балласта не увеличится. Если же оба ответа были отрицательными,
попробуйте разобраться в том, почему вам так хочется добиться своей
цели. На определенном этапе этого анализа вы заметите проблески
излучения Солнечной Энергии, и она принесёт любые доказательства, какие
только могут потребоваться. Чем больше эмоциональной энергии при этом
отбрасывается, тем острее будет такое ощущение. Освобождайтесь от
сексуальных привязанностей из-за необходимости оберегать и поддерживать
своих отпрысков, пока те не достигнут физической зрелости, многие
культуры связали с актом воспроизводства определенные обязательства.
Хотя причины этого были исключительно вопросом выживания, со временем
многие перешли к более усложненной точке зрения. Прежде всего, акт
воспроизводства представляет собой чрезвычайно мощный отклик на сугубо
чувственные побуждения. Сама по себе эта реакция не относится к
эмоциям, но глубина переживаний часто приводит человека к фантазиям о
том, что половое возбуждение имеет природу эмоций, следовательно,
очень важно. Явление ещё больше осложняется тем, что половой акт
представляет собой один из распространенных способов выражения
Сверхлюбви - эмоции, входящей в Солнечную Энергию. Чтобы избавиться от
этого балласта, достаточно понять разницу. Нельзя сказать, что одно
хуже, а другое лучше - просто между ними есть большое различие. Следует
понять, что с точки зрения сугубо физических действий любая связанная с
сексом эмоциональная привязанность относится исключительно к
Пространству-Времени. Акт воспроизводства себе подобных является
физическим по самой своей природе. Если в течение этого процесса
возникают дополнительные энергетические всплески, ими можно насладиться
- однако не стоит считать это самым важным. Эти переживания нет смысла
помнить, поскольку их исходная форма намного мощнее - то, что на Земле
называют сексуальностью, представляет собой жалкое подражание ощущению
слияния с Целым. Ни мужчина, ни женщина не обязаны спариваться.
Сексуальная привлекательность и половое влечение являются составляющими
инстинкта выживания, а он - чисто физическое явление, ничего больше. И
все же его следствия способны самым разительным образом повлиять на
жизнь человека. Когда чему-то придают излишнюю значимость, балласт
неизбежно увеличивается.
Секс - не любовь, если понимать под любовью Солнечную Энергию. С другой
стороны, он вполне способен стать тем процессом, благодаря которому
личность постепенно постигает основной принцип собственного
существования. Если такое происходит, сосредоточьтесь на любви и не
обращайте большого внимания на секс - это избавит от лишнего груза.
Отбросьте оценки и суждения
Поскольку все мы пребываем во власти основного искажения, Иллюзии
Пространства-Времени, ни у кого из нас нет возможности точно определять
качество мыслей и поступков, различать добро и зло, правильное и
неверное. Все они - только иллюзия. Когда Корабль находится на орбите,
для него нет <низа> и <верха>. Быть может, с точки зрения
целесообразности достаточно полезно (или попросту необходимо) следовать
принятым в текущей культуре представлениям, однако, не имея возможности
видеть всё со стороны, с более широкой точки зрения, мы просто не в
состоянии постичь окончательную значимость своих поступков. Таким
образом, просто будьте собой и освобождайтесь от такого балласта,
отстраняясь от устойчивых эмоциональных откликов на любые естественные
явления и поступки окружающих. Различайте явления и свою эмоциональную
реакцию на них. Материальные предметы, географическое положение и
прочие явления - элементы Пространства-Времени. Их следует использовать
как вспомогательные средства обучения и накопления опыта. Ничто из
этого не является "нашим". Мы не владеем вещами и, тем более, другими
людьми, ничто и никто нам не принадлежит. Даже та материя, из которой
состоит наше физическое тело, была, так сказать, "взята на время".
Накапливайте воспоминания и опыт, а эмоции оставляйте за бортом. Каждый
сам за себя отвечает. Мы привыкли при любой возможности и всеми
мыслимыми способами сбрасывать с себя ответственность, винить в
неприятностях обстоятельства и других людей. Если мы совершаем то, что
кажется ошибкой, то непременно обвиняем других, но в тех случаях, когда
добиваемся успеха, считаем это исключительно своей заслугой.
Руководствуясь представлениями о свободной воле, мы сами провоцируем
себя на подобное поведение. Спокойное отношение к успехам и неудачам
принесёт вам необходимую для взлета энергию. Как поётся в одной старой
песне "не виноват никто, кроме меня". Почаще вспоминайте об этом.
Свободная воля - выдумка
Предположение о свободе воли нелепо в силу самих условий существования
в пространстве-времени. Появляясь в этом мире, мы скованы не только
прошлыми переживаниями, но и генетическим строением нового физического
тела. С самого рождения у нас нет иного выбора: короткой или долгой
будет предстоящая жизнь, нам так или иначе придётся подчиняться
собственной плоти. Мы обязаны заботиться о теле и действовать в рамках
тех ограничений, которое накладывает факт обладания телом. Что касается
условий и обстоятельств нашего физического существования, то они
определяются другими людьми - по меньшей мере, в детские годы.
Свободной волей с большой натяжкой можно считать только ту пеструю и
разнообразную массу возможностей, которая остаётся. Попытки навязать
свою волю другим лишь увеличивают балласт. Как же его сбрасывать?
Расширять свою свободу в нефизических сферах и спокойно смириться с
неизбежными ограничениями материального мира.
Смех очищает, даёт энергию
Вот прямое выражение Солнечной Энергии: "стало туго - разрядись".
Невольная улыбка относится к той же категории. Это - одна из лучших
эмоций, но она приносит результаты только в том случае, если возникает
сама собой. Не стоит пренебрегать умением искренне радоваться и
подмечать смешное. Смех приносит расслабление, усмиряет эго и помогает
по-новому взглянуть на любое явление.
Страдание и удовольствие - шкала обучения.
Страдание и удовольствие можно считать реакциями, возникающими на
основе инстинкта выживания. Это означает, что такие сигналы связаны
только с физической материей и миром Пространства-Времени. Шкала этих
ощущений - важный инструмент, который можно использовать для измерений.
Представим себе синусоиду:
к страданиям относится та часть кривой, которая находится ниже
горизонтальной оси, а к удовольствиям - участок синусоиды выше неё.
Во-первых, разберитесь в эмоциональной энергии, связанной с
накопленными воспоминаниями о страданиях и удовольствиях, а затем
просто отбросьте эту энергию. Во-вторых, начните управлять каждым
участком кривой, чтобы научиться увеличивать или уменьшать её амплитуду
по собственной воле. Когда кривая "страдания- удовольствия" выразится в
виде прямой линии, вы достигли скорости побега.
