Планетарная Игра в картинках - 24 - Planetary Game in pictures - 24
Планетарная Игра в картинках - 29 - Planetary Game in pictures - 29

I remember reading "Matrix 5" trilogy and the updates of the same author on Val Valerian's website and I was unpleasantly surprised how this author made readers to believe, that he (the author) and the other 2 guys were the only ones helping Earth Planetary Spirit with their energy at critical times. Maybe he did, but noble people usually don't advertise that. There are thousands of us, Women and men, silently doing their job or helping Earth without knowing it. And to prove my point I suggest you read a couple of pages from "Convoluted Universe", part 3, by Dolores Cannon, p. 205-210:

"This session also took place in an underground location, although it was not on Earth. When Joan descended...she found herself in a strange barren, alien landscape. A very red crust, no vegetation. Red, jagged, severe-looking mountains. (Mars?)
I (Dolores Cannon) then asked her (Joan) to look down at herself to see what she looked like. She found it more curious then frightening when she looked at her feet and said, "The closest description I can come to is bird like. With the talons perhaps of a crane foot or an ibis foot, more like a three-pronged claw. They are more of a translucent beige toward silver color. A contrast to the landscape I've seen."
She then described her body. "Long legs. Thin. Spindly, for lack of a better word...more of a teardrop shape body. I have a small neck. Most of the appendages seem more like wings, and then they turn into alien-looking hands instead of like my feet. More like thin arms with larger hands on the end of it. Six fingers, counting the thumb. I thought my face, my head, would be bird-like, but it seems to be more lion-like. Perhaps more cat-like. And I have shoulder length black hair." It sounded like a combination of different types, but definately alien. I suppose there is no reason, why it would have to be either cat-like or bird-like. In other words, I suppose you  could be any combination of anything. What is normal here might be abnormal there. So I go along with whatever description I am given and just continue to ask questions.

"Now I understand, that the red place is an outpost. There are many others here, beings of all kinds. We are experimenting with something in this place. We are working with energy of some kind. I am trying to see, where I would be doing that. Whether I would be in a structure, or whether I would be doing something out in the open on the surface. Now I see that I am walking down some stairs to an underground facility, where there is a huge - you could say 'city', but - civilization habitations, under the surface of this red place. There's something we're working on in this underground cavern, although it's more modern, more advanced. We are working together on some sort of experiment to do with - I want to say 'transmuting' energy. We are working on adapting energy to make it useful in other areas of the Universe. That's why there are all kinds of Beings here. We're working together on something, that will benefit all of us. Each in their own respective areas of the Universe will be able to learn and apply this knowledge and/or energy in a beneficial way. I don't know, whether it's to make the energy of the Universe more beneficial and more utilitarian (valueable). Working on something new, that will be beneficial. It will be used for absolutely positive things.
D (Dolores): This is what the experiment has been about.
J: Yes. It's about using the energies in different, new ways to benefit the Universe. This is my job.
D: Do you live there in this underground place?
J: That's where I live now. Those of us, that are here doing the experiment, are all living in the underground places.
D: But the other beings are the ones, that take it throughout the Universe?
J: Yes. I do not go. I am sending them out. There are many different forms here working on the same project.
D: Do you know if this energy is going to be used on the planet Earth?
J: Yes, it will eventually be used there.
D: I wasn't sure, if where you are, is even in the same Universe, where Earth is located.
J: Yes, we are in the same Universe. It will be used on Earth eventually.
D: What will it be used for?
J: I'm having a block there. There are several applications, that can be made, not just one. It would be determined by the person, who is taking it back to the new areas. We are changing it in some way to take back, and be used in our respective areas. But it's not going to be used in a structure. It's going to be more free energy, that will be used beneficially for many different uses in many different places.
(It could be any of us involved in the same project, LM).
I moved Joan forward to an important day. She had difficulty locating anything specific. It was like drifting in and out of a mist.
"I was trying to get some clarity. Right now I am seeing, that the project itself is the most important thing I could be doing."
It became obvious, that I would not be able to move Joan to anything, connected with that life. So I decided to bring forth the subconscious to answer the questions about this lifetime she had seen.
"Why did you pick that life for Joan to see?"

J: She needs to understand, that she's working with energy. She knows it on some level, but she needs to understand, that she has many more energy abilities, than she has understood so far. Joan, like many others, who come to see me, was working with Reiki and using that form of energy healing to help people. It's amazing how many of my subjects either are healers already, or want to become healers. Many are being told they are to develop the use of energy in healing work. Joan was told she needed to continue to do this type of work, but that wasn't enough. "They" had bigger plans for her,
as they do for many others.

J: She does need to focus more on sending energy out to the places, where it needs to be sent, to strengthen, to balance during this new phase. At this time, she is here to be helping Earth do its energy changing and transforming. She and many others are here to ground and balance and share energy for the benefit of the Earth particularly. Everything is interconnected. Everything affects everything else.
D: You said, "The new phase". What did you mean by that?
J: There is much change happening, much transformation happening, much raising of energies happening, much confusion happening. There is a need for those here for this purpose to balance as well as help raise. That is her main purpose at this point. And also to share knowledge to help open people, who are not aware of who they are. She's been limiting herself. She's entering a new phase and she's here to help others entering new phases of their awareness of the expansiveness of creation.
D: Joan said, in her conscious state, she keeps hearing the words, or seeing the phrase,  "Anchor the energy." Can you tell her?
J: Yes. She is here for that purpose. She is here to anchor the new energy coming in. To hold it and to carry it and to introduce it to places where it has not been introduced before.
D: How do you want her to introduce it ?
J: Just by the mere mental Intent of holding, anchoring, introducing. She is an antenna for the introduction. It is coming to and through her and others, into the Earth and out from there. And her awareness of her purpose will help her intent to be more forceful, more expansive, more helpful.
D: This person, this being on this other planet, who received all that information and knowledge, is she able to draw on, what he received?
J: That is where the knowledge and the information and the new energy is coming from. The experiment. It's being sent out much like a radio wave, a microwave or magnetic wave to her and others who are here for that purpose. Who have come here at this time for this reason to act as receivers. (She became emotional.) A love energy. Powerful, but loving energy that is transforming and raising and expanding the Creator energy that is coming in at this time and in this space.
She is emotional because she is connecting to the person she was, working on this energy. And the knowledge and the awareness of why she is feeling this way is affecting her. She has only occasionally been in touch with this depth of love and healing, and that is causing the emotion. (R. Monroe used to cry after experiencing the Unconditional Love in his astral travels, LM).
D: Was she seeing a past life?
J: It's a parallel life. It is occuring simultaneously at the same time.
D: That's what I was thinking. If they are experimenting with the energy, and Earth is receiving it now, it would have to be occuring at the same time.
J: Yes, it is going on at the same time. But is also being beamed to other areas. She is receiving it here, and others are receiving it in other places, that are ready to receive it. It is only going, where it is appropriate.
D: So she's both working on it and sending it out, and receiving it at the same time, because it is all happening simultaneously.
J: Yes, that's correct.
D: But she had to go through a normal life to get to this point, didn't she?
J: Yes, she did. She had to get to this point. The understanding of the physical life helped her to understand some things, that she needed to learn, and poined her in the direction of the information she needed to open herself. The Reiki was part of her touching back into the love energy (the Energy of Balance, LM), because that is part of the healing energy of the Universe, the Creator. It is another way of handling it. It's another way of experiencing it. It's another way of channeling energy. It's another way of transmuting energy (changing, modifying). It's another way of getting it to someone else to use, as their guiding system (beacon), if she chooses to use it. 

This is what R. Monroe was writing about in his books and his thoughts on that I posted on this website.

It's something she needed to learn to be able to understand this step. She is here as a double vision to be the antenna, and she's also sending it. She is here for a purpose, like many beings on this Earth, and in the Universe, to learn how to use the energy to lift it (Earth) to a higher level. To help in whatever way they can. And this is what she is doing in this lifetime. This is the second wave of individuals, that I have spoken about before. The ones who are supposed to act as channels or antennas of energy. Their main purpose is to direct the energy into the Earth to be used by others. Of course, none of these people are consciously aware of their missions."
There is a lot written about males and not enough about females. This website is paying a special attention to the former Second Class Citizens - True Human Females with highly evolved Souls, having experiences on Planet Earth, who, inspite of everything imaginable to ruin them, taught human/alien Males what Love/Balance is all about. It's much easier to love someone of the same gender or someone from your family and so much more difficult to love an alien (in human body) or a human of the opposite gender. This is the reason for so many divorces. For many years I couldn't understand why most of Human Females (having natural psychic abilities) are spiritually so shut down. This is how you follow the Law of Allowence (научиться смотреть сквозь пальцы, даже если это очень тяжело)!





























My thoughts on the differences between Women and Men

"...the secret lies in the Feminine Force"  this is the phrase from the book by Preston Nichols " Encounter in the Pleades: an Inside Look at UFO's" , p.167.

Why is that so you might ask? There are a few reasons. The first reason.
Females are more open in terms of Energy Flow, compared to Males (see  Psychology of Multiple Personalities link). Alters - Clones - Sub-personalities help everyone (including children) to move to 4th Level of Consciousness. The bodies of very young children already have the frequency of the first overtone of the 5th Level, because our Earth (with its population) have partly moved to the first overtones (frequencies) of the 5th Level. But there are still a lot of 3rd Density-Level pockets on Earth (who are not evolved). These places are full of wars, fear and negativity. The higher you are, the better you are treated! Most Human Children and Human Females are helping Human Males to evolve to 5th Level.
The second reason is described in Carlos Castaneda's book "The Art of Dreaming" and in Taisha Abelar's book "The Sorcerer's Crossing". These books describe the difference between men and women. Some aliens find human females and males as different species. An experienced sorcerer would see a person as a luminous egg or a ball bigger, than this person, with a very bright spot the size of a tennis ball, called an Assemblage Point or a Spirit, where Spirit construct a world, through conscious fibres, who are penetrating this spot. This Egg is moving through the air, leaving furrows in it, like a plough. The difference is in the position of the Assemblage Point or of our Spirit (the bright luminous ball behind our shoulders). This is where our consciousness is concentrating most. There are luminous live fibres coming out of this ball on one side of it:
they are the Antennas for Universal Knowledge. These Antennas are turned outside to receive Universal Knowledge in Females, and the opposite is happening with Males : their Anntenas are turned inside of the body, making the reception of Universal Knowledge impossible. That's why males need a lot of encouragement and teaching done from outside. Females have input from 3 sources : their Higher Selves, their wombs and their Antennas in their Spirits, picking up the Universal Knowledge. But males have only one  source : their Higher Selves. There is also the 3d Eye chakra for both genders, which is picking up the images and information from other higher frequenciess/worlds simultaneously and sending it to their Higher Selves.
The third reason is the movement of human females through all kinds of frequencies of our and other universe is also much easier (less trapped in them and recover quicker).
The forth reason is, that females are bigger producers of high quality Sun Energy or Loosh/Love/Balance, because they have been withstanding much more Pain and Pressure, than Males and the energies in their bodies closer to Balance, though there are some exceptional Males. Mother's Love is a good example of it. This is described by R. Monroe in "Far Journeys" p.176:
"Using the same stuff - interactive experience - one began to learn to express anger, pain, fear, and all the rest, and finally- hopefully, if you passed the course - a special energy waveform labeled love. Yet we don't really know what it is and, with my suspicion growing, how to really use it. (A carefully designed school of compressed learning.) To learn to be high - quality loosh/love producers. The fact, that human physical consciousness was for the most part totally unaware of being  involved in the process, maybe an important ingredient itself. Precious few are cognizant of the nonphysical agenda, at least overtly..."
And more info about the real significance of love for creation of Balance is well introduced in "Ultimate Journey" by R. Monroe, p.79: "The Big Nugget", see it on  Robert Monroe  link. I hope that this info would not make Females too snobbish and they would still help their Males to fully evolve to the 5th Level (to all 7 overtones, frequencies). The best results could be achieved, if nobody is dominating, neither Male, nor Female: THEY NEED TO HELP EACH OTHER and be in Balance. Female have Female and Male energy in the form of Male and Female Clones-Alters-Parallel Personalities. The same is with a Male: he has Female and Male Alters. The mixture of this energy is required for building the future BALANCE. More information about it is on Psychology-Psychiatry (MPD) link.  

 my correspondence in the past

A Letter from a friend, July 2013

"A lot of times 11:11 are coming up... It's a good sign. Something is cooking... Thank's for clarification about our true sun, that is hot "gorachaya duscha" and the holographic-cold one. It makes sense. You move to Australia because of the heat, to train your body...But I'm worry here! It's too much information in my head, feels like bipolar or even multipolar. All life I was interested in paranormal, mysterious phenomenon, conspiracy, global consciousness research...I live in US for 21 years, read lots of books & articles by Eric Von Daniken, Zecharia Sitchin, Jordan Maxwell, Graham Hancock, Michal Talbot, Stanislav Grov, Yakov Sverdlov, David Icke and hundred more... Now I'm reading George Green, after that Alex Collier (he has lots of good staff on YouTube), then R.Monroe (first 2 books).
I have interest in blood type (that's worrys me). My is Rh-O (neg). Conspiracy books say "it's reptilian." Evil group "Global Elite", reptilian shape-shifters have Rh-O type. David Icke tells us "this blood line control the planet" and it's true. But, every Human have a Reptilian brain RX complex, so every one of us a part of a reptilian. They also say Rh-O have high % of reptilian DNA and they are Hybrids. Your site & letter mention Hybrids and New Players. Does it mean that people with Rh-O are Hybrids and with low vibration? Then we will end up in 4D (and 4D is corrupted), sooner or later 4D will link to 3D and "time loop" will begin all over again: incarnation, reincarnation. So, if reptilians are evil, negative, than why I feel this "cosmic Love" in my heart? It's very magnetic, feels like my heart pulls "something " from "out there" and then release "it"(love?) to the world! It's pulsaiting again and again and tears are coming out from eyes, back of my head start tingling (like a needles) and my body is feeling weightless for a moment. It feels like a "cosmic orgasm", a magnet is pulling my head up to the sky very gently. What am I experiencing? It's happening every day for so long, but now it's increasing. And it's too much.
The other side of me of course evil, dark especially when I'm angry (double personality?), but everyone experiencing this staff. I saw the" Wheel of Balance" (video)...  By the age of 6-7 I felt sensation, like someone grabed me from the place, my Home and put me in the doll box. And I knew this planet is not my home, it's a doll box or a theater and we are all actors, players. I'm not from here it's not where I belong. I'm experiencing lucid dreams, and very sensitive to people. I'm longing for home... I like Global conspiracy... Yes, here is the huge portal, like you have in Australia! Alex Collier talks about Colorado a lot, The State stands on the Granite and Granite is storage for energy (it's consist of quarts/crystals)... And also, David Icke say, Colorado is major Illuminati-Draco state/center, here is a big vortex, they use/extract vortex energy for negative purposes (you know that energy itself is neutral, it's how we use it)...First we need to focus on 5D and not on 4D...the sun is not danger at all, but the offitials tell it is, because, like Giuliana Conforto say, EM light is collapsing. So, the sun will strike the Earth and it will awake humans or enlight people...article G. Conforto, "June, 5-6 2012:

..Alex Collier mentioned, that Andromedans said "color-sound vibration is coming here from the Gallactic Center, David Icke calls it "the truth vibration".
SERN, HAARP and every EM technology like TV, iPods, IPhones, frigerators, computers, etc...specifically designed to black this vibrations and create Artificial Magnetic Field, so EM natural field stay longer and if EM field dont collapse, the Sun will not reach the planet. And we know that sun's flares are not a danger, they must reach the planet for consciousness shift of Humanity... You know, I'm a yoga instructor myself (without a job), it's hard to find a job here, but I tell you the truth:
Yoga is a pure buisness now. So I teach for free my neighbors, my kids, their friends in my backyard, and the main thing is that my class is religion free (every religion belief goes to the trash)! To me yoga is a great physical culture and it's relaxing (it actually cures headaches). In the article, you say: "We are becoming Unisex-Universal Beings, people of US are up the front of this movement"..., well, my dear Lydia, maybe some, but most people are fanatically religious (catholic, protestants, there are a lot of sects here). When I talk to people... I don't use word god, I use Force, we all are Creators, they may be listen to me, but they are only polite, they don't research and don't think for themselves, they don't feel the Force inside of them, Americans go to church 3-4 times a week. They pray and wait for jesus to come down and save them. You see, the more they pray, the worse situation becomes, nothing changes, economy is falling down, families are braking down (a lot of divorce are here), people are so afraid of fat, it is awful and not healthy at all. I say, praying is not help, look within yourself. You are right: people are at different stages of their evolution...

We have a lot of parrots in Peru flying free in the sky. Animals are incredible and magical, they are gift from the Source! One day I woke up early morning, my cat was lying  on top on me, so I open my eyes and boom: a man was lying on top of me, white skin, black fur. I freaked out, closed my eyes, then opened right away and boom: my black cat is back on top of me. I'm telling You, cats are shape-shifters. They are protectors of families, guardians, so are every animal. During planetary shift, every animal member will assist and guide their family members...we wanted a boy, but our second daughter was born. She is a "tomboy", hangs out always with boys, her best friends are boys... first daughter always hangs out with homosexuals, it turns out that they are very compassionate people. President Putin against transgendar and homosexuals. At least here, in the US people can make a choice and express themselves. All right!
I read only one book R Monroe "Ultimate Journey" thanks to your website it's easy to understand...And you right, R. Monroe's work, his books, are based on higher level of consciousness, most people will not understand and even will not have interest, but there always will be next lifetime and everyone will make it sooner or later. For me, for you and few others this time is coming soon. I do understand video "Eternal wheel of Balance" on your website!
...electromagnetic technology gives me a big headache. Anyway, technology is anti-life. Bob Frissell in his book says: "The most advanced civilization in the galaxy have nothing, own nothing outside of themselves.They can do anything they want and without external objects. Even if we do create external machines, we somehow have to get to the point, where we can do what the machine does...we are learning, that we do have everything we need within. Our next leap in consciousness will be to go inside and discover it for ourselves...

"...they need nothing outside of themselves. They inhabit their own living time-space vehicle and have everything they need. Soon, we will join them"...And here is my favorite Giuliana Conforto, by the way She is Dr. Astrophysicist, intelligent, wise and She is a Woman! And You, Lydia, have a whole page on your website, dedicated to Women! So, Giuliana said:
"Believe that technology will save us is another illusion. Technology has made an incredible leap over the last 60 years, but  till now it has only helped people descend further, rather than ascend. Maybe it had to be so... it does not free us. Most 20th century technology seems to have been transmitted to the US army by aliens known as "Greys". Good or bad? Neither one nor the other. Maybe Greys are biological robots, suited for space travel. They play a part of the Game.
The protagonist is still Adam (Human). If we stopped believing in this old value system, no "alien" coud be a dominator any longer"...

This from her book "Organic Universe": "Full contact between the biological body and the Light one is consiousness, that is suddenly emerging everywhere at present. Everyone's level of consiousness depends on her/his relationship with her/his own inner voice..., and so is our awareness, that we are inside a movie. Those, who realize this, try to communicate it to others, but they only succeed with those, who already feel it themselves one way or another. Anyone, who feels it, also feels the need to get out of the movie, leave the roles: she no longer fits the script and its standard characters, such as wife, husband, mother, father, son, daughter, employee, professional etc. - all appear as obsolete. The film is getting  more convulsive, taking on more dramatic and gloomy tones, depending on humans' attachment to a movie, which no longer has any "reality". The visible matrix is bifurcating itself. A portion falls down into oblivion and an another rises to consciousness. A similar event already occurred at the end of Atlantis. The fact, that we are here, simply means, we fell into oblivion in those times. Life and humans are both eternal. Bifurcation seems like a universal judgement, but it just regards these peculiar times. Bifurcations will occur again and again. The rising consciousness mainly regards the ones, who are actually old souls. The young ones will have other chances to get out from the illusion anyway. Cosmic Life is a compassionate and loving intelligence and will never abandon its creatures...Earth's surface is going to make a jump into the future; it's absorbing the "weak" dark Energy and making the EM veil or Earth's magnetosphere vanish. This event is going to change its entire geo-history and is what the Empire's agents (secret, black government) are afraid of...We are now living the phase transition. Earth's "journey" is unpredictable and might depend on us, humans. The EM "veil" or magnetosphere is coming down....The Promised Land is not a dream. It is a New nuclear state of Earth's surface, so much "transparent" to Life as to let us listen to the living beat of Earth's inner core... Almost all of us see its great central Sun, the intelligent Source, that gives life to all of us. Its "birth" implies our human "birth" too; it is an Event Life has planned since time immemorial.....The present change seems to have a completely new flavor and nobody actually knows what is going to occur.....Earth's "bubble" is Her magnetosphere, similar to a womb, that is now going to vanish. Recent terrestrial black-outs might be the signs of "Her" labour, that is our individual labour too....Scientists usually believe, that a planet's magnetosphere "protects" it from the solar wind. Yet their coupling is not well understood and the idea of "protection" rather comes from scientists usual "ignorance" of the "weak" (dark energy) resource.....As EM (electromagnetic) illusion vanishes, man's drowsy consciousness awakens...

First - Dr. George Hunt Williamson: "Over one hundred years ago, in 1854, astronomer Sir William Herschel suggested, that the Sun may be inhabited and that the inhabitans may no more suffer from the intense heat, than those, who live in the tropical regions of Earth!" He believed the Sun to be cool body, not "a hot, flaming gas ball"...
SECOND - from Giuliana Conforto article : "Can We Win Gravity?" -"Sun in the sky is definitely not the ball of gas depicted by astrophysics. Within the sun's core there are neither hundred-million degree temperatures, nor nuclear fusion. Mr Keshe's gravitational technology certainly shows realistic perspectives, it is not an unfounded story, as some media claim." Her other article, March 2012: "We Have Just Entered A New Phase...Cosmic rays are not at all dangerous: they compose a parallel universe, in which we could even participate. Being composed of a peculiar kind of dark matter, we cannot observe it with our eyes, but we can feel its intelligence, recognize, that it is linked to a future ..."

15 May, 2012 about Miami, USA Trip May-June 2012 
I am in Miami now and return home in mid June. What I recommend you to do if you fly over the ocean in daytime: to look down and you might notice a pattern of Fabric of Time in a form of stretched fish net on the surface of water (if it's calm) or at least lines at regular intervals on the surface. This is what I noticed on the way to Miami and still don't know, if I succeeded to catch it on photo. Amazing: you can now see it not just imprinted on sky and sand, but also on water! I am in Miami for the first time and it has an invisible negative layer of energy on everything, the same is in LA, in Gold Coast, Australia and other similar cities.

Congratulations, Mate!
Oh, I am so happy to hear what you just said! This is the Key: not to create Tension, but uncreate it, by staying calm no matter what happens around you! And you did it! This is what we need to do in Future events: to lead others through similar situations and to stay calm! You are not attached to the physical body and material possessions, that’s why it is easier for you to get through such events compare to others! To take tension away from situations is also the purpose of my trips overseas...
I don’t go overseas as a tourist, but to mix my energy with others ...Bob (Robert Monroe) said once, that the most important thing you can do for your Higher Self is to get in contact with other units (us, people) to mix your energy with others, to join their Clusters to your Cluster. It doesn’t mean, that it should be always physical or sexual, it could be mental, spiritual, business like, over the Internet or phone, etc. I was meeting and talking about Higher Knowledge to different people in different countries for different lengths of time on different occasions! I was under extreme pressure, heat, fast change of planes/cars/buses/ boats, schedules and climate conditions, people and environments! You know how difficult it is to travel these days (esp. to get through police squads, their searches and X-Ray equipment in all airports)! Some males (but not females) I met among the poor, made an unforgettable impression on me in terms of picking up the info (our Clusters joined without them knowing it)! In some earlier writings I was saying, that we all could Go Home, whenever we were ready, but now
I don’t think that way anymore. There is more to it: each one of us needs to follow Bob's Route (and Bob's vibration) beforehand, in order to get higher to the Aperture (as a preliminary exercise), before entering the Source! If you expressed the desire to return to the Source, then you need to have the right vibration! Looks like now you are going through this adjustments !
Other things also need to be completed: the Life is not just on Earth, in atmosphere and in water, which needs to leave our Planet, but other Planets in our Solar System! Then we'll be in the non-physical Ring around Earth; the Timeline for Earth will come to 0 and the Earth will implode; the Timeline for the Galaxy and our Universe need to come to 0! Then we can move to the Source all together in Unified Effort! So we need to be patient! But I am like you: one of those impatient ones and have to keep my temper under control ! Bob Monroe and Don Juan are brilliant examples of Patience for me! You would also need to get through the heat period (like Bob did) to raise your vibration, it's all in an additional writing for Video 11. Read in "Ultimate Journey", p. 241: "Mate is a better word."

By the way Robert Monroe experienced what it is like to be homeless, when, at the time of Great Depression, he left home with no money and a whole year was changing jobs, travelling on trains without tickets, and sleeping in flop houses! I also experienced what it is like to be homeless, when I left Russia for good. Alex Collier is experiencing now what it's like to be homeless! Looks like many of us go through this process sometime in our lives!

Are you afraid of lightnings? Gamma Rays with thunderbolts excite me: one day I counted 60 thousands of them hit our Centre within few hours! Now we have cold calm sunny days and when I look at the ceiling of my bedroom, I see how it is moving. Then I look with side vision at the windows in my room: they are moving too and I am pleased with that! What upsets me most is when the familiar scenery doesn’t change for years and this is exactly what is happening in our areas! I never force myself to laugh: laugh is unpredictable and can happen any moment for different reasons! Sense of humour is always such a valuable tool !


A Letter to a Mate

You wrote: "...I too always wrongly felt that inner work was the key to change, it is a lie. I now realize for the 1st time in my 60+ years in this male body, that most of what I have thought was it was not ‘truth’, money power is a trap. No true freedom in it. Also never really understood, that most of what I thought was me, was an Alter (par-per), what a shock to know, I am not what I thought..."

I wish everyone understood our site as well, as you did: eventually that will happen! It is not us have been playing these Games: we already know such Games  back to front, we even created them in the past! It is our, vibrationally low, Clones-Alters, who have been playing Galactic and Planetary Games and many of us have enough of different Alters. You take any astronaut. Do you really think, that they are the real ones? Of course not! They are numerous Alters of real people ! We don’t  have our true memories: all we have is the memories of our different Alters, which have been repeating and repeating in our heads like broken records (for years)! And these memories are usually not very pleasant ! We don’t have memories of what we did in this Universe before starting this Game, and what we did before getting into this Universe, if we are infinite, if there is no age to us, as Andromedans say (through Alex Collier) ! 
If you haven’t read our link on  Multiple Personality “Disorder"   I strongly recommend to read it !
I also wrote, that because we are moving to such Heights, we all need to change our Goals from personal to much wider scale: Universal. 
It's logical. The Time to help just a human/humans or the Earth, by throwing a dolphin back in the ocean, is over, because neither us, nor dolphins are going to use physical bodies on this Earth anymore: we merge with the whole Universe in the form of Sun Energy of Balance! Well then, it's logical now to help the whole Universe!  I left this message on our site in a few places and in both languages and just hope, that people would pay attention! We are not in a kindergarden anymore: we’ve grown up. When people make this decision, they’ll stay more and more as their Original (Core) Selves and less as their, not very bright, Clones- Alters (PP's - Parallel Personalities)! Gradually, over the years some Lifeforms can be moved from the Old Universe to the New One with less trauma, starting from low physical Levels. Gradual Transition, that's what it is, not a Big Bang, as paid scientists have been advocating over the years. It's impossible to build a Universe from scratch and in one minute, as "theory of Big Bang" is preaching. We create the Mold of Our Social Physical Life, this method is still used on 4th Level of Consciousness, to prepare the New Players for New Planetary Game on New Earth! This method was described by R.Monroe ! Knowledge always exists and people fish parts of it out (insights), write books, then others read them and continue to write their own books, using the books of others and their own experiences/insights. I do exactly the same: develop further the information given in the books/articles of others (if they ring the bell for me) and add my own experiences/insights! This way the Knowledge is in the process of constant re-newal and re-developement by Humanity and others. It’s still so much left to do in this Universe, before we get Home!  I also want you to pay attention on the covers of two old books of R. Monroe: "Far Journeys" and "Ultimate Journey"! There is a message there for you!  "Far Journeys" cover shows the Graduation Beam of Balance, moving some of us through the Aperture (Portal) to the Source, the clock means the Moment in Time! On the cover of "Ultimate Journey" you see a Sun: this is what the real Earth is turning into! Our site is addressed to the simple people - Last-Timers and here is their description. "Far Journeys", p.p.147 - 148 :

"In my few stopovers in the Outer Ring, it had always been utterly fascinating— the Mix. Particularly the Last-Timers, those, who knowingly were about to make their final recycle. They gave off a Radiation (of White Balance), that was unforgettable—Tremendous Vital Power, that seemed totally under control. Within that strength were all of the values and ideals, that humans hold important—not in Time-Space context, not in external control systems, that demanded performance in a specific manner, but something entirely apart, something learned from being Human. Most important, all under control, all a cooperating, melding part of the Whole. They were completely open. You could get a percept easily of the crucible of human experience, that formulated such Greatness—if you could handle it.
I tried once and it was too much. I returned to the physical and was wistful for days thereafter. The Key was, that they got that way from being Human. They were not that way at First Entry. But now it was different. Their Radiation had a familiar resonance, and I wondered, why this was so. In the last time around, they evidently close it all down. Part of the Vitality seeps through; it really all can't be closed off.
Yet they don't select history-making roles in that Final Run—they've probably performed such previously. They are inconspicuous: the mail clerk, the plain dirt farmer, the sailor, the bookkeeper, not gathered as a group, but quietly spotted here and there in both Time and place. If you ask their destination upon completion, most simply respond with a Gentle Warmth: Home (the Source of All Life)."

Letter to Friends 

Dear Eugeny, Alex and Albina!
How can I talk to you through Skype, if you didn't read Robert Monroe's books? You told me about it yourself and gave me the site address of the video of George Kavassilas from Australia to watch. That was the end of March 2012: I never heard about George Kavasilas before! I did watch the one you had recommended (one of his earlier ones): there is a lot of useful, but sometimes confusing and contradicting information, and also quite a few discrepancies (mistakes). Some important points are missing. I noticed his few different Parallel Personalities giving talks: one was a religious person and, if he continues this way, he wouldn't get even to 5th Level of Consciousness (there are no religions there, just Balance)! Another important point: he is using a lot of big words like 'Universe', for instance, but for him it's just beautiful words! There is no Energy behind: he gives lectures not because he wants to help our Universe in these difficult times (from the bottom of his heart, so to speak), but because he has to, because of his false fear of the consequences of his past negative activities and of the future long "karmic debt", he has to pay (he says, but there is no such a thing as "karma", we don't have any debts to pay)! I see a lot of such people from Secret Societies doing the same! I am surprised at their ignorance: they can talk about Higher Selves, but don't believe in the power and decisions of their own Higher Self! Only George's Higher Self knows what experience George has to go through: positive or negative! He was taken by UFO's outside Earth, dealt with aliens, was on 5th Level of Consciousness and remembers all of it (I wish that would happen to me and I would remember it), but doesn't talk about Balance, refering to Bible quite often and still religious. I found it extremely hard to follow his line of Thoughts: there is no Simplicity and no Sequence of one Event connecting to another one! Later I watched his recent videos, which sounded much better, than before, some of the addresses are below.

11/20/11 George Kavassilas: Other World Entities, Dark & Good, Spiritual Traps - Truth Frequency
Invasion extra terrestre pour 2011/ 2012 - George Kavassilas
George Kavassilas' Secret Messages

Also, Eugeny and Alex, you both seemed too young (19 and 20) and unexperienced to me to handle such topics like the Shift of Consciousness. George Kavasilas is perhaps would be better for you to talk to at this stage. Frankly, I don't have Skype connection to anyone anymore, because I am tired of talking to Clones-Alters, Parallel Personalities of people through Skype or Internet messeges! You can hardly find anybody's Original Personality these days using electronics! I follow the Energies, not the physical bodies, and the Energies of Original Self and his/her Alter are vastly different! When I talk to you through Skype, your Alters are talking to me, but your Original Selves are hiding somewhere ! Meantime you can take any materials from our site (videos, photos, written material) and post it wherever you like, just don't make money on it ! I would like to explain the difference between Video №11 and Video №12, and in this case I'm talking only about our Universe, not the New One!
Before March 1993 there were only 11 Levels in our Old Universe and everyone in our Universe followed the same route in and out of it, back to the Source! This Process is pictured in symbolic and very basic Video 11 (Eternal Wheel of Balance). But then things changed: the 12th Level of Consciousness was added temporarily to help to move each lower Level a step higher. After the Departure of our Old Universe to the Source, this 12th Level will disappear. The New Universe has only 11 Levels of Consciousness.
Some of us, Graduates, and many civilisations in the form of Suns will be moving to the Source, which is pictured symbolically in Video 12 (Returning Home)! You understand, that the Transition, the Leap of Consciousness will be much more powerful, than what's shown in the Video! 
We've got  Negative and Positive races in our Universal, Galactic and Planetary Games fighting each other in all these 3 Games. That creates a lot of White Energy of Balance (especially death of humans). It is like making a movie about a war with 2 opposing forces. The actors need to be hired to play Negative and Positive roles of the participants in that war movie, for instance, Russians and Germans in WW2. The viewers of that movie would obviously take side of the Positive soldiers, defending their Motherland and respect these actors, but the opposite will happen to those, who played the roles of the Negative soldiers, who invaded the country: most viewers would dislike these actors till the rest of their lives! But that is what they had to do to earn the living, well, somebody need to play these roles, but these actors shouldn't be hated! Now All the Players, Negative and Positive, are at the EndGame of this Universe, the End of all three Games and they are returning to their respective Higher Selves on the 5th and higher Levels (who are Balanced)! It doesn't matter, if that Being was a Draconian or Sirian or Grey in all 3 Games, they are going to be Balanced, when they join their Higher Selves! Have it in mind and change your attitude towards anyone you meet! You wouldn't hate an actor for all his/her life just because he/she played a negative role in a movie, would you?
Milky Way is called Milky, because, compare to other Galaxies, it consists of a lot of White bright Sun Energy of Balance and it's growing ! Andromeda Galaxy looks a bit foggy.
At one stage George Kavasilas was working for this Galactic Federation, then left them, he said, is it really so? Here is something similar to one of his confusing thoughts:
"Now the  Supreme Godhead of This Universe, to facilitate the ascension process, enters the 3rd and 4th dimensions as the Milky Way Galaxy (The Divine Mother aspect of Godhead), and the Andromeda Galaxy (the male aspect of Godhead)".
What a bunch of Crap! He sees our Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies so dilapidated, with only one type of energy either feminine or masculine! George says:
"They (Galactic Federation of Light) need to win our hearts and minds first. They need to pose as our "saviors" and make people truly believe that. What better way then to give us advanced technologies and a new financial system, that makes people feel truly free. Then after the so called "temporary" evacuations, when Earth turns into a star and those people, who went with the GFL would find out they will never be able to return, well, it will already be too late and they will be forced to go along with the GFL's version of 4D ascension."
How can any financial system make people feel really free? Only without it we can feel free! George didn't tell people, where Earth, as a Star, would go. He doesn't take into account the vibration of the people, who would leave Earth by spaceships: their vibration might be too low to get higher, than 3rd or 4th Level. He doesn't consider the decision of their own Higher Selves and the influence of Great Beings on the 12th Level of Consciousness, who have been watching actions and thoughts of everyone on this Planet and making adjustments, where needed! And those, who can't get to the Source of All Life with others, most likely will go to the New Universe! Our Alters will merge with our Higher Selves! A lot of meaningless words of one of George's followers from the Forum on his site, which are similar to what he says on his vidios:
"THE FLOWERING OF THE COSMOS? I just had another realization! As we ascend, we begin the flowering of the Omniverse. But there are other aspects (fractals) of us, that remain in This cosmos. So, when we ascend, then the various aspects of ourselves, in the star systems we are from, also ascend (George talks a bit about this in his interview on Living in the Now, LM). This wisdom will travel to the various star systems, that we are connected to as well; many of them. We are each also a star in this Milky Way Galaxy. That would mean, that the particular star system, which we Are, would begin flowering as well. The Milky Way Galaxy will begin flowering into a new manifestation of the Milky Way, with many stars shining the true light. Now we are also each a galaxy as well. That fractal of our being will also begin flowering into a new manifestation of consciousness and a higher frequency of that galaxy. That galaxy would begin flowering of the true light... If many stars in the Milky Way, and many Galaxies outside this galaxy begin flowering, then they would begin emanating the true light of unconditional love...How is it possible for the entire Spiritual Sky and all of the total Omniverse to simultaneously exist within your heart and within every atom? In the Vedic texts it is described, that there is a threefold potency of Godhead that is non-different, indistinguishable, inseparable and intrinsic with Godhead. One of these potencies is known as SAT, the potency of eternality and infinite manifestation. Now the potency of eternity includes time forever without end, and simultaneously existing in the smallest fraction of time infinitum, without end. So eternal encompasses both ends of the spectrum. The existence is forever and that forever exists within the tiniest fraction of time. This is the eternal present Now. The other quality of SAT is infinite. This means that there is no end of existence. It spans forever in all directions. There is no end. Nothing exists outside of this spiritual existence. It cannot be measured. The other end of the spectrum of infinite is infinitely small. It goes on infinitum in both directions. So although the entire spiritual existence is beyond measure in it's span, the entire spiritual existence simultaneously exists within the infinitely immeasurable small. It is because of this spiritual potency that the the entire spiritual sky and the entire Omniverse is found within the smallest of the smallest. And this infinite manifestation is found in every minute space within both the Omniverse and the Spiritual Sky. It is also because of this SAT potency that everything manifests as fractal geometry. Welcome to the mind boggling reality. The eternal and infinite reality can never be understood by the very limited mind of even the greatest thinkers, but can only be understood by the unfettered soul..
Here is another piece of "wisdom": blah, blah, blah... blowing out bubbles in the water like a fish! Another complaint of one of his followers:
"Like I had said, I tried many self help techniques, as many other people have, with little affect.  How many people go through years of expensive psychoanalysts and still have the same patterns? I have not had luck with hypnotherapy...Yes, I learned a great deal and became wiser, but it seemed, that my patterns remained, always attracting the same sort of relationships, jobs, bosses etc. in spite of my inner work. The fractal patterns were set. I find that it is a rare person, that can actually break these fractal patterns. I've spoken to so many people, who tell me they have been working on themselves for years and the patterns remained."