lot of times
11:11 are coming up... It's a good sign.
Something is
cooking... Thank's for clarification about our true sun, that is hot
"gorachaya duscha" and the holographic-cold one. It makes sense. You
move to Australia because of the heat, to train your body...But I'm
worry here! It's too much information in my head, feels like bipolar or
even multipolar. All life I was interested in paranormal, mysterious
phenomenon, conspiracy, global consciousness research...I live in US
for 21 years, read lots of books & articles by Eric Von
Zecharia Sitchin, Jordan Maxwell, Graham Hancock, Michal Talbot,
Stanislav Grov, Yakov Sverdlov, David Icke and hundred more... Now I'm
reading George Green, after that Alex Collier (he has lots of good
staff on YouTube), then R.Monroe (first 2 books).
I have interest in blood type (that's worrys me). My is Rh-O (neg).
Conspiracy books say "it's reptilian." Evil group "Global Elite",
reptilian shape-shifters have Rh-O type. David Icke tells us "this
blood line control the planet" and it's true. But, every Human have a
Reptilian brain RX complex, so every one of us a part of a reptilian.
They also say Rh-O have high % of reptilian DNA and they are Hybrids.
Your site & letter mention Hybrids and New Players. Does it
that people with Rh-O are Hybrids and with low vibration? Then we will
end up in 4D (and 4D is corrupted), sooner or later 4D will link to 3D
and "time loop" will begin all over again: incarnation, reincarnation.
So, if reptilians are evil, negative, than why I feel this "cosmic
Love" in my heart? It's very magnetic, feels like my heart pulls
"something " from "out there" and then release "it"(love?) to the
world! It's pulsaiting again and again and tears are coming out from
eyes, back of my head start tingling (like a needles) and my body is
feeling weightless for a moment. It feels like a "cosmic orgasm", a
magnet is pulling my head up to the sky very gently. What am I
experiencing? It's happening every day for so long, but now it's
increasing. And it's too much.
The other side of me of course evil,
dark especially when I'm angry (double personality?), but everyone
experiencing this staff. I saw the" Wheel of Balance"
the age of 6-7 I felt sensation, like someone grabed me from the place,
my Home and put me in the doll box. And I knew this planet is not my
home, it's a doll box or a theater and we are all actors, players. I'm
not from here it's not where I belong. I'm experiencing lucid dreams,
and very sensitive to people. I'm longing for home... I like Global
conspiracy... Yes, here is the huge portal, like you have in Australia!
Alex Collier talks about Colorado a lot, The State stands on the
and Granite is storage for energy (it's consist of quarts/crystals)...
And also, David Icke say, Colorado is major Illuminati-Draco
state/center, here is a big vortex, they use/extract vortex energy for
negative purposes (you know that energy itself is neutral, it's how we
use it)...First we need to focus on 5D and not on 4D...the sun is not
danger at all, but the offitials tell it is, because, like Giuliana
Conforto say, EM light is collapsing. So, the sun will strike the Earth
and it will awake humans or enlight people...article G. Conforto,
"June, 5-6 2012:
..Alex Collier mentioned,
that Andromedans said "color-sound vibration is coming here from
the Gallactic Center, David Icke calls it "the truth vibration".
HAARP and every EM technology
like TV, iPods, IPhones, frigerators, computers, etc...specifically
designed to black this vibrations and create Artificial Magnetic Field,
so EM natural field stay longer and if EM field dont collapse, the Sun
will not reach the planet. And we know that sun's flares are not a
danger, they must reach the planet for consciousness shift of
Humanity... You know, I'm a yoga instructor myself (without a job),
it's hard to find a job here, but I tell you the truth:
Yoga is a pure
buisness now. So I teach for free my neighbors, my kids, their friends
my backyard, and the main thing is that my class is religion free
(every religion belief goes to the trash)! To me yoga is a great
physical culture and it's relaxing (it actually cures headaches). In
the article, you say: "We are becoming Unisex-Universal Beings, people
of US are up the front of this movement"..., well, my dear Lydia, maybe
some, but most people are fanatically religious (catholic, protestants,
there are a lot of sects here). When I talk to people... I don't use
word god, I use Force, we all are Creators, they may be listen to me,
but they are only polite, they don't research and don't think for
themselves, they don't feel the Force inside of them, Americans go to
church 3-4 times a week. They pray and wait for jesus to come down and
save them. You see, the more they pray, the worse situation becomes,
nothing changes, economy is falling down, families are braking down (a
lot of divorce are here), people are so afraid of fat, it is awful and
not healthy at all. I say, praying is not help, look within yourself.
You are right: people are at different stages of their evolution...
have a lot of parrots in Peru flying free in the sky. Animals are
incredible and magical, they are gift from the Source! One day I woke
up early morning, my cat was lying on top on me, so I open my
eyes and boom: a man was lying on top of me, white skin, black fur. I
freaked out, closed my eyes, then opened right away and boom: my black
cat is back on top of me. I'm telling You, cats are shape-shifters.
They are protectors of families, guardians, so are every animal. During
planetary shift, every animal member will assist and guide their family
members...we wanted a boy, but our second daughter was born. She is a
"tomboy", hangs out always with boys, her best friends are boys...
first daughter always hangs out with homosexuals, it turns out that
they are very compassionate people. President Putin against transgendar
and homosexuals. At least here, in the US people can make a choice and
express themselves. All right!
I read only one book R Monroe
"Ultimate Journey" thanks to your website it's easy to understand...And
you right, R. Monroe's work, his books, are based on higher level of
consciousness, most people will not understand and even will not have
interest, but there always will be next lifetime and everyone will
make it sooner or later. For me, for you and few others this time is
coming soon. I do understand video "Eternal wheel of Balance" on your
...electromagnetic technology gives
me a big headache. Anyway, technology is anti-life. Bob Frissell in his
book says: "The most advanced civilization in the galaxy have nothing,
own nothing outside of themselves.They can do anything they want and
without external objects. Even if we do create external machines, we
somehow have to get to the point, where we can do what the machine
does...we are
learning, that we do have everything we need within. Our next leap in
consciousness will be to go inside and discover it for ourselves...
need nothing outside of themselves. They inhabit their own living
time-space vehicle and have everything they need. Soon, we will join
them"...And here is my favorite Giuliana Conforto, by the way She is
Dr. Astrophysicist, intelligent, wise and She is a Woman! And You,
Lydia, have a whole page on your website, dedicated to Women! So,
Giuliana said:
"Believe that technology will save us is another
illusion. Technology has made an incredible leap over the last 60
years, but till now it has only helped people descend
than ascend. Maybe it had to be so... it does not free us. Most 20th
century technology seems to have been transmitted to the US army by
aliens known as "Greys". Good or bad? Neither one nor the other. Maybe
Greys are biological robots, suited for space travel. They play a part
of the Game.
The protagonist is still Adam (Human). If we stopped
believing in this old value system, no "alien" coud be a dominator any
This from her book "Organic Universe":
contact between
the biological body and the Light one is consiousness, that is suddenly
emerging everywhere at present. Everyone's level of consiousness
depends on her/his relationship with her/his own inner voice..., and so
is our awareness, that we are inside a movie. Those, who realize this,
try to communicate it to others, but they only succeed with those, who
already feel it themselves one way or another. Anyone, who feels it,
also feels the need to get out of the movie, leave the roles: she no
longer fits the script and its standard characters, such as wife,
husband, mother, father, son, daughter, employee, professional etc. -
all appear as obsolete. The film is getting more convulsive,
taking on more dramatic and gloomy tones, depending on
humans' attachment to a movie, which no longer has any "reality". The
visible matrix is bifurcating itself. A portion falls down into
oblivion and an another rises to consciousness. A similar
already occurred at the end of Atlantis. The fact, that we are here,
simply means, we fell into oblivion in those times. Life and humans are
both eternal. Bifurcation seems like a universal judgement, but it just
regards these peculiar times. Bifurcations will occur again and again.
The rising consciousness mainly regards the ones, who are actually old
souls. The young ones will have other chances to get out from the
illusion anyway. Cosmic Life is a compassionate and loving intelligence
and will never abandon its creatures...Earth's surface is going to make
a jump into the future; it's absorbing the "weak" dark Energy and
making the EM veil or Earth's magnetosphere vanish. This event is going
to change its entire geo-history and is what the Empire's agents
(secret, black government) are afraid of...We are now living the phase
transition. Earth's "journey" is unpredictable and might depend on us,
humans. The EM "veil" or magnetosphere is coming down....The
Promised Land is not a dream. It is a New nuclear state of Earth's
surface, so much "transparent" to Life as to let us listen to the
living beat of Earth's inner core... Almost all of us see its great
central Sun, the intelligent Source, that gives life to all of us. Its
"birth" implies our human "birth" too; it is an Event Life has planned
since time immemorial.....The present change seems to have a completely
new flavor and nobody actually knows what is going to occur.....Earth's
"bubble" is Her magnetosphere, similar to a womb, that is now going to
vanish. Recent terrestrial black-outs might be the signs of "Her"
labour, that is our individual labour too....Scientists usually
believe, that a planet's magnetosphere "protects" it from the solar
wind. Yet their coupling is not well understood and the idea of
"protection" rather comes from scientists usual "ignorance" of the
"weak" (dark energy) resource.....As EM (electromagnetic) illusion
vanishes, man's drowsy consciousness awakens...
First - Dr. George Hunt Williamson:
"Over one
hundred years ago, in
1854, astronomer Sir William Herschel suggested, that the Sun may be
inhabited and that the inhabitans may no more suffer from the intense
heat, than those, who live in the tropical regions of Earth!" He
believed the Sun to be cool body, not "a hot, flaming gas ball"...
SECOND - from Giuliana Conforto article : "Can We Win Gravity?" -"Sun
in the sky is definitely not the ball of gas depicted by astrophysics.
Within the sun's core there are neither hundred-million degree
temperatures, nor nuclear fusion. Mr Keshe's gravitational
certainly shows realistic perspectives, it is not an unfounded story,
some media claim." Her other article, March 2012: "We Have Just Entered
A New Phase...Cosmic rays are not at all dangerous: they compose a
parallel universe, in which we could even participate. Being composed
of a peculiar kind of dark matter, we cannot observe it with our eyes,
but we can feel its intelligence, recognize, that it is linked to a
future ..."
May, 2012
about Miami,
USA Trip May-June 2012
am in Miami now and return home in mid June. What I recommend you to do
if you fly over the ocean in daytime: to look down and you might notice
a pattern of Fabric of Time in a form of stretched fish net on the
surface of
water (if it's calm) or at least lines at regular intervals on the
surface. This is what I noticed on the way to Miami and still don't
know, if I succeeded to catch it on photo. Amazing: you can now see it
not just imprinted on sky and sand, but also on water!
I am in Miami for the first time and it has an invisible negative layer
of energy on everything, the same is in LA, in Gold Coast, Australia
other similar cities.