Увеличивайте периоды сна
Представления о сне остаются одними из самых ошибочных заблуждений
нашего существования. Поскольку во сне личность на время освобождается
от тех ограничений, которые навязаны ей левым полушарием, а также от
гнёта сигналов физических органов чувств, периоды сна становятся
великолепной возможностью развития в самых разных направлениях. Все
перечисленные выше советы можно начать выполнять в состоянии сна.
Чрезвычайно важными условиями являются настойчивость и регулярность.
Трудно обещать, что вы добьётесь результата с первой, второй, либо
пятой попытки, но рано или поздно это случится.
Начните с Утверждения :
"Я - больше, чем моё физическое тело, потому что я больше, чем
физическое вещество, и я чувствую, что это намного больше, чем
физический мир. Поэтому
Я испытываю огромное стремление расти, ощущать, изучать, постигать,
понимать, управлять и использовать мощнейшие Энергии и Энергитические
Системы так, чтобы это пошло на благо мне самому и всем, кто последует
за мной. Я также искренне желаю добиться помощи, сотрудничества и
взаимопонимания от тех, чьи мудрость, уровень развития и опыт равны
моим или превышают их. Я прошу у них руководства и защиты от всего, что
может помешать мне достичь желаемого."
Мысленно повторяйте это, когда погружаетесь в сон, а затем - как можно
раньше - переходите к несловесной форме, то есть выражайте установку не
словами, а мысленными действиями. Овладев этим приёмом, дополняйте
установку конкретными желаниями, например, просьбой о знаниях,
здоровье, решении проблемы, общении и так далее. Ответом обычно
становятся не слова, а образы, звуки, сменяющиеся картины в голове. У
этого метода нет никаких ограничений за исключением того, что ваши
желания не должны вредить другим. Если вам нужна помощь, попросите о
ней мысленно, телепатически. Помощь непременно придёт - быть может, не
мгновенно, но обязательно придёт. Часто она проявляется совершенно
поразительным образом, например, чудесным и загадочным стечением
обстоятельств. Старайтесь просить о том, что вам действительно нужно, -
и хорошенько подумайте, справитесь ли вы с результатом или ответом.
Оценивайте пропорцию балласта и полезного груза, появляясь в
материальном мире, мы, судя по всему, вступаем в жизнь с совершенно
простодушным сознанием. Путь к взрослению можно назвать падением
невинности. Взрослость оценивается общим количеством обязанностей,
которые мы принимаем на себя добровольно, либо вызываем к появлению
собственными действиями. Зрелость представляет собой кое-что другое.
Она оценивается долей иллюзорных представлений, от которых мы
избавляемся - осознанно, а не под влиянием новых заблуждений. Мудрость,
этот самый лёгкий и драгоценный груз, а также та часть магистрали,
которую мы уже преодолели, отражается в сознательных действиях (мыслях
и поступках), которые были вызваны избавлением от подобных иллюзий.
Процесс освобождения от балласта можно истолковать как последовательную
смену трёх перечисленных состояний: взросления, зрелости и мудрости. В
конечном счёте каждый человек остается лучшим учителем для самого себя
и сам ставит себе итоговые оценки.
Накопление энергии для скорости побега
Эта энергия начинает накапливаться автоматически, как результат
обучения, человеческого опыта. К "окончанию Школы" её будет более, чем
достаточно для того, чтобы по касательной выйти на исходную орбиту.
Однако, представленные здесь, рекомендации могут помочь ускорить
процесс накопления энергии. Они позволят не просто отражать и
преобразовывать Солнечную Энергию, как это обычно бывает, но самому
создавать её и излучать в самых разнообразных формах - называйте это
любовью или как угодно - без необходимости в субъекте, либо объекте.
<Pas de Lieu Rhone que Nous>
"Мой отец, который ушёл в другой мир, был профессором - языковедом. На
уроках французского он часто повторял одну фразу ученикам, уверяя, что
это известная французская поговорка. Многие студенты несколько часов
ломали голову, пытаясь понять смысл этого выражения. Думаю, сейчас эта
загадка будет к месту. Чтобы найти решение, повторите эту фразу
мысленно или вслух с французским акцентом. Вслушайтесь в то, что
сказали. Встретимся Дома (в Источнике Всех Солнц) - или где-нибудь по
пути туда !"
The Out-of-Body Experience: Most Frequently Asked Questions and
Most individuals do dismiss the experience when they encounter it as
nothing more than a vivid dream. At most, it may be categorized by some
as what is
identified as a "lucid" dream. In the latter, the dreamer is apparently
aware that he is dreaming, and can control the content of his dream,
even to the point of
changing the event, the participants, and the outcome. In the OOBE, the
individual is near-totally conscious, as our civilization defines the
state. Most if not all of your physical sensory perception is
replicated. You can "see," "hear," and "touch"—the weakest seem to be
smell and taste. Your perspective is from a position outside your
physical body, near or distant. In a near state, it is usually from a
location impossible for you to "be" with your physical body, such as
floating against the ceiling. In a far location, it could be in Paris
when you know you are in New York physically. You can observe events
taking place, but you cannot change or significantly affect them. You
can verify the authenticity of such events subsequently, if you so
desire. You cannot participate to any major degree in this physical
activity because you are not "physical." It is the extreme reality of
the OBE that sets it apart from a dream. It is as "real" as any
physical life experience.
Several studies made during the past ten years indicate that some 25
percent of adult humans remember having at least one spontaneous OOBE.
Many were unaware of what had happened to them until the phenomenon was
described to them. As stated earlier, we take the position that
everyone goes into the OOBE state during the delta or deep-sleep state,
as a natural process and in varying degrees. Therefore, one step may be
to begin to remember the OOB patterns you have or are performing each
night when you sleep. Further, after specific psychological and/or
philosophic preparation, we believe that anyone can indeed consciously
move into OOB states.
After twenty-five years of investigation as well as personal
exploration, there is no evidence to support either possibility. There
is no doubt as to the emotional impact upon discovery of the reality of
the OOB state. The major adjustment of one's belief
systems is often traumatic and must be dealt with carefully.
Physiologically, there seems to be no effect, including any depletion
of energy.
There is some data to indicate that hallucinogens may be producing an
uncontrolled OOBE. The drug experience in and of itself has not been
studied in depth as to this possibility. Alcohol, as a depressant,
tends to inhibit a conscious OOBE, or at least the memory thereof.
There is some support to the concept that anesthetics are no more than
chemical triggers to produce deep OOB states, e.g., unconsciousness.
Experimental slow
administration of these under nonthreatening conditions as well as the
medical descriptions of the various "planes" of anesthesia are the
basis for this premise.
It is very similar. More pointedly, with allowances for cultural
connotation and uncontrolled action-reaction due to a high-stress
ambience of the moment, they appear to be one and
the same. Most if not all of the elements found in the neardeath
reports have been replicated repeatedly with various laboratory
subjects using the Hemi-Sync process. The difference lies in the
perception of the events and situations encountered. Without anxiety
and stress, armed with objective observation, another perspective of
the same state/condition is forthcoming.
We have no hard data to support the premise that any of these have a
significant effect on the OOBE. There are a few indicators that lying
in the north-south position does have some effect, which would infer
that the earth's magnetic field may have some bearing on the process.
Because it was easily done, the new isolation booth in our laboratory
is aligned in a magnetic north-south position. By setting up artificial
magnetic fields within the booth, we will be able to equalize or
produce a "null" magnetically, much as the astronauts experienced in
their moon exploration. Subsequent studies therefore should provide
partial answers, at least.
If our premise is correct, there is no more possibility of this taking
place than there would be during normal sleep. If there could be
statistics worked up on such possibility, the odds against an
occurrence of this sort are far greater than those of your being killed
in an auto accident during the coming year. Over the past fifteen
years, working with laboratory subjects and program participants, there
have been no incidents that remotely could be construed as "possession"
or something destructive or uncontrollable.
The method described was a very early technique that worked at that
time. We have since discovered the many other vital factors that are
involved in the process. Also, we currently use other techniques that
are easier to understand and perform. Briefly put, it is not quite as
simple as envisioned earlier.
Generally, it infers unconscious anxieties and concerns that must be
sought out and addressed before you can go on to the OOB state. If you
are able to get behind or perceive the reason for each one at the level
they exist, then release the emotion attached, these physical signals
will disappear.
"Can" implies the ability for such incident to take place. It can
happen, as it did to me in the early days. How often is another matter.
In our current civilization, there are no means to understand this
possibility even on a speculative basis. It has never happened to our
laboratory subjects or those who have trained with us. We use a simple
homing device to ensure return to "your" physical body. To return
neatly and in a hurry, all you need to do is to think of one part of
your physical body—such as a big right toe—and attempt to move or
wiggle it. This brings prompt results. Because there is no data and the
"wrong body" incident has occurred (to me), it does presume the
possibility that it might happen with an untrained novice. If that is
your possibility, remember the "wiggle big toe" signal. It
will save much fear and worry.
The only ones recognizable to me have been domestic cats which have
been a part of our household family. They evidently have at least a
second body, too, which can be perceived, if they are asleep when you
are out of body and you go to
investigate. Of recent interest to me, during the departure phase, I
encountered three cats just outside, sitting relaxed and observant. In
greeting them, I was surprised to find they were the three of our
favorite cats who had died physically during the past three years. In
retrospect, why I was surprised I don't know.
It would be very rare if at all. Certain other factors must be
approached Erst— such as the fear barrier, reappraisal of belief
systems, among others. It is the extreme exception that balance has
been reached sufficiently to move that easily into the OOB state.
We generally recognize that the flying dream, with or without an
aircraft, is a rationalization of an OOBE which is unacceptable to the
belief system of the conscious mind. Later data suggests that the dream
of getting out of your "car" and performing some act falls into a
similar category. Have you ever dreamed that you forgot where you
parked your "car"! Also,
the falling dream often becomes reentry into the physical when
practiced in "slow motion."
Remote viewing, or the ability to "see" events taking place at another
physical location, employs a trained state of consciousness, that is
effective while still very much within the physical body. Usually only
one form of perception is utilized which translates as visual. In the
OOB state, there is no awareness of the physical because you are "away"
from it. Also, perceptions other than visual are invariably present.
There are other differences, but these are the basics.
There are a number of reports that this has taken place, and it may be
possible. We have no direct experience with it. The weakness of this
technique from our perspective lies in the fact that the OOB individual
is not in control of the activity —which seems to be quite important in
the process.
Get back as fast as you can! Use the quick-return method described
earlier. This has not happened to me personally, but I understand it
does occur infrequently.
Usually to a person, easiest to someone who is close to you
emotionally. There are some who can go to places, but it requires a
specific "address" or
An unqualified reply to this one is difficult. Often what is perceived
as vicious or evil is simply a very impersonal energy you have
encountered which you interpret as aimed at you personally. A sudden
undertow at the beach may seem frightening and deadly, and it is your
fear and the unknown potential of it that makes it so. The undertow
itself doesn't know you exist and cares less. These can be avoided if
you consciously limit your input "frequency," as it were, allowing only
those on your "wavelength" to communicate and/or make contact with you.
At best if there is a question, pat it on the shoulder and tell it to
go home. At worst, you go back to the physical and regroup. Otherwise,
say hello and enter into some form of communication.
Very much so because the true OOB is not a time-space state or
condition. It is not as productive as one would imagine, for several
complex reasons. Most important is to use a strong home ident to get
back in your original start-point. Such ident must include not only
place, but time. Practice near-time runs before tackling the "long"
Think of your second or immediate nonphysical body as much like gelatin
that has been removed from a mold. It "remembers" the human form and
thus is nearidentical. The longer one is separated from the physical,
the weaker the memory becomes unless reinforced. Time-distance also
seems to be a factor. The farther "away" from the physical, such memory
or its effectiveness becomes less. If left to its own devices, you may
become a ball, a teardrop, a small cloud, or just a "blob." All of this
can be bypassed by slipping out of the second body immediately after
separation, and becoming clear undiluted energy. You can always "grow"
a hand and arm if you need one.
First, they are not sequential in time. They may indeed be
simultaneous. It is a question of "who is doing the perceiving?"
They don't. Putting their activities and ability within this context
appears to be one possible way for our left-brained culture to begin to
understand what they are doing.
Such "technology" is as natural to them as our autonomic system is to
us. We don't think about our gastrointestinal tract, our circulation
system, or our lungs as technology. We just
use them without conscious effort, although we now understand much of
the technology involved. Their technology is much the same, relatively,
except that they deliberately apply it and control it.
There is much to support this premise, especially when key figures and
events in human history are objectively studied with this prospect as
an alternative to our present belief system.
There is no direct correlation either way, based solely upon those
laboratory subjects and program participants active with the Institute.
We are not aware of any reliable in-depth studies on the matter.
Moderation may be the common factor, if any.
They exist only in the mind of the perceiver, due to ignorance and lack
of understanding plus an immersed viewpoint.
This question has been asked of our nonphysical friends, who report
that it is not only possible but does take place frequently. We have no
further information about it, how or why it occurs, except that I
personally was given the name and location of a "second life" I am
living—but I have not had the time or the courage to verify it, if
The QBE Psychophysiology of Robert A. Monroe-psychiatrists. By Stuart
W. Twemlow, M.D., and Glen O. Gabbard, M.D.
Robert Monroe is a businessman from Virginia, now in his sixties, who
is one of the most widely known gifted subjects in the OBE literature.
He has written a book cataloguing his out-of-body exploits, and has
founded a private institution devoted to the study of such phenomena:
the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences in Faber, Virginia. He
voluntarily submitted himself to in-depth psychiatric and psychological
evaluation several years prior to the publication of this book. He
underwent intensive psychiatric interviewing and a battery of different
psychological tests. Monroe has never had psychiatric treatment of any
form. He has performed at a high level of functioning throughout his
career as producer, businessman, and entrepreneur. As we delve into his
background, we find that he did
not have out-of-body experiences until the age of forty-two. He had an
orthodox Southern upbringing with high-achieving and successful
parents. From an early age, Monroe had a fascination with flying. He
built model planes as a little boy and learned to fly airplanes when he
was only in high school. Later, he became an accomplished glider pilot.
He was also preoccupied with the thrill of movement and has wonderful
memories of riding on trains. Tolpin (1974) has related such intense
developmental vicissitude to the
grandiose fantasy which she calls "the Daedalus Experience." She takes
this name, of course, from the myth of Daedalus and Icarus, who longed
to fly over the sea and created wax wings for themselves to accomplish
this task. Icarus, the son of Daedalus, became intoxicated with his
ability to fly and flew too near the Sun. The Sun melted the wax on his
wings, and he plunged into the sea as his father, Daedalus, continued
on his way. Tolpin postulates, that this myth and the fascination with
flying is intimately connected with a certain developmental period when
the infant experiences an ecstatic primal pleasure at being flung about
by his mother and father and doting relatives. This archaic grandiose
fantasy of defying gravity and flying through the air is normally tamed
in the process of maturity and channeled into high achievement and
other kinds of sublimatory activities. Tolstoy, for example, leapt out
of a window at the age of nine in an attempt to fly and suffered a
However, he almost never relinquished the literal belief that he could
fly. He had ecstatic notions about merging with the moon, which Tolpin
relates to the fantasy of mystical merger
with his mother, whom he lost at the age of two. This early grandiose
notion was, of course, channeled into extraordinary mastery and
creativity in the area of writing. Winston Churchill had a similar
background, and at eighteen jumped off a bridge onto treetops. This
early grandiosity was gradually transformed from the realm of action
into the realm of thought, as in his stirring speeches, e.g., "We shall
never surrender." Tolpin provides another example of a six-year-old
child who leapt off a merry-go-round in an effort to fly and became
furious with his mother because he could not. This wish to fly was
later transformed into a wish to fly an airplane. The fascination with
out-of-body "travel" seen in Monroe is likely an
adult derivative of this Daedalus fantasy. His childhood grandiose wish
is transformed not only into out-of-body experiences as an adult, but
also into the creation of an institute devoted to the study of these
and other esoteric experiences. Hence, in Monroe we see perhaps a more
direct translation of the childhood wish to fly into an adult form of
the grandiose wish. However, he has used this interest adaptively and
productively rather than in a self-destructive or counterproductive
way. It may be that this persistent grandiose wish to fly is more
likely to be operative as a determinant in those subjects, who have the
esoteric variety of out-of-body experience, i.e., travels to distant
locations and through other realms, which are fantastic and
inexplicable. This determinant may not apply to the more mundane
experiences, where one simply finds himself floating on the ceiling
above his body. If one of the determinants of Monroe's out-of-body
experience is this persistent wish to escape the shackles of the
earthbound physical form, what are some of the others? His history
indicates, that he was free from childhood trauma and in fact somewhat
indulged with creature comforts. His mother, a dynamic and successful
physician, had a certain outlook on life, which tended to avoid
ugliness and unpleasantness. This attribute also emerges in an analysis
of Monroe's personality. Both Monroe and his mother used the defenses
of denial and avoidance to
a significant extent. These hypomanic defenses against aggression,
tragedy, and destructiveness were further demonstrated in projective
psychological testing. The Rorschach tests indicated, that Monroe was a
man, who avoids many aspects of his internal life. He has strong
defenses against dealing with sexuality, defensive feelings, and
especially aggression, all areas of his psyche, that he prefers to keep
out of his awareness. He has a pervasive tendency to avoid and detach
himself from feelings, which shows itself in his patterns of thinking,
his use of language, and his interpersonal relations. He often simply
steers off, away, and tangential to the way others think, feel,
perceive, and express themselves. These personality inclinations
contribute to the content of what he saw on a particular inkblot, which
is often seen as a bat or a bird. Monroe saw this as "a flying unit,
with wings, in the shape of a bird or the body of a butterfly or
insect, flying upwards toward the top of the card." Thus, the
out-of-body experience in Monroe also serves the function of avoidance
of conflict. By transcending the prison of his body, it allows him to
steer clear of such potential conflict areas as sexuality, depression,
and aggression. Observations of Robert Monroe were made by one of us
(SWT) and a colleague, Dr. Fowler Jones of the University of Kansas
Medical Center, over a thirtyminute time period when Monroe was
monitored by a Beckman polygraph with left and right occipital EEG
electrodes. He was observed by us through a one-way window (Twemlow,
1977). Most striking was Monroe's spasmodic breathing with periods of
apnea. After these apneic periods, the breaths were gulping.
Simultaneously, Dr, Jones and SWT turned to each other and reported the
impression of a heat wavelike distortion beginning at Monroe's waist,
so that it was difficult to get a clearly focused picture of his upper
body, although his lower body was in clear focus. Previously, Monroe
had stated that he would be able to get out of his body quickly but
could not signal it, although he could signal within five seconds of
return. This distortion disappeared rather suddenly a little before he
roused himself. At that time his EEG showed a shift in high amplitude
patterns to the right hemisphere with a low amplitude in the left
occipital lead. He seemed to wake without anxiety, although he was
moderately disoriented in space for about thirty seconds, with slight
slurring of his speech. He could not recapture his experience
immediately. His GSR level during the session showed an increase in
arousal of approximately 150 microvolts, marked by the total absence of
either specific or nonspecific responses during his out-of-body phase.
At one point, when a technician entered the room to check electrodes,
Monroe appeared to be unaware of his presence, and there was no
fluctuation in GSR. The skin
of his arm and forearm were dry and warm to the touch. At that time
rapid fluttering eye movements were noted (although eye movements were
not measured). Sections of Monroe's EEG during this reported
out-of-body experience were analyzed for frequency differences both
within and between hemispheres. An analysis of variance was run, with
the data divided into beginning, middle, and end sections, each section
having 29 values for a total of 290 seconds. Two groups were analyzed:
right and left hemispheres. There seemed to be no significant
frequency differences between hemispheres, although the amplitude
differences were obvious. There were significant differences between
the beginning and middle, the middle and end, and the beginning and end
sections of Monroe's EEG in each hemisphere. This latter difference (F
= 41.47 and F = 59.08; p < .001) showed, that the "before" and
"after" OBE frequencies were much higher than the "during" OBE
frequencies. Standard deviations were also significantly smaller with
the middle section as compared to the beginning and end sections. A
power spectral analysis of OBE periods showed power peaks at 4-5 Hertz
with very little activity above 10 Hertz. What are we to conclude from
this experiment?
Although the observationalfindings were more provocative than the EEG
findings, they are less easily explained. Clearly, Monroe was in a
state of deep relaxation. In addition, when in his out-of-body state
there is a frequency slowing, with an interesting shift in power to a
4-5 Hertz range in the theta-delta transitional zone. This
electrophysiological borderline state correlates closely with Tart's
findings and Harary's reference to borderline sleep-wakefulness states.
The Out-of-Body Experience: Phenomenology
By Stuart W. Twemlow, M.D., Glen O. Gabbard, M.D., and Fowler C. Jones,
Paper Presented at the 1980 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association, May 5-9, in San Francisco
Dr. Twemlow, formerly Chief Research Service, Topeka V.A. Medical
Center, is now in the private practice of psychiatry, 2145 S.E.
Maryland, Topeka, Kans. 66605. Dr. Gabbard is Staff Psychiatrist, The
Menninger Foundation. Dr. Jones is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry,
University of Kansas Medical Center.
The authors would like to acknowledge Robert Ellsworth, Ph.D., for
questionnaire analysis and interpretation; Gary Clark, Ph.D., and
Lolafaye Coyne, Ph.D., for statistical consultation. The project was
supported in part by the Monroe Institute of Applied
Sciences, Faber, Va.; University of Kansas Medical Center, Department
of Psychiatry; The Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kans. Precis
Descriptive data is presented from 339 subjects who reported
out-of-body experiences in response to an advertisement. The data was
analyzed according to preexisting conditions, phenomenological
features, and impact of the experience. Questions are raised about the
etiology of this phenomenon and its meaning to the individual.
In his 1979 presidential address to the American Psychiatric
Association, Dr. Jules Masserman noted that one of man's three ultimate
seekings is "a system of values and mystic beliefs to provide
metapsychological serenity." He noted that there was a growing interest
in what he called "metapsychiatry, reflecting a parallel preoccupation
in the general public with esoteric faiths and transcendental seekings
for the ultimate." There is scant recognition of such areas in the
traditional psychiatric literature although periodic case reports
appear, for example, a case study of "self-induced depersonalization"
by Kennedy.1 It is true that increasing numbers of patients who are
involved in movements, such as Transcendental Meditation, report
experiences traditionally classified as psychopathological. These
movements emphasize that some of these symptom complexes should not be
treated in the way that a symptom is usually treated (e.g.,
interpretation, medication), but that many of these phenomena should be
viewed by the unfamiliar treating physician with "benign neglect" and
referred back to the meditation teacher for management. This is because
a number of them are usual and expected accompaniments of changes in
cognition, perception, and affect modulation that are expected to occur
and are desirable.2,3 Our two papers summarize a study of one such
phenomenon, the out-of-body experience (OBE).
The goal of our study is to address the following questions:
(1) what is the continuum of phenomenological features which is the
"out-of-body" state;
(2) how does it compare with certain other states of consciousness such
as dreaming, life-threatening experience, sensory deprivation states,
and mystical religious experience;
(3) how does it relate to pathological states; for example,
depersonalization, autoscopy, and psychosis;
(4) what are the short- and long-term effects on the individual and
what does the experience mean to him;
(5) what, if any, are the implications of this phenomena for the
practice of psychiatry?
Definition of the term "out-of-body experience"
For the purposes of our survey we chose to define the experience in a
very general way since review of the literature clearly revealed that
there is little, if any, agreement about what characterizes the state
phenomenologically, physiologically, in terms of personality structure,
or in terms of significance to the individual. We chose the following
definition: "An experience where you felt that your mind or awareness
was separated from your physical body." As with Palmer4 we felt that
the only theme in the literature which distinguishes these experiences
is a sense of location of the total sense of self at some place other
than in the physical body. We did not feel that it was wise to restrict
our definition further at this point until the experience had been more
thoroughly studied. Such a definition, however, does reflect certain
biases on our behalf; explicitly, there are:
(1) a belief that with the current state of knowledge, the subject is
in a better position than the investigator to decide whether or not he
had an out-of-body experience;
(2) we wanted to emphasize the sense of location of self-awareness
rather than the complex and extremely variable visual and auditory
experiences reported in the anecdotal literature;
(3) whether or not there is objective laboratory demonstration of a
separation of self-awareness from its normal location in the brain
seems not relevant to the study of the phenomenon from a psychiatric
point of view.
Although some take the position, for example, Osis,6 that such a
criterion should be fundamental to the experience, we feel it
peripheral to an understanding of its psychological impact and its
meaning to the individual, particularly in terms of his value structure
and the organization and functioning of his ego. For now, we feel that
the experience should be subjectively defined. However, we are very
aware of the vast literature on perceptual illusion suggesting that
such research is enormously subject to bias; for example, Orne
demonstrated, that experimental results are directly affected by the
experimenter's personal belief system. Attempts such as those of
Tart8-9 and Twemlow10 to obtain psychophysiological correlates of such
an experience cannot be said to characterize it even partially
adequately, not unlike, for example, trying to describe a whole person
using only an EKG. Reported laboratory studies show no stable features,
but are suggestive.
In our own studies 10 of the gifted subject Robert Monroe, and in a
time series study of 11 Ss conducted to examine his OBE facilitating
technique, one naive subject did show some unusual EEG changes, an
occipital EEG pattern most similar to an occipital slow wave of sleep
variant. Tart 8-9 notes, as we do, that EEG measures in general show a
dramatic reduction in neuronal energy in the alpha and theta band with
some unusual patterns not characteristic of REM sleep or other normal
sleep stages. The term "out-of-body experience" was coined by Tart in
1960 primarily to avoid the judgmental alternative names present in the
literature which implied some nonexistent exact knowledge of etiology
of the experience, for example, such terms as astral projection, ESP
projection, doubling, astral travel, etc. Some writers feel that
out-of-body experience is a specific form of
depersonalization, a point to be addressed in the third paper of this
series. Others such as Ehrenwald 11 emphasize not only the sense of
separation but also the visual accompaniments of what is seen by the
self located "outside" the body. Following Tart's generally widely
accepted definition of an altered state of consciousness as a
"qualitative alteration in overall pattern of mental functioning, such
that the experiencer feels his consciousness is radically different
from the way it functions ordinarily,"12 an adequate definition of OBE
might include the following points: an altered state of consciousness
in which the subject feels that his mind or self-awareness is separated
from his physical body and this self-awareness has a vivid and real
sense about it, quite different from a dream. To flesh out this rather
abstract definition, a letter was selected from one of approximately
700 describing such experiences received by one of the authors (SWT).
This report is an example without many of the dramatic trappings of
those reported in the parapsychological and theosophical literature and
is given by a 52-year-old retired government employee living in Puerto
Rico. He says, "When I was approximately ten years old I was living
together with my older brother at my uncle's house, a major in the U.S.
Army Medical Corps. One day I was reclined on my bed quite awake and
was looking at the ceiling beams of the old Spanish building where the
living quarters were located. I was saying to myself many questions
such as what was I doing there and who was I. All of a sudden I get up
from the bed and start walking toward the next room. At that moment I
felt a strange sensation in me; it was a sensation of weightlessness
and a strange mix of a sense of a feeling of joy. I turned back in my
steps in order to go back to bed when to my big surprise I saw myself
reclined on the bed. This
surprising experience at that very small age gave me the kind of a jerk
which, so to say, shook me back to my body." This example, particularly
well exemplifies the ordinary, even mundane, content of the experience,
its vivid emotional impact, the sense of a complete functioning self
located outside the brain and the considerable surprise when the
physical body is seen, and the way this anxiety triggers the delicate
balance of the alteration of consciousness causing a restitution of the
normal cognitive set of "in-body state."

Taxonomy of OBEs
As might be expected, all possible classification approaches have been
applied to such experiences and each generally begs the question
because there is no agreement as to what constitutes the OBE. Four
possible approaches suggest themselves:
• A classification by natural clustering of phenomena, that is,
subjective re ports, the approach addressed in this paper.
• Classification by precipitating agents or stressors, that is, the
conditions ex isting at the time of the experience, although a
cause-effect relationship has never been established (discussed in this
• Classification by psychosocial and psychopathological variables,
suggested only anecdotally and being addressed in the second paper in
this series. For example, Eastman 13 reports OBEs associated with
fearful states of mind, states of loneliness, and states of extremely
positive mood (ecstatic states).
• Classification by analogy. Here is suggested a state of sensory
deprivation, peak and plateau experiences, and psychopathological
states (schizophrenic body boundary loss, autoscopy, depersonalization,
etc., being addressed in our third paper). A correct taxonomy may make
use of all four approaches, in an attempt to define pathognomonic
features of the experience. Naturally the ultimate value of a taxonomy
would depend on what it can explain. Many features of OBEs are most
likely explainable by the idiosyncratic effects of precipitants (for
example, drugs), personality and defensive constellations, and cultural
factors, including belief systems.
Surveys of OBE
Few surveys of the incidence of OBEs exist; the earliest was by Hart in
1954.14 He asked 155 students whether they had ever had an OBE. 27.17c
of them said that they had, most of them having had more than one
experience. This result is not inconsistent with the results of several
later surveys. In 1968 Green15 reports the results of asking 380 Oxford
undergraduates: "Have you ever had an experience in which you felt that
you were out of your body?" Of these 34% replied affirmatively. Palmer
and Dennis in 197516 published the first survey using a randomly
selected group of 1,000 students and townspeople in a small town in
Virginia. 25% of the students and 14% of the townspeople reported
having had an OBE. A rather original approach to the study of OBEs was
that of Shiels,17 who collected data on belief in OBEs from nearly 70
non-Western cultures. Despite cultural differences the beliefs were
strikingly similar. Shiels felt that this was indirect evidence for an
account of a genuine event, the OBE. It is quite well known, for
example, that many cultures attribute to shamans the capacity to fly
out of the body.18 In fact, a shaman cannot be anointed as such unless
he has that capacity. According to Eliade, such flights express
"intelligent understanding of secret things, metaphysical truths,
symbolic meaning, transcendence, and freedom." A South African study,19
analyzing 122 accounts in response to a press request, found that the
OBE occurred often while the subject was asleep, relaxed, or dozing,
and that over 50% of the subjects claimed to have been in a normal
mental state when the phenomenon occurred. Anecdotal accounts exist
from people already convinced of the veracity and validity of such
520-24 All contain vivid and exciting descriptions based on the
assumption that an objective separation and independent existence of
mind from body is possible. Many of the reports are interested in what
other dimensions of reality can be explored under these conditions.
Eastman13 reported the first summary of conditions under which OBEs
occur; for example, before, during, and after sleep, during hypnotic
trance (not supported subsequently in the literature), during illness,
drug states, and after shock or accident. The sparse psychiatric
literature 11 provides elaborate frameworks to explain the experience
based on, for example, psychoanalytic theories which usually emphasize
defenses against the imminence of physical death and various ways to
deal with infantile omnipotence. Thus OBEs are often seen as
unconscious attempts to portray aspects of man's eternal quest for
immortality. Literature from philosophical and psychic sources,
however, use the OBE to classify people as more or less spiritual
(which usually means psychologically healthy and/or with ESP ability)
based on the type and nature of their OBE.25
On February 15, 1976, one of the investigators (SWT), in an interview
with a national periodical (circulation 15 million on the North
American continent), solicited letters from people who thought they
might have had an out-of-body experience. Of about 1,500 responses, 700
subjects reported experiences in which they thought their consciousness
was separated from the physical body. About one year after the
interview two multiscale questionnaires (Profile of Out-of-Body
Experiences, POBE, and Profile of Adaptation to Life, PAL) were sent to
the individuals and 420 people returned valid questionnaires. 339
reported OBE experiences, while 81 people did not have such
experiences, but expressed a strong interest in learning more about
them, and for the purposes of this study were used as a comparison
group, controlling for high interest in esoteric phenomena. On the POBE
questionnaire, items relating to phenomenology were selected from the
following sources: reports of near-death experiences, mystical
religious literature describing transcendent states,
philosophical-occult psychic literature describing OBE experiences,
psychoanalytic and psychiatric data describing states of
depersonalization, psychotic, autoscopic, and hysterical-dissociative
states, and dreaming. Five psychological test scales described in our
second paper were included to distinguish the psychopathological
conditions and states traditionally connected with a tendency toward
alterations in consciousness, for example: "attention absorption."
26 Demographic data focused on previous experience with
consciousness-altering drugs, hypnosis, and meditative experiences and
to determine some of the background belief systems, including religious
background and types of reading material. In addition, the PAL
questionnaire, 27 a well-validated psychological health scale, was sent
to the subjects. This instrument is one of the few available tests of
psychological health suitable for use in nondisturbed populations. Its
health criteria are largely based on concrete behavioral measures
rather than subjective assessment of mood states.
Of the 339 subjects who reported an experience, 228 (66%) have had more
than one such experience, while 117 (34%) have had only one. 74
subjects have had more than 10.
Table 1 summarizes the conditions remembered to exist at the time OBE
occurred. Of course, no cause-effect relationship necessarily occurs
between these conditions and the experience itself, although such has
been implied by a number of authors.
An overwhelming majority of
the sample were in a relaxed and calm
state of mind (79%), and
the variety of emotionally stressful
conditions (23% of the sample), and states of physical pain, drug and
alcohol intoxication, childbirth, and general anesthetic accounted for
much smaller percentages of the sample. The finding that this
experience is not usually associated with illness or stress compares
with similar findings by Crookall,28 who found four out of his five
subjects normal and well. He attempted to classify OBEs based on those
occurring under stress (physical or mental) and those occurring under
nonstressful conditions. Comparing these findings with those of
Green,15 those who had one OBE only were characteristically people
under some identifiable stress prior to the experience, especially
physical trauma. In our sample, an analysis of the top and bottom 25%
for frequency of OBEs utilizing univariate independent group f-tests
failed to find any precondition reaching the level of p < .01.
The bottom 25% of the sample, reported more spontaneous OBEs, that is,
those occurring without effort
to leave the body, significantly more frequently than the top 25%(df =
62, p < .01). A small but intensive study of 10 subjects reports
that states of mental calm were mentioned 20 times more frequently in
subjects with multiple OBEs. Single OBE subjects reported psychological
stress only three times in the sample. Most of the pundits of
parapsychological literature recommend a physically relaxed state1022
from their own personal experiences. OBE occurring during dreaming is
distinguished emphatically by subjects as being "more real than a
dream" in the majority of cases. Flying and falling dreams, quite
common in childhood, comprise a majority of the dreams occurring at the
time the OBE is noted. It was of interest to us the certitude with
which the subjects emphasize that they knew the difference between a
dream state and an OBE state. Subjects who were in a state of mental
calmness at the time of the OBE tended to have a significantly greater
proportion of meditators (df = 178, p < .0001) than those who
were not in such a state of mental calmness; otherwise no other
preconditions significantly separated this group. Subsequent
multivariate analyses
of this data will be conducted to determine any cluster emerging from
the preconditions listed. Life-threatening experiences as described by
Stevenson and Greyson 29 have given rise to a prevalent opinion in the
literature that OBEs are frequently associated with severe illness,
threat to life, either internal (psychotic) or external (physical). Can
such near-death experiences be separately characterized from
out-of-body experiences? Another study will summarize this in more
detail,* However, certain characteristics of the out-of-body experience
itself allow a discrimination between nonstress OBE and those that
occur while under stress (emotional and that posed by imminent death).
A Chit test of associations showed that the following experiences are
more common in combined subjects (near death and under emotional
(1) experience of going through a dark tunnel (p < .05);
(2) brilliant light experience (p < .001);
(3) observation of a border or limit (p < .002);
(4) a sense of some attachment to the physical body (p < .05);
(5) a panoramic vision of images of dead relatives and friends (p
< .05).
The use of drugs and alcohol had a low incidence in this population. A
study of marijuana users30 showed that 44% of the marijuana users had
had at least one OBE. Our population is a lot older (mean age 45 years)
than Tart's, and the drugs reported used by our subjects were not
classifiable, ranging from antihypertensives through vitamin pills and
antibiotics. Only four subjects reported using psychedelic
drugs (LSD and marijuana) at the time of the experience. Individual
descriptions of the type of emotional stress totaled 74 reports.
Striking were the themes of loss, mourning, and loneliness represented
in 21 of the subjects; threats of death, including illness, being in a
war zone, pre-surgery, and cancer in 20; marital and family problems in
12; and the remainder miscellaneous, including unspecified tension
states. When the descriptions were reviewed from the point of view of
those who had had one OBE only (n = 33) and those, who had more than
one (n = 41), 21.7% of the one OBE sample reported stress involving
loss, mourning, and loneliness, compared with 34.2% of those who had
had more than one OBE. Similarly, Eastman13 reports the sense of
loneliness as quite frequent at the time of OBE and such findings may
be seen to support theories that place emphasis on defensive methods of
adapting to threat of loss or damage to the ego. A question was asked
to explore why the individual wanted to have an OBE and revealed some
interesting findings. Of 91 classifiable responses, 19 (20.9%) were
simply interested for curiosity or fun, 21 (23.1%) were members of a
psychical research or study group, 23 (25.3%) were involved in
personal, existential explorations associated with major developmental
stages, and in 28 (30.7%) the experience was entirely spontaneous and
unexpected. Only 10% of the sample had previously attended workshops on
OBEs and it was significant that approximately one-third of the sample
had not expected in any way to have such an experience and did not
admit at least to expecting or even knowing about such experiences.
Table 2 summarizes a number of phenomenological features of the
experience. The first six features, occurring in more than 50% of the
subjects, do not show the more esoteric aspects described in the
literature but describe a simple subjective perceptual experience of
great vividness and reality, showing not only a sense of separation of
the total self from its normal location in the head but also being
aware that this self exists in the same environment as the physical
body, which can be clearly seen and is associated with a feeling of
unusual "energy" and a desire to return to the body. As might be
expected, some of the more vivid and detailed phenomenological features
were overrepresented in the top 25% of the sample. For example, using
independent group t-tests, the following features were more common in
the top 25%:
a sense of energy (df = 94, p < .0005), noises, particularly
roaring noises (df = 39, p < .0005), vibrations (df = 97, p
< .01), seeing the body from a distance (df = 97, p <
.005), a sense of being able to pass through objects (df = 93,
p < .00006), awareness of the presence of nonphysical beings (df
= 96, p < .005), and seeing a brilliant light (df =96, p
< .002). These findings show some differences from the major
surveys reported in the literature. For example, Crookall,31 in an
analysis of anecdotal reports from 380 subjects, found a high
representation of people, who felt connected to their bodies by a cord,
who see other apparitions during the experiences, and who demonstrate
ESP during the experience, none of which were significantly represented
in our population. However, some of his major findings—for example, the
subject being able to see his own body from a new and spatially
independent vantage point, finding himself in a form similar to his
physical body, and feeling the "other body" tends to float—were
supported in our study. Our findings correspond more closely with those
of Celia Green,15 who found that practically none of her correspondents
saw a cord.
As seen in Table 3, a majority of the subjects had remarkably positive
experiences. What is striking is the use of superlative adjectives in
the reports. By no means was this experience ordinary and in 60% of the
sample was life-changing. Even those who experienced the OBE as
extremely frightening, or giving sensations of great power, on a Chit
test of association were not significantly related to mean scores on
the Hysteroid and Psychoticism scales, suggesting that the experience
itself neither occurred in particularly sick people nor had a
pathological impact. 85% termed it "a very pleasant experience."
T-tests revealed, as would be expected, that those who were in a state
of mental calmness at the time of the OBE experienced more positive
moods both during and after the experience. Mood states such as joy (df
= 304, p < .01), freedom (df = 309, p < .008), calm,
peace and quiet (df = 90, p < .0002) were experienced much more
frequently than in those who had feelings of fear during the
experience. 7"-test comparisons also revealed the fact that those who
were mentally calm had more detailed and vivid experiences than those
who experienced fear at the time of the OBE, for example, senses of
energy (df = 312, p < .02), vibrations (df = 322, p <
.01), feelings that people not out of the body were aware of their
presence (df = 155, p < .008). In the mentally calm group the
experience was seen as having a more lasting and dramatic impact on
life; for example, it was described as a spiritual or religious
experience (df = 302, p < .01), an experience of great beauty
and lasting benefit (df = 301, p < .0003), and effected a change
toward a belief in survival after death (df = 313, p < .01). The
data is quite reminiscent of the categories used to describe peak and
plateau experiences32 and mystical religious experiences:33 for
example, the sense of unity, transcendence of time and space, sense of
objectivity and reality, a noetic and sacred quality, a deep positive
mood state, and a quality of ineffability. Subjects who described a
sense of purpose to the experience in general indicated that the
experience enabled them to obtain closure on some of the major
existential questions, for instance: "to show me everything is
possible," "to show me new possibilities or new realities." These
accounts reflected a preponderance (85%) of subjects who were dealing
with issues associated with major life changes and requiring much
introspection, review, and assessment of personal strengths and
Even without reviewing the widely recognized defects of the
questionnaire approach, this study has a number of added defects,
including the fact that many of the experiences are remembered from
many years before. Structuring the questionnaire in a directive way
added forced-choice features; however, the questions were forced-choice
to aid in quantifying data but the sacrifice, of course, is obvious.
Although a large number of questions were asked, this approach suffers
from a lack of detailed individualized protocols. In an attempt to
remedy this defect, extensive psychological testing has been done on a
selected sample of 100 of these subjects, a random cross section of
whom will be personally interviewed and reported in future studies. The
generalizability of this data is aided by the semirandom nature of the
study and the anonymity of respondents. The study population is highly
representative of the general population at large; separate research,
for the Profile of Adaptation to Life Scale, compared a number of
different populations, including college students, Transcendental
Meditators, professionals, and psychiatric patients to arrive at norms
for the test. It was found that our OBE group was the "norm" group,
representing a broad range of educational age and geographic
characteristics as well as having a good psychological and physical
27 The 280 nonrespondents to the questionnaire cast some doubt on how
generalizable our data is even to the OBE population. However, about
100 of the questionnaires were undeliverable and there was a one-year
unavoidable time delay between the published interview and the mailing
of the questionnaires. As one reviews our results as an attempt to
delineate the phenomenology of the OBE, this study adds a number of
major features to the understanding of the experience. An old
theosophical tract 34 used the concept of "thought form." In the
general case the OBE is a typical "thought form," the question really
What form does this thinking take? We have elected not to address the
issue of whether mind really separates from the physical body, but our
research has raised in our minds fundamental questions about the nature
of what is "really real." In addition to the sense of separation of
mind from body, what becomes apparent from the survey is that total
mind, perhaps best referred to as "sense of whole self," is separated.
There is visually no self-awareness in the body. The whole self,
including observing and experiencing ego functions, is located at a
point in perceptual space other than the brain, with the physical body
being seen as inert and "thoughtless." There is no clouding of
consciousness as is reported in hypnogogic, hypnopompic, and dream,
including lucid dream states; in fact, consciousness is felt to be
quite clear. A most striking finding reported by subjects is the
certainty that they were not dreaming, whether or not the experience
occurred when quite aroused; for example, when in severe pain or, as in
the majority of cases, in a resting state. Those who are fearful,
frightened, or in pain when they have this experience tend to have a
much more negative reaction to it and, as might be expected, utilize it
for much less extensive attitudinal change, and the experience remains
less vivid in the memory. Future studies will further differentiate the
latter group, which might be experiences of depersonalization. Far from
being primarily attributes of illness, painful or toxic states, the
majority of these experiences occur often when the person is least
expecting them and when quite relaxed. Theories such as those of
Palmer35 emphasize the importance of reduction in proprioceptive input
in the physically relaxed state akin to sensory deprivation.
As the
brain receives less proprioceptive and other sensory input, the ego
theoretically becomes able to relax reality testing. Regressive
components of the OBE seem to occur in the 22% of patients who are
reminded of childhood experiences; thus it is tempting to invoke the
psychoanalytic concept of regression in the service of the ego. But the
question remains: What is the service, both from a defensive as well as
an adaptive synthetic viewpoint? There is no need to find a single
cause for OBEs. Multideterminism is a widely accepted concept in
psychiatry. Thus our approach to the etiology of OBE is to consider
there to be contributions from different levels of explanation. Each
OBE experience might thus be determined by a number of factors
(psychopathological, toxic/organic, evolutionary, developmental, and
perceptual-cognitive), each making a contribution. The same individual
would likely have a different etiological combination under different
circumstances and the experience would have a different impact. This
concept is elaborated in a paper we have in preparation. In the
Republic, Plato delineates four levels of experiential reality:
imaginary, physical, conceptual, and direct transcendental cognition,
which he calls direct seeing or "the Good." In the story of Er
(Republic, 616-17) the story is told of a valiant man, Er, who died in
battle and who later revived and told a story whereby his soul had
departed from him. Plato claims something utterly alien to the modern
mentality; he says that only after death, when we are free of bodily
influence, shall we know the whole crux of being. Plato feels that
freeing the psyche from the body is an essential condition for the
philosophic journey to ultimate wisdom. As indicated by Grosso, 36,37
monistic materialism has collapsed the architecture of being to a
one-level affair: the really real world of sense experience. The middle
kingdom, the unreal domain of dreams, the flimsiest form of
epiphenomena, perhaps the collective asylum of artists and the mad, may
teach us to be less dogmatic in the way we toss about epithets like
"real." It may help us to open up to more multilevel ontologies